Cultivation Began Three Years Ago

Chapter 35 Thinking After Waking Up - Dream

Xu Che got up a little drowsily, rubbing his temples, the dream just now made him fall into deep thought.

Is that young man who he was before the ancient times? Or is it another similar flower in the so-called parallel time and space?

Dreams are one of the most mysterious things in this world. Whether it is a detached fairy or a mortal struggling in the world of mortals, they all have dreams.

From more than 5,000 years ago to now, human beings have hundreds of sayings about dreams, but in essence, the true principle has not yet been discovered.

Some people would say that dreams are a reflection of reality, which can express and satisfy desires and are parasitic in the subconscious activities of the brain.

Reasonable interpretation of dreams can even lead to reality, so as to understand yourself more deeply.

Some people think that in view of the particularity of dreams. The flow of time in one thought can appear in the three nodes of past, present and future; traveling around the world in one thought, no matter whether there is relevant memory or not, you can reach the place that you are familiar with or have never met before.

Not limited by time and space, so dreams may be three-dimensional space, a medium to four-dimensional space.

Others would say that dreams are a living life that accompanies human beings. When reading memories and absorbing various emotions to strengthen one's body, it will feed back information and release the pressure on the brain, thus forming a mutual benefit and win-win situation.

However, Xu Che is skeptical about these views.

In addition, the flow of time in dreams and reality is completely different.

Sometimes the difference may be huge. Someone once fell into the mountains in a dream and watched people play chess. At the end of the game, he found that the handle of the ax in his hand was rotten. When he woke up, he realized that a hundred years had passed, and all relatives and friends had passed away.

Or someone has lived a hundred years in a dream, only to realize that it was just one night after waking up, and shed tears.

There are various things here, as a cultivator, Xu Che never dared to stay in the dream for a long time. On the one hand, he was afraid of being addicted to it and losing himself;

So, when he realized that it was a dream, he hurriedly said goodbye to the boy.

For that dream, he felt that it might be the product of the combination of recovered memory and the current reality, nothing more.

It's impossible, his body and soul crossed countless boundary walls at the same time, and went to the boy's world, so back and forth, there is no special passage, and with Tongtian's cultivation, it is impossible.

The existence of the boy is either in the vast parallel universe, and he is the same time and space as him.

Either it is the owner of the incomplete memory, the memory derived fragments of the past, allowing the two to meet in a dream, and promote the further fusion of memories.

There is another terrible possibility, but Xu Che felt that it was too outrageous, so he simply gave up thinking about it.

"Think about it every day, dream about it at night."

"Perhaps the recent revival of spirit energy has affected me." Xu Che comforted himself in this way.

The environment of the world has changed drastically, and no one knows what will happen in the years to come.

Civilization revival? Star invasion? The secret world? Everything is possible. Before the general trend of history, he is as weak as the young man in the troubled times.

"The more eager you are for success, the more difficult it is to refine the golden elixir. This matter will be postponed. I should calm down. If I am too anxious, I will be restless and delay the progress of my practice."

In a word, all the messy thoughts were cleared away. Feeling the abundant spiritual power in his body and the vigorous body, he became more and more firm in his belief that he could break through to Jindan in the near future.

"Huh! It's all right." Xu Che said relaxedly, no confusion could be seen on his face.

Just when he was about to get up and go to the bathroom to wash his face, there was a sound of unlocking the door. Was Xuan Che back?

When I came to the living room, I saw many wounds on Xuan Che's body, oozing blood. After seeing Xu Che, she seemed relieved, and fell down weakly, unconscious at the door.

Obviously, she returned home with her last breath.

Xu Che quickly picked it up and put it on the sofa. After checking, he was relieved to find that there was no problem.

It was only because of the excessive bleeding and the suspected fierce battle with someone that triggered the old injury that he passed out.

"You are doing such nonsense, if I am not here, what can you do?"

Xu Che couldn't help but feel lucky that he woke up from the dream.

Otherwise, we will reminisce about the old days with the young man, travel all over the territory of the Great Zhou Kingdom, and when he returns to reality, it is estimated that Xuan Che's body will be extremely cold.

Facing the bleeding wound, Xu Che slowly passed through several gentle spiritual powers to help her seal the wound.

"Who hurt her? Someone from the Xuan family?"

Regarding this speculation, he is not sure, even if the two people who came to seek revenge before have not left, or they have sent additional reinforcements, but Xuan Che has the Suppressing Evil Talisman and Poison Pearl in hand, it is not impossible for both sides to lose in the fight possible.

Realizing that Xuan Che's injury has stabilized, he should wake up soon. At this time, he remembered that he seemed to have not eaten all day.

When he came to the kitchen, Xu Che found that there were still some good ingredients in the refrigerator: shrimp, scallops, and crab meat, which he had prepared before.

It just happened to be able to cook porridge, and it was already late at night, so it was not suitable to eat too greasy things.

It is good to make porridge, it is very light, and when Xuan Che wakes up, drink some, and he will recover quickly.

With this in mind, Xu Che began to wash, wash, and add water to the rice; he skillfully chopped chopped green onion and shredded ginger, which are used to remove fishy smell and freshen the dried seafood.

A blue flame rose from the stove, and the figure of Xu Che was busy in the kitchen, cooking ingredients and preparing condiments at the same time.

After a while, wisps of white smoke came out of the purple casserole, and the lid of the pot kept flapping up and down.

Open the lid, put in the ingredients one by one, sprinkle with shredded ginger, chopped green onion, and drizzle with a little peanut oil.

Smelling the tangy fragrance, Xu Che couldn't help feeling lost in thought. Suddenly, he thought of the boy in his dream.

In the infinite parallel universe, will that confusing dream actually exist in a certain realm? If so, I don't know where that boy is and what he's doing right now.

Perhaps, the dream is a mirror, which can project people and things in other parallel time and space.

Just when Xu Che was in a daze, Xuan Che woke up in the living room. She looked at the familiar figure in the kitchen with her beautiful eyes, and smelled the fragrance that permeated the air.

The wound on her body didn't seem to hurt anymore, it was even warm, and there was a strange force flowing, which was not her true energy.

Lying on the sofa, she felt unprecedentedly peaceful and comfortable physically and mentally.

Even if the previous mission almost cost her her life, at this moment, she felt that it didn't matter, she just felt full of security.

Silently looking at the young man's back, under the warm light, Xuan Che couldn't help showing a smile. In an instant, it looked like the cold and proud plum blossoms in full bloom after surviving the bitter winter.

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