Cultivation Began Three Years Ago

Chapter 63: Xiong Mang's Good Deed

East of the city, somewhere.

"Hoo hoo!!!!"

The pitch-black steel monster hovered in the low sky. Someone opened the hatch and dropped a rope ladder.

Lei Mo was struggling to climb up with Ye Yu on his back, Zhang Linger followed closely behind.

"Quick! Go to the lab to find Old Yan!"

The hatch was closed, and Zhang Linger urged the law enforcement officers beside her.

"Understood!" someone replied.

At two o'clock in the morning, in the old district in the south of the city, Deadwood Tavern.

Xu Che, who had just come down from the mountain, decided to sit in the store for a while, catch up on the old days, and was not in a hurry to go home. He lightly brushed the little gray snake with his fingers, and his evil spirit subsided.

Stepping through the eerie gate, the young man saw several familiar faces.

"What a coincidence? Are you here too?"

Xu Che walked over and sat down at the wine table. The old man Wang and Qinghe were also there.

It's just that the condition of the two of them looks extremely bad. There are several black wounds on Qinghe's face, which form a visual contrast with his white hair.

The old man Wang had a plaster cast on his right arm, which seemed to be broken.

"Hey! Brother, we meet again!" Old man Wang greeted Xu Che with a grin.

He Bo pushed a glass of medicinal wine, put it in front of Xu Che, and said with a faint smile, "Here it is?"

"Stop by and see how old you are, by the way, what's wrong with them?" Xu Che asked.

"The night before yesterday, I went to Luowu Mountain and was beaten up." He Bo said helplessly.

"Oh!" Xu Che immediately understood what was going on.

It should be the vision of the old demon crossing the catastrophe. The pillar of blood reached the depths of the sky, which alarmed the warriors in several nearby cities. Maybe they rushed over because they thought that the spirit treasure was born.

"If I knew that savage was so powerful, I would never provoke him."

"I was slapped by him, and my whole arm was about to split, and I lost the ability to resist on the spot." Old man Wang said angrily.

"It's all your fault, kid. I've said it before. Seeing that something is wrong with him, you insisted on making a move, and even set me up."

Qinghe also looked lonely, sighed, and said: "It is true that I was impulsive, that person may be the Grandmaster of Transformation."

Listening to the conversation between the two, Xu Che almost laughed out loud, it turned out that it was Xiong Mang who did it, and he was really rude.

But thinking about it, the two of them are just tempering warriors, and Xiong Mang, who is in the mid-transformation stage, is at least much stronger than the human transformation master, and it is normal for them to have no resistance.

"That ancient mountain is an unusual place, and I also advised you two not to enter this muddy water." He Bo said calmly, and he naturally noticed the vision that night.

"That strange man took one 'general' one at a time, and his actions were domineering. It seems that there are unimaginable monsters entrenched on the mountain." Qinghe recalled.

"Of course, a long time ago, I heard people say that in the depths of Luowu Mountain, there are monsters hidden."

He Bo took a sip of his murky wine, and said again: "There was once a famous Wuzhi Daxiu who entered the mountain, but was thwarted and left in embarrassment. Since then, he has never taken a step in his life."

"The loss you have suffered is considered small, and it's good to have a long memory. You know, that Daxiu had his arm torn apart forcibly back then, and I felt it penetrated."

"Oh, I'm so unlucky, I won't go to that broken mountain again." Old man Wang took a sip of his wine depressedly.

Then, he asked Xu Che: "By the way, little brother, did you go last night?"

"I originally wanted to call you, but unfortunately I don't have your contact information. I asked Lao He for it. He said that you are still young, and he won't let you and me go to die."

Xu Che couldn't help smiling, pointed to the little gray snake wrapped around his neck, sleeping soundly, and said, "I didn't go, I've been taking care of this little guy these days."

"However, I think He Bo is right. If I go, I will probably be beaten up."

"I'm not as good as you guys, that savage in Transformation Realm, if you slap me, maybe my bones will be shattered."

"What a fat snake." Old man Wang couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"It doesn't matter if you don't go, I heard today that those who went up the mountain in a hurry came back with injuries."

Speaking of this, Qing He's face changed slightly, he glanced at Old Man Wang, and said: "I didn't go there at first, I was concentrating on refining weapons at home, and you insisted on dragging me in the middle of the night."

"Oh! You and I are brothers and sisters. This opportunity is here, so we should share the blessings. This old man is not a small-hearted person." Old man Wang scratched his head and said with a little confidence.

He Bo looked at the people talking and laughing in front of him, suddenly, he seemed to have returned to the lively days twenty years ago.

At that time, there were many powerful hunters in the store, but later, those old friends got old and retired.

Everyone chatted for a long time, talking about various anecdotes.

"On the night when we went to Luowu Mountain, the city was also non-stop." Qing He said.

"Oh? What's going on." Old man Wang was puzzled.

"There seems to be an evil cultivator who killed several people and emptied their flesh and blood. The corpses are like charcoal, and they shatter when touched."

"Is it?"

The dull pain on his face made Qinghe feel uncomfortable, he took a sip of wine, and said soothingly: "Is it true, the real situation of the news is unknown, I just heard my friend mention it."

"I also have a bad premonition. Recently, I've always been restless. Somewhere, I feel that the sky is about to change." He Bo said slowly.

In recent months, visions have appeared frequently in various places, and it is not known whether it is good or bad.

Just like Luowu Mountain, the red light penetrates the sky, outsiders think that the birth of a chance, the spirit revives.

And because he had acquainted with it before, he knew that there was a strange existence there, so he didn't dare to set foot in it easily, so what about other places? Is it the same?

"Damn it, Lao He, don't worry about the sky. If the world really changes and the general situation is rolling in, how can I wait to control it? Come, drink!"

Old man Wang smiled freely and patted He Bo on the shoulder.

"It's also the same reason, come on, I've gotten better recently, and I can have a little drink with you." He Bo laughed and poured wine for the three of them.

In a certain laboratory, Ye Yu was lying on a hospital bed in the medical room. She was still in a coma, with bloodstains appearing in many places on her body, and her breathing was almost gone.

An old man, sweating profusely, tried to treat Ye Yu's wound with a sharp scalpel.

Dark purple pus corrodes the area around the wound and shows signs of growing.

Even after using a lot of newly developed medicines, there may not be any improvement. There was only a blood-brown silk thread in the wound, but now there are dozens of them!

At this time, a researcher came over with a blood test report.

He said to the old man, "Old Yan, the venom from the wound has permeated the whole body of the wounded, and there is a strange substance in the blood that we have studied before."

"The wounded has been infected and parasitic, and it may not be long before he will turn into a parasite without any consciousness"

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