Cultivation Began Three Years Ago

Chapter 66 Climbing The Mountain To Find Friends Of The Great Demon

The matter has come to this point, whether it is for the safety of the entire city, or to resist the monster's next attack on Xuan Che, that weird creature must die.

After leading the snake out of the cave, with his current cultivation and the blessing of the Dust Bone Sword, no matter how evil it is, Xu Che has the confidence to kill it.

"It's late at night, you should go to bed earlier." Xuan Che said.

Xu Che nodded, then looked at the little gray snake in her arms, and asked, "It happens that you have a blanket beside your bed, can it sleep here temporarily tonight?"

Xuan Che didn't mind this arrangement, she smiled and said, "Yes."

"Then I'll go first." Xu Che picked up the ashes test tube on the table and left the study.

"it is good."

After washing, when the sky was blue, Xu Che, who had been tired for two days, lay down on the bed again, put aside all kinds of distracting thoughts, and fell asleep peacefully.

The next day, at three o'clock in the afternoon, in the treatment room.

Ye Yu's condition deteriorated further, the skin on many parts of his body began to fester, his consciousness fell into a deep sleep, and a branch of a strange vine grew out of the wound.

In front of the hospital bed, Mr. Zhong watched this scene sadly, not knowing what to do.

After a day and two nights of raids by hundreds of law enforcement officers, the parasitic mutants in the city had been temporarily wiped out, and he came in a hurry.

"Is there really no other way?"

Faced with the old friend's question, Old Yan shook his head and said, "We have tried our best, but we can't even maintain her basic vital signs."

"The data in all aspects has declined rapidly since the second half of last night, and all the strange substances have been highly fused with her flesh and blood."

"Objectively speaking, she is now a vegetable, her consciousness is buried in the deepest part of her body, and it cannot be awakened by us from the outside world through medical means."

"When the mutation process is over, the consciousness will dissipate between the flesh and usher in death."

"Then if we use extremely cold air to freeze the captain, can the disease be delayed?" Zhang Linger asked sadly.

Elder Yan smiled wryly, and continued to explain: "She is very weak now, and she can't bear the cold. Doing so will only speed up her death."

Looking at the dying Ye Yu, Lei Mo clenched his fists, trying to restrain his out-of-control emotions, with faint tears on his face.

Just when everyone was desperate and said nothing.

Elder Zhong thought of the senior he met the night before, with such Tongtian's thorough ability, maybe there is a way

As if a drowning man had caught a life-saving straw, he calmed down the ups and downs in his heart, and said slowly: "Old Yan, tell me a word, how long can Xiaoye last?"

"The lesion has deepened, and her lifespan has been greatly shortened, with about nine hours left."

Elder Zhong took a deep breath and kept firming his mind, finally made a decision, and ordered with pain: "Lei Mo, Zhang Ling'er."



"I'm going to look for the last chance. If it goes well, your captain may be saved."

"And you, keep watch here to protect Elder Yan and other researchers."

"If Ye Yu gets out of control and attacks them after recovering, the two of you must abide by your duties and kill them with all your strength. Don't miss the old feelings. Can you understand?"

Amidst the sharp words, hearing that the captain was still saved, the two of them were shocked, and said without hesitation: "Yes, we promise to complete the task!"

Then, Elder Zhong turned to Elder Yan again, and solemnly entrusted him: "I will leave this child in your care, please hold on until I come back."

"She is Ye Zi's junior, no matter what, I will do my best." Yan Lao said with tears in his eyes.

"it is good."

Time waits for no one, Mr. Zhong left in a hurry.

A few minutes later, a terrifying white airflow erupted from the remote area of ​​Yanhong City, roaring out of the city, aiming at Luowu Mountain.

The leaked martial arts power was attached to the old man's body, which not only reduced the friction with the air, but also protected the body.

As one of the best martial arts masters, Zhong Lao's speed was close to three times the speed of sound in a state of burning energy and blood, like a streamer of light criss-crossing the horizon.

Under the scorching sun, he traveled through the wilderness and forests, and within a short while, he arrived at the foot of Luowu Mountain, panting.

The old man's mouth was bloodstained, his hair was disheveled, and his face was in a mess.

The mysterious mountain is in sight, is that senior still there?

If you can find the strange person from last time, you should also be able to contact the senior.


Mr. Zhong coughed violently, and after consuming a huge amount of martial arts strength, it was difficult for him to recover all of a sudden, and he almost lost his stature.

But it was too late to think more, he still took a step forward and staggered into the mountain.

In a valley with dense forests and clear streams, a burly man was sitting cross-legged on a huge rock beside a towering old tree.

The red evil spirit lingered around his body, forming a divine ring behind him.

Suddenly, Husha opened his eyes, and a terrifying aura swept over him instantly.

Just now, when he was meditating and cultivating, a strange human breath appeared nearby, which seemed to be not weak, which caught his attention.

Soon, an old figure passed by here, and Hu Sha met him.

When he saw the burly man in front of him, the fierce coercion rushed towards him, making Mr. Zhong stop in his tracks.

Hu Sha didn't act immediately, but said coldly: "Humans, stop here and go down the mountain quickly."

The 'monster general' had told him before that if he meets a human race, he only needs to be persuaded to leave. If he doesn't listen, he doesn't have to worry about it, just suppress it.

Hearing this, the old man frowned tightly, but this time he met another savage?

Moreover, the other party's aura was much stronger than that of the previous 'demon general', which shocked him unceasingly. This is definitely a terrifying powerhouse.

"Are you a demon general too?" Elder Zhong asked cautiously.

"Since you know about the demon general, why did you trespass here?" Hu Sha's eyes were full of fierce light, and his murderous intent boiled over.

In the past, if someone disturbed his practice, he would kill him on the spot, but he is not as good-tempered as he is now.

The piercing killing intent enveloped him in an instant, and Mr. Zhong felt that his limbs were about to become stiff. He had a premonition that once they fought, he would be in danger within a few rounds.

Under the gaze of a pair of terrifying tiger eyes, the old man forced himself to remain calm, and said: "I came here to find the friends of the Demon King, please forgive me."

Hu Sha's pupils trembled violently, considering that the two might know each other, his killing intent receded like a tide, and he didn't make things difficult for the old man.

He just said calmly: "That person has already left last night, and I don't know where he is."

"What?!" Zhong Lao seemed to have fallen into an ice cave, his face was pale, and he froze in place for a moment.

If the life-saving straw is missed, isn't Ye Yu hopeless? Under this blow, the old man's blood surged, he became dizzy, and almost fell down.

Seeing the old man's reaction was so strong, Hu Sha couldn't bear it a little, and said again: "Perhaps the demon general knows where he is."

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