Cultivation Began Three Years Ago

Chapter 89 Agent Deadwood Tavern

The next day, Xu Che woke up with the slight vibration of the text message on his phone.

He picked up the phone in a daze, but saw He Bo's text message: [I have something to do, I want to chat with you, come quickly. 】

The young man's sleepiness receded, he got up immediately, and walked towards the bathroom.

When passing by the living room, Xu Che found that Xuan Che and the little gray snake were not at home, but there was another note on the table to go out.

However, the young man didn't check it, he just washed up briefly, put on his clothes, and went out.

The city was crowded and noisy, and Xu Che walked without a sword.

As he fed the blood energy to the teleportation spell, in an instant, the scene changed, and the young man appeared outside the Deadwood Tavern.

Even though it was daytime and the sun was shining brightly, the passers-by nearby all kept their distance from this store and took a detour.

Xu Che came to the door slowly, walked in, and found that He Bo was smiling at him.

"Sit." The old man said.

The young man sat down at the wine table and smiled faintly: "You are old, why are you looking for me?"

"I need to go abroad later, and I would like to trouble you to take care of the store instead of me." He Bo said directly, not to be reckless.

"Huh? You always worry about me? Don't be afraid that I will take away all your medicinal wine while you are away."

Xu Che smiled, and it seemed that he had no intention of rejecting the old man's request.

"If you like, you can take it away. I am an old man, and I am not a pedantic person." He Bo smiled kindly.

He still likes the young man in front of him, he has good strength, and in terms of personality, he is quite similar to him when he was young.

"I can watch for you for a while, but after a long time, I won't be able to deter the hunters under you. How long will you go?" Xu Che asked.

Hearing this, the old man sighed and said with a wry smile, "It's as short as a week, and as long as a month."

"I'm afraid the store is too desolate, I need a little anger."

"If I'm not here, normal entrusted transactions cannot be carried out, so I thought of asking you for help."

Hearing this, the young man nodded and murmured: "Since you always trust me so much, then I won't refuse."

"You will take care of everything in the store. You don't need to ask me about matters big or small."

"As for the reward, you boy, if you like any jar of medicinal wine here, just take it."

Afterwards, the old man introduced various matters to Xu Che, left behind a black robe, and left in a hurry.

Xu Che watched the old man disappear into the store, and just sighed quietly.

Going to other countries is probably a very important thing, but he doesn't ask too much, it involves He Bo's privacy.

Over the years, I have also received a lot of care from the elderly.

Even, more than a year ago, when Hong Yuan was about to kill him before he was strong enough, it was the old man who personally took action and saved him.

At such a juncture, there is no reluctance to fulfill the old man's instructions.

Henceforth, Xu Che put on a black robe and a bronze mask, and sat in front of the counter.

When he was bored, he took out the strange news record given by the old demon, and read it with peace of mind.

Time passed quickly, and the candles on the table were burned to the brim.

At this moment, the sound of dull footsteps interrupted Xu Che's observation.

The person who came was a strong man with only one arm, his eyes were rather gloomy, and he had stubble on his face.

When he saw a strange figure in front of the counter, not the old man from the past, he couldn't help becoming vigilant.

"Who are you?"

Seeing the guests coming, Xu Che smiled faintly, closed the ancient book, and said, "Why are you here? Just tell me."

Listening to this clear and gentle voice, even though Fang Yin was hiding under the black robe, he couldn't see his real face.

He also knew that this was a young man, so he immediately showed displeasure, and said, "It's nothing, just passing by, to see if your old ghost is dead."

"Oh? Interesting."

Xu Che glanced at him, surging spiritual power came out through his body, covering the town.

"Bang!" With a sound, the one-armed man felt as if he had the weight of a mountain before he realized what was going on.

Both knees smashed through the floor in an instant, and then, the whole person had no time to struggle, and was pinned down on the ground like a dead dog.

Facing the sudden change, the one-armed man was terrified, his face changed drastically, and the fragile organs in his body were faintly about to burst.


He spat out a mouthful of turbid blood in embarrassment, his eyes turned red, and he was angry but did not dare to attack.

The other party has never made a move from the beginning to the end, and just relying on one look, suppressed him to the point of being powerless to resist, what a terrifying thing!

Xu Che looked at him kindly, and asked: "My friend, I didn't catch your words just now, can you repeat it, please?"

This move made the one-armed man so angry that he wanted to yell, if you didn't hear clearly, would you give me such a big blow as soon as we met? !

I thought so in my heart, but the one-armed man didn't dare to say it, he just gritted his teeth and said, "Sorry, I made a slip of the tongue, please forgive me."

"I still like your rebellious appearance, but unfortunately, Your Excellency can't let me do so."

Xu Che glanced at him, and then dissipated the terrifying coercion.

The one-armed man who survived the catastrophe was overjoyed, his heart was beating violently.

He was crushed with multiple fractures, still lying on the ground, with cold sweat on his face, panting heavily, like an old cow that was exhausted.

"Well, I'm too lazy to find out where you came from."

"I'm not even interested in knowing about your grievances with Elder He."

The one-armed man struggled to look up. Why was the black figure on the counter so terrifying? !

He is obviously a late-stage martial artist, yet he can be easily killed in the opponent's hands.

Could it be that he is the legendary Unrestrained Overhaul? !

For a moment, complex, lost, and regretful emotions enveloped him, and his limbs trembled uncontrollably.

Every second was extremely long, and the one-armed man who had been suffering so much finally heard the voice of the young man again.

"I give you two choices."

"Either knock your head until the blood is bleeding, clean up the ground and leave;"

"Or just stay here."

As soon as the words fell, the one-armed man closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, and made a choice.




He kept hitting the ground with his head with great force, and soon, there were large bloodstains flowing on the ground.

Afterwards, the one-armed man tore off his coat and wiped the floor without saying a word.

There was a dead silence in the room, the sound of breathing and heartbeat, in a state of high tension, he could hear it more and more clearly in his ears.

After a long time, the ground was wiped clean.

The one-armed man stood up cautiously, bowed to Xu Che, lowered his head and said, "Thank you for not killing me."

"Where did you come from, let's go back to where." Xu Che pondered.

Those light words were extremely frightening to the ears of the one-armed man.

He didn't dare to stay here for a while, gritted his teeth, dragged his heavy injuries, and ran away without looking back.

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