Cultivation Began Three Years Ago

Chapter 9 Sharpening Yourself, Wanting To Forge A Young Pill


After Xu Che was blacklisted and deleted, he felt much better. He actually wanted to use the talisman for that purpose? Outrageous.

At this time, with a "ding", another message popped up, it was from Xuan Che.

【】: Are you out?

[Ultraman eats potatoes]: Well, what's wrong?

【】:[48323, please collect the payment]

【】: Thank you, you not only saved me, but also helped me solve my troubles. My bank card has been frozen, and now I only have so much savings. I hope you can accept it.

[Ultraman eats potatoes]: See you outside, speaking of it, you still look quite like an old friend of mine! Quite a coincidence.


【】: Such an old routine, isn't this the thunder point written in "Ninety-nine Strategies on How to Attack a Rich Woman in One Month"?

[Altman Eats Potatoes]: First, I am stating the facts; second, you are not a rich woman; finally, a friend of mine put me here temporarily.

【】: Stop talking nonsense, get the money quickly, I'm going to sleep.

[Ultraman eats potatoes]: [48323, payment received]

[Ultraman eats potatoes]: Thank you boss. Boss, are you a killer?

[]: Yes, what's the matter?

[Ultraman eats potatoes]: It's nothing, just curious, you should be the kind of martial arts family who specially selected in the clan, and then trained to be a killer, right? To be precise, is it a dead man?

【】: You know, then you still ask? Don't panic! I'm going to sleep.

[Altman eats potatoes]: How is your injury?

【】:very good.

Seeing this, Xu Che stopped replying to messages. She thought it was so late, she should have a rest, so I wouldn't bother her.

The two talked quite a lot on WeChat, which also shows that Xuan Che is not as indifferent as she appears on the surface, maybe it's just social fear.

Ten minutes later, when they arrived at the door of the house, Xu Che tiptoed to open the door, took a simple shower, and went back to the room.

As a practitioner, in fact, he does not need to sleep on weekdays. Even if he meditates overnight, he will wake up the next day feeling refreshed.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Xu Che took a deep breath, and slowly performed his kung fu - "The Art of Ascension from the Wilderness".

According to the incomplete memory in my mind, this extremely domineering method even has certain disadvantages for practitioners.

In the early stage of cultivation, forcibly absorb the surrounding aura into the body, and then digest it at a high speed, and disperse the aura into the blood, skin, tendons, bones, and flesh in the body, in order to improve the spirituality of the practitioner in the shortest possible time. Physical fitness, improve realm.

After all, this method was originally born in a barbaric place, so it is understandable.

For thousands of years there, monsters and beasts have been in trouble, evil spirits have been raging, and the human race is weak and tired of protecting themselves. In order to survive and protect their homeland, they can only use their swords to go sideways. Otherwise, they will only become the rations of other races.

In the later stage of cultivation, because of the lack of foundation building before, it is difficult for the heart and mind to be tempered by the strength that has been acquired quickly.

Often when they reach the Golden Core state, their disadvantages begin to show, their cultivation speed drops, their blood energy is unstable, and they tend to eat back at themselves.

The realm of the light ones stagnates, the realm of the heavy ones plummets, the palace of life is dim, and the foundation of the road is broken.

However, the young man who resembled Xu Che in his memory had never been affected by this.

That is simply a lunatic, who practiced tirelessly day and night, and even entered the Great Barren Mountain many times to practice and fight monsters.

Blood energy and spiritual power are always insufficient, and they will only keep fighting, breaking through the dead barriers of the realm, and forging ahead all the way, in order to become stronger and protect their own race.

In the end, when he reached the Nascent Soul Realm, he stopped. Because of the follow-up exercises, the inheritance has been lost in the thousands of years of wind and rain and the flames of war.

At this time, Xu Che closed his eyes tightly, his whole body was silent, and the thin aura around him was gathering at an unimaginable speed, continuously rushing into Xu Che's body.

Suddenly, a huge flash of lightning flashed across the sky outside the house, and thunder clouds were gathering. This was the thunder tribulation that one had to face when he was about to break through the Golden Core.

Whether it is the body of the practitioner or the golden core, in the process of breaking through, he must accept the baptism of the thunder disaster. If there is a little carelessness, there are not many means of preparation, and the body will die.

Gold-level lightning tribulations usually consist of a few bolts of lightning, and for an unparalleled talent, usually six or seven bolts are enough to wipe them out.

In the process of breaking through from foundation building to golden elixir, the most important and first step is to condense the young elixir.

Sacrifice most of the essence and blood of oneself, as well as all the spiritual power, in the dantian, use the blood as the guide, and the spiritual power as the rope, the two have been tempered and intertwined continuously, so as to condense the young pill.

Sensing the strangeness of the clouds outside the house, Xu Che stopped his cultivation. He has not yet condensed the young pills, although he does not know why every time he prepares to condense the young pills, it will attract thunder disasters.

But Xu Che knew very well that the young pills that had just condensed were particularly fragile, and nine times out of ten, they would be torn apart in the event of a thunder disaster, and they couldn't resist the second blow at all.

This was not the first time this happened, and Xu Che was also very passive, as if somewhere in the sky, the heavens did not want him to successfully condense the young pill.

"Huh!" Breathing out a mouthful of turbid air, feeling the exuberant blood energy and abundant spiritual energy in his body, Xu Che had complicated emotions.

The young man in my memory, on the day when he really broke through the golden core, he resisted six consecutive thunderbolts, and was almost chopped into a human body. There were dense cracks in the golden core. Only survived.

Can he also bear so many heavenly punishments?

The catastrophe of the golden core is inevitable, Xu Che still needs to make more preparations, if he gritted his teeth and risked half his life for a few ordinary heavenly punishments, he would probably be able to pass.

But if he really wanted to face the Heavenly Punishment of the Six Paths, he himself had no idea.

The aura on Xu Che's body gradually calmed down, he had stopped condensing the young pills, and the thunder clouds outside the house were also slowly dissipating.

In the dimly lit room, Xu Che sighed for a long time, his back was a little bleak, and he said to himself: "It seems that it is not the time yet. In a few days, the old friend of Luowu Mountain will also go through the tribulation, and there is still time to go." I will protect it, and then I will have to observe and learn from it."

Luowu Mountain, on the outskirts of Yanhong City, is shrouded in clouds and mist all the year round, and the four seasons are like spring. There is a big monster lying on the bed.

The two met by chance when Xu Che was collecting herbs, and they became friends as soon as they saw each other.

They still have occasional contacts in normal times, and some precious medicinal herbs for cultivation are often dug out by the big demon with Xu Che in the depths of the rugged and complicated Luowu Mountain.

Xu Che has a very good relationship with that big monster, and they have had several sparring matches, but they were all point-and-shoot, and there was no winner.

In a few days, the big demon will cross the tribulation, if not for this matter, Xu Che would not reject He Bo's other two commissions.

After all, it was really inconvenient, so I could only try to move quickly and deal with the entrustment of the mental hospital in a tight time frame.

"Psychiatric hospital? Heh, I'd like to find out who is evil here, playing tricks and playing tricks here." Xu Che smiled.

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