Cultivation Began Three Years Ago

Chapter 92: Is Sure To Win: Star Sand

Behind the short iron gate is a gorgeous underground city.

Led by the guards, Xu Che walked around the maze-like corridors and came straight to his room.

Lingyun 2!

This is a spacious wing room with luxurious decoration. There are clear white jade pillars standing at the four corners, and there are sacred beasts coiled and lying on them.

Expensive calligraphy and paintings and antiques can be seen everywhere in the room.

In front of the soft leather sofa, an electronic screen of hundreds of inches was erected, which is a tool used in bidding and auction.

Not long after being seated, the staff of the auction house brought in some food and drinks one after another.

"Hello, distinguished guest, if you need anything, you can tell me, and I will be right outside the door to serve you."

An old man in a suit bowed to Xu Che and said politely.

In order to respect the privacy of the guests, the auction house has always not allowed service personnel to stay in the wing room when the auction starts.

"Then it's time to work." Xu Che smiled slightly at the old man.

Afterwards, the old man turned and left.

Xu Che lay on the sofa, quietly released his spiritual consciousness, and swept the entire wing room, only to feel relieved when he found that there was no monitoring equipment.

When you go out, you still need to be wary. The luckier you are, the more unfortunate you are.

The dining table in front of the sofa is filled with many delicacies, accompanied by fine wines.

Xu Che opened a bottle of red wine, poured out some, grabbed the wine glass, and went straight to the transparent guard platform.

Here, you can condescendingly look down at the auction platform below.

Moreover, the glass that seals the wall is a special material, and everything outside can be clearly seen from the inside, but the inside cannot be seen from the outside.

It has to be said that the privacy of this auction house is excellent.

Avoid disputes between guests because of auction items, and therefore hatred.

Moreover, each wing room has its own exit passage, so there is no need to worry about it. After the auction items left, because of revealing their true appearance, people with malicious intentions tried to murder people and take away the goods.

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

A heavy bell rang and the auction began.

The person hosting the auction below is an obese middle-aged man with a big belly and a faint smile on his mouth.

After a brief speech, under the signal of the host, the staff began to show the first auction item.

"Evil and cold iron!"

"Immersed in the bottom of the lake where the evil spirits are extremely heavy, the iron ore has been washed for hundreds of years, and gradually undergoes qualitative changes. The hardness and toughness are greatly improved. It is the best choice for forging weapons!"

"Even, it's not much different from the meteorite falling from the sky!!"

The host pointed to the piece of iron ore that was about the size of a water tank, and said excitedly: "The starting price is two million, and each increase must not be less than three hundred thousand. Let the auction begin!"

"Two million and seven hundred thousand!"

"Three million and sixty thousand!"

"five million!"

"Five hundred and forty million!"

Almost instantly, many quotations appeared on the electronic screen beside Xu Che.

Listening to the host's words, the young man smiled faintly, Yin Sha Leng Tie and Tianwai Meteorite are far from each other.

If two identical weapons collided violently under the same forging master's refinement, within a few rounds, the one that would break must be the evil and cold iron one.

It is no exaggeration to say that the highest quality weapons that can be made from this material may only be suitable for beginners.

And the weapons made by the meteorite iron from outside the sky, whether they are blood valves, tempered, or high-level martial arts masters, all covet them.

A truly sharp weapon can be said to be indestructible!

Xu Che didn't participate in the quotation, and the evil cold iron was like broken copper to him, it had no effect at all.

The highest price on the electronic screen kept refreshing until it reached 7 million, and then slowly stopped. Finally, it was fixed at 10.21 million, and was taken away by a certain force.

The host's voice sounded from below again: "Next, the second thing!"

"Xuanming ancient clock! A mysterious person sent an item for auction here."

"It is said that after the user urges it, the bell will sound long and leisurely, which can drive away evil spirits and suppress monsters. It has great power."

"And its previous user was an Unrestrained Overhaul!!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar!

Immediately, it attracted the interest of many viewers. You must know that unrestrained major repairs are much rarer than martial arts masters.

The life weapons they wear are all equipped for attack and attack, quite terrifying!

The ancient clock was full of mottled marks, and there was a magical aura flowing, faintly exuding a terrifying aura.

The obese host didn't dare to touch it, and just avoided it from a distance. He said to the microphone, "The starting price is three million, and each time the price increases, it must not be less than half a million. Start the auction!"

"4.2 million!"

"Five million and three hundred thousand!"

"Six million!"

"Seven million and a half million!"

Xu Che frowned when he saw the crowd looting. Don't these people think about damage?

In addition, the quality of the ancient clock is average, and it is very likely that it was just used casually by Wuzhi Daxiu, and it is far inferior to the Wuzhi level magic weapon.

Moreover, there are a lot of cracks on the body of the clock. I am afraid that if you buy it back, it can only be used as a decoration. Once it encounters a fierce battle, it will easily shatter.

Not long after, in the host's announcement, this broken magic weapon was auctioned off at a price of 21 million.

Later, other items appeared one after another, including hundreds of years of medicinal herbs, blood-stained battle guns, eyes of mysterious creatures, and many martial arts secret books.

However, none of these aroused Xu Che's interest. Hearing the host's long-winded introduction, and rushing to bid for the auction.

The young man was a little sleepy, eating at the table, eating Kobe beef with a knife, and drinking red wine.

If it wasn't for having delicious food to fill his belly, Xu Che would regret it a bit, why would he participate in such a boring auction.

But, soon, something caught his attention.

"The name of this thing is Star Sand. It is collected in the depths of the remote desert. It is silver-gray and extremely rare!"

"In some ancient books, there was a sentence that recorded that it had the function of depicting talismans, but it is unknown whether it can be used in this way."

"On the contrary, it has exact use cases in terms of refining equipment and medicine."

"The starting price is one million, and each time the price increases, it must not be less than two hundred thousand. Let the auction begin!"

A small amount of star sand was placed on the jade tray in the host's hand, which was extremely delicate and radiated with a faint silver light.

Compared with all the previous auction items, the guests present did not seem to have any interest in the star sand in front of them.

This thing is rare and expensive, and I don't know if it can be used. It's just better-looking sand.

It is neither a ready-made weapon nor a plastic material that can be made, nor can it bring users visible improvements.

Therefore, there were very few bidders, the host below was a little embarrassed, and the atmosphere in the audience was a little cold.

At the same time, in Lingyun No. 2 wing, he looked at '1.21 million', '1.46 million', and '1.68 million' on the electronic screen.

A smile rose from the corner of Xu Che's mouth. For this thing, he was bound to get it, so he slid his fingertips across the screen and filled in a number.

In an instant, to the astonishment of the host, the offer of '3 million' suddenly appeared in all the rooms! Reach the top!

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