The person Man Hai was referring to was naturally Xu Che, who had been alone in the meteorite party. With his character and responsibility, knowing this matter, he definitely couldn't stand by and do nothing.

Qing He shook his head, indicating no, he and Xu Che had only met each other a few times.

"Oops! I was confused last time and forgot to ask for his contact information!" Old Man Wang said regretfully.

Right now, one more person is a force, and Xu Che's cultivation is unfathomable.

Not only did he fight back against Hong Yuan's encirclement and suppression, but he also fought in the warehouse, easily defeating that sixth-level ability user, which may be second only to himself.

Thinking of this, the old man Wang couldn't help being irritable, feeling sorry for missing an important combat force.

Zhang Yuan was puzzled, and said: "Brother Man Hai, who are you talking about?!"

"A young man with profound magic power." Man Hai said helplessly: "There is a huge crowd, without his contact information, it is too late to find him."

"There is no longer any delay, everyone, just follow me in!" Old man Wang said sharply with cold eyes.


With a sound of falling, all the people, like ghosts and ghosts, walked at a very high speed, and arrived at the door of the tavern in an instant.

"What's going on?!" Qinghe had a bad premonition in his heart.

It was only separated by a door, but it made him shudder. It was extremely quiet inside, without the slightest smell of blood wafting out.

Logically speaking, Elder He's strength is terrifying, and in a fierce battle with them, someone's blood must be splashed on the spot, how could it be so weird?

"Go in and take a look, and you'll know!"

Old man Wang was holding a rusty iron sword, murderous aura appeared in his eyes, blood was surging, and he had reached the best fighting state.

Man Hai was gearing up, with an angry look on his face, determined to beat the enemy attacker to pieces.

Everyone looked vigilant, crossed the dark door, and came to the store, but the expected bloody scene did not happen.

There were neither dozens of enemy attackers nor He Lao, but there was a thin figure sitting on the counter!

Zhang Yuan's face changed drastically. He witnessed dozens of warriors entering here. At this moment, there was only one person. What happened?

The pupils of Man Hai, Old Man Wang, and Qing He trembled, and their bodies seemed to be frozen. The strange man hiding under the black robe was actually wearing a mask they were very familiar with!

Sensing the strangeness of the three of them, Gu He asked, "What's wrong?"

"Something's wrong, this person is extremely dangerous." Fatty Kong Yu clenched his fists, his guarded eyes never moved.

At this time, the Dharma Body who was disturbed slowly opened his eyes and looked at the crowd without saying a word.

Under those penetrating and evil gazes, Old Man Wang and the others were all horrified. They had the illusion that they were infants locked in by cruel and bloodthirsty beasts.

In less than a breath, everyone already understood: the person in front of them is not at the same level as them in strength, and the other party has a high probability of being a master of transformation!

Forcibly suppressing the fear in his heart, the old man Wang took a deep breath, looked straight into the man's eyes, and said, "Where is Lao He? You are wearing his mask, who is it?"

Hearing these words, Zhang Yuan and others were stunned, they didn't know that the mask was made by He Bo.

Dharmakaya replied indifferently: "He is out, I am the agent here."

"How do you prove that what you said is the truth?" Old man Wang narrowed his eyes slightly, remaining vigilant.

However, he didn't know how much trouble his actions would bring him next.

Under the horrified eyes of everyone, violent evil spirit overflowed from the Dharma body and enveloped them.

As if they were about to suffocate, they couldn't even think of fighting, and the corners of their mouths were bleeding.

Under the huge disparity in strength, everyone was suppressed into an extremely embarrassing situation. No matter how powerful the martial arts might be, it would be of no avail.

"I'll kill you, one look is enough." Dharma Body said indifferently.

Remembering that these people were hunters in the tavern, he immediately dissipated his evil spirit.

The people who passed by death trembled uncontrollably, and when they looked at the man in black again, their eyes were full of fear, not daring to touch his edge.

Strength is the best proof, if it is really an enemy, what does it have to do with you if he kills you?

"Cough cough cough!!"

The old man Wang gasped violently, and asked weakly: "What about the warriors who invaded here before? Did you kill them all?!"

Dharma Body pondered and replied: "Yes."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked. They had been in the store for many years, and only now did they know that there was such a ruthless man!

For a moment, they were full of reverie about the identity of this mysterious person.

Since the strength is not as good as others, and the other party is acting as the owner of the pavilion, the old man Wang asked cautiously: "Senior, who are the warriors who attacked?"

Dharma Body shook his head, and said calmly: "They are too fragile, before they have time to ask, they all died."

"But it's okay, someone will take care of it."

Having said that, a faint smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

Auction house, Room 2 of Lingyun.

"Should the settlement amount be transferred to your newly provided account, or continue to be deposited in my account?" Hou Ye asked Xu Che.

"Put 15 million in your account, and transfer the remaining 30 million to my personal account."

Xu Che told him the account information, and said, "By the way, is there a list of the auction items?"

Just now, the Dharma Body sent a sound transmission to him, and there was an attack in the store. Two Transformation Realms and dozens of tempered warriors gathered and were beheaded and killed by him.

After getting the news, Xu Che's interest in the auction has been very low, and with the information provided by Hou Ye, he already knows who is behind the auction.

In order to avoid wasting time, he asked Hou Ye for the list.

If there is no item of interest in the follow-up, he doesn't mind leaving early and visiting some underground forces.

Faced with the request of a distinguished guest, Hou Ye would naturally not refuse such an innocuous matter.

Following this, a list was quickly delivered by the service waiter.

"All the items for this auction are here, take a look." Hou Ye said with a smile.

His attitude towards Xu Che was quite good, and those three talisman papers were extremely valuable.

However, he didn't plan to sell, but kept his self-defense. If there is no martial arts master and unrestrained Daxiu in the future, who can hurt him?

Xu Che took it, glanced at it, and read all the information instantly with his huge spiritual consciousness.

The items that appeared later were of no use to him, and even the so-called finale items were nothing more than a few grandmaster-level weapons and non-binding-level magic weapons.

The treasures of heaven and earth, rare and exotic plants he wanted, were not there.

When the young man returned the list, Hou Ye asked, "Do you have anything you are interested in?"

"No." Xu Che smiled and didn't explain much.

How clever Hou Ye was, he immediately understood what the young man meant, and said, "Then let me give you a ride, this way please."

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