Cultivation: From the Inauguration of Druid

Vol 2 Chapter 225: unscrupulous

"Before this gentleman killed the Jinghu Mountain God under Guo Laogui, and ate his wreckage, so I still have a little sense of that God's Seal."

Huo Mojun explained and said again.

"Fang Cai Benjun suddenly noticed that the divine seal had changed, and it seemed that he wanted to choose the master and vote."

"What are you waiting for?"

Hearing the words, Ma Dao Ren was in a hurry, got up and said.

"If you are robbed first, it will be another trouble."

"It makes sense. Now that we have enough to eat and drink, it's time to be active."

The Fire Demon Lord suddenly stood up, and the flames soared from his body, burning the hole like daylight.

Although he had killed Jinghu Mountain God and injured Guo Ning before, he was not damaged at all.

It has been 90% better after being raised for several months.

Because he thinks that he will do it again, he will not be able to ask for anything. .

That's why I was entangled with these three demons, and I was going to use them to grab the divine seal.

The reason why he didn't do it for the past two days is because his family has not yet made a profit, and he is afraid of making wedding dresses for others afterwards.

It's just that now that I realize that the seal of God has changed, I don't care about that much anymore.

"Come with me, everyone!"

The Fire Demon Lord shouted loudly and turned into a firelight and flew out of the cave.

After circling for a while, he went straight to Longshan.

"I'll follow along!"

The peach blossom scholar waved the folding fan in his hand, and from it fell four young women carrying a peach blossom sedan chair.

He lifted him up, floated up, and sprinkled the fragrance of peach blossoms all the way.

"Miss, let's go too!"

Daoist Ma gave the ghost mother a fierce look again, and waved the flag in his hand.


A five-tailed poisonous scorpion fell on it, wrapped it, and followed it with a black wind.

"Hee hee hee~"

The only remaining ghost mother casually pulled a piece of white gauze and wrapped it casually, and turned into a cloud of white mist and disappeared.

At this time, under the full moon, the stone gate in the valley shone with azure light.

Not long after Zhang Tiejian entered, Ling Qing, who was sitting cross-legged on the cliff, suddenly opened his eyes.

Looking at the firelight, the sedan chair, the black wind and the white mist floating from the mountain, he said softly.


Now a group of people who want to find the inheritance of Mr. Tongxuan have entered the cave.

And Huo Mojun and others who want to win the Mountain God Seal are not a target.

When it will come, there is no guarantee.

However, although Lingqing is now free, she is not willing to wait like this.

Therefore, he took a talisman from the divine seal and placed it in the cave.

As soon as the cave was opened, the divine seal was shaken, exuding the aura that the divine seal had no owner.

A determined contender like Huo Mojun will definitely notice it, and he will definitely not miss this opportunity.

Therefore, he was waiting here and did not enter the cave with Zhang Tiejian.

And this time it was not what he expected.

After a while, four magic lights fell, showing four figures.

It was the Fire Demon Lord, the Ghost Mother, the Peach Blossom Scholar, and the Ma Dao Ren.

Lingqing opened Dongzhen's eyes and used the power of the divine seal to look around, but found no other lurkers.

Looking at the four people with different appearances, they pondered in their hearts.

'There are only four people who want to win the Divine Seal, and they also form a group. ’

"What is this place?"

Dao Ren looked at the azure stone gate in front of him and asked the Fire Demon Lord.

After all, he called everyone here.

"This is a valley on the west side of Cangtou Mountain, but I don't know that there is such a place."

Huo Mojun looked around and didn't notice Ling Qing who was hiding beside him.

"Xiaosheng heard that the emperor of the recent dynasty wanted to find the magic magic recipe left by Mr. Tongxuan, so he also sent Li Zixuan and Zhigu."

Peach Blossom Scholar looked at Shimen, shook his folding fan and said.

"Isn't it right here?"

"Where's the old ghost Guo? In his territory, he shouldn't turn a blind eye, right?"

As the ghost mother asked, there was a groan in her mouth.

Echoing all around the valley, he made a magic sound to find Guo Ning and others who were hiding.


After a while, she stopped the magic sound and frowned.

"That old ghost Guo is not a good person either. He won't let others **** treasures from his territory."

Fire Demon Lord said thoughtfully.

"Maybe he has already brought someone in?

The breath of the god's seal lost its owner is really strange.

The wounds on his body could not kill him, so how could he lose the Divine Seal? "

"So, he might have died here?"

Daoist Ma let the blue-scaled python wrap around his body, his small eyes glancing around incessantly.

"I don't think there is such a possibility, Mr. Tongxuan is like a man, how can his cave be so easy to break into?"

Peach Blossom Scholar shook his folding fan and said.

The Fire Demon Lord nodded when he heard the words.

"It seems that I have to be careful when I wait. I didn't get the benefits of avoiding it, and I made a mess."

The ghost mother pulled the white gauze on her body, looking ashamed.

It attracted another glance from the Daoist Ma.

"Let's go then!"

The four nodded and rushed towards Shimen.

Although they knew that Guo Ning, who was comparable in strength to him, might have perished in it, they never thought of running away.

This kind of magic cultivator, as long as disaster is not imminent, has never been afraid of heaven and earth.

Act without any scruples.

Seeing the four of them crash into the stone gate, Ling Qing floated down.

He took out a mountain seal and snapped it with his fingers.

Ding! !

As the voice spread, huhuhuhu, Guo Ning and others who were hiding in the divine realm for a while appeared behind him.

"Xianchang! This subordinate is late."

Guo Ning led a group of ghosts and gods to worship Lingqing.

"It's not too late, are you ready?"

Lingqing waved the dust in his hand, looked at Shimen and said.

"But according to Immortal Chief's instructions."

Guo Ning stepped in and lowered his head.

"You saw it just Who are those four people?"

"Hui Xianchang, the one at the head is the one who wounded his subordinate's skeleton demon, the so-called Fire Demon Lord.

The woman wearing white silk is known as the ghost mother, and I heard that she specially kidnapped pregnant women who were pregnant with Liujia.

Five-headed gods and demons are cultivated, with demons as their sons, each with different methods, and the surrounding area is infinitely powerful and very powerful.

As for the remaining Taoists and scholars, their subordinates are not clear. "

Guo Ning said what he knew one by one.

"But it's not a good thing to be with the man-eating Fire Demon Lord and the ghost mother who kidnapped pregnant women."

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"Pindao sees that there are new souls and grievances on his body, and he thinks that he has just committed sins not long ago."

Ling Qing thought about what he had just seen, and his eyes narrowed.

"Alright, let's just send them all away.

Go to the reincarnation cleanly, and get rid of the sins of this body. "

He has practiced the evil spirit refining technique, and he can naturally see through this evil spirit.

The spirits and grievances of these four demons were born not long ago, and they were all tortured and died of grievances.

Different from the tree demon who was seductive with money and luster, the resentment tainted in her body.

Most of the resentful souls are greedy for themselves, or obsessed with wealth and remorse for death.

And these grievances on the Huo Mojun and others are the severe evils that have been tortured and died in vain for no reason.

Those who can do such evil deeds must be real devils, without any kindness of humanity. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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