Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1016: Void

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Dayang Group morning on March 22, Zhang Haoxin walked into the practice base of Dayang Group.

The practice base of the Dayang Group was originally practiced near the Zhang family, and continued to expand in the later period. Finally, because of the appearance of the master of the law, he had to relocate-the original practice base under the **** of transformation.

At this time, the practice base of the Ocean Group was built in the north of the aerospace research center. Among the high mountains, a base of about 10 kilometers was directly opened. The three bases form horns with each other and together form the core base of the Ocean Group.

The entire practice base is covered by a super Zhou Tianling Spirit Array and Zhou Tianxingdou Array, and of course there are various defensive tactics, such as Mountain Binding Array, Dutian Fiery Array, etc. Even between Dutian's fiery array and the mountain-binding array, there is a demon array.

Even if someone can pass through the outside defense and vigilance, and even through the fierce fire array, they must face the dangerous demon formation.

Refining the demon formation, you can also refine people! Power is unambiguous, especially after being improved by Dayang Group.

Zhang Hao entered the spiritual practice base, and did not immediately go to see what'mantle inheritance' was. Instead, he first looked at various studies here at the spiritual practice base.

The research here includes formation magic, aura, magic weapon, huashen, especially the magic medicine of the dharma level. Of course, the more important studies are exercises, spells, supernatural powers, etc.

Zhang Hao checked one by one, and finally came to the Gongfa Research Center.

Here, Zhao Dahe is practicing, and the astrolabe is hovering over Zhao Dahe's head, circling slowly.

The large array of Zhoutian outside the base gathered a force of stars that were invisible to the naked eye, and finally gathered on the astrolabe.

After the starlight gathers on the astrolabe, you can see a faint, almost imperceptible translucent blue above the astrolabe, flowing like a clear spring, faintly fluctuating a little.

That is the power of the stars condensed to the extreme. After the triple power of Zhou Tian Da Zhen, and the astrolabe, and Zhao Dahe's cultivation, the power of stars in a radius of more than 30 kilometers was almost attracted.

The power of stars in the range of 30 kilometers is very impressive, especially the power of stars is very pure. The majestic power of stars at the moment is pouring into the astrolabe and even Zhao Dahe in a monstrous momentum.

Next to it, Murongshan, Li Wei, Sword Swordsman, Nan Xiaoyun, etc., the senior executives and masters of the Ocean Group, are mostly gathered here to prepare for everything.

This time, the person in charge is Li Wei, the first master of the Ocean Group, and the rest of them all follow Li Wei's arrangement.

Zhou Xueyao also led relevant personnel and was on alert-in case of danger to life, he would be rescued. After all, this is an unprecedented attempt.

Seeing Zhang Hao coming, Li Wei nodded and stopped talking. Instead, he focused on Zhao Dahe.

The most important thing now is not to say hello to Zhang Hao, but to pay attention to everything about Zhao Dahe. The scene must also be kept quiet, even the Yuanshen cannot be used, to prevent all possible interference.

Zhang Hao can only receive a document from Huang Mingshan next to him. This is the plan. The plan is actually very simple.

It is not so easy to break the chart. This is not a porcelain plate. The astrolabe itself is an advanced civilized spaceship navigator, and its ruggedness is not unusual.

So to break the astrolabe, the only feasible way now is from the inside out-let the astrolabe absorb the power of the stars vigorously, until you put yourself to death.

In this process, it is necessary to maintain contact and resonance with the astrolabe, so Zhao Dahe also needs to absorb some of the stars.

How to proceed and how to master this process can only be explored by Zhao Dahe himself. Moreover, there is only one chance. No one can do it all, no one can predict the consequences.

As time passed, the atmosphere seemed to freeze a little bit.

Dayang Group really has experience in the inheritance of mantle inheritance. At the beginning of the rise of the Ocean Group, a large number of loose repairs were received; many of these loose repairs were inherited.

Of course, this mantle inheritance is not an adventure, but a "planned adventure". Before the master of self-cultivation is dying, many will arrange the place of inheritance, and set up some introductions and tests. The introduction can lead to the so-called ‘favored person’. The test is naturally to screen the inheritance.

It must be explained that the inheritance of many loose repairs is cruel. They will attract a group of people, and then... there is only one person alive to accept the heritage!

This is the world of spiritual practice, and many loose cultivations themselves are the brave men who are killed. Well, when they choose to pass on to others, they will not be warm-hearted.

It's just that in these years, the inheritance of such loose repairs has basically disappeared, because... Ocean Group and universal education.

However, the Ocean Group really understands what is called mantle inheritance and has a very deep understanding.

A little time passed, and it was noon in a flash. Zhao Dahe looked pale. Zhang Hao can feel the real element of Zhao Dahe's agitation in his body.

Fortunately, the power of the stars is pure and easy to absorb refining. But even so, Zhao Dahe was a bit overwhelmed at this time. If he practiced normally, he would have to end long ago. Now there is some indigestion.

Dyspepsia in practice can range from damaged tendons to damaged roots. The most serious, just go into flames!

In an instant, it was more than an hour. Suddenly Zhao Dahe spewed out a tainted blood, which contained the real element of the turmoil, and it was the original true element.

Zhao Dahe had to relieve pressure by self-dispersion. In fact, this is self-cutting.

It may be fine after one or two clicks. If you come a few times, it will be troublesome. If one accidentally causes the foundation to be irreparably damaged, Zhao Dahe will be trapped in the current state for the rest of his life.

Zhang Hao frowned too, and could not help but persuade.

Li Wei suddenly waved his hand and said in a lip: Wait again.

After another half an hour, Zhao Dahe's complexion had turned slightly blue, and even a slight blood stain appeared on the skin surface-it looked like a broken porcelain surface.

Suddenly Zhao Dahe spewed a spit of blood again. This kind of contaminated blood, which is the source of the master in the later phase of the Fa, is enough for ordinary people to live and die. But now no one is paying attention.

As the blood spurted out, the cracks on Zhao Dahe's body surface quickly disappeared. However, everyone knows that Zhao Dahe has reached the limit.

Zhang Hao has raised his fist.

However, at this moment, a faint crackling sound suddenly came, and then everyone saw a crack on the surface of the previously indestructible astrolabe.

Followed by the second, third, and finally broken, a group of fist-sized aura suddenly appeared, and then flashed into the mind of Zhao Dahe.

At the next moment, Zhao Dahe suddenly exudes a strange breath, and a ripple spreads out instantly-this breath seems to have some kind of ‘infection’ ability. Everyone feels this breath when they touch it, and it seems to come to a void. But this strange feeling flashed away, almost like an illusion.

At this moment, Zhao Dahe's figure seemed hazy.

However, in the haze, there seems to be an unspeakable crisis that is brewing.

Everyone was alert, and many people looked at Zhang Hao.

Zhang Hao waved his hand and everyone started to step back.

The time seemed to freeze, but in fact it was only a dozen seconds, and Zhao Dahe slowly opened his eyes. Then the surface of Zhao Dahe's body suddenly collapsed, and blood flowed across, and Zhao Dahe himself spewed out a bit of blood, and then a mouth of blood.

In a blink of an eye, Zhao Dahe became a blood man, and his breath quickly weakened.

"Save people!" Zhang Hao shouted. Zhou Xueyao immediately rushed over, his thin hand flashed through the phantom, and nine golden needles plunged into Zhao Dahe's chest.

Subsequently, Zhou Xueyao opened the blood bag and transfused into Zhao Dahe's body-the arteries were directly poured into the large arteries of the arm. The masters were strong and did not need to consider the ability to bear.

The blood in the blood bag is the blood of the legal phase level, with strong life energy and true yuan, which are all internal reserves of the Ocean Group.

This type of blood is better than any panacea. At present, in the whole world, the medicinal materials and elixir that can have a powerful effect on the master of the Fa phase, only the master of the master of the phase!

Subsequently, under the guidance of Zhou Xueyao, the right index fingers of nine masters were pointed on the golden needle, slowly inputting the pure true yuan for Zhao Dahe-the true yuan of the source!

The source is expensive, and it is easy to hurt the foundation if you are not careful.

However, within the Dayang Group, everyone did not hesitate to use their own resources to rescue Zhao Dahe at this time.

About a minute or so, Zhao Dahe's chest slowly undulated, and then his breath became more pronounced. Zhao Dahe finally gasped and opened his eyes again.

Looking at the crowd around him, Zhao Dahe showed a smile, a very bright smile on his face, "Fortunately, the mission has been obtained, and all the exercises of "Zhou Tiangong" have been obtained, until the second level of the third level. The level of'pure Yang'!"

Saying that, Zhao Dahe slowly raised his hand, and some blood on his body suddenly flew up, quickly condensing into a blood-red, crystal clear'Jade Bamboo Slip', and then Zhao Dahe entered the information into it.

After doing this, Zhao Dahe took a few breaths slowly, seeming to relieve the pain of his body, coughing twice, "Help me, I just received a lot of information, take the opportunity to sort it out. If you forget, then it's true Crying Emperor God is useless."

"Your body..." Zhang Hao couldn't help saying.

"It's okay. The aura of light just now is the condensed and refined'Alien Pill' of the astrolabe. Of course it carries all the information and exercises in the astrolabe, and also contains the'attribute' of the power of the stars.

My body looks terrible, and I'm actually undergoing Waidan's transformation. This is just removing impurities from the body. In other words, the body is being reshaped.

When my body recovers, it should...should be able to reach the half-step cave realm!

As for when to say when you can really step into the void, then it is sensible. "

"The body is fine." Zhang Hao breathed a sigh of relief-not only Zhao Dahe's body, but also Zhao Dahe's attitude. Zhao Dahe surrendered all the information of the exercises at the first time, which shows that he had no time to make changes. And Dahe Zhao is still loyal to the Ocean Group.

This is the essence of Zhang Hao's sigh of relief.

At this time, Li Wei had checked the jade jade and gave it to Zhang Hao, saying: "The exercises are very complete. The relevant information is also not missing."

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