Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1096: Who is the carduelis

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This suddenly appeared new fleet, similar to Tuoba Hoshino's fleet style, but a little more, with 17 spaceships, more than Tuoba Hoshino's 12 spaceships.

And the largest flagship, calculated in units of Dayang Group, is more than 10 kilometers in length. The size of the spaceship is almost six times that of Tuoba Hoshino!

However, the spaceship is not the bigger the better. In fact, the military battle ‘warship’, as long as the basic conditions are met, the smaller the better.

However, under the same or similar technical level and the same design, the larger the spacecraft, the better the quality and the higher the technical content.

In this flagship, the three princes of the Red River Civilization stood a little excitedly behind the porthole of the sightseeing hall, looking at the two stars dancing in front of each other, with inexpressible excitement in their eyes:

"Are you sure Tuoba Hoshino can really come here?"

"Your Highness, rest assured! I am willing to use my life guarantee!" a deep, hoarse voice sounded. This is a slightly rickety, blind-eyed man who describes the withered.

"Your life..." The three princes chuckled, "I do not look at who guarantees, but look at your people, look at your words and deeds, look at your every move.

The reason why you make me believe is because I saw your sincerity. "

Of course, more importantly, the empire's intelligence system also confirmed the news-but the three princes will not say this. Otherwise, you are a desolate beggar gang representative, why should I believe you.

As soon as the starry sky appeared in the fleet, the stealth mode was immediately turned on. The powerful formation started, and soon the fleet completely disappeared optically.

However, if it is close to 100,000 kilometers, it can still be detected.

There is no perfect stealth. Not to mention anything else, 17 large spaceships are enough to form a more obvious gravitational effect. The distance is close, and the reconnaissance equipment can detect that there is "quality" here!

Just like when the Ocean Group fleet was stealthy at sea, as long as the distance is close, you can still see it. But in the vast sea, as long as a little cover to complete stealth. The same is true here.

At this time, the fleet of the three princes had turned off the power and completely relied on the inertia of the spacecraft to glide in space. Of course, there is the gravitational pull of stars.

It's just that they are more than 10 billion kilometers away from the two stars of the old star. The gravitational force of the star is almost negligible, but there is still a little bit of influence.

The fleet proceeded so quietly, and scrutinized the surroundings carefully and carefully. The three princes are very patient. In fact, in the vast space, the investigation of intelligence takes a lot of time.

Not to mention anything else, at this time the fleet is 10 billion kilometers away from the star, and the speed of light travels over nine hours. Therefore, the plan of the three princes is to spend a day-the time of the Red River civilization, according to their own standards is 16 big hours, this hour is naturally different from the hour of the Tianyuan star.

However, the three princes waited less than six hours, and the reconnaissance system discovered the target: an ‘indigenous’ spaceship ‘escape’ ahead, and a fleet of Tuoba Hoshino!

The 12 spaceships of Tuoba Xingye are well recognizable, because their flagship is the Red Star Civilized Large Spaceship Design and Production Group, Hon Hai Group's "Xingjue" series of luxury private spaceships, and belongs to the "Duke class".

This spaceship has a luxurious atmosphere, and its combat capability is not weaker than that of a real battleship, but its internal enjoyment is unique. The Duke level is the highest level that Tuoba Hoshino can buy.

As for the three princes' own cars, they are also from the Xingjue series, but they are specially customized. This is a privilege that the prince can enjoy.

As for the remaining spacecraft on both sides, most of them belong to Red Sea Group's technology.

As a result, the shape of the spacecraft on both sides is somewhat similar. But in terms of performance, I'm afraid it's unclear. It's a bit skillful this year, and the spaceship must be modified after getting it back.

"It really is Tuoba Hoshino's spaceship! His spaceship will never be given to others!" said the think tank around the third prince. But after a short pause, the think tank continued: "Your Highness wants to start now, or watch a good show?"

"Watching the drama?" The three princes raised their eyebrows. "Just the native spaceship?"

"That spaceship is not easy!" The think tank straightened its waist, and looked confident. "I just checked the flight path of the spaceship. Although more detailed information is temporarily unavailable because of the distance, but only based on its flight path, I concluded:

That spaceship is now more capable of acceleration!

Your Highness, this is the data before three hours. Because it takes about three and a half hours for the speed of light to reach us, this information is actually six and a half hours before.

At this time, the indigenous spaceship seemed to have just accelerated, while Tuoba Xingye's spaceship was pursuing.

But I looked at it, the response of the indigenous spaceship seemed very sensible, and not too panicked. Maybe looking on, there will be unexpected gains! "

According to the rules, if you can't detect the enemy in the interstellar, you will immediately rush over. If possible, you should try to observe the other party as long as possible.

In the following three hours, the three princes were interested in seeing: "Interesting. This indigenous spaceship's acceleration ability seems to be more powerful than our spaceship. And they are very mature in borrowing the attraction of the planet!"

"Well..." The three princes pinched their chins, "Maybe they can be friends with this indigenous civilization!"

Think tank: ...I don’t know what to say when I don’t speak properly. The reason why I became friends with you is because I saw your girlfriend~

Then in the time of more than 130 hours of the Red River Civilization Time and more than half a month calculated according to the time of the Ocean Group, the three princes saw an exquisite space battle. The result of the battle was unexpected! The way of fighting surprised the three princes.


But it said that the Ocean Group’s spacecraft and Voyager continued to rush toward the stars ahead after reopening the distance from the pursuit of the spacecraft.

The star in front of us is a binary galaxy, and both stars are actually larger than the sun of the celestial star. At first glance, one is almost twice as large as the Uranus Sun, and the other is almost three times the size.

The surfaces of these two stars appear blue and white, not the pale orange color of the celestial sun.

The distance between two stars is about three astronomical units away, which is the distance between the celestial star and the sun. The two stars are large in mass and close in distance. Their mutual rotation speed is very fast, and they can rotate around each other in about half a month.

So when the Voyager spacecraft approached the sun (actually more than 40 million kilometers away from the sun), a sudden change was made.

At this time, the two stars and the spacecraft of the Ocean Group are connected in a line. The gravitational superposition of the two stars provides the spacecraft with a considerable steering assistance.

With the assistance of the star's gravity, the spacecraft quickly traversed an arc orbit, passed between the two stars, and passed exactly at the midpoint of the two stars' mutual rotation-the gravity here is zero.

When crossing the midpoint, the spacecraft took the opportunity to adjust its flight attitude and began to accelerate, rotating around the star. In the next ten days, the star's gravitational effect continued to be used, and the spacecraft began to accelerate at full strength, and the spacecraft actually circled behind the Tuoba Hoshino fleet.

In the process, Tuoba Hoshino's fleet lost its target because of the star. But Feng Songjie and others did not know that their performance was completely clear by another bystander.

At this moment, Voyager is transformed from a pursued person into an pursuer. From prey to hunter!

When it was discovered that the Voyager actually appeared behind him, Tuoba Hoshino was completely stunned. I go, how to chase, we become the prey of others!

However, Tuoba Hoshino's fleet was too late to struggle. At this time, the flight speed of both sides is as high as 6000 kilometers per second. At such a high speed, it is not so easy to change the state.

At this moment, the Voyager was biting brightly and honestly behind the enemy, watching carefully.

The Tuoba Hoshino side also began to attack, and the powerful particle beam weapon caused the Voyager to alert again and again. However, the attack flew across the spaceship in short. Stellar gravitation, magnetic field, and unevenness in time and space have become the best protection.

After several attacks, the Tuoba Hoshino Fleet is ready to adjust the parameters. However, it was too late!

However, Feng Songjie observed the opponent's fleet for half a day, and calculated the gravitational environment around the stars, the distortion of time and space, etc.; then, the rail gun broke out!

The experience accumulated by the Ocean Group in previous military exercises turned into a fruitful moment.

The rail gun was fired six times before and after, and a total of 24 shells were fired, with a hit rate of 100%.

The buttocks of the 12 spaceships on Tuoba Hoshino were all smashed. In the face of a strong rail gun, the defensive borders of the spacecraft, the hull armor, etc., did not play much role.

The fierce rail cannon directly penetrated the power cabin and the energy cabin.

In the end, 7 of the 12 spacecraft completely lost power. At this time, the spacecraft with a speed of up to 6000 kilometers per second flew straight towards one of the stars in the unpowered state.

Calculated according to speed, the seven spacecraft will collide with stars in about 113 minutes. Needless to say the result.

Only five spacecraft still barely maintain the momentum. But three of these flying ships have weak power. This weak power is not enough. They can only barely deviate from the orbit and pass the star at close range.

According to calculations, they will pass by less than 8 million kilometers from the largest star. At this distance, you can fully enjoy the warm embrace of stars-the direct temperature of warm sunlight can reach 3700 degrees! The steel will soon melt and then evaporate.

And the distance is so close, if the star has another magnetic storm, flare or something, it will be more exciting and splendid, maybe you can still enjoy the warm touch of the sun.

Therefore, these three spacecrafts can only pray, hoping that they can escape the stellar enthusiasm.

Only two spaceships, including Tuoba Hoshino’s flagship, also retain a good backup power and energy cabin, can get rid of the current crisis. However, the damaged spaceship was afraid that it would not be able to sail over time, even if it escaped the current crisis, it would not be able to escape the subsequent pursuit.

Space was completely lively for a while. On the ten ships, small escape ships continued to rush out, and some experts rushed directly into space, rushing towards the two ships in good condition.

No matter how high the master is, in the face of the existence of stars, it probably has to be taken seriously.

Feng Songjie was taking the opportunity to observe the practice of the other party. According to the flying speed of the masters, and the energy intensity of the investigation, it can be determined that the other party’s energy level is similar to that of the true state, there are more than 30 people; some individuals have a somewhat high energy level, but they are not too outrageous.

"It should not be more than the pinnacle of truth!" said Li Changxing, the team leader. "Based on our experience, research, and information obtained from Xuanhuang Civilization and Eternity, the energy response of the Pure Yang Realm is at least ten times the value of the True Realm. At this time, they are escaping their lives, and it is impossible to cover up. Therefore, I think that the masters I have seen have not exceeded the realm of truth!

I think, if we are motivated to the first team, maybe we can catch a few important captives! Perhaps, you can still capture two good spaceships!

Captain, just waiting for your order! "

Feng Songjie's eyes were sharp, and he thought for a long time before saying: "There is still a little risk. Continue to attack. But you can send the robot to see it first! First determine whether there are any masters beyond the realm of truth in the opponent's spaceship. Be sure to double check!

Although there is no call so far, I think that what we encountered should be the fleet of the Red River civilization. "

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