Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1111: 第一 〇 九

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(Congratulations to everyone for Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, family reunion, and happiness.)

"Marriage?! Or worldwide?"

When the Ocean Group sent its discussion to all parties, everyone immediately exclaimed.

But after exclaiming, he chose silence silently.

This proposal is really...too special. It's just a global marriage. Only the Ocean Group has such a crazy idea.

But then everyone became active.

Hetu World and Song Dynasty immediately proposed marriage to the Ocean Group. The Song Dynasty emperor was willing to marry his own pearl to the young master Zhang Xiaoning of the Ocean Group.

Speaking of it, Zhang Xiaoning is 25 years from birth to the present, and even if the fleshy period of more than two years is removed, it is 23 years old. Already an adult.

Zhang Hao started to rise when he was 18 years old.

Not to mention, the pearl of the emperor of the Song Dynasty is also one of the best in the world. There are a lot of candid pictures on the Internet, and Her Royal Highness does not leave the house, but she already has hundreds of millions of fans.

Immediately afterwards, the envoy of the Liang Dynasty, the envoy of the Chao Dynasty, Gao Dashang came to the Ocean Group in person.

There are two things about Gundam. The first thing is to propose marriage on behalf of the Liang Dynasty.

"Your Majesty has a pearl on your palm and wants to join hands with the Ocean Group."

Zhang Hao rubbed his eyebrows. Such requests have really received too many. Sighed a little, "This, the child is still young. I asked him yesterday, and I have no idea for the time being. I am mainly focusing on spiritual practice."

Gundam Shang didn't even have a dunka, and continued: "Then I'll represent our prince, please marry Miss Zhang Xiaoyun."

Zhang Hao: ...

Do you think I dare not slap you?

Looking at Zhang Hao's dangerous eyes, Gundam Shang accosted and smiled, "General Zhang, you are angry, and I am an errand, instead of speaking to your majesty. If you are dissatisfied, please send a messenger to negotiate. You and I said, it's useless!"

Zhang Haoyaner laughed, "What else do you have?"

"I am also preparing to run for the Secretary-General of the United Nations. So, come and get familiar."

Zhang Hao nodded. Fu Yun recently stepped down as the Secretary-General of the United Nations, and now there are not too many people running for this position.

Fu Yun has served as Secretary General for twenty years. Now that the situation in the United Nations has stabilized, everyone gradually has some opinions. Moreover, Fu Yun himself needs to come back and retreat.

After comprehensive consideration, Fu Yun has already resigned six months ago and officially resigned two months ago. But the new UN Secretary-General is a bit difficult to produce-the competition is too fierce!

Currently competing for the Secretary-General of the United Nations, there are Liang Chao’s Minister of Political Affairs, Gao Shang, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Qixia, Yan Qing, the representative of Xuanzhenism Feng Zhiling, the deputy head of the Tiandu School, Zhai Feihong, Youmingjiao Qing Yunfa, Feng Yunlong;

There are representatives of Xuanhuang Group and general manager of Xuanhuang Group Wang Ruiyang,

Representatives of the "Xuanhuang United States" composed of the Western Xuanhuang Continent, Jiange, Wentianlou, Jian Wang, Lou Hongyu,

There is Jiao Yuhe, the representative of the Song Dynasty in the world of Hetu, the national teacher,

There are the Candle Dragon Continent, the representatives of the true martial arts, the elder Wu Wuwu,

There are also four representatives from all continents of Hetu World.

The competition is fierce, and everyone is drawing votes from the Ocean Group.

Because the Ocean Group has made it clear that the current UN Secretary-General will no longer send representatives. Then, the vote of the Ocean Group is very important.

In fact, according to everyone's strength and influence, the vote of the Ocean Group is almost equivalent to the opinion of half of ASEAN-the country of Biqixia, Xuanzhenism, Zhuzhoulongzhou, Liang Dynasty, Tiandu School, Ming, Xuanhuang United States VII The votes added by Fang are all influential.

At the UN meeting, the Ocean Group’s vote was equivalent to ‘32 points’!

And one vote for the country of Qixia is equivalent to ‘4 points’!

The entire Xuanhuang Group adds up to have ‘18 points’!

This kind of score ratio was recently made by Fu Yun, but it has also been recognized by everyone.

In addition, within the United Nations, the Ocean Group has always had the ability to "veto one vote." Although it can only be used once a year. But it can be accumulated! Today, Ocean Group has accumulated 12 times!

So, if you can get a vote from the Ocean Group, it is almost half the success. Unfortunately, until now, Dayang Group has not expressed its position.

Looking at Gundam Shang, Zhang Hao nodded slowly: "If you just have a mixed face, then you have achieved your purpose. I remember you."


No, what I want is not this!

However, Zhang Hao had already got up, and the secretary next to him was ready to give away.

Gundam is still a little anxious, "Zhang, this is a new era. The role of the UN will not only be to coordinate internal issues, but also to face the outside world. Therefore, the UN needs a good mind, not A conservative mind. What is needed is a mind that can make a difference in the interstellar!"

Zhang Hao's soon-to-be-stopped footsteps stopped and looked at Gundam for a while before asking: "So what do you think we can do in the starry sky?"

Gundam said without hesitation: "It takes courage and courage!"

"Oh?" Zhang Hao was interested.

Gundam Shang said seriously: "This time I have carefully studied the situation of us and the Red River civilization. I think we are too careful. In fact, we are strong enough. Otherwise, how could the three princes accept us so easily .

You know, we directly killed the seven princes of the three princes in the pure realm of the realm in the battle, and captured 86 of the real world, destroying almost half of his spaceship.

No matter what the situation was at the time, this combat power is already strong enough. Moreover, this is the technology three years ago.

Nowadays, although there are no masters in the Pure Sun realm on Tian Yuanxing, there are already tens of thousands of masters in the real realm. If all of them were wearing armor, such fighting power would already be very impressive.

Of course, in order to achieve the fighting power of the starry sky, the superluminal communication must be solved. This is our biggest weakness. It can even be said to be the only shortcoming. "

Zhang Hao nodded: "It makes sense. But have you ever thought that we now have only a completely livable planet, what if we are attacked?

In fact, I also agree with a larger step. But what if OO is involved? "

"But if my footsteps are too small, I'm afraid that we won't be stopped until we reach the end. Time is the most expensive for us. I have always been worried that in case the three princes learn of our speed of development, he Will we start before we fully grow up?

If, I mean, if the three princes want to control the Ocean Group? "

Zhang Hao finally looked serious and nodded again: "There is indeed such a problem. So what do you do?"

"It's very simple. Procrastination! Procrastination is over! Of course, just procrastination will lead to bad consequences. But we can add a little skill.

For example, if President Zhang is closed for a long time..."

"Change one!" Zhang Hao denied it without thinking. Am I closed? I don't know how many people want me to retreat. If I were really closed, would any of you stop the three princes from reaching out?

Besides, who am I, and I am President Zhang, do I need to retreat for a long time?

The smile on the face of Gundam Shang was still the same, and Gao did not blink. He continued: "Then actively cooperate with the three princes and establish a branch of the Ocean Group with the three princes. A branch that can be discarded at any time!"

"This suggestion is reasonable!" Zhang Hao nodded. "However, this is a bit ordinary, I am afraid it is not worthy of the wisdom of a tall man!"

"There is indeed a way. But I'm afraid you will hit me."

"Hehe... let's talk about it." President Zhang said brilliantly.

"Marriage!" After the word was finished, Gundam Shang-shui jumped to the corner.

A sword light swept across, and Gundam Shang had just torn off the ground where he had just set foot. Jian Guang flew almost against the side of Gundam Shang, and a piece of sleeve fluttered in the air.

"Hey, hey, let's say we're not angry! Okay, okay, I actually have a method. This method is a bit risky. That's to make the three princes burnt their heads and can't be quiet."

"Oh... this, it seems not very easy to arrange."

"I already have a solution. But... I have to be in the position of Secretary-General of the United Nations before I can do it."

"Hey..." Zhang Hao showed a little helpless, "But this alone is not enough to get a vote from the Ocean Group."

This is half of the ticket! Gundam Shang's face calmed down quickly, and his mind turned sharply. Instantly blurted out: "I have the ability to lead Tian Yuanxing civilization in this dangerous starry sky, out of a brilliant future.

Of course, this requires the support of Ocean Group and President Zhang. "

Zhang Hao looked at Gundam Shang's eyes, and Gundam Shang quietly looked at him.

Two big men, staring silently...

For a long time, Zhang Hao nodded slowly, "Okay, Dayang Group's votes can be given to you. I don't mention any exchange price, it's not necessary. But if you can't fulfill your promise, watch out for my fall!

Of course, the votes of the Ocean Group may be important, but they are not enough to give you peace of mind. The rest of you need to go to activities. "

"Understood! President Zhang will see my performance!"

Gundam Shang was about to leave, but Zhang Hao stopped Gundam Shang and threw an important question-marriage!

Through marriage, quickly realize the unity of Tianyuanxing;

Through the marriage, settle down the high level of Tianyuanxing and the master of spiritual practice, etc., don't let these guys fly around.

In the end, Zhang Hao said: It is best if you are someone who can set an example.

Gundam Shang showed an extremely bright smile: "Mrs. Li Yuanyuan's master, remember Tang Chenying?"

"of course."

"I've been chasing for fifty years, and finally I've got it. We are still preparing to announce the wedding news in a few months. Maybe, it can be advanced.

By the way, if I married Tang Chenying, what should you call me if you saw me? "

Zhang Hao didn't speak, but narrowed his eyes and looked at Gao Shangshang dangerously.

Gundam Shang immediately turned around and left: "I will send the wedding invitation in a few days. As for the marriage, I think it is good. I think it can be used as my inaugural speech and motivation! Thank you, Mr. Zhang.

As for my wedding with Tang Chenying, President Zhang only needs to send a thin gift and a congratulatory message, and we are satisfied.


Someone is arrogant.

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