Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1409: 第四 〇 七

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At the end of the fall of Tianyuan in 1999, Zhang Hao finally left the Blue Star Group for the first time. Zhang Hao's departure still caused a certain impact on the Blue Star Group.

Over the years, Zhang Hao has been guiding the development of the Blue Star Group almost by hand, and its influence can hardly be described in words. Although Zhang Hao left a manager meeting, these managers suddenly lacked the backbone.

In the past, Zhang Hao always said: You can do it with confidence, I will take care of something. Now that Zhang Hao is gone, everyone will be a little helpless.

"If something goes wrong," anyone can say this, but the effect is quite different. Some people are talking nonsense, others are whispering that they are afraid of being heard, while others are able to speak magnificently and convincingly.

Zhang Hao said such things, everyone would agree if they didn't want to, and then work with confidence. If you do something wrong, Zhang Hao will definitely be able to deal with it and will not cause serious consequences. Even if he contributes in this process, Zhang Hao can give rewards with very few calculation errors. The big golden fairy, big golden fairy, and almost all shareholders approved Zhang Hao's approach.

But if others say, everyone will have doubts. Burdened? Can you afford it! Do you know how much this little experiment is worth? What kind of chain reaction will it cause if it fails? What should I do if it causes a chain reaction?

You don’t know anything, are you bragging about that?

Zhang Hao is indispensable to the Blue Star Group, not only because Zhang Hao is familiar with the Blue Star Group, but also because Zhang Hao is a big umbrella that can provide protection for all the people in the group, especially those who do practical things.

Why do the researchers of the Blue Star Group dare to say no to Jinxian? Because Zhang Hao!

Zhang Hao said that to give researchers the space to respect and play freely, these high golden fairy and big golden fairy gave them room to develop.

But if someone else said it, believe it or not, he was slapped by Jin Xian.

But no matter how reluctant everyone is, Zhang Hao still has to leave. As analyzed by Jinxian and Daluojinxian, this time to the Minghui Empire, Zhang Hao's identity is the most appropriate and suitable.

The general manager of Blue Star Group is at least the No. 1 of Blue Star Group in name. In fact, it is basically the same. Those Jinxian, Daluo Jinxian, etc. also need to consider Zhang Hao's arrangement.

In contrast, it is different within the Ocean Group. Although Zhang Hao left, the management was handed over to Bai Yutang; in fact, the direct management of Dayang Group was mainly responsible for Bai Yutang and related managers. In addition, Zhou Xueyao, Hua Baixiang, Zhao Dahe, Fu Yun, etc., are jointly responsible. Everyone has formed a solid development model and formed a system.

There are no obvious divisions and factions in the Blue Star Group within the Dayang Group. They are all a family, and it is easy to say.

However, no matter whether it is Blue Star Group or Dayang Group, on this day they have to face one topic: Zhang Hao is gone.

Dayang Group is still doing business as usual, but the internal situation of Bluestar Group has changed significantly. The first is that those who dared to do things before have begun to'stay'. Things can delay you for three days and will never be completed in two days.

There were also some things that required multiple departments to sign in the past, and no one was found. Some departments with overlapping responsibilities, everyone began to blame-you find him, do not come to me.

In particular, these managers, from different countries, lie and dig each other, so there is no need to say more.

This is not the retreat of Zhang Hao before, everyone at least Zhang Hao in the Red Pearl Star, something can still be found at any time. But this time Zhang Hao really left and went to the Minghui Empire 18,000 light years away.

In just a few days, the efficiency of the Blue Star Group has doubled at a rate visible to the naked eye, and it is still falling off the cliff.

This change has made Dalu Jinxian and Jinxian who are responsible for the safety here feel significantly. But everyone didn't say didn't help.

For example, now, a ship of medicinal materials from the western region of the Yujing Empire sent to the constellation of the military well, mainly the seedlings of the medicinal materials, etc., should have arrived yesterday, but when entering the core range of the Blue Star Group yesterday, the spacecraft collided To the dock.

As a result, the person in charge of the dock said that there was a problem with the automatic computer. It was not his own problem. Find the person in charge of the computer and intelligent program; but the person in charge of the computer checked and judged that there was no problem with the computer in the dock. It may be a human error or a spaceship. There is a problem with the computer on the computer.

The captain of the spacecraft said angrily: We have no problem here, and have completed the self-check, and refused to let people go on board to check-afraid of others doing things. And pushed the responsibility to the person in charge of the dock, found the general person in charge of this port.

The person in charge of the dock accused the captain of the spacecraft, but the general manager of the port did not know where to go. It is said that he had sent Zhang Hao and he had not returned; he just sent a message in a hurry and said that he left the temporary management responsibility here when he left. Deputy.

Everyone found the deputy again, but the deputy looked stunned: I don’t know these things well. Am I not letting you work according to the original process?

The person in charge of the shipyard said: Yes, we have been doing this all the time. This is a problem on the spaceship. But it's late now. It's been so long. What wrong instructions on the spacecraft have been revised.

As a result, several parties are here. As for the seedlings on the spacecraft, due to the impact problem, the spacecraft was partially leaked, and many seedlings have died. And because everyone did not rescue them in time, they are still pulling the skin-to leave evidence, leading to the death of more seedlings.

In the end, this little thing even stabbed here at Daluo Jinxian.

Zhang Yinghao left, and the great Luo Jinxian who succeeded Zhang Yinghao was Wei Chi Guangwu of the North Flying Tiger Empire. After hearing this, Wei Chi Guangwu could only sigh and pushed the matter to the manager's meeting.

This little thing troubles the big Luo Jinxian, but it is not cold enough. But the manager meeting is difficult to handle-inside the manager meeting, I quarreled first!

Several managers from the Yujing Empire, of course, defended their families, thinking that the responsibility was not on the spaceship, but on the dock and port.

As a result, it took seven or eight days to blame Zhou Xueyao. Now Zhou Xueyao is responsible for the problem of medicinal seedlings, so Zhou Xueyao can only be held responsible.

Zhou Xueyao was really shocked when he heard about this matter. My current practice is nothing but the peak of Chunyang. Do you let me take charge of the major events of the group? Or Bluestar? Are you too worthy of me?

Everyone advises: Mrs. Zhou, you really invite this matter to deal with this matter.

But Zhou Xueyao was also Bingxue smart, and immediately stated that he had no right to deal with it. Nonsense, you don’t deal with anything that is directly related, but let me deal with it that is not directly related. Do you think I am like Zhou Xueyao?

As the wife of Dayang Group, Zhou Xueyao has seen too many things, and almost immediately made a firm rejection: Sorry, I am in charge of research, research in the laboratory.

In the end, things turned around and were thrown on the table of Luding Mountain, the golden fairy of Yujing Empire.

Lu Dingshan was all ridiculed: "Nima, it was just such a broken thing. After half a month, almost all the seedlings were frozen to death, and the entire dock was shut down for half a month. Laozi heard that the workers in the port were paid for half a month. ?"

The manager who submitted the materials bowed his head and dared not speak. Old Lu's anger was a little bit hot, and the manager was sweating behind him like a waterfall, and clashed down.

"Look at you like a bear!" Lu Dingshan was really confused. This kind of thing happened too much in the half month Zhang Hao left. It's not a big thing, but it's so disgusting.

After leaving Zhang Hao, the entire Blue Star Group seemed to lose its soul instantly.

Such "little things", if in the past, Da Luo Jin Xian will not even control, let the disciples deal with it. But now that everyone has been in contact with industry and commerce for so long, they know that things cannot be so casual.

Things are small and the impact is small.

Thinking about it, Lu Dingshan could only hold the manager's neck with one hand and went to another big Luo Jinxianwei Chi Guangwu to discuss.

For this trivial matter, the two big Luo Jinxian even discussed for more than two days, and finally came to a conclusion: if Zhang Hao is here, what should I do? The conclusion they reached was: authorization.

The authorized manager meeting dealt with the matter in an all-round way, and the matter should be dealt with impartially. In this way, the manager meeting finally has a result: all personnel involved in this matter will be fined a month’s salary first, and technical personnel will be dispatched to intervene in the investigation. Finally, compensation will be determined based on responsibility, including non-action and other liabilities, and accountable. .

So, this matter was finally suppressed.

However, it is only a depression, not a solution.

(Congratulations to all readers, Happy New Year and auspicious year of the rat)

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