Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1428: Storm

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"The peace talks failed!"

"The Tianshui Empire has no sincerity and does not accept our terms."

"Tian Shui Empire left phase Jin Chang was furious."

"War is about to begin!"

All kinds of news broke out in the Minghui Empire for a time. News is spread everywhere through newspapers and various traditional means of communication.

But as the news spread, there was the rising passion of the people.

In the past year, because of the explosive development of crossing Erjindan, the Tianshui Empire encountered economic sniping, but the wealth from these sniping was transferred to the Minghui Empire and subsidies were given to the people.

As a result, the Minghui Empire fully enjoyed the benefits of the'trade war.'

There is a steelyard in the hearts of the people, and everyone knows what happens. But the same people are easily driven by interests. So when people heard that a war might break out, the people were a little bit happy about the war.

Immediately after the Minghui Empire began recruiting and dispatching troops, the huge war machine began to operate.

At the same time, the Tianshui Empire also received information, but the situation was very different from the Minghui Empire. Whether it is a civilian or an official, there are mostly negative attitudes.

The conflict between the people, ordinary people and dealers such as elixir and alchemy masters has become more intense because of the reason for crossing Ejindan.

It is too late for the Tianshui Empire to try to control the sales of Erjindan. What made the people in Tianshui Empire even more “surprise” is that under such circumstances, the immortal medicine distributors from the Minghui Empire have said that crossing Erjindan will not increase the price, and all the immortal medicine will not increase the price. We operate in good faith !

Should Elixir price increase at this time? As usual, the price must be increased. However, before leaving, Zhang Hao gave Prince Rui a suggestion: do not increase the price.

No price increase, but limited sales!

There are some things you don’t need to limit sales. The Blue Star Group has piled up there. However, ordinary panacea is different, and the Blue Star Group itself is not enough.

A price increase will inevitably disrupt the plan of the trade war. Although the trade war is about the economy, it is more directed at the hearts of the people. What Zhang Hao means is: the number of sales per day is limited, but the price remains unchanged.

Similar means, Zhang Hao has used it before, is to buy medicinal materials: price increase of 5%, but only a small amount.

Of course, whether it is to purchase medicinal materials or to sell immortals, the so-called ‘small amount’ is also relative, at least it must also have sufficient influence. Even the play should be enough.

These things, people with a clear eye will know what is going on, but most of the people are blind; and you see, foreign imports do not increase prices. Are you domestically willing to increase prices?

But immortal medicine dealers, alchemists and the like can't bear it. The price of medicinal materials has risen.

The contradiction appeared like this.

And once there is a contradiction in the country, the contradiction should not be suppressed, and the people's war-wearing sentiment will be raised indefinitely-for whom do I go to war?

The most important thing is the reason for the war. Let’s see what it is!

You sent someone to assassinate Zhang Hao, but Zhang Hao asked the blue pills sold by Blue Star Group not to increase in price; you played assassination in Minghui Empire, and the prices of the immortals sold by Minghui Empire did not increase.

In this case you let us fight? Sorry, we really can't stop!

Let’s say that major war majors are famous. The war of Tianshui Empire has not yet begun. First of all, it lost the hearts of the people and morals. How can this war be fought?

When the soldiers entered the battlefield, when they saw the other party's army, they were a little embarrassed subconsciously, and their combat effectiveness was virtually weakened by 30%.

Such a situation naturally reflects the high level of the Tianshui Empire.

In the palace hall, the monarch and minister were silent.

"What's the point!" Crown Prince Jiang Tian growled angrily. Just now, Jin Chang, who had just returned to the empire, conveyed Zhang Hao's words: I gave 5 billion white tiger coins, **** your prince.

The crown prince is still roaring, but the right phase, Liu Hong, is taunting: ‘This is so vast and has self-knowledge. I dare not mention your majesty. ’

"Is this what I want to say now!" Jin Chang's face immediately pulled down. "The top priority is to prepare for the war. This time the situation is very critical and is very different from the previous war."

At least this time we managed to lose money first, Minghui Empire Division is famous. In the Minghui Empire, the people rejoiced at the war; on our side, the people are still in a mood. The situation is at stake! "

The left phase and the right phase are inherently at odds, not only a struggle for power, but also a part of the imperial power-if the left and the right are united, it is not dangerous.

However, this time the right phase, Liu Hong, is also this time. Even at this critical moment, he is still flattering. It really should not be.

It's just that Jin Chang is so strong, Liu Hong can't get through his face, and immediately responded angrily: "That assassin's question... forget, I won't say anything. But you can't delay the negotiation with the other party? At least tell first Let's consider the other party first.

Consider considering, repeating the negotiation several times, and a year has passed, and we are more fully prepared. Now, with such a hurried challenge, the difficulty is bound to be great!

Someone's words were swearing, but they were still in my ears! "

"Don't be noisy!" The emperor said angrily, "Now prepare for the war immediately, arm the tongue-rolling star officer first, and stabilize the domestic situation as soon as possible, calm and guide the public's speech, and stabilize domestic commerce.

There is also a commercial network from the Minghui Empire, can it be blocked now! "

Zuo Qing Diao Wuhai, who is responsible for the emperor of the Tianshui Empire, came forward, "Your Majesty, has already started to deal with it. The minister has sent people to investigate all the trade of the Minghui Empire and even the Blue Star Group in the name of investigating spies and so on. In addition There have also been reports that the Minghui Empire came to immortality, etc., all of which implied unknown erysipelas.

It is estimated that within a month, the people will be restored to stability. "

"Very good!" The emperor nodded with satisfaction, and then looked at the group of ministers, "What advice do you Aiqing have? But if you say it's okay, it's rewarded when it's useful."

A minister immediately said: The Minghui Empire and the Blue Star Group took the initiative to attack, although they were prepared, but we are not fighting alone. Many large countries around have long coveted the Blue Star Group, but have never had a reasonable opportunity to take action; if we invite us, the situation may be different.

In fact, what these countries lack is a reasonable excuse; and our invitation is the best excuse!

When the emperor heard it, his eyes brightened. Yes, invite other countries to come together!

This time, the emperor thought about it and sent the right phase Liu Hong as an emissary to visit several large empires around,


But it shows that the Empire of Hui has been busy since the war was confirmed and it was a major war.

Yes, it is Prince Rui, not the Emperor.

In fact, after the brilliant results of the series of actions, Prince Rui, especially the great prince Huang Fei, became very famous and became the most popular person on the throne.

Coupled with the recent emperor's statement again: Jun has no jokes, and the next throne will be jointly ruled by the princess and the concubine. The concubine is tentatively selected from the three princes. Huang Fei has already ridden the dust, throwing the other two brothers away.

At this moment, Prince Rui is actively preparing for this war.

"The situation is very optimistic!" Xu Zheng was busy with Prince Rui, but he had a big smile on his face. "I didn't expect that the trade war could lead to so many achievements. Now there is no heart for the people in Tianshui Empire, and we It was a joy here. It was a surprise."

Prince Rui nodded. "But it can't be careless. Once this war breaks out, the outcome will be difficult to determine for the time being. What is certain is that the final war is not just us and the Tianshui Empire."

It is foreseeable that the Tianshui Empire will inevitably invite the rest of the empire to participate. In fact, the rest of the empire has been coveting the Blue Star Group and the World Gate for a long time, but it is just an excuse that they did not participate in the past.

In addition, our Blue Star Group will also work hard.

In a short period of time, it can also be determined that the war will definitely expand to the Tianshui Empire and the Tiana Empire, and we will have the Daxia Empire on our side. The front will stretch for more than three thousand light years. "

"Is this...possible?" Xu Zheng looked at the star map, a little stunned.

"This is what Zhang Hao said to me before he left!" Prince Rui's eyes were dignified and admired. "Although Zhang Hao's cultivation is not enough and his age is not old, some things are very thorough.

He has long determined that once a war breaks out, it will be expanded to us, the Daxia Empire, the Tianshui Empire, and the Tian’e Empire in a very short time; then the scale of the war will expand further.

After determining that the quasi-Saint would not shoot, Zhang Hao formulated such a war plan. "

After hearing this, Xu Zheng was completely shocked, "This... that... this war is not difficult to control? If many countries around us attack us, how can we win?

The Blue Star Group has only seven empires in total, and it may not necessarily be together.

But around our empire, there are more than twenty, almost three dozens. We simply cannot afford it.

Moreover, we must guard against the door of the world. "

Prince Rui looked at the star map, and his face showed a little crazy, but more calm, a kind of almost cold calm, "No. Zhang Hao said, the longer the front line is dragged, the better for us. And Blue Star Group The internal is still quite credible, and the countries in the periphery will not be together.

In addition, we have large-scale ultra-high-speed communication systems and technologies, and are still developing at a high speed.

At present, the interplanetary high-speed equipment has been commissioned, and our maneuverability will be ten times that of the enemy.

We have intelligent technology and unmanned control technology, we have large-scale factories, and more excellent industrial technology. In large-scale wars, the power of industry is not much worse than that of master practitioners.

Finally, we have another advantage that we did not expect in the past, that is... we are fighting on a single line. But the countries around us are facing the problem of two-line operations.

Behind us, there is no large empire outside the Zhoutian galaxy. We can attack inside with peace of mind.

However, the Tianshui Empire and the Tiana-Empire Empire are different. They have a country behind them; they must divide their troops for defense. Even for these countries behind the enemy, we can still contact and even cooperate, and we can share these countries together.

This is not just a war, this is... a change! A storm!

The entire Sunday galaxy will tremble in the storm! "

"But what about the gate of the world and the monster world?" Xu Zheng asked again.

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