Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1738: Secret Trading 1

Lei Cheng returned to the temporary resident of Heavenly Demon World and told Zhang Hao's words to Yingning and Qishan almost as they were.

Yingning listened and immediately took out a small dragon scale. This dragon scale is very small. Compared with the dragon scale that was more than 20,000 kilometers in the previous war, the current dragon scale is only the size of a slap.

Okay, considering that Yingning and Qishan are about three meters tall, the size of the slap is one foot.

This dragon scale is golden and translucent, with colorful streamers gleaming inside. This is a dragon scale made by the Nine-Headed Sacred Dragon, which is used to protect Yingning.

To say that parents do not love their children, although they do not know the dangers of entering the world of Zhoutian and whether such dragon scales are effective, they still have to be prepared.

In fact, Yingning has discovered one of Dragonscale's greatest uses-covering the sky.

Within a few hundred meters near the dragon scale, it forms a space, which can isolate the exploration of the outside world. If the force of inputting blood and energy is activated, it can cover a larger range, and the maximum impact range can reach several million kilometers.

However, Yingning does not need to be activated right now, it is enough to ensure that the surrounding environment is safe and will not be "eavesdropped" by Quasi-Saint.

In short, after feeling safe, Ying Ning said to Lei Cheng: "Lei Cheng, what do you think Zhang Hao means?"

Lei Yu glanced at Ying Ning and Qi Shan before saying, "I think Zhang Hao doesn't seem to be satisfied with someone on his head. The quasi-sacred aspect and Zhang Hao may not be so harmonious.

My feeling is that the Ocean Group wants to set aside the quasi-saint, but it cannot be separated from the quasi-saint. In other words, the quasi-holy cannot be avoided!

Maybe...maybe...we should delay with the quasi-saint to provide time and opportunities for the development of the Ocean Group. So that we can get more technology from the Ocean Group. "

"Dragging?" Ying Ning's eyes lit up, and he nodded thoughtfully. "Yes, Dayang Group has been so brilliant for 120 years, if it can develop for another 500 years."

Now we need time, and the Ocean Group also needs time. Even the world of Zhou Tian takes time. This is indeed an opportunity. But how to grasp..."

The three'demons' stopped talking, their big eyes squinted. Although Lei Cheng is not a demon saint, because he is only one step away from the demon saint, he is also the direct person in charge of the negotiation, and he knows Zhou Tianda World well, but he is also eligible to participate in this peak discussion.

The discussion was not intense, but it was very cautious. Especially every word Zhang Hao said was carefully considered. Of course, we must also consider the situation of Zhoutian Great World, the situation of the demon sage, and even the situation of the magic sage.

Needless to say, everyone has to delay time. But how long to delay is the question.

According to various known intelligence summaries, it will take ten years for Zhou Tianda World to complete the construction of the'Chaoge Star Cluster'; after completion, it will take another 5 to 10 years for the Chaoge Star Cluster to reach its peak. It takes about 15-20 years before and after.

Once the Chaosing star cluster reaches its peak, Zhou Tianda World may produce saints! Once the celestial world produces a saint, the consequences... absolutely unimaginable!

During the discussion, Lei Cheng whispered, "Even if the Chaosing Star Cluster is complete, it does not mean that Zhoutian World can immediately produce saints. Tens of thousands of years have passed, and no saints have been born in Zhoutian World. I think even if it can produce saints, It will take hundreds of years or even thousands of years."

"But the problem is, we don't dare to gamble!" Ying Ning looked a little tangled.

Yes, everyone is well aware that the threshold from quasi-san to saints, and from demon saint to demon are not so good to cross. This is the gap between God and Fan.

In principle, even if everything is ready, this is not necessarily a step in the past. If the practice is so easy, the master will have been flying all over the sky.

But the problem is that spiritual practice is never rational; perhaps someone who is an epiphany, standing directly to sanctify, that day the demon world will be dumbfounded.

It is of course impossible to say that all quasi-saints have broken through. But what if there is a breakthrough or two? In any case, the pinnacle of Zhou Tian’s world has accumulated over nine million years. If suddenly realized, three or two saints popped out, and the monster world would be blinded.

And this possibility cannot really be ignored.

"This matter, I still want to discuss with the Ocean Group and Zhang Hao!" Qishan Yaosheng slowly said, at this time Qishan Yaosheng's fat face showed a light of wisdom, "I think, Dayang The group will not be happy to see the true saints in the world of Zhoutian in a short time.

After careful analysis of the current development of the Ocean Group, you can basically conclude that the Ocean Group is desperately developing and they are racing against time.

Imagine being in a place. If I am Zhang Hao and I have enough technology to change the world, then I definitely want to be a saint, not someone else. "

Yingning listened and nodded slowly. After thinking about it, I said thoughtfully: "So, I think maybe I understand Zhang Hao.

See if this is the case.

We have a little closer cooperation with the Ocean Group and obtained some key technologies from the Ocean Group. In this way, we and the quasi-sacred world of Zhou Tianda can be equal to each other.

In this state of confrontation, the Ocean Group has the qualification to survive in the gap.

As long as we confront the Zhoutian Great World long enough, the Ocean Group can develop itself and even grow up calmly.

Even if the saints cannot be cultivated for the time being, the Ocean Group can develop quasi-saints, and even develop massive Da Luo Jinxian, and develop some more dangerous weapons, etc., to win real living space for themselves. "

Lei Cheng's eyes suddenly widened, "Yes, that's the case. In this way, you can speak to Zhang Hao's previous gesture."

Qishan nodded slowly, but then shook his head again: "We can't easily agree with the Ocean Group, nor can we easily follow the ocean group's plans.

Don’t forget that the development potential of the Ocean Group is really a bit blank. This has been the case for only 120 years; if there is another 500 years, perhaps this ocean group will not only become the hegemon of Zhou Tianda World, but even threaten our existence.

Not to mention that they seem to be calculating to cross the void and provide technology to the Gaia world.

Also, according to the interrogation we captured, the Ocean Group fired the unmanned exploration spacecraft on our side as early as five years ago. Say it will take ten years to fly to the Gaia world. This matter should also be vigilant.

We are currently searching for this fleet, but we have not found it.

In short, when communicating with the Ocean Group, you should keep a few more thoughts in mind. The entire Ocean Group is the highest in the heavenly realm, but they dare to set aside the quasi-saint. Not to mention the situation of resourcefulness and so on, it is just this stupid and bold, we must be vigilant. "

Yingning nodded again, but at the same time began to frown slightly. This matter is not well arranged.

Without ‘dignity’ with the Ocean Group, Tianyao World may face huge pressure from Zhoutian Daworld. I really want Zhou Tianda to develop madly for decades, and establish enough "star clusters" in the world of Tianya. The consequences are unbearable.

However, if it is from the Ocean Group, the Ocean Group may develop. The result is-the world of demon still can't escape doom!

"Technology!" Ying Ning pondered for a long time, and finally pointed out these two keywords. "Maybe we use the weakness of the Ocean Group to force the Ocean Group to open up the technology to us and train talents instead."

Qishan tilted his head and thought for a while, but he had some doubts: "On behalf of cultivating talents, I am afraid that it is not easy to operate. The quasi-Saint of Zhou Tianda World is not blind."

"But this is not what we have to worry about, isn't it!" Ying Ning's mouth twitched, "Since Zhang Hao dare the lion's big mouth to be a god, we give him. But we need technicians, not just technology!

By the way, you said that if we secretly unite with the Ocean Group, will it be possible to rebel against the Ocean Group in the future and cause the Zhoutian Great World to fall into civil strife or even internal struggle.

There are also seven demon sages, maybe we can fight for them.

Didn’t Zhou Tianda keep saying that people don’t kill themselves for their own sake? I don’t know if this Demon Saint can be used by us? "

Qishan thought for a while and said, "I will visit the Demon Saint. I have a feeling that the Demon Saint's method of practice may be more suitable for us!"

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