Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1750: Industrial Speed ​​1

The fleet returned decisively, leaving an empty spaceship. A scientific spaceship without data and procedures is an expensive iron pimple.

If the power is different from the ocean group's technical situation, such as Blue Star Group, maybe you can also get something through the spacecraft equipment and technology, and you can rewrite the system and open some functions of the spacecraft.

But for the monster world, they are almost helpless.

However, Mr. Zhang's chic, but the news caused an uproar in the high level of the world of demon world.

However... Unfortunately, because of the delay in the communication of the Heavenly Monster World, etc., when the Lady of the Heavenly Monster received the news here, it was already half a month later. At this time, the fleet has returned to sail for nearly half, and will be able to return to the world gate position in another half month.

The fact is, as Zhang Hao analyzed, this time "Ban Porcelain" was actually written and directed by the Heavenly Demon World. The purpose is to test the bottom line of Zhou Tianda World and incidentally want to blackmail more things.

As a result, the monster world succeeded-there were many blackmails, and a complete scientific research ship with complete hardware equipment. Such scientific spaceships, even the entire Zhoutian world, are no more than a dozen ships, which are even rarer than the quasi-sacred magic weapon. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is priceless.

However, the Virgin Mary also received a message from the rear to check the battleship: unable to start.

The demon also used some of the captives to investigate, but the result was still ineffective. Only the conclusion is reached: the spaceship is complete and has not been damaged at all, but the core data and some key programs have been deleted; in addition, the operation of the spaceship is very different from that of ordinary warships, and ordinary warship operators cannot start it at all.

After repeated research for ten days, I saw that the fleet of Zhou Tian Da Shi was about to return to the door of the world. Tian Yao World was still helpless about this scientific spaceship.

Precious, it goes without saying. The equipment and technology on the spaceship are extraordinary at a glance. Some of the equipment recognized by the captives are only three generations more accurate than the average battleship equipment.

But it's also not sure if it can't be used. The accuracy and technology of this device have improved, and the application method may be different. This touch input and keyboard input is not a concept at all.

Finally, the scout from the rear Sky Demon World sent a message: The fleet that discovered Zhou Tian Da Shi is expected to return to the world gate in just one day.

After receiving this news, Madonna of Heavenly Devil frowned deeply. At this time, the celestial deity had to admit herself-take the opportunity to touch the porcelain, and touched a full bag on his own side!

In fact, in less than a day, the fleet of Zhoutian World returned to the Shuangyang Galaxy. During the acceleration of the battleship, all the representatives of the Demon World were "dropped" of the spaceship. The spaceship continued to accelerate and jump, so it went straight to the Shuangyang Galaxy.

"Zhang Hao!" Ying Ning stood in the void, looking at the tail flame of the warship away, gritting his teeth.

It is an absolute insult to drop people without stopping halfway, not to mention that Yingning is also the long princess of the heavenly demon world.

All along this way, Ying Ning had been angry and did not know how many times she rolled her eyes, but it was useless.

First, Zhang Hao was banned from the feet, and the princess of the demon world was actually taken hostage... um, demon~

In the face of the quasi-sacred eyes of three tigers, Ying Ning was actually afraid. I am lonely, and if the quasi-holy people of these big worlds do something inappropriate, such as completely capturing themselves or even insulting them, they are likely to be taken down. In this way, Ying Ning did not dare to close his eyes.

Fortunately, Zhang Hao was reasonable and calm. It was just the method proposed by Zhang Hao that made Yingning grind his teeth. Zhang Hao even proposed that after the fleet went to the Shuangyang Galaxy, they directly dropped Yingning and other demon from the spaceship!

Yes, the spacecraft doesn't slow down at all, or accelerates, so it will throw away Yingning and all the demon.

If we say that the vast and empty void, throwing down "passengers" like Yingning, there is basically no danger. Although the speed of the warship was as high as 0.2 times the speed of light.

It's just such a move, it's a bit of an insult!

Ying Ning grew so big, and for the first time she ate such a big loss! Although Yingning knew clearly in his own mind, this time the incident was entirely caused by improper operation on his side.

Yes, the king-level demon of ‘touching porcelain’ was directly instructed by Yingning. However, Ying Ning's decision came from the Madonna.

Although Zhou Tianda World and Tianyao World have signed a cooperation agreement, but do not weigh it, who knows where your bottom line is.

As for whether this will affect the cooperation between the two is certain. But it will be too bad to be affected. Everyone is an adult, and it is clear how things should be done.

In fact, the quasi-saint, such as Tianji Xingjun, also reacted after the anger. The practice of the heavenly demon world... is the norm. This matter should be put on the side of Zhoutian World, probably this way of handling.

The agreement is used to tear! This is a bit absolute, but it is by no means nonsense. If you feel that signing the agreement is all right, then the days of losing money are still behind.

Seriously, this is the practice of Celestial World, but it is a more mature approach: the agreement is signed, and you have to test your bottom line, and then the two parties will really start to cooperate.

Such temptation and cooperation is the world of adults. Of course, the adult mentioned here refers to the quasi-saint level.

The result of the trial must always be borne by one party. If Zhoutian World is weak, it is that Zhoutian World silently accepts losses. But if Zhoutian World is strong, that day the demon world will beat down its teeth and swallow.

The result was obvious, Zhang Hao responded strongly, and the quasi-Saints also responded positively; the final result was that Ying Ning was dropped the spaceship halfway.

A few hours later, Ying Ning returned to the celestial deity, and the celestial deity didn't say anything, just sighed slightly, looking at the direction of the Shuangyang galaxy.

After a while, the demon Our Lady only leisurely said: "I still underestimated the world of Zhoutian. Or, underestimated this Zhang Hao."

Yingning said angrily: "Should Zhang Hao be detained."

Our Lady of Heavenly Demon shook her head slightly, "Don't Zhang Hao also detain you."

"He dare not!" Ying Ning growled uncomfortably.

"We dare not!" Our Lady of Heavenly Demon sighed, "Zhang Hao is very important. But Zhang Hao is not important."

"Ah..." Ying Ning opened her mouth slightly, staring at her mother in surprise. What does this mean?

Looking at the starry sky ahead, Our Lady of Heavenly Demon explained: "Zhang Hao is very important because of Zhang Hao's status, influence, and ability to make decisions."

But now the Ocean Group has been on the right track, and without Zhang Hao, it cannot prevent the rise of the Ocean Group. On the contrary, it will easily trigger the anger of the entire Ocean Group and stimulate the Ocean Group to turn to war technology research and development.

The importance of Zhang Hao is now more of a political and spiritual level. It is said that Zhang Hao is not important, but at the scientific level. But now the place where Zhou Tianda is strong is at the level of scientific research.

Therefore, if we withdraw Zhang Hao, it will only attract the anger of Zhou Tian Da World, and will not contain the development of Zhou Tian Da World! "

Yingning nodded thoughtfully. Previously, it was just too angry and did not think well; now with the guidance of Our Lady of the Heavenly Demon, Ying Ning gradually reacted. Yes, detaining Zhang Hao will not do any good.


Is it really like this? Perhaps. But at least for now, Zhou Tianda's industrial development and other issues require Zhang Hao to handle it. Whether it is Ocean Group or Blue Star Group.

Let's just say Blue Star Group, without Zhang Hao, I really can't get around. It took more than two months for Zhang Hao to go out, and Blue Star Group had a lot of backlogs.

Fortunately, Zhang Hao's key account and the equipment for star cluster transformation did not stop.

Zhang Hao returned to the Blue Star Group to sort out his work a little bit. After returning to Zhoutian World for a month, he finally made a move.

A command was issued, and the Blue Star Group was suddenly tense up and down; even the Quasi-Saints were busy—the Chaoxing Star Group was officially opened!

Just five days later, tens of thousands of special spaceships, warships, etc., crossed the door of the world, entered the world of demon, and went straight to the direction of the planned singing star cluster.

The Madonna of the Demon has long been paying attention to it. As soon as I saw the movement of the Zhoutian World, the army of the Heavenly Demon World was launched at the first time-from the beginning to the end, neither side withdrew their troops!

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