Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1758: There are pits everywhere

But it said that when the Virgin Mary visited the Chaoge Star Cluster, she suddenly found that the new agreement, which should be ``sleeping'' spacecraft, had actually activated half of it.

Suddenly, the Virgin Mary is really maddening!

A transparent and light red Nanming fire surrounds the celestial deity, especially the flames on the wings and overhead.

All in all, although Zhang Hao gave the sky monster world a concept of ‘same’, but after discussion, the sky celestial mother and the monster holy thought that they could not be copied completely. The situation in Celestial World has been going on for so many years, and it is difficult to get one step in place.

Therefore, the demon saints chose another method: collecting taxes.

If you want to maintain the power of the sky monster, that is, the power body with hundreds of kilometers and thousands of kilometers, you need to pay a high tax; if you maintain the body, but with the characteristics of the sky monster, you need to pay a small tax.

Only those who fully restore the humanoid body (which can allow a few decorative features) to be exempt from tax.

However, this strategy is not implemented immediately, but a hundred-year countdown is coming.

Okay, far away. In a word, the Virgin Mary still retains the past body shape-a body with a height of more than three meters, with the shape of Phoenix wings behind.

And now the Madonna of the Heavenly Demon discovers that Zhou Tianda’s world is really a small movement, and the anger in his heart can no longer suppress. In fact, the demon sages, such as Yingning and Hao, who were beside the celestial deity, were also angry.

However, Xuan Tian Tian Jun and Tian Shu Xing Jun of the quasi-holy aspect were also stunned. If he couldn't say it, he slipped Hou Shangzhuoti, the chief engineer, and sternly asked what was going on.

In this new negotiation, Zhou Tianda World has also lost a lot of strength, and three quasi-Saints are still seriously injured.

Hou Shangzhuo was very helpless: "Senior, there is a communication delay. Because of the hurry, this starry sky has not built a perfect communication system, and we cannot communicate directly with the Shuangyang Galaxy.

The specific communication needs to be relayed through the world gate. This signal will take half a day to come and go. According to statistics such as galaxy operation and starry sky fluctuations, the signal delay is generally between 8 and 9 hours.

We received the news and immediately stopped the activation of the remaining spacecraft.

Seniors can look at the remaining spacecraft if they don’t believe it, most of them are already in a state of being excited, only one command is left. "

Tianshu Xingjun and Xuan Tiantianjun accepted this statement. But Notre Dame does not accept it.

In other words, the Madonna of the Heavenly Demon also accepted, but under the influence of the Ocean Group and the World of Zhoutian, the Madonna of the Demon will also hold on to the small details-do you say delay? Sorry, the old lady doesn't believe it!

It's a mess. Well, as a world-class leader, there should still be the demeanor of the celestial deity Our Lady-Hu stubbornness is necessary, but pay attention to the way.

Our Lady of the Demon said coldly: "This palace only knows that the agreement we signed does not match the current situation. So, it is not easy to make peace. You can make a little compensation. How many spaceships are activated and how many spaceships are supplied to the Demon World. This requirement Not too much!"

Tianshu Xingjun and Xuan Tiantianjun, as well as many quasi-sacred discussions, made a decision: this requirement is really not too much. After all, everyone has already knocked on the bamboo pole of the sky monster world-if there is no such premise, it will be too much Too.

But now everyone is also a veteran of negotiation, of course, I will not agree so easily. It is impossible to say a new question: we have to reexamine and study the valley of creation.

Our Lady of Heavenly Demon had been bothered by these things for a long time, and only I knew that the problem of the Gaia world in the rear was not small, so I agreed.

The small fluctuations on both sides subsided again.

Speaking of Heavenly Demon Our Lady is also helpless. For the time being, the world of Zhou Tian Da belongs to ‘potential’, which will be dangerous in the future; then there is no way to temporarily palliate, and Tian Yao World has to obtain technology from Zhou Tian Da World.

On the contrary, the dangers of the Gaia world are currently the most urgent. Anyway, there is a saint in Gaia World! This cannot be ignored.

In the end, the Virgin Mary knocked out 75% of the remaining spacecraft from the Chaoge Star Cluster, which is about 3600 special spacecraft.

However, even if only about 6,400 special spaceships remain, the core construction has been completed on the Chaosing Star Cluster.

At least 180 stars have been fully transformed and can be temporarily operated as a'small' weekly array. There are also about 160 stars, large and small, which are not included in the array because of their poor location.

The construction scale of the Chaoge Star Cluster is planned according to the scale of at least 4,000 stars and at most 6,000 stars. More than 340 stars have only been transformed now, and some stars are temporarily out of position and cannot be included in the array.

And in doing so, it can't stimulate the world of demon too much.

What is important is that everyone knows that the previous conflict was really just a more intense negotiation tool. Although this negotiation method is a bit strange.

The celestial deity was finally satisfied with the situation here. With 3,600 special ships taken away, Zhou Tianda's assault plan was suspended. In the future, there will be retrofitting devices, etc., and everyone will be divided according to the agreement.

This time, although tossing, it actually solves a heart disease of the celestial deity, will Zhou Tianda World confuse itself with inferior technology and equipment?

Now it's okay, I selected 3600 spaceships directly from the special spaceships of Zhoutianda World. These spaceships are all prepared by Zhou Tianda World for themselves, and they can also be used for surprise construction. There is absolutely no doubt about the skill level of these spacecraft.

As for the question of whether the remaining spacecraft will have defective products, Notre Dame is not worried.

Now Our Lady of Heavenly Demon also knows more about industrial technology. It is really necessary to design a separate production line for defective products, the cost can be higher than the sky.

Of course, it is impossible for industrial spaceships to have no problems at all. It is normal to have one or two problems. People (day monsters) are not the same, there are always a few of them that are particularly shocking and ugly-some are ugly and some are beautiful. This is trivial.

And in terms of after-sales issues, Blue Star Group, especially Dayang Group, need not worry at all. No matter how much dissatisfaction and anger the Heavenly Demon Mother has with Zhang Hao, she has to give praise to the service attitude and business methods of the Ocean Group and Blue Star Group under Zhang Hao's control.

It is possible to truly defeat the opponent by acknowledging the advantages of the opponent-looking at Zhang Hao alone, maybe not qualified to be the opponent of the Heavenly Demon Madonna; but Zhou Tian World supported by Zhang Hao is the opponent of the Heavenly Demon World.

After inspecting the Chaosing Star Cluster, the Madonna of Heavenly Demon suddenly felt a little emotional. I couldn’t help but ask the chief engineer Hou Shangzhuo: “The new spacecraft can be successfully deployed in just a few hours. At most one day, the star can complete the transformation. If it is fully prepared, can it be transformed in one day? What about a small week-long battle?

With more than 3,600 special spaceships in our hands, if we only transform a slightly smaller star, we should be able to transform 360 stars, and we can form a weekly array. "

Although Hou Shangzhuo is an engineer, since he can be sent by Zhang Hao, he is naturally not a fool. So faced with the inquiry of the Heavenly Demon Our Lady, Hou Shangzhuo did not immediately answer, but looked at Xuan Tian Tianjun.

Xuan Tian Tian Jun immediately understood what Hou Shangzhuo meant, and turned to look at the Madonna of Heavenly Demon: "What is the idea of ​​the Madonna? As long as it is reasonable, we will do our best."

It's a drag on every effort! The celestial deity is now more aware of these quasi-saints in the world of Zhoutian. There is nothing good about these bastards.

Also, the quasi-saints did not negotiate much at first, did not have good card conditions, and did not talk too much; but after all, their age and knowledge were there. After seeing several negotiations of the Ocean Group, the prospective saints have thoroughly "blue outweighs blue"!

But when it came to the mouth, I had to say it. The Madonna the Heavenly Demon hesitated and said very simply: "Seeing the speed of your construction, this palace wants to move this opportunity to transform the cluster into the Gaia world."

Xuan Tian Tianjun's heart! His face also changed. But Xuan Tiantianjun spoke without discount, and immediately responded: "Our Lady, we signed the agreement, which is within the world of Tianya. If you want to move to Gaia, you will have to negotiate separately."

The celestial virgin smiled slightly, "Yes. Then build the star cluster near the entrance to the world gate leading to the Gaia world."

This is the true meaning of Our Lady of Heavenly Demon-the first condition you refused, the second condition if you refused again, but it will affect our future cooperation. For example, the exploration of the valley of creation.

So, now the Heavenly Demon Our Lady looked at Xuan Tian Tianjun with a smile, waiting for the other party to respond.

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