Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1762: Carp Office

However, Zhang Hao finally breathed a sigh of relief after learning that Xuan Tian Tian Jun, Tian Shu Xing Jun and Heavenly Demon Madame had reached an agreement. The influence of Heavenly Monster World is too great, and it also involves Zhang Hao's too much energy.

But it is understandable, after all, this is a big world. And if the main energy of the Sky Demon World is involved in the Gaia World, even the Nine-Headed Sacred Dragon will be dragged in the Gaia World, Zhou Tian Da World will never be so relaxed.

Fortunately, the matter was finally resolved. The two sides have signed a series of cooperation treaties, and the two sides have temporarily ensured that these cooperative appointments are strictly enforced due to their close competition.

Now that the matter here is resolved, Zhang Hao will of course turn back to the rear, and there are more things waiting for him to be busy.

The most important thing for the Ocean Group and even the entire Tianyuanxing civilization at the moment is the carp office in preparation. This working group established to explore the carp nebula has been in existence for more than a decade.

After more than ten years of accumulation, coupled with the recent super-gravity nuclear fusion technology launched by the Ocean Group, the work of the carp office finally saw the dawn.

After more than ten years of preparations, the staff of the Carp Office can't wait to send the spacecraft to the distance of freedom.

It's a pity that because Zhang Hao has been dragged by Tianyao World, the plan of Liyu Office has never been able to make a trip.

Exploring the carp nebula is not only a scientific exploration, but also the hope of the entire Tianyuanxing civilization.

The Ocean Group and the entire Tianyuanxing civilization have suffered from too many constraints throughout the Zhoutian world. Although Zhang Hao's continuous operation has provided enough space for the development of Tianyuanxing civilization, the pressure is still great and the development space is still limited. Especially the starry sky that can be occupied by the Uranus civilization is barren.

What's more, the eyes of the entire Zhoutian Great World are unconsciously focused on the Ocean Group, which is under great pressure.

Thanks to Zhang Hao's secret support for the development of Tianyuanxing Civilization United Nations, this will enable Liyu to thrive when the Ocean Group is busy.

However, because most of the key technologies of the Carp Office come from the Ocean Group, and because half of the funds, personnel, and military power of the Carp Office come from the Ocean Group, all operations of the Carp Office must still be subject to the supervision of the Ocean Group.

Zhang Hao rushed to the carp office, just half a month later. Return to the headquarters of the Blue Star Group to deal with things, and then return to the Red Pearl Star to deal with the affairs of the Ocean Group, and then go straight to the carp office. During this process, Zhang Hao did not even have time to return to Tianyuanxing to take a look.

Speaking of that, since leaving Tianyuanxing, Zhang Hao returned to Tianyuanxing only once when receiving Tianjixingjun.

When Zhang Hao arrived at the Leiyu Office, the overall situation was relatively low-key. In any case, the core purpose of the carp office is actually running. Everything is as low-key as possible.

When Zhang Hao arrived, only the top staff of Liyu Office came out to greet them, and everyone walked directly into the meeting room.

Zhang Hao looked at each other. On the Ocean Group side, Huang Wentian, Fu Yun, Shen Minghai, Huang Xiaoxia, Zhao Dahe, Zhang Xinhan, Lin Yinghao, Bai Ye, Jiang Yurou, Lin Jintao, Murong Mountain, Nan Xiaoyun, Zhi Min, Liu Mei and so on.

Among them, Zhao Dahe was later adjusted. At first, Zhao Ke was here, but then Zhao Ke was transferred to the world of demon, and Zhao Dahe was responsible for the situation of the carp office.

Compared with Zhao Ke, Zhao Dahe is more familiar with the astronomy here and is more calm. In particular, Zhao Dahe is more advanced and adaptable.

No matter how cautious it is to explore the relationship between the carp nebula and the ocean group, and even the future of Tianyuanxing civilization. As for this kind of ultra-long-range exploration, the most important thing is astronomical observation.

On this point, Zhao Dahe has an irreplaceable role. For the entire Zhoutian galaxy, there is no second alternative to Zhao Dahe.

Zhao Dahe is also a talented person. Combining the traditional astrology with the astronomy of the Ocean Group, plus astronomical science and technology, has walked out of his own road.

So far, the Carp Office has a lot of information on the Carp Nebula. But of all the information, 90% came from Zhao Dahe's working group.

In the process of exploring the carp nebula, a large number of sophisticated technologies have emerged. Especially ultra-long-range astronomical observation technology. Everyone knows more about the carp nebula.

For example, now everyone is completely sure that the Carp Nebula has starry sky monsters; but according to the observation results, these starry sky monsters have not formed a civilization, but a kind of jungle ecology.

It is just that long-range observation is long-range observation and can only be used as a reference; and the inner core of the carp nebula is almost invisible.

This carp nebula is more than 80,000 light-years away, and all observations are also 80,000 years ago. Everyone knows nothing about the carp nebula.

This must be observed nearby. And if you want to observe the strange starry sky with such giant starry sky, cultivation is very important. Zhao Dahe's cultivation practice is also among the best in the Ocean Group.

Zhang Hao glanced at the people of the Ocean Group, and then to the other side, that is, the people of the United Nations of Tianyuanxing Civilization.

Liu Xinyu also came, such an important thing, Liu Xinyu must come, but this is a major event of the entire Tian Yuanxing civilization.

After Liu Xinyu, it was Gundam Shang, Wang Ruiyang, Feng Zhiling, Shu Bennan, Zhang Jie, Nangong Zhi, Lu Xuanyu, Xuanzhenism's Ming Xuzi, Tiandu School's Zhai Feihong, Honglou Jiange's Lou Hongyu, Biyuntian's ancestor Qianyue, Xi The representative of the League, Zhao Guoyin, waited for hundreds of people.

Among them, Ming Xu, who was the cheap master of Zhang Hao, is now the deputy head of Xuanzhenism.

Looking at these people, Zhang Hao suddenly had an unspeakable emotion in his heart:

"It's like another world!"

Hearing Zhang Hao's words, everyone was silent at the same time; but the atmosphere of silence soon brewed a magnificent breath.

Yeah, it's like a world away. Unconsciously, Tian Yuanxing civilization has been in the starry sky for more than 80 years, and it has been officially based on this vast starry sky for more than 40 years.

Over the years, Zhang Hao has been floating outside; but everyone knows better, without Zhang Hao floating outside, there is no chance for everyone to gather here.

Zhang Hao was floating outside, and he also supported a magnificent sky for the development of Tianyuanxing civilization. This is one of the important reasons why everyone must wait for Zhang Hao to come.

But everyone must also admit that the current Tianyuanxing civilization is really weak. At present, everyone is the highest, but it is only Li Wei of the Ocean Group. It is still a seven-fold-it has been consolidated, but it will take several years to break through the eighth. Even if Li Wei has already taken San Zhuan Tian Dan.

Due to the development of science and technology and education, the entire Tianyuanxing civilization is still in a virtual state. But everyone still doesn't have their own golden fairy, or even Daluo Jinxian. Such power is really not enough to see in this starry sky.

The entire Uranus civilization is walking a tightrope. That's exactly why Zhang Hao has the feeling of being'like a world away'. It’s not easy to live peacefully and safely in such a strange world.

Because it is not easy, everyone must work hard to develop and explore the carp nebula.

Zhang Hao looked at everyone and went directly to the topic: "Although there have been few meetings in the past few years, the exchange has not fallen. I won't say much nonsense.

The significance of exploring the carp nebula has been emphasized many times. Here, it will be our hope. At a distance of 80,000 light-years, there is basically no aura in the middle, and it is not easy for the quasi-Saint to fly alone.

But the Carp Nebula is not a blank place. According to our observations, there are a lot of starry sky monsters. Because the distance is too far away, we can't determine the performance of the starry sky monster. But we must make the worst plan.

Fortunately, the Carp Nebula itself has not been transformed, but due to gravity and other reasons, it will naturally absorb and gather some of the Zhoutian giant galaxy's escaped aura. The cluster itself also produces a thin aura.

Related research believes that the most extreme inference is that the most powerful starry sky monster there should be at the height of Jinxian.

However, the giant sky monster is huge, just like the sky monster world. So everyone should not be taken lightly.

Our warships and spaceships will be very vulnerable after ultra-long-range travel. These issues must be considered.

In particular, the test of the expeditionary soldiers and the test of the soul cannot be ignored.

Are you ready? "

Looking at Zhang Hao's eyes, everyone sat up straight. Suddenly, a uniform voice sounded: "Ready!"

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