Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1768: Can be faster

Facing Zhou Xueyao's'inquiry', the atmosphere suddenly became hot. Especially the students of Dayang Group are the most active and have expressed their opinions.

Some talk about science, some talk about education, some talk about the overall spirit of society, and some talk about the entire rational system. Of course, the flattering party is indispensable, taking the opportunity to slap Zhang Hao's flattering-the reason why we develop so fast is because we have Mr. Zhang!

Zhang Hao's smiling face was almost stiff. The senior sister Mo Qiuyu beside her couldn't straighten her waist with laughter—Mo Qiuyu felt very happy to see Zhang Hao deflated~ Lei Xingfeng couldn't help covering his face. The whole venue was full of joy.

However, those who can be selected here are all elites, and some students really have some insights. For some insights, even Zhang Hao couldn't help nodding.

Seeing that the atmosphere was almost over, Zhou Xueyao waved and suppressed the cheers. "Okay, okay, everyone listen to me.

What everyone said is good, and some of them are impressive. However, I think the most important reason why we have developed so fast is because our whole society is making progress together on the ground.

Science is a real knowledge, which cannot tolerate the slightest falsehood. Every step of our progress is supported by accurate data, experiments, and perfect scientific theories.

In addition, the biggest difference between scientific research and traditional practice is that one is collective and the other is individual.

Traditional practice is based on personal practice. Although there are sects, fellow practitioners, etc., the overall emphasis is still on personal perception.

But scientific research is different. We integrate the wisdom of all people to promote our overall progress with common standards.

Traditional practice is equivalent to grassland, and everyone is a small grass. And we are a big tree, everyone is a leaf on the big tree, all the power is used together.

So outsiders often ask why we make progress so fast. In fact, what I want to say is that our progress...not fast.

Because all the human, material, and financial resources of the entire Tianyuanxing civilization are brought together, and hundreds of millions of people work together, only to reduce the average breakthrough time of the virtual state from ten thousand years to a hundred years.

Hundreds of millions of times the investment has only compressed time by a hundredfold. We are indeed excellent, but we cannot be satisfied.

After all, after returning to the virtual realm, we have not made any achievements. "

Behind him, the corners of Lei Xingfeng’s mouth were cramping—oh fuck, what do you mean, Xiao Zhou? In other words, it took me more than three thousand years to break through the realm of virtual reality. Such achievements are now considered a genius in the stars. How come to your mouth, you become a mentally retarded child.

But... well, compared to the crazy results of Dayang Group, three thousand years of practice time, it is really hard to get it.

But Zhou Xueyao's speech did not end. "We can be proud of our past achievements, but we can't be satisfied. In the future, we still need to work hard.

The next goal is to hit Jinxian!

In the past, we have created a miracle of returning to the virtual realm for hundreds of years.

In the future, we will create a miracle of hundreds of thousands of golden immortals. Do you have confidence? "


Roared into the sky. At this moment, even the elites of the United Nations and the high-level representatives of these countries can't help but boil.

Thousands of golden immortals! What is this concept? It is estimated that there are not so many digging three feet in the whole Zhoutian World!

In the traditional world of spiritual practice, as the realm increases, the level of practitioners decreases tenfold, one hundredfold, or even thousandfold. In short, the number of practitioners at higher levels is less, and it is rapidly decreasing. This law continues until the realm of virtuality.

But when it comes to the late stage of the virtual realm, Jinxian, and Daluo Jinxian, the previous rules don't work very well.

This is because in the late stage of the return to the virtual realm, there is generally a life span of 80,000 to 90,000 years, while the golden fairy is generally 200,000 years, and the Daluo golden fairy is 500,000 years. Such a long life gives them enough time to realize their potential.

Therefore, the number of practitioners at the top level is equally scarce. According to statistics by Daluo Jinxian, there are no more than 100,000 in the world, and no more than 200,000 to survive. As for Jinxian, there are no specific statistics. But in general, quasi-sages believe that three to five million is the limit.

Now Zhou Xueyao will open her mouth to create tens of millions of golden immortals in the next hundred years. The inside of Tianyuanxing civilization is cheering, but Lei Xingfeng is really frightened by Zhou Xueyao's breath.

Although Lei Xingfeng already had some ideas when he came today, Zhang Hao also briefly introduced such a sentence or two. But Lei Xingfeng did not expect that his named disciple would be so ‘rampant’.

It is said that Lei Xingfeng accepts Zhou Xueyao as a named disciple, and a large part of the reason lies in Zhang Hao. Of course, it was also because of Zhou Xueyao's scientific foundation.

But Lei Xingfeng was calm. Even faintly looking forward to the future Zhou Xueyao said. In any case, Lei Xingfeng still recognizes the development of Dayang Group in the past, and he also feels that Zhou Xueyao is not the kind of talker.

As for Zhou Xueyao, after the cheering at the scene ended, she continued: "We have done a lot of research on the level of the golden fairy. In the research process, in addition to the dedication of all scientific research staff, there are also teachers Lei Xingfeng, Binghe Tianjun, And the guidance of the senior brothers and sisters."

In this case, you can call your first name and last name directly. Of course, the honorific title must be added in front. In fact, the assistance provided by Lei Xingfeng and Binghe Tianjun was critical, but not a lot. More, it is still Dayang Group's own personnel to solve.

But just a few words of praise, and there is no need to pay.

After a short pause, Zhou Xueyao finally entered the key point: "Let’s talk about the core points of this technological breakthrough. Of course, everyone needs to understand.

This time, we spent almost 20 years before and after, focusing on conquering the exercises from the Huanxian realm to the Jinxian, all the way to the early days of Daluo Jinxian. But everyone does not need to think about Da Luo Jinxian.

Technology is divided into three important components: first, virtual law and virtual world; second, artificially modified restricted stem cells; third, scientific theorem, etc.

First of all, let’s talk about the scientific theorem. This must be familiar to everyone. The preface of the complete "Zhou Tiangong" is the mass-energy formula. Since then, the entire exercises are almost composed of formula theorems.

However, the new exercise method has reorganized all formulas and theorems, and added more knowledge points. In particular, the point of naming is to increase the attraction to the demons and to absorb refining methods.

Thanks to Li Wei for this. It was Li Wei who discovered the absorbability of the demon.

Our "Zhou Tian Gong" is composed of scientific formula theorems and so on, but it is the existence of order, so the devil is restrained by our exercise method, or even completely restrained.

Later studies discovered that practice is actually the result of two collisions between spiritual quantum and energy. However, the efficiency of traditional collisions is very low, and countless quantum collisions can produce little results. That is the true essence. In the natural state, observations at the micro level have revealed that the true essence may also disintegrate by itself.

Therefore, the efficiency of traditional practice is very low.

But using scientific methods, we can directly refine the demon, and then provide extremely pure aura, which can greatly accelerate the practice.

Recently we are studying the life force of the sky demon world. In the future, we will be able to use technological means to promote spiritual practice in all aspects including energy, spirit, and body.

Although this technique is good, it is ultimately an auxiliary. The most important xinxing refinement in practice, but you cannot take tricks. For this, we studied the virtual world. "

"Let’s talk about the first technical route. Virtual law and virtual world. These are actually two technologies. The virtual world can be regarded as an online game. We will use artificial intelligence to use "Brain in a Vat." The idea of ​​putting everyone into the virtual network world.

Here, everyone can quickly experience the red dust. The speed of the virtual network world relies on thinking and supercomputers. In theory, the speed can reach tens of thousands of times.

However, considering the actual situation, human endurance, mental endurance, mental endurance, and technical issues, temporarily set the time to 500 times.

In other words, we have realized the legend of'one day in the sky, one year on the earth' in the virtual world. Everyone uploading their consciousness to the virtual world will forget their past and will experience life with different identities, even beasts, insects, monsters, etc.

It can be said that this is a reincarnation world. "

"Then there is the law of virtuality. Before that we had a technology, virtual reality technology. We use charged particles and even neutrinos as carriers to program in the real world. We use computer programs to replace the laws of the real world. Someone on the Internet says we Hacked the program into the laws of time and space.

Previously, we used this technology to solve technologies such as artificial gravity and energy defense. We also use this technology to compress the circuit board to the extreme, compress the chip, software, and circuit board into one, imitating the existence of natural life. Eventually contributed to our current quantum computer.

Even using this technology, we can use warships to issue spells. Just because it is not efficient. But defense means is not a spell.

Now, we use virtual reality technology and quantum computers to build a... field! A field of scientific laws! Please see. "

Zhou Xueyao gently raised her hand, and a projection immediately appeared. It was a flat spherical projection of about three meters, with dense light and shadow changes inside.

Zhou Xueyao continued: "Legend, the world was created by gods. This legend cannot be verified. But now, we use science and technology to create a world. This world is real and virtual.

Speaking of reality, because this world really exists, you can touch it.

I say virtual because everything in this world is computer technology and software technology. We just express the rules and so on with software and programs.

Every lightning, every planet, and every starry sky storm here is a manifestation of the law.

It is often said that the laws of the real world are obscure and cannot be directly touched. For example, we say that the water temperature is high, but it is actually the result of intense molecular motion. We can feel the temperature because of particle collisions. But why do particles move? This again involves deeper rules.

In this world, all science and technology, theorems, etc., even science and technology that we know are contained in it.

After stepping out from here, I can't guarantee whether you can become a golden fairy. But I guarantee that everyone is a scientific elite. This is the result of the joint efforts of millions of scientists in Dayang Group!

Its actual diameter is...three thousand kilometers. Its location is...under the moon. Yes, we hollowed out the lunar underground space. In other words, all the relics left by the Xuanhuang civilization were demolished.

In fact, this base has been quietly constructed for more than ten years. I'm sorry to keep hiding from everyone. "

From the rear, Lei Xingfeng looked at the front projection blankly. The projection is small, and the things inside are just simple photography, which is not enough to show the secrets of this ‘artificial world’.

But Lei Xingfeng is still shocked: Creation! Dayang Group used scientific methods to create a world. Although it sounds like this world should be very incomplete, it is a world of creation after all.

Use scientific means to express all known world laws, etc., with alternative ‘software’ for people to directly explore.

What kind of method is this! What kind of technology is this!

Before Lei Xingfeng heard Zhou Xueyao say that he would create thousands of golden immortals, he always felt that this was bragging. But seeing such technologies, Lei Xingfeng was really shocked.

However, Zhou Xueyao's explanation did not end: "The situation in the base can accommodate fifty people temporarily. The details need to be carefully examined.

Everyone at the scene will compete for the top fifty places together. "

At this moment, I don't know how many people are jealous and their breathing is short. Even a domineering empress like Liu Xinyu was a little shocked. Creation! The technology of Dayang Group has reached this point.

Although Liu Xinyu did not understand advanced science and technology, Liu Xinyu also watched the Tianyuanxing civilization enter the era of science and technology, and at least understood scientific concepts. Liu Xinyu knows very well how difficult it is to "create the world", even if it is just a prototype.

This kind of ‘creation’ technology is obviously developed on the basis of the virtual world. But the technology of the United Nations, even the virtual technology can't do well. Well, not to mention virtual technology, even quantum computer technology can't do it. At present, the best computer technology in the United Nations is the photonic chip computer.

In the high-precision field, there is a gap in technology between the United Nations and Dayang Group! Earlier, Liu Xinyu only felt that there was a gap between everyone, but now he knows that everyone actually has some gaps!

As for the competition for 50 places, it is all trivial. Moreover, this kind of technology requires the cultivation of golden immortals, which is obviously impossible to cultivate on a large scale. So it is enough to train fifty people.

But Zhou Xueyao's next words shocked everyone even more.

Zhou Xueyao waved, the projection changed. It is no longer a projection of the ‘creation’, but a cell structure about one meter long. Everyone is familiar with the structure of cells. Everyone is familiar with the basic structures of cell nucleus, organelles, and cell membrane.

Zhou Xueyao pointed to the'cell projection' and said: "This is the core of this technology, the most critical place. We have used the genome of Zhunsheng to make a human stem cell. Injecting this stem cell into the bone marrow can promote our function. improvement."

(For the time being, it has been updated, 4000 words. There have been many things these days, mainly new books. New books can be registered for Dragon Set. This book is almost over.)

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