Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1780: Seventh One

The time to practice the world always flies quickly. Even the moon base on the side of the Ocean Group is the same.

Binghe Tianjun, Li Wuxin, and Jiang Yun, who were thoroughly determined to join Lei Xingfeng and set up a small team, also began to learn scientific knowledge. But the more you study, the more surprised you are.

It turns out that the so-called scientific knowledge that everyone saw in the past had so many problems.

Science cannot tolerate the slightest sloppy. You think the data is a little bit worse, but in fact it has already deviated by tens of thousands of miles.

For example, the speed of light. The outside world generally knows that the speed of light is ‘about 300,000 kilometers per second’. If it's just a simple understanding, of course there is no problem.

But if you want to truly integrate these scientific research data, you also need to understand the concept of ‘second’.

The scientific research field emphasizes ‘precision’. The ‘second’ of Dayang Group’s scientific research is not the second of an ordinary clock, nor the second of an atomic clock. It's 10^43 of time quantum!

Strictly speaking, the quantum of time (Planck time) is not a strict ‘quantum’, but an artificially defined concept.

But in the field of research science, time shorter than time quantum has no meaning-at least at the level of scientific research.

In short, understand the concept of time quantum, and then understand the concept of space-time instability. The speed of light is fixed, but time and space are not stable. So the ‘true speed of light’ is different. The usual so-called speed of light is actually in a narrow sense.

In fact, time quantum, space-time, and speed of light are all changing concepts.

In the past, Binghe Tianjun and others simply understood science and technology, only knowing that the speed of light was about 300,000 kilometers per second. In practical applications, it doesn’t feel much—it’s a little bit so irrelevant.

But if you want to use scientific data, etc., to assist your practice, you must have a deep understanding.

In the field of science, the speed of light is just a small problem. I don’t know how many other math problems and physics problems are.

After a thorough and in-depth understanding, everyone looked at Zhang Hao's eyes a little differently: you can't say something wrong, but you can't say it right!

No wonder Bluestar Group always relies on Tianyuanxing Civilization, especially Dayang Group, for a large number of key and core technologies. It turns out that the data and even scientific theories you get are imperfect!

A piece of technology or data is just a bit short, and the sum of tens of thousands of data cannot be underestimated. 0.99 keeps multiplying, the result is infinitely close to zero!

In this starry sky with no uniform rules, it is an unavoidable reality that the church disciples starve to death. No one can say anything if Dayang Group keeps one hand!

Therefore, after understanding the actual situation, Binghe Tianjun, Li Wuxin, and Jiang Yun could only silently give a thumbs up except for a moment of silence.

The Bluestar Group, as well as many quasi-sages, just want to gain and don't want to pay, so they must be prepared to be pitted.

Unconsciously, it is another six months. Dayang Group’s ‘practice techniques’ have become more perfect. Unconsciously, the 120th Jinxian has already ‘offline’.

The four quasi-sages like Lei Xingfeng also benefited a lot.

While busy, Zhang Hao once again received important information from the Carp Nebula: The fleet has begun to enter the main body of the Carp Nebula, and is about to land in a galaxy, preparing to build a factory, etc.

Everything is on the right track.

In fact, in the past six months, Zhang Hao has received information about the Carp Nebula almost every half a month. Zhang Hao already knew that there was a civilization in the Carp Nebula.

This civilization should have been forced away by the blood of the Holy Emperor millions of years ago and entered the Carp Nebula. The star beasts here were also taken away from Zhoutian Great World.

This forced civilization is not strong. Its practice mainly involves the growth of childhood children and the childhood giant star beasts, and both parties practice together.

Humans provide the wisdom of survival for the behemoths of the starry sky, and the behemoths provide humans with powerful vitality. This is a symbiotic relationship.

This is a true "indigenous cultivation method". It should be said, very crude. But if there is no cultivation, it is actually not bad.

Some of the practices promoted by this symbiosis have reached the power of the golden immortal level - but only part of it.

The Carp Nebula has only a little aura, most of which are absorbed and escaped from the Zhoutian galaxy. Thin and pitiful.

The star behemoth here is the largest medium gas planet size, which can reach seven or eighty thousand kilometers. But because there is no spiritual energy, and there is no high-level qi and blood power cultivation method in the sky demon world, it just explores on its own, and its actual combat effectiveness is limited.

Although the body is strong and the power is also strong, most of them are close-range attacks. It is the method commonly used by beasts.

As for teleporting and other magical means, there is nothing at all!

But the fleet can launch attacks from thousands of kilometers away. The behemoth without teleport function is very clumsy. It is simply a living target.

Now in less than half a year, the Tianyuan fleet has cleaned up more than a dozen galaxies around it and established a base.

Now Murongshan sent a small request: Will the Carp Nebula be cleaned up?

This is a cruel, cold, **** request. After millions of years of multiplication, the number of aliens in the Carp Nebula is absolutely beyond imagination. As for the number of star behemoths, it is also beyond imagination.

Zhang Hao considered for two days and gave Murongshan a positive answer.

It is definitely wrong to slaughter a race. However, the current Tianyuanxing civilization needs living space. When things involve survival issues, don't talk about moral issues.

Dayang Group was sucked blood by many quasi-sages. Has anyone jumped out to complain for Dayang Group? No! It is Dayang Group that has expanded its living space a little bit.

But now Dayang Group and even the entire Tianyuanxing civilization must leave the Zhoutian Great World. Now that the prospective saints have noticed the Dayang Group, if they continue to stay here, the curse on their heads will become tighter.

Dayang Group has no time or energy to explore the second nebula.

When the order was issued, Zhang Hao sighed, but turned his head to keep busy. There are too many things to be busy.

Unconsciously, it was another month, and Zhang Hao received shocking news again: The team studying the creation valley and totem ruins of the sky demon world has made a breakthrough discovery:

Totem Ruins is not only as simple as an alternative supercomputer, but more importantly its language: irrational numbers!

Yes, every totem in the totem ruins is a mathematical model, which contains a variety of irrational numbers!

Dayang Group has begun to study in-depth fractal geometry, etc., which belong to basic mathematics here. There are all more advanced and multidimensional mathematical problems here. It's just that in the past, people used to study graphics and ignored these problems.

This time a breakthrough, a mathematician started with fractal geometry, and then he made a shocking discovery.

All totems seem to be flames, lightning, ocean waves, wind and star storms, etc., but when analyzed carefully, they are all irrational numbers.

A large number of irrational figures are inlaid with each other, and finally constitute a complex totem.

The scientists in the front research put forward the conjecture of the "language of gods": every irrational number is equivalent to a stroke in a text; different strokes "irrational numbers" constitute different divine texts (totems).

In other words, each of these totems is actually a different kind of text. These words together constitute the totem ruins.

According to calculations, the complete totem ruins should be a real, supercomputer, a world-class computer, which a real world! Even several worlds.

By extension, the researchers of Dayang Group went back to study the cultivation method and runes, and also put forward a concept: Are the basic strokes of the runes all mathematical figures solidified by irrational numbers?

Irrational numbers are infinite and non-cyclic decimals. But it does not mean that the irrational number graph cannot be fixed. Such as the radical number, the appropriate length can be drawn with mathematical tools. For example √2, the hypotenuse of an equilateral right triangle is; it can be implemented on a straight line with compasses.

So the entire Zhoutian Array... is actually an alternative computer!

A heavenly computer!

This is a shocking discovery and even a shocking conjecture. But... it really makes sense.

Zhang Hao immediately convened a high-level scientific research meeting of Dayang Group. At the meeting, Huang Mingshan, the current chief scientist of Dayang Group, as well as top scientists Lin Yinghao and Leng Fengxue, together finalized this conjecture:

It should be true!

Huang Mingshan said: "Mr. Zhang, if the guess is true, can we transcribe the ‘strokes’ in the totem again into irrational numbers?

In this way, even if it cannot be directly converted into an irrational number that we can directly use, it can at least help our research.

In addition, we can infer a problem through the totem ruins. That is, irrational numbers are just the basis, but irrational numbers alone are not enough.

It is also necessary to combine irrational numbers in a certain way. Just like our language, only strokes are not enough. It also needs to form words and grammar. More needs sufficient cultural accumulation.

Even our own computers must have computer languages ​​and specific programs. When everything is in place, the computer can run.

Only when all these are in place can this text be meaningful. "

Lin Yinghao looked a little serious when he heard it, "It makes sense. But if this is the case, then we are still a long way from success..."

The scientists' expressions became a little serious.

The discovery of the totem ruins research certainly pointed out the direction for everyone; but also allowed everyone to see... a near desperate future.

Merely studying irrational numbers is far from enough. It is also necessary to use irrational numbers to construct the'word of the gods' and form the'language of the gods'. In the end, a certain cultural foundation has to be formed before it can be considered an initial success.

Zhang Hao looked serious, but deep in his heart, Zhang Hao remembered a legendary story: Cangjie made characters, Tian Yusu, Ye ghost cry.

How many secrets are hidden in the myth!

Think about the ancient civilization in the world, just the fragments handed down from the ancient times, with so many magical things.

However, Mr. Zhang soon withdrew his thoughts of escaping, and smiled at the slightly frowning researchers at the scene: "Everyone, I have found the direction, and no matter how difficult it is, there will be an end.

From the very beginning of scientific calculations, we could not even observe microorganisms. At that time we didn't even have the realm of transforming gods.

What now? It's been less than 130 years! We have achieved achievements that we could not even imagine in the past.

Before that, we didn't even have a direction for development, we just worked hard. Now that we have a direction for development, what is terrible. "

Huang Mingshan first nodded, and then slowly said, "Zhang, now we also have a little trouble. We have been studying four-dimensional attributes before. Although the income is not much, there is always some; and the investment is huge. Now, If you want to turn around and do your best to study irrational numbers, the previous investment wasted?"

Zhang Hao frowned slightly, thought for a while, and said, "I think that four-dimensional attributes should continue to be studied. We have calculated many times before that the research direction of four-dimensional attributes is okay. Maybe the combination of four-dimensional attributes and irrational numbers can have a future.

Just like a computer, in addition to hardware, it also needs software. In addition to syntax, software requires logic. Perhaps the four-dimensional attribute is a higher level of logic.

Of course, how do you arrange it? If you continue to study the four-dimensional attributes are valid, continue to study; if temporarily invalid, you can first study irrational numbers and so on.

My suggestion is: Irrational numbers are important, but not all. In the real world, besides irrational numbers, there are rational numbers.

For example, height. The height of everyone is an irrational number. But specific to individuals, they are rational numbers. Nothing exists alone. "

Huang Mingshan nodded then. Also, just because the research on irrational numbers has made major discoveries, you can't ignore other things.

However, Zhang Hao's speech did not end. Just listen to Zhang Hao continuing to say: "In addition to this, I think there is another one that cannot be ignored. That is, they are all irrational numbers, but they also constitute different languages ​​of God.

The world of comprehension constitutes a rune, and then comprehension appears.

The sky demon world constitutes a totem, and then the cultivation method of the power of qi and blood appears.

As for Gaia's world, it should be a magic circle, forming a belief system.

Although it is a combination of spiritual quantum and energy quantum, both are the deep application of irrational numbers. But different logics constitute a completely different system of practice.

If we want to develop and grow and last for a long time, we must form our own characteristics.

Don't forget, the systems currently known all seem to come from the legacy of the last scientific civilization. What happened to the last civilization?

What kind of existence does the outside world exist? We know nothing. But at least one thing is certain, the outside world is by no means a peaceful world.

Perhaps, that is a super battlefield. There are countless god-level civilizations crushed on that battlefield.

Perhaps the holy emperor we respect is just an ordinary soldier on that battlefield.

Therefore, if we want to break through, we must find another way. I think that the four-dimensional attributes we are studying and the scientific development concept must be adhered to.

Totem ruins and other discovered things can be used for reference, but they can only be used for reference. "

As he said, Zhang Hao raised his head and looked into the distance, "The road ahead is long, and I will search up and down. Even the sword and the sea can not stop our courage to seek knowledge! I want to see the world outside the world and see what secrets there is. !"

There was sporadic applause at the scene; then there was thunderous applause.

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