Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1784: 第七 〇 五

Dayang Group’s efficiency is very high, and it took only 26 days to prepare for such a project related to the future of Zhunsheng.

On the 27th day, Jiang Yun came to the position set by Dayang Group. Some equipment has been debugged here. It is a new kind of thinking sensing device. The subsequent technology is completely different from the thought response of the past.

In the past, thought induction was to directly control the computer. No matter what kind of data the computer has, it is all injected into the mind or soul. Although the human brain is magical and the cultivator has a powerful primordial spirit, the amount of data is still large and requires a certain endurance.

However, the amount of data in the current Star Computer is no longer "very large", and it can be described as "infinite". Such a crazy amount of data, even the quasi-sage could not bear it.

Then the best way is to transform consciousness into a data stream and directly participate in the entire torrent of big computing. As for how much Jiang Yun can get in this'participation' process, it depends on the situation. It's a big deal to participate a little longer, for example, decades.

Just how specific this technology is, Zhang Hao and the researchers of Dayang Group are not sure. The only certainty now is that only by doing so can safety be ensured.

Otherwise, nearly infinite data will be poured back, and the quasi-sage soul will also be burned.

According to the current research of Dayang Group, Yuanshen is based on the quantum of spirit and supplemented by quantum of energy; its basic function is similar to a quantum computer; but the ‘program’ that it runs is consciousness, which is still unsolvable.

But the power of this quantum computer is not 100%, and even 10% has to be discounted. The energy supply of life forms is not as good as mechanical equipment after all. At this point, the effectiveness and efficiency of the soul must be greatly compromised.

Moreover, the thinking of a living body is extremely complex, not as pure as a machine. Not to mention there are limits in itself.

In short, although the soul of the human brain and the cultivator is good, the computing power alone is not enough compared with the current computer technology of Dayang Group.

At least the computers of Dayang Group are not just simple machines. It also contains the wisdom of a large number of scientific research elites and the blood and sweat of a large number of engineering operation and maintenance personnel.

Jiang Yun came into the device, but still looked around carefully.

Lei Xingfeng, Binghe Tianjun and Li Wuxin nodded to Jiang Yun and said nothing. This time, three quasi-sages were guarding the law.

Jiang Yun took a deep breath and lay down slowly; the device slowly turned off.

As the equipment shuts down, the surrounding equipment starts to start. The Xingchen computer, which has been temporarily closed and overhauled for more than 20 days, started to start.

First, the equipment that collects light from around the star starts to work. The biggest difference between a photonic computer and an electronic computer is the energy required by the chip. Light is the energy required by the photon computer.

The light used by the chip needs to be filtered, leaving only simple photons and photons of specific frequency bands. Fortunately, for the current Dayang Group, this is not a big problem.

The only pity is that the pure photons after filtering are invisible. At least the naked eye can't see the scattered rays of light, and the computer units begin to start gradually.

But if you want to run a photon computer, you also need power assistance. At least some heat dissipation equipment, communication switching equipment and other energy consumption are not low.

The photonic computer chip itself has very low heat generation and can be directly ignored in space. But to export the data in the chip, additional technical assistance is required.

Also, the biggest problem with this ‘galaxy-level’ star computer right now is communication time.

After continuous expansion, the current "Star Computer" has a diameter of more than 150 million kilometers. It takes about eight minutes for the signal to travel from one end to the other. Without the assistance of superluminal instant messaging technology, such a computer would simply not run.

Therefore, the highest energy consumption in this computer system is the instant messaging system.

In addition, all computer units are surrounded by void. Although gravitational balance has been calculated, time and space are not fixed, and there are always various disturbances. Therefore, there must be a certain power system to fine-tune the tracks of all computer units at any time.

In fact, at least 2% of the computing resources of the entire Xingchen computer should be used for its own adjustment, contact, and control.

Because it takes a while for Shine, the entire computer system finally finished booting after 16 minutes. The photon computer is very quiet, but because of the high energy consumption of the instant messaging system, the scene is very magnificent.

But seeing a little bit of light illuminate in different corners of the galaxy, there are as many as tens of millions of instant communication devices, and they are responsible for contacting the total number of photonic computer units that are now up to 180 million.

The rays of light crisscross, but they light up the entire galaxy.

As high-power equipment starts, magnetic fields and radiation will inevitably spread.

At this time, it also showed an alternative characteristic of photon computers: stability. No matter how the light crisscrosses or the magnetic field is disordered, it will not affect the stable operation of the photon computer.

As the computer started, Jiang Yun's breath gradually disappeared. At this time, Jiang Yun's consciousness has turned into a data stream, participating in the operation of the entire computer.

This time, what the computer will calculate and run is to analyze the irrational number of "cloud".

Some people may ask, hasn't it been solved? Is this irrational number determined? But this is a one-sided understanding.

It should be said that Dayang Group discovered this irrational number that exists in nature through scientific research and vertical and horizontal comparisons. This irrational number named ‘cloud’ reveals the law of cloud changes; however, this change itself is infinitely non-repetitive.

It is like pi. The more accurate the analysis, the more perfect the circle can be made; but because the pi is infinitely non-repetitive, we can only approach the perfect ‘circle’ infinitely, but never achieve true perfection.

Then, if you want to be infinitely close, you must not only analyze the pi, but also study the problems discovered in the process-materials, machining, processing control, etc. To solve this problem, the current calculation method of Dayang Group is-exhaustive method.

Since it is infinite and non-repetitive, enumerate infinitely and summarize in sections.

It's still like a pi, you can record 3.14 at the beginning, then you can record 3.1415926 when you progress, and then you continue to improve.

When infinitely exhausting, first draw a circle with 3.14 data, first draw tens of thousands of large and small, and analyze one by one where there is a problem; then the next step...

Of course, in this process, a large number of mathematical tools and a large amount of scientific research data need to be used.

For now, Dayang Group actually has no better way. But sometimes the dumbest method may be the best method. It is this ‘stupid method’ that only Dayang Group can use for the time being.

In order to calculate irrational numbers, build a galaxy-level computer array! In order to protect this computer array, there is a large array with a diameter of 1 billion kilometers around it, which was arranged by the quasi-sage himself.

It took more than half a month in the blink of an eye. The actions of Dayang Group have aroused the attention of other quasi-sages. But Lei Xingfeng blocked it and said we were doing experiments.

Xuantian Tianjun wanted to know more about the situation, and Lei Xingfeng said that we got what we got from analyzing the totem ruins. But the specifics depend on Jiang Yun's harvest. I can't say anything now.

Totem ruins. Xuantian Tianjun nodded slowly. Speaking of these years, Dayang Group's research on totem ruins has long attracted the attention of prospective saints. However, Dayang Group has never had any success.

Regarding this, the quasi-sages also understand very well—the Sky Demon World has been studied for thousands of years, and it’s nothing; even if the Dayang Group is good, it can be said to have achieved results in decades, and everyone does not believe it.

During this period, the Dayang Group also repeatedly said that it had gains, but the quasi-sages looked at the so-called ‘earnings’ and made a gesture of scorn.

So the quasi-sages are more and more affirmed: Hey, Dayang Group, maybe it is good in terms of basic technology, but it will develop for tens of thousands of years in the research of quasi-sages.

So right now Xuantian Tianjun just nodded slowly, and didn't say anything. Although it sounds like the Dayang Group has gained new research results; but last year, Dayang Group made a fool of things, and that's probably it.

Mr. Zhang used the core of the story of'The Wolf is Coming' here. The effect is really good.

The quasi-sages left a few onlookers, and the rest left, and continued to sit in the world of the heavenly demon, actually enlightening the Tao with the help of the transformed star cluster. As for those who stayed for supervision, it can be regarded as supervision of the Dayang Group.

Although the Dayang Group has done little research at the quasi-sage level at present, the excellence of Dayang Group can be seen by everyone.

However, due to the interference of Lei Xingfeng, Binghe Tianjun, and Li Wuxin, these supervising quasi-sages were too embarrassed to keep an eye on Jiang Yun's ‘retreat’. It was too easy to offend people.

People are here in retreat, you are strong onlookers, what are you going to do? The quasi-sages took a look from a distance, and then drank soy sauce.

So these quasi-sages did not notice that around Jiang Yun’s ‘retreat’ equipment, several supergravity fusion reactors were working.

The selected material is pushed into the reactor-the fuel currently used in the reactor is actually pure water, and the reaction is mild and controllable.

The reactor outputs a lot of energy and aura. The spiritual energy is directly absorbed by Jiang Yun, and the energy is supplied to the surrounding equipment.

At the beginning, Zhang Hao and others were still a little nervous-mainly because of Jiang Yun's state. But in the blink of an eye, it was another half month. The total mass of pure water consumed by Jiang Yun has exceeded 150 billion cubic kilometers! This number is almost equivalent to a planet with a diameter of 3,300 kilometers.

With so much mass, more than one-tenth is converted into energy; about one-tenth of it is converted into aura.

However, now, the speed of Jiang Yun's absorption of spiritual energy has not decreased, but has accelerated, and the absorption rate has doubled!

Lei Xingfeng roughly estimated, his face showed a little shocked expression: "According to the estimation of the relationship between energy and cultivation base, considering Jiang Yun's own foundation, now Jiang Yun has... has crossed the threshold of the mid-term quasi-sage!

Doubling the absorption speed of Reiki is the best proof! "

Tianjun Binghe and Li Wuxin glanced at each other and saw the surprise in their eyes.

Quasi-sage mid-term, that is to say, Jiang Yun is now at the same level as Lei Xingfeng-if only looking at the realm.

However, Jiang Yun didn't stop, month after month, it was ten months!

During this period, in order to ensure stable operation, if some computers have quality problems, they will choose to shut down directly instead of repairing them.

In fact, Dayang Group's technology is still good, with 180 million units, and only a hundred damaged in ten months.

More than ten months have passed, and Jiang Yun finally has a change: the speed of absorbing aura begins to drop sharply. Two days later, he stopped absorbing aura at all; but Jiang Yun did not wake up.

This change also made Zhang Hao nervous. Fortunately, the three quasi-sages like Lei Xingfeng are extremely calm: don't worry, the quasi-sages are not so vulnerable! It may be consolidating right now.

After another half month of delay, Jiang Yun took the initiative to turn on the device and sat up slowly.

An unspeakable coercion spreads instantly; this coercion completely surpasses the speed of light, so that the stars not far away flicker--like the feeling of being blown out of a candle and almost extinguished.

Zhang Hao had no resistance in the face of such coercion; he only felt that his eyes were dark.

Fortunately, Zhang Hao was awakened with an exclamation, and of course he also awakened Jiang Yun, letting Jiang Yun converge.

"Holy Pattern!"

Lei Xingfeng and Binghe Tianjun exclaimed at the same time, and the voices made Zhang Hao's somewhat dizzy consciousness clear.

"Holy text? What holy text?" Zhang Hao was still in a daze.

But Lei Xingfeng has made arrangements, "Jiang Yun, lie down quickly and cover up the holy pattern on his forehead. Binghe, you take care of Jiang Yun, and no matter who comes here later, he will speak as a woman, saying that it is not convenient now. We must fight for Jiang Yun to hide the Saint Mark!"

Then Lei Xingfeng pulled Li Wuxin, Zhang Hao and others back, and instructed: "If Zhunsheng comes to ask later, it will be said that Jiang Yunxiu is out of control; nothing else."

"The cultivation base is out of control?" Zhang Hao reacted quickly, and Master Lei Xing's "sacred text" was afraid of being trivial. But President Zhang's determination is even more extraordinary!

Zhang Hao immediately asked Ge Dong, the chief engineer next to him: "Have the data been recorded?"

"All records are complete and there are backups."

Zhang Hao gritted his teeth, "Blow up the entire Star Computer!"

"What!!!" Ge Dong couldn't believe his eyes.

Zhang Hao did not get angry, but calmly said word by word: "Blow up, drop, star, chen, calculate, calculate, machine! Let it look like it is overloaded and burned! Immediately! Right away! Go! Now there is no time. Explanation!"

Ge Dong's expression was serious instantly, he didn't react for a while, and he couldn't understand it now. But he at least knew that Mr. Zhang would not order randomly. Moreover, the solemnity and heartache, calmness and wisdom on Mr. Zhang's face show that this is not a joke.

Ge Dong turned on his portable device and directly entered a line of commands.

In an instant, all computers, nuclear islands, energy facilities, etc. began to be overloaded.

Within a few seconds, the computer started to smoke and sparks flickered.

Next to him, Dugu Junjie glanced at Zhang Hao and ordered: "Rescue the computer!"

The soldiers became busy instantly.

Only the order was given, and Dugu Junjie, Ge Dong and others all stared at Zhang Hao.

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