Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1794: Completely broken

After an attack, the quasi-sages of Zhoutian Great World finally began to retreat; but even so, they were very cautious in retreating.

In the sky demon world, he was also shocked by the sword just now. If it hadn't been the key moment of the Heavenly Demon Mother's shot, if Hadun had not reacted decisively, maybe Yingning and Haduan would have been cut down by this sword.

The demon saint’s regeneration ability is very strong, but the quasi saint’s attack is not that simple!

The insane aura of the law in the sword light made all the demon saints understand: once be beheaded by such a sword light, even the consciousness will be wiped out. No matter how strong the regenerative ability of the sky demon is, it is afraid that it will not be able to resurrect.

No matter how high the ability to regenerate, it is only physical. Once something in the consciousness is obliterated, or partly defeated, it basically cannot be restored.

The Mother of Heavenly Demon looked at the quasi-holy who kept receding, her eyes were solemn and hesitant.

"Our Lady!" Hadiao said, "Can't let them run! Now the opponent is at least three hundred light-years away from the next star cluster, the Chaoge Star Cluster. We can completely hold each other here, and the Madonna will go to the next star cluster. The singer cluster will blow up!"

The Mother of Heavenly Demon moved in her heart. It seems...not bad!

Also, now that both sides have torn the skin, there is no need to care so much.

And if only the quasi-saints were delayed, the remaining demon saints should be fine. Just hang it from a distance, without violent collision. As long as the Mother of Heavenly Demon has a chance to activate a ball of light and destroy the Chaoge Star Cluster, it is enough.

With such thoughts, the Mother of Heaven Demon was ready to leave alone.

But what Ha Qian said is too ideal! The Heavenly Demon Mother hadn't left yet, and things changed. However, from the perspective of the quasi-sages, the masters of the late quasi-sages and the pinnacles such as Qixingjun and Xuantian Tianjun have come up with some simple but magnificent weapons.

"Sage weapon!" Seeing these things, the Heavenly Demon Mother's face instantly became solemn.

Although there are no saints in the Zhoutian Great World, there have been saints after all. Therefore, it is normal for the quasi-sages to have the weapons of the saints.

The Mother of Heavenly Demon didn't finish her voice, but she heard a bang. It's hard to describe the tremor, it seems to come from the bottom of my heart, and it seems that the law is trembling and pronounced.

This shock made the Heavenly Demon Madonna's consciousness a little trance. Qiang Da Ling glanced around, but found that many demon saints were shaking their heads, seeming to want to make themselves sober.

Looking intently, he saw a wooden duo in the hands of the Heavenly Jade of the Seven Stars, shaking happily. The copper tongue inside Mu Duo hit the wooden shell outside, making a faint bang.

But it was this seemingly ordinary thing that directly impacted the consciousness of the demon saint, making the consciousness of the demon saint a bit fuzzy and hazy.

At this moment, the face of Our Lady of the Sky Demon changed drastically-she thought of what she had overlooked, which was the weapon of the saint.

Unlike the world of the sky demon, there once existed saints in the world of Zhoutian, but the saints disappeared later. But the saint also left a lot of legacy.

And the treacherous Zhoutian world quasi-sages, in previous battles, have never shown these weapons!

Although there are saints in the sky demon world, the cultivation route of the sky demon world places too much emphasis on the cultivation of the power of one's own blood, and the power of blood itself lacks changes.

On the contrary, the practice on the Zhoutian Great World is brilliant. One of the most important points is Zhoutian World’s refining methods.

In the state of bare hands, if there is no aura, a demon saint can completely abuse the quasi saint of the same level. But if there is aura, the quasi-sage can suppress the demon-sage. If there is a special weapon, the combat effectiveness of the quasi-sage will burst.

However, the shortcomings of the quasi-sage are also great: all powerful attack methods must use aura, and it is a massive amount of aura. This is also the reason why the quasi-sages were always restrained in battles on the side of the sky demon world in the past-and one of the reasons why the saints were not used.

But at the moment the quasi-sages are always somewhat prepared. Over the years, the preparations of the prospective saints can be said to be very abundant.

With Mu Duo's muffled sound, Star Jade Heavenly Jade stood still, but the star core around him continued to convey aura to him.

The remaining quasi-sages regrouped and prepared to launch new attacks.

"Withdraw!" Our Lady of the Sky Demon was calm. The sky demon immediately retreated more than ten light-years before getting rid of the influence. Then, he stopped retreating, but hung the quasi-saints from a distance.

The quasi-sages retreated, and the sky demon followed up. As the quasi-sages moved forward, the sky demon shifted - the direction of the shift was uncertain, but after several tossings, the distance between the sky demon and the Chao Sing Star Cluster was less than a hundred light years.

Obviously, the meaning of the sky demon is also very clear: they have not given up their plan to destroy the Chaoge Star Cluster.

"Deception too much!" Said Zhunsheng.

But Xuantian Tianjun is very calm, "It doesn't matter whether it deceives too much, we are now in a hostile relationship, and of course we are fighting the enemy by all means. If it were me, I would do the same."

Tianshu Xingjun nodded, "That's right. But what should we do now? According to the current situation, once the opponent approaches the Chaoge Star Cluster, I am worried that the Chaoge Star Cluster will also be destroyed. Then we will lose the Sky Monster. The foothold of the world. That would be dangerous."

Xuantian Tianjun thought for a while, and said: "There is no better way for the time being, and we can only take a lose-lose way. Shut down the star clusters in the sky demon world."

Star Lord Tianshu thought for a while, gritted his teeth and said, "Then shut it down. Anyway, I have torn my face, so I don't need to care about what's going on."

The star cluster that Dayang Group transforms into the world of the Sky Demon has a back door. In fact, even your own star clusters have back doors. But these backdoors are known to all prospective saints. This is also just in case.

Once the star cluster falls into the hands of the sky demon world, or the two sides have an endless war, the back door must be opened.

As for whether opening the back door will affect the business reputation of Dayang Group... this is nonsense. Everyone has reached this level, and they also pay attention to the so-called business reputation, that is, their heads are flooded.

So the next thing is simple. After the signal came out from here, Zhang Hao quickly received it.

But Zhang Hao also has a problem: there is more than one back door!

Yes, how can Dayang Group make things easier. What Zhang Hao wants to ask now is: shut down quietly or shut down heroically.

Turn it off quietly and burn the device chip directly. Only Dayang Group can produce the core chips of these equipment that transforms stars. Once the chip is burned, all the transformed star clusters will slowly return to their original colors.

There is also violent self-destruction-the chip can change the excitation mode, leaving the internal reaction of the star uncontrolled. Those relatively extreme stars such as blue giants will explode in place.

The explosion after this special stimulation is more intense than the general supernova explosion. Imagine that within a radius of more than a dozen light years, hundreds of stars explode at the same time. What will it be like?

In particular, the two star clusters in the Sky Demon World are relatively close to the core, with denser stars and larger stars. Almost a quarter of them are blue giants or even super blue giants.

Nowadays, a general star cluster has tens of thousands of stars. If it really wants to explode, there are more than two thousand stars. Moreover, many blue giant stars may evolve into neutron stars or even black holes after they explode.

Think about the sudden appearance of more than a dozen black holes within a range of more than a dozen light-years. It is definitely a disaster. As long as the star just exploded, it would be attracted by the black hole for hundreds of light years. The elite of the sky demon will be difficult to escape.

After Zhang Hao's inquiry and analysis came back, Xuantian Tianjun briefly discussed with the quasi-sages around him and asked Zhang Hao to use the most intense means.

Now that the skin is completely torn, there is no need to care about the future. Fix it to death!

After getting a positive answer, Zhang Hao immediately gave the order, and the relevant order spread at an unimaginable speed. However, the two star clusters in the Sky Demon World are still a bit far apart, and it will take a while for the signal to arrive.

However, the self-destruction of Chaoge Star Cluster can be done at any time. Yes, the Chaoge Star Cluster also blew itself up!

After Xuantian Tianjun got a definite answer, he continued to lead the world of the sky demon closer.

Two days passed quickly, and the two sides fought and retreated close to the Chaoge Star Cluster.

At this time, the person in charge of the Chaoge Star Cluster talked to Xuantian Tianjun again: Although the star cluster can explode at any time, it takes a while to cause it to explode. And after the explosion, it will take at least half a day to completely turn into a black hole.

Therefore, the quasi-sages of the Zhoutian Great World are needed to find ways to trap the masters of the sky demon world, and it is best to trap for two days.

Xuantian Tianjun immediately said: Let's try.

Try it, okay, it's just a simple way to temporarily trap the demon saints. Although it's a bit difficult, it's not impossible.

The magic weapon of the quasi-sage is really not too much.

Some people may ask, why did the prospective saints just want to run away and not get trapped? In fact, it is very simple. The trapping is only temporary and requires continuous consumption.

For the current quasi-sage,'consumption' is a big problem. In the world of the sky demon, the aura consumed cannot be replenished. And there are not too many to carry, but also pay attention to the long battle.

Then the various issues are combined, and the prospective saints will of course retreat towards the singer cluster.

But now, because of new decisions, everyone has different choices.

The quasi saints quickly retreated to the Chaoge Star Cluster, and the Virgin of the Sky Demon led the Demon Saints to chase urgently, and the Demon Saint was responsible for intercepting, and the Virgin of the Sky Demon wanted to attack the Chaoge Star Cluster first.

But when it was less than 20 light-years away from the Chaoge Star Cluster, the quasi-sages suddenly started. The tens of thousands of star nuclei surrounding the quasi-saints suddenly changed into a ‘four-image confinement array’.

The scope of this large array is not very large, after all, it is just a star core, not a real star. But this so-called "not big" is also relative, and its range is 0.3 light-years—the radius is 0.15 light-years.

Within the scope of the Four Elephant Sealing Array, the main purpose is to shield the aura and prohibit movement beyond the speed of light.

For the sky demon, the effect of shielding aura is not great. Although the sky demon have learned a little bit of cultivation now, it is still not enough to completely replace the original foundation. In fact, the sky monsters are only learning from cultivation.

Although cultivation is good, we have our own saint and our own holy way! This is the fundamental problem.

But the speed is troublesome. And this is also the important purpose of the quasi-sages. Can't move faster than light, only fly a little bit, I see how long you can last.

According to the current sky demon's physical speed of 0.5 times the speed of light, it would take about 110 days to move 0.15 light years!

At this time, the Chaoge Star Cluster had already collapsed into a black hole.

In fact, at the same time that the Four Elephants closed the sky formation, the chief technical officer of Chaoge Star Cluster pressed all the red buttons.

Immediately the order was passed, and all the stellar modification devices began to operate at an overload; within a dozen minutes, some stars began to appear unstable.

After another two hours, finally some stars began to fail. Some stars that have already entered old age, which could have persisted for thousands of years and tens of thousands of years, are now finally entering the stage of death ahead of schedule.

First, several super large blue giant stars exploded. As the flames rolled, the planet went into chaos, the internal nuclear fusion was affected, and the core temperature began to drop.

However, too much iron has been generated inside these old blue giant stars due to fusion, and the iron cannot continue to fusion, but can provide gravity and so on.

Right now the balance is broken, and these iron elements begin to get together.

Then a chain reaction formed, a cavity appeared in the inner core of the star and the temperature began to drop; the weight of the entire outer layer of the star collapsed.

The huge weight fell, and a neutron core appeared directly at the core of the star. The neutron core is born, causing a larger cavity to appear and more matter to fall down. The neutron core quickly degenerates into a quark core, and then into a black hole!

At this point, the collapse of a star has been unavoidable.

Because of the artificial interference of the Ocean Group, the supernovae exploded very weakly, and most of the energy and matter fell directly into the black hole.


The void trembles, and the newly born black hole announces its birth to the universe. Unimaginable energy rays erupted from the poles of the black hole, piercing the sky like a sharp sword.

Most of the high temperature and radiation of the blue giant star are integrated into the two polar rays.

And at this moment in the Chaoge Star Cluster, because the Zhoutian Great Array is still running-or the effect has not completely subsided, the two levels of rays unexpectedly surpassed the speed of light and penetrated time and space with the help of the power of the array, in the blink of an eye. , The two-level rays flew out for about a light-year and penetrated two stars respectively.

The star pierced by the black hole's rays exploded violently. But then because of the huge collapse gravitational force, the star exploded before it could disperse before it began to collapse.

As soon as it was released, one star became a black hole and the other became a neutron star.

A huge gravitational force appeared between the three planets, breaking the balance of time and space, and began to gather together. The planets on both sides followed the'temporary passage' opened by the black hole before, and slammed on the black hole with a bang.

At this point, the balance of the entire Chaoge star cluster was completely broken. But the effect of the formation did not have time to subside, leading to a chain reaction inside the star cluster at an unimaginable speed.

Stars began to collapse, black holes or neutron stars were born, and black holes began to gather.

The demon saints trapped in the air in the distance felt a crisis beyond imagination instinctively. However, because of the problem of the Four Elephants Sealing the Heavens Formation, the sky demons can no longer "see through the autumn water"-looking at the sight a few light years away.

The Mother of Heavenly Demon frowned slightly, a ball of light suddenly appeared in her hand, and she hesitated.

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