Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 324: we are back

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But said that after crossing a tens of kilometers of rapid river, Zhang Hao suddenly saw a clear lake. There are beautiful small islands with blooming flowers.

The clear lakes and clear lakes, the little green dots and small islands, everything is so beautiful. Like a fairy tale world.

After experiencing the magnificent and dangerous green sea of ​​death, suddenly seeing such a beautiful scenery, many people ran to the ship's side and burst into wonder.

Only Hua Baixiang laughed faintly, reached out and hit a small fireball, and flew towards a ‘small island’.

As soon as the fireball flew out of the side of the ship, it quickly grew larger. When it came to a small island directly in front of it, it had turned into a raging fire of hundreds of meters.

But seeing that the ‘flowers’ on the island suddenly came alive, and turned into snakes dancing—the flowers turned out to be all kinds of snakes!

And the small island also moved. It turned out to be a ‘snake turtle’ that was more than thirty meters long. In a shell similar to a turtle, the crocodile’s brutal body was wrapped.

At this moment, the beautiful lake boiled. Beautiful, fading in an instant, revealing the grimness of nature!

Those flamboyant ‘flowers’ turned into countless long snakes with different sizes and colors.

Some snake mouths spit black water arrows, some emit water-like attacks, some emit ice cones, raise the lake water, and some attack directly with their tails.

The snapping turtle also moved. The first snapping turtle roared with anger and murderousness. The mouth full of fangs opened, showing the teeth like a blade.

The snapping turtle's fierce eyes stared at the rapidly crushing steel giant ship, and roared again, but when the whole lake boiled, all the'islands' began to change, and hundreds of snapping turtles quickly rushed into the battleship .

Countless demon snakes screamed toward the sky, forming a dark cloud to cover the sky.

The lake was full of snarls of vipers and roars with snapping turtles. There were black clouds suddenly appearing between the world and the earth. The turbid waves were violent, and the calm lake instantly turned into infinite forest.

The sky was gloomy, the murky water vapor was rolling around, the cloudy wind began to hover, and a chilling whistling sounded.

Zhang Hao nodded to Du Gu Jun Jie, Du Gu Jun Jie shouted: "Free attack!"

In the next moment, the artillery exploded--every moment, there were shells in the gun barrel, and there were many types of shells, so as to respond to changes at any time.

Under the dim sky, the light of the artillery was exceptionally bright. The flame spewed out more than ten meters away, illuminating the nearby water surface and sky. Some shells fell into the water, but suddenly saw the surface of the water bulged up the hills. The hill erupted in an instant, turned into a water column, and the sky was filled with water. Some unlucky snapping turtles were overturned by shells on the spot.

Part of the water column even rushed up to tens of meters above the sky, dispersing the demon snake gathered in the sky.

Many air-explosive bombs exploded in mid-air, and the demon snakes in the sky were emptied out of dozens of holes instantly, and the sky dropped.

But this is just the beginning. The three 460mm artillery of the bow of the Iron Duke finally lifted up and fired at the maximum elevation angle. The trajectory was very steep; the bow was almost pressed by one meter of recoil, and the bow was upturned; the surrounding waves rolled and the water The wave exceeded the deck height, but was blocked by the enchantment.

The shells flew out of a height of five or six kilometers before they began to turn around and accelerate to fall. About half a minute later, the shells finally fell and plunged into the bottom of the lake.

Then, half of the lake surface in the field of vision began to bulge and was broken open crazy. At that moment, it was like a volcanic eruption, the water wave rushed to a height of hundreds of meters, and dozens of snapping turtles and countless poisonous snakes were washed into the sky. , Many died on the spot.

The water wave trembles violently, and the wave rushes up to the shore behind forty or forty meters, and the entire Skull River is disturbed.

The remaining monster snakes and snapping turtles struggled in the waves, screaming in horror. Under such a violent explosion, any magical powers were too scared to use.

"Continue!" Zhang Hao stood at the bow and continued to order coldly. Having said that, I turned my head a little and glanced at the passion flower, which means self-evidently-to show you the power of the steel battleship, let you know why we crossed the green sea of ​​death!

The warship began to accelerate, and the artillery constantly turned the water surface in the distance. This wide lake was completely muddled. The once clear lake water began to turn cloudy.

At close range, the ballista with ropes fired continuously, and a sharp crossbow penetrated the carapace of the snapping turtle, and... was dragged onto the battleship!

These snapping turtles struggle frantically, but to no avail. A crossbow shot down and stopped struggling in no time.

Explosions are everywhere in the sky and on the water. Various demon snakes in the sky are broken and broken during the explosion. The core of the explosion was even filled with blood mist. Perhaps many demon snakes can be equivalent to the Jindan period, but under this large-scale explosion, they are still powerless.

There are also many monster snakes and snapping turtles attached to the bottom of the battleship; but the battleship opened the enchantment and continued to advance; the surface of the battleship began to flash a sword light. Jianguang cuts the surrounding water surface at least enough to exclude underwater attacks.

On the ship's side, a ballista exploded, clearing the underwater threat. The two battleships swapped left and right to clean each other's underwater parts.

Zhang Hao looked at the battle in front of him and took out a small book to record: the next step should be the development of deep-water bombs and torpedoes. With current technology accumulation, it may be enough to develop these things. If it doesn't work, just use spells and so on.

However, Zhang Hao has always firmly believed that: technology cannot be achieved at all, and the use of spells and formation aids is to promote seedlings, which can only solve the temporary needs and cannot last for a long time.

In Zhang Hao's view, physical technology and arrays are somewhat similar to computer hardware and software. No one is weak, but physical technology is fundamental.

Even if it is a traditional magic weapon manufacturing, it needs a good embryo to attach advanced formations, and then it can refine an excellent magic weapon. If you use ordinary low-purity black iron, I am afraid that I cannot bear the energy of the formation, and I will collapse.

Zhang Hao imagined here, but Du Gu Junjie had already commanded the battleship to start strangling. These snapping turtles are almost equivalent to the infancy, but their main defenses cannot block artillery and ballistas, and their attack power is not enough to destroy the steel warships. At this time, they have become the targets of hunting.

A group of soldiers who had been repaired on average to barely exceed the foundation period manipulated powerful weapons and started a wave of crazy hunting. A large number of monsters equivalent to the Jindan period and the Yuan infant period died in great numbers.

The net was sprinkled, and the floating snake on the water was dragged up. In order to prevent problems, go up and seal it first, then open the net, and then pile the sealed things into the warehouse, seal the insurance and freshness again-wait for the return to the country of Qixia for processing. So many snakes, there must be good things. And the snapping turtle, too.

After more than an hour, the battleship turned this lake, which is about 20 kilometers away, into several circles, and then it continued to flow upstream. At this time, there are almost no snapping turtles in this lake.

It was only then that Hua Baixiang finally sighed leisurely: "It's a very powerful battle. But I always feel a bit cumbersome."

"Huahou Fa, this is inland. If you go to the sea, you will understand. The battleships here can't accelerate, and the fastest speed is only 30 kilometers. And on the sea, it can run at a speed of 110 kilometers. Almost four times as much as it is now."

"That's still very slow! This figure can be reached at any time during a foundation period!" Hua Baixiang has understood the concept of kilometers and the concept of hours. It's very easy to learn to be a human.

Zhang Hao smiled and didn't explain, the flower passion was obviously lifting the bar. That's typical disappointment and sourness.

Sure enough, after a while, passion and sigh, "Unfortunately, you can only sail on the water, not fly to the sky."

Zhang Hao rolled his eyes, and you really dare to think about it-but this is the so-called picking bones in the egg. Judging from the current situation, it is simply unrealistic to want to send this behemoth to heaven.

Hey... Behemoth? Suddenly a flash of light flashed in Zhang Hao's head-I went, how could I forget the airship! Also, this time has been busy with sea traffic, almost ignored the airship. Well, after going back this time, we must study the airship!

To study airships, we must also study high-altitude atmosphere and aura. Master Zhang's thoughts are off topic again...

After the two warships continued to travel for more than 300 kilometers, they moved hard into the evening, and finally could no longer advance; even because the river was narrow, they had to retreat carefully for one kilometer before they found a place to make a U-turn. The battleship broke down here, and Hua Baixiang flew away altogether, indicating that the sky would come again.

Early in the morning the next day, Hua Passion really came back, followed by thousands of masters, Yuan infant period, Jin Dan period, rough estimate of at least five thousand, in short, there is a feeling of overwhelming Dark clouds pounced.

Zhang Hao looked, and his heart was still a little trembling; if so many people were in trouble, they could not run away with these two warships! Fortunately, no problems occurred.

After these people came to the shore, under the command of Hua Baixiang, they leveled a piece of flat land of almost one kilometer by magic, and then everyone sat on the site and took out a large amount of medicinal materials from the storage ring and a large number of Jingjin, Mithril and other better spiritual materials began to be set up.

And Zhang Hao commanded a large amount of black iron, immortal medicine, steel, etc. to be removed from the battleship. An unprecedented grand transaction began to proceed in an orderly manner.

Seeing the transaction going smoothly, Zhang Hao smiled. The most worried thing did not happen after all. In fact, as expected by Zhang Hao, the Red Lotus also needs a lifeline.

Hua Baixiang flew to the bow of the ship alone, and found Zhang Hao to negotiate the artillery.

"Zhang Hao, the Red Lotus Church has sorted out our existing, about 90%, Jindan and below exercises, secrets, formations, etc. Except for the core exercises of our sect, they are almost here. ."

With that said, taking out the jade jade with three full boxes, Zhang Hao looked at it. The largest box contains almost three thousand jade jades. There are also formations, spells, etc., as well as some knowledge of alchemy refinery.

Sure enough, it is the power of a holy place... Well, it is the power of half a holy place. Although these things are more common, but the number is too large, the Jiuyang Zong copying family did not have one-tenth of these!

However, after opening the box, Hua Baixiang looked at Zhang Hao with a smile, "Although these things are ordinary, but there are too many, if they are just artillery... I am afraid they are not enough!"

Zhang Hao simply put out a jade jade. "Please see the flower protection method. Everything is here. But how much you can change depends on the value of the jade jade on your side. Of course, jade jade There is only a brief introduction."

Hua Baixiang took a look at Yu Jian for a while, her eyes suddenly shining. Inside, there are 60% of the technology of mass production of black iron-this has been freely published in the country of Qixia, but the technology is still precious.

As for the artillery technology, it includes complete drawings, gunpowder technology, and a large number of detailed parameters of the artillery.

In addition, there are ballistas, and drawings of many warcraft weapons-yes, Zhang Hao took out the drawings of the warcraft weapons from the Qixia country. Anyway, he can’t use them anymore. Of course, he has to use some waste. .

Finally, there are materials on battle fronts and strategies in large-scale wars. It was Zhang Hao who sorted it out after seeing the war here.

In the war Zhang Hao observed last time, although there were spells, there was no large war machine, and no military discipline strategy. The two sides were more like a melee.

Not many things, but all are critical. Hua Baixiang hesitated for a long time and had to start a conversation with Zhang Hao's profiteers.

The two men talked about each other for more than three days. But overall, Zhang Hao’s profiteers prevailed, because what Zhang Hao brought out was what the Red Lotus Sect needed, but what the Red Lotus Sect brought out was not Zhang Hao’s “must-have” – anyway Zhang Hao said so!

During the negotiations, Zhang Hao pressed tightly; in the end, Zhang Hao obtained two precious ‘secret methods’ from the hands of Hua Baixiang — the ground fire washes, burns the immortals, and is in the infancy level!

"Earthfire Body Washing" is a precious mystery in the Red Lotus religion. It can further strengthen the body and temper the body, cooperate with some powerful immortals (such as Shengshengzaohuadan, etc.), and can also supplement the basic problems- — This is very precious.

After the body is strong, the realm is even easier.

There is also "Fen Xian Jin", which is a powerful combat technique and attack method; Hua Baixiang demonstrates once, with a hand-made flame knife, and in the palm of his hand, he almost split a mountain and melted the rock at the attack location, scaring Zhang Hao Xinganer jumped around.

Burning Xianjin can transform the real elements in the body into a powerful high-temperature attack, and the attack power can reach 200% of its maximum combat power! Called life-saving means.

However, each attack will cause a burden on the body, and must cooperate with the "Fire and Body Washing" to withstand its strong impact.

The most important thing is that these two secret methods cooperate with each other, even if they are masters of the magic period, they also have a significant effect-Hua Baixiang is an example!

Although these two secret methods are not exercises, they are more precious than the common peak infantry exercises.

And Hua Baixiang got all the techniques Zhang Hao brought out, visited the steel warship, and learned about the general structure. Both parties were very happy.

However, there is one special point: many key parts of the artillery need to be purchased from the Ocean Group. In a short period of time, the Red Lotus did not have the ability to "produce artillery completely independently."

In the past three days, the transaction on the shore has also ended, and the inventory of the two warships has been emptied, in exchange for a mountain of medicinal materials and many precious spiritual materials.

In the past few days, Zhang Hao also got another saying of "Tiandu School" here at Hua Baixiang: When Zhang Tiandu sent the head teacher to find that the big disciples were inferior to the second disciples, he wanted to pass on the position of the head disciples to the second disciples; The first disciple first became strong. Before the second disciple left, he only had time to inherit the nine places of red lotus from his father, and created the red lotus religion.

Zhang Hao is skeptical of both parties' claims; but then again, these things have little effect on Zhang Hao for the time being. Zhang Hao is concerned about the situation there. It's almost 20 days since I knew it, and the time has passed.

In the past few days, there was another person who was relatively busy-Zhao Dahe was too busy. He measured the length of the shadow of the stick at noon and repeatedly measured it.

The battleship stayed here for three days, and finally anchored at noon on the fourth day. The sailors started cheering and were going home.

Hua Baixiang watched the battleship move slowly, but she couldn't help shouting, "Zhang Hao, don't forget to bring a large number of artillery parts, steam turbines, and the steel swords after folding and forging next time."

"Remember!" Zhang Hao yelled, waving at Hua Baixiang and everyone at the shore, which was a farewell.

Over the past few days, Zhang Hao has probably learned about the environment here. The Turquoise Continent seems to be inconsistent with the legends-there is no sunlight and it is difficult to survive. Perhaps it is not yet in the southernmost part, maybe it is not due to summer. Come back in the summer.

In addition, although it is a demonic continent here, there are no other conflicts except for the war that was seen at the beginning. Of course, Zhang Hao did not go out.

The first transaction is based on stability, and try not to grow outside. In fact, both parties were more restrained in this transaction, and they both wanted to create a perfect transaction to lay the foundation for future development.

More communication, even understanding, wait for next time.

The battleship slowly accelerated and returned to the sea that evening. But the battleship did not immediately go north, but continued to sail deep into the sea. This is to prevent the torch attack of the torch in the north.

Zhang Hao believes that after so many days have passed, the Holy Torch of the North must have learned the information here, and now I don’t know if it is too regretful or anxious, but Zhang Hao is still careful.

The battleship rushed into the sea for more than 100 kilometers before turning back north.

Sprinting at full speed along the way, because the speed of the battleship Zhiyuan must be taken care of, the forward speed is maintained at 110 kilometers.

As we went north, the temperature began to decrease,

Starry night and journey all the way, unexpectedly met with unwilling Mirage on the way back. However, this time Zhang Hao was very domineering. When he saw the fog at sea, he immediately ordered the warship to attack. Then, the mist quickly dissipated, and the warship nipped the crushed ice that hadn't had time to subside at sea, and rushed past.

It wasn't until the battleship rushed past that the sea rolled over again, and the two Mirages carefully plucked their heads out and looked at them, finally reluctantly drilling back into the sea.

The battleship did not slow down, and the compass was repeatedly chaotic on the road, but under the guidance of Zhao Dahe, the battleship hardly changed its direction.

The battleship is like the thought of everyone returning home.

On the morning of the sixth day of the gallop, there was light snow under the sky, and the cold sea breeze blew to every collar, but everyone was excited, and the eyes full of expectation. It's getting cold, does that mean you're going home?

I remember when I set off at the same time.

But Dugu Junjie stood at the bow of the ship, frowning slightly. He was afraid, the boat would run over!

This is the sea, there is no reference. The scope of the lighthouse is also limited. Especially in the daytime, the light of the lighthouse cannot be seen.

Zhang Hao proposed: "Duo Gu, or we should first sail to the northeast for a while, and wait until tonight to see if we can see the light of the lighthouse.

In terms of time and distance, we should be close to the West of the Land of Fertile Land. "

Dugu Junjie looked at the sea water. The sea water still appeared dark black, and no seabirds or the like could be seen in the distance. After thinking about it, he could only command the warship to sail northeast.

In the evening, the sailor on the lookout chanted: "Seabirds! There are seabirds!"

Many people suddenly rushed to the bow and looked up. Even Zhang Hao couldn't help but rushed to the bow to watch.

If there are seabirds, there must be land nearby!

The color of the seawater began to lighten, and Du Gujunjie slowed down the warship and slowly moved northwards until the night came and began searching for the light of the lighthouse.

At midnight, the night sky in the northeast appeared a little glorious, very faint, but it instantly attracted everyone's attention.

"It's a lighthouse! It's a lighthouse! Go home! Go home!" the sailors shouted, and everyone hugged excitedly on the deck.

There was a smile on Du Gujunjie's face: "All the artillery is ready, high-explosive shells are fired. Tell the shore, we are back!"

(Sorry, it's a little late. This chapter has been revised a lot. Finally, after thinking about it, I still cut off a lot of plots and simply returned. The things of the Land of Turtles will be put into the future.)

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