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Time goes back to the evening. When the sun sets to the west and the Qingyun Kingdom is discussing the division of the Qixia Kingdom, the southern border of the Qingyun Kingdom and the border with the Taihua Kingdom are brewing changes.

Lan Jianwu, the general of the Shangzhu Kingdom, the kingdom of Taihua, is standing on his own level and overlooking the opposite level of the Qingyun Kingdom.

After looking at it for a while, I turned around and asked the assistant lieutenant Duan Baili who had just arrived, "How is the tunnel excavated? Is the gunpowder all set up?"

"General, three tunnels have been dug. The average depth is more than five hundred feet (about 1670 meters). More than thirty spaces are dug at the end of each tunnel, leaving at least 20 tons of gunpowder in each space."

"Is it ordinary black gunpowder, or that kind of advanced gunpowder?"

"Ordinary black gunpowder. This thing is cheap and large in quantity. Put more, and the effect is equally good.

According to the engineers of the Ocean Group, 10 tons of ordinary gunpowder is enough to destroy the world in a closed environment. Each of our space is about 20 tons, a total of about 2000 tons of gunpowder, which is enough to send the checkpoint of the country of Qingyun straight to Qingyun, hehe...

Hundreds of thousands of troops stationed in the country of Qingyun are estimated to be few.

Now that some are all set up, just wait for the fire. "

Lan Jianwu took out the design and looked at it for a while, then nodded in satisfaction. "Let everyone be prepared to raise the defensive barrier to defend against the blast impact. Check if there are any people left in the tunnel.

Ignite at sunset! "

"Yes." Duan Baili quickly ordered to continue. When things were over, he hesitated, "General, I... have a few questions..."

"Speak it, I've seen it for a long time. I can bear it until now, and it has made me look at you with respect."

"Hey..." Duan Baili showed a childish smirk in front of Lan Jianwu, "General, although we have some hatred between the country of Qingyun, why should we help the country of Qixia?"

The country of Qixia let us fight the country of green clouds, shall we fight? !

Want me to say, we are also good at attacking the country of Qixia, grabbing the technology and talents from the country of Qixia. By then we will be able to develop quickly! "

"Hehe..." Lan Jianwu smiled. "You, if you are still like this, you can only be a general, not a handsome one in the future! Open the map to see where the countries are, and reconsider carefully."

Duan Baili opened the map and frowned to watch:

..Yanyun......The Country of Qingyun



.... Danyang…¥Canglan¥

After a while, Lan Jianwu pointed to the map and said, "Look, our kingdom of Taihua lives in the mainland, even if we participate in the war against Qixia, how much benefit can we get after victory? Most of the benefits are borne by the rest of the country. Got it. The benefits we can get are minimal.

If the kingdom of Qixia dies, the kingdom of Jinyang in our west will grow, which is not a good thing for us. Moreover, the kingdom of Jinyang and the kingdom of Qingyun in the north are now in awe, and the kingdom of Qingyun is staring at us again.

If the country of Qixia is destroyed, I am afraid that the country of Jinyang and the Parliament of Qingyun will immediately turn their spears at us!

In contrast, it is better to cooperate with the country of Qixia. You see, just after cooperation, we got gunpowder technology, black iron technology, artillery technology.

Moreover, Qixia's country promised that Qixia's country would occupy the five western countries and help us occupy Qingyun's country. "

Duan Baili frowned for a long time and asked, "Can you believe the words of the country of Qixia?"

"It should be believed. The current country of Qixia seems to regard credibility as a precious resource. They should not say nothing about such major events."

In fact, all the actual persons in charge of the underground passages came to report, and all the persons in the underground passages had been evacuated and could be ignited at any time.

Lan Jianwu glanced at the opposite side, the setting sun had gone down, the dark red sunset sky was floating, and there were already lights on the opposite side.

"Ignite!" Lan Jianwu ordered.

When several people left, Lan Jianwu sighed. The rules of war... have changed and become more and more strange.

Thinking about it, I saw fire suddenly burst out in the distance, and then the flames soared into the sky, the mountains were broken, and the endless rocks rushed into the sky. The whole mountain rises abruptly!

There is no such thing as a divine period!

In the next moment, the earth roared, and the sky came like a thunderous explosion. The earth is like drumming, trembling madly, and the level beneath it is crumbling.

The peaks and checkpoints that stretched for about ten kilometers ahead collapsed like bricks, and like volcanic eruptions, the fire reflected the earth and reflected the sunset of the sky.

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the border of Qingyun Kingdom were killed in the explosion or buried alive. In such a crazy explosion, the foundation period can only survive by luck, and only the Jindan period is eligible to save life.

Because the gunpowder is buried too deep, and because the mountains are too high, the power of the explosion has been reduced a lot. But after all, it is more than two thousand tons of gunpowder, although it is just ordinary gunpowder.

The formation of the checkpoint is completely abolished, the mountains are all lifted off, and the formation based on the mountains is also inevitable.

The explosion lasted for three or five minutes, but the billowing smoke rose into the sky. The rocks were rolling, and the previous level had already disappeared.

Standing on the level of the Kingdom of Taihua, Lan Jianwu looked at the rubble that the sky was constantly falling, and his eyes were deep. These rubbles span more than ten kilometers, and the defensive borders of the Taihua Kingdom level still smashed. Some of the rubbles are several meters in size, and the attack power is not weaker than the foundation period.

In the sound of the explosion, there are also a lot of dying screams and screams. There is also a roar of masters.

The billowing smoke washed high into the sky, covering the afterglow of the setting sun, and the world was dark.

"Strike!" Lan Jianwu ordered coldly, all the elites above the foundation period rushed out, and a killing began. Captive or something, does not exist.

This is a raid, and naturally no captives will be left.

Then the main body of the army was promoted and searched along the mountain, killing and burying all the enemies. After dark, the hundreds of thousands of troops in the Qingyun Kingdom level only had a few Yuan infants and Jindans running away, and most of them could not escape. Including, the commander here.

At this stop, the country of Qingyun was seriously injured, and at least a quarter of the elite in the country were wiped out. In an instant, the country of Qingyun had to switch from strategic offense to strategic defense.

When the news reached the hands of the emperor of the Qingyun Kingdom, Lan Jianwu had led more than 30,000 masters above the base period, furiously fought for more than 200 kilometers, killed the main force and masters of the two counties, and approached the third county.

When the kingdom of Qingyun finally responded, Lan Jianwu had already eliminated the third county and began to consolidate the results. And personally lead some masters to find a place to set up.

At the same time, the army began to copy the house in the rear, seize the children of the local families as hostages, and draw out the good hands of the families to form a puppet army.

After dawn, the masters of the two sides played a game, and had to take the initiative to retreat from colleagues and enter a stalemate stage.

But as the stalemate progressed, the artillery regiment of the Kingdom of Taihua began to catch up. After noon, less than 20 hours before the station started, the Legion of Taihua began to advance again. More than 10,000 puppet regiments reorganized overnight were forced to rush forward.

At this point, the country of Qingyun not only lost about a quarter of its military power, but also suffered a serious blow to the confidence of war in the country. Hundreds of thousands of elite border defenses were so extinguished, so scary and not scary! Shock not shocked! Is there anything more terrifying than this?

Hundreds of thousands are elite, but not civilians!

Cui Hongyan, the general of the Shangzhu Kingdom in the Qingyun Kingdom, stood on the front line, watching the shells drop like raindrops, and his face was completely dark. "We have been calculated by the country of Qixia! And this country of Taihua is even more like the country of Qixia."

The prince who came over to monitor the army and encouraged morale said coldly, "General, this is not the time to say this."

"Your Highness is assured that everything is not irreversible. The other side is in an assault and the rear defense will be relatively weak.

On the one hand, we should make full use of local advantages to prevent the other side from advancing, and on the one hand, we should send masters to harass the enemy, and try to delay the time as much as possible to allow the domestic legion to dispatch troops. "

But the crown prince of the Kingdom of Qingyun is extraordinary. He looked at the map and said slowly: "General, I have an idea: According to normal circumstances, we should be in a defensive state now. But can we take the initiative to attack? No How long did the opponent consolidate the occupied area?

The front line is defensive, and the general leads some masters to attack the enemy, destroy the opponent's artillery, etc., or to carry the weight. Even, it is possible to slash the protons of the families they detained.

I remember Zhang Hao, who once lived in the country of Qixia, once put forward a strategic method, that is...the people's war.

Let me expand one more time. This time we did not fight the position battle, we completely carried out the master thrust, cut the legion of the kingdom of Taihua, came to chaos with chaos, hit fast, and then torn the army of the kingdom of Taihua It is completely drowned in our people!

The Kingdom of Taihua is an aggression, and the hundreds of thousands of elites that perished in the past have made the nearby counties and counties almost Xiao Dai. As long as we create a condition and give some rewards, it is enough to drag the other party's elite into this occupied area! "

General Zhui Hongyan's eyes suddenly lighted up. He thought about it for a while and exclaimed: "Your Highness is wise. This method is indeed feasible. However, you need to give ordinary people a lot of weapons."

"No problem! Didn't we eliminate the equipment once a year ago, we can arrange it."

"The equipment is in trouble for your Highness. I will lead the master to raid, and I cannot give the other person time to breathe and think."

So in the evening, the masters of the Qingyun Kingdom, more than 7,000 Jindan period, were divided into three groups and attacked the rear of the Taihua Army. The unexpected state of Taihua suffered heavy losses and had to shrink.

Lan Jianwu, the general of the Pillar State of the Kingdom of Taihua, was not a mediocre person. He was keenly aware of the crisis and immediately shrank his defense. At this time, a huge victory has been achieved, so as long as you can guard a county and provide a base for the army behind.

The army searched the wealth of the other two counties and began to retreat. Leaving a white ground, howling all over the field.

Soon, a day has passed and the news has spread. The short and intense confrontation between the Kingdom of Taihua and the Kingdom of Qingyun brought huge shocks to the West of the Land of Continents.

The new and unfamiliar way of war also made countless generals and superiors into deep contemplation.

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