Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 764: Emergency order

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The cold wind hunted in Changshan Port, but a large fleet was ready to go.

The core of the fleet is the USS Seahawk.

With the carrier as the core, it is surrounded by a complete fleet, the first squadron of the Atlantic fleet; of course, there have been many changes.

Taking the fleet as the center, it is surrounded by hundreds of large and small merchant ships.

The largest merchant ship has a displacement of up to 200,000 tons. Although it is not as long as the aircraft carrier, it is huge and immobile in the rolling waves.

There are more than one such large merchant ship, filled with steel and profiles, engineering machinery, military equipment, reinforced concrete, etc. from the Ocean Group, and is ready to follow the fleet to the target-Baiyun City.

Today's mercenary guild is under construction in full swing, and the demand for various resources is massive.

Prior to the 400 billion funds gathered by all parties, the mobile wealth, which is the spirit stone, was as high as 70 billion. Among them, 20 billion is used for the construction of cities and residences.

The goal of Baiyun City is a modern city like the headquarters of Dayang Group and Ninghe City. It even includes urban rail transit systems such as subways.

However, the fleet’s target is not Baiyun City on Sanxian Island. The fleet is just passing by here; the fleet’s target is the southern part of the Motu Chau. .

After nearly a year of hard work, the Ocean Group has basically restored the "possible" complete "Beast Beast" technique.

For each additional exercise, the master of the Ocean Group has one more choice.

Falun Gong and Yangshen's exercises are certainly good, but not everyone is suitable.

According to Zhang Hao and the experts of the Ocean Group, the beast's skill, that is, the technique of Waidan, is especially suitable for people who are not too qualified!

In addition, only by understanding each type of exercise can we better respond.

What makes the Ocean Group pay more attention is that for each type of exercise, there is one more idea, and they can learn from each other and improve their own way of the law.

The Faxiang Road is the core of the Ocean Group, and "Zhou Tiangong" is currently the world's top practice.

In addition, the reflection of light can also promote technological progress.

Dugu Junjie calmly arranged the fleet under the cold wind. After half an hour, the fleet finally set off.

The aircraft carrier is at the very center and under the protection of battleships; the outermost is the cruiser. In fact, the current cruiser functions as a destroyer. However, the performance of the Blue Wolf class cruiser was sufficient, and the Ocean Group did not design a new battleship.

A complete aircraft carrier formation is spread out, almost in the range of 20-30 kilometers.

The aircraft carrier trains while advancing. Fighters continued to roar in the sky.

At this time, the aircraft carrier already has 60 fighters, which has reached the design limit of the aircraft carrier. If you add more fighters, it is difficult to increase the combat effectiveness, but it will increase the consumption.

Merchant ships, etc. followed, and the entire team sailed eastward at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour.

Along the way, it was very calm. The only thing that was not calm was the training of the aircraft and the training of the fleet.

The fleet is resupplied once when passing by the Black Scale Island, the Beihai Harbor of the Xuan Ming Religion of the Turquoise Island, and Sanxian Island; the fleet maintains its peak combat power at any time and practices rapid supply.

In addition, after passing Sanxian Island, there is no suitable supply point for the distance to the south of Motuozhou.

In the north of the Motuozhou, the scope of the Holy Land of Hongshan, and the location of the entrance of the Red River, the Ocean Group bought this estuary, and the Ocean Group built a city here-Honghe City. But this new city is still under construction.

This time the merchant ships following the fleet have a lot of transportation information, which is to support the construction of Honghe City.

On the 28th day after the fleet's departure, the team arrived in Honghe City. The fleet only proceeded to the south after receiving supplies from the accompanying merchant ship of the Ocean Group.

At this point, the masters who followed the fleet were all dispersed. Follow up again, the Ocean Group is about to turn over.

We will begin military operations below, and you have a few meanings to follow.

However, the fleet had just left the port and had not had time to accelerate. Du Gu Junjie received Zhang Hao's urgent order.

"There can be no urgent orders, wars or anything, and it has nothing to do with us." Du Gu Junjie was a little puzzled.

The word "emergency" can't be used indiscriminately. In any case, the word "emergency" can be used.

Dugu Junjie took the telegram and frowned.

This so-called emergency order turned out to rescue a caravan, a caravan registered with the Ocean Group.

The current Ocean Group, said to be a group, is actually a complete administrative system, already a country. Therefore, there are many teams within the reign of the Ocean Group.

These are not branches of the Dayang Group, but they are registered under the rule of the Dayang Group. Including mercenaries, private schools, various business teams, etc. They pay taxes to the Ocean Group, and also accept the management and even protection of the Ocean Group.

All kinds of business organizations are under the control of the Ocean Group. Small ones, such as shops and snacks, have one or two people; large ones, such as foreign trade groups, can employ thousands or even tens of thousands of employees.

To register in the Ocean Group, you need to be a local of the Ocean Group-mainly people in Ninghe County and Nanyang County, with identification issued by the Ocean Group.

And this time for help, it is such a foreign trade group-sincere business.

Sincere commerce, mainly responsible for the sales of machine tools of the Ocean Group, as well as the corresponding consumables and technical services, after-sales service-part of the after-sales of the Ocean Group is handed over to the agents.

Even Jingcheng Trading has its own factory, which mainly produces some machine tool consumables with certain technical content.

In addition, sincerity commerce will also do something else. For example, arms, elixir, immortality, etc.

In the commercial hierarchy of Dayang Group, Jingcheng Business is a medium-sized business group.

Micro self-employed: total assets within 500,000-calculated as above spirit stone.

Small: less than 5 million in total assets;

Small and medium-sized: less than 50 million in total assets;

Medium: less than 300 million in total assets;

Medium and large-scale: less than 1 billion in total assets;

Large: less than 3 billion in total assets;

It is over 3 billion, which is very large. At present, within the scope of the Ocean Group, only the Ocean Group itself.

This time, taking advantage of the expansion of the mercenary guild, the sincere business even boldly penetrated into the interior of the Muzhizhou, wanting to develop the market and seize the market.

The idea is good, but the Motuozhou has not been opened so far, and the Ocean Group’s connection to the Mutuozhou is limited to limited seaside areas.

But because of the success of the Mercenary Guild, sincere business executives believe that this is an opportunity. Maotuozhou is an undeveloped virgin land, which will be an opportunity for the sincerity of business.

Therefore, Jingcheng Trading has almost exerted all of its efforts. It is not enough to take out all the liquid funds. It also mortgaged some industries and borrowed 60 million top-grade spirit stones.

Then purchased the top single-crystal spirit materials, machine tools, arms, etc. from the Ocean Group, and leased the Ocean Group’s commercial ship to arrive in the construction of Honghe City; then the party used the magic and some simple flights to launch, carrying a large amount of goods , The land of the Motuozhou flew inland.

As a result, before crossing the Red Mountain Holy Land and arriving at the next Holy Land, Heming Mountain, he was stopped.

Now it is at stake and I call on the Ocean Group for help. Zhang Hao did not hesitate to let Du Gu Junjie go to rescue here, and he was allowed to use all means.

After clarifying the antecedents and consequences, Dugu Junjie is a little dazed—it goes without saying that Zhang Hao’s decision clearly surpassed everyone’s knowledge in this era, including Dugu Junjie.

However, Du Gu Junjie was a qualified commander. He immediately telegraphed the telegram back, accepted the order, and sincerely contacted the business immediately.


In a desolate mountain, the sincere business people looked around with vigilance.

It is already winter at this time, but here is the Motuozhou, which is roughly equivalent to the late autumn temperature of the Muddy Continent, and the surrounding jungle is dense.

Because of the light rain just now, the mountains are green and full of vitality.

The mountain breeze blows, bringing a light fragrance.

It's a pity that there are no birds and insects around. Because there are four hundred gods confrontation!

Trapped in the center is the team of sincere business, including more than 80 metamorphosis (golden body realm), and more than 1,000 members.

And around, there are three waves of robbers, each wave has a scale of 100 people.

Huang Min, the general manager of Jingcheng Business, has a green intestine. Not to mention the 60 million high-grade spirit stones now, it is unknown whether all of them can leave alive.

Although the distress signal was sent by the carried telegraph machine, to be honest, Huang Min did not have any hope-it was just hopeless. In the end, the only imaginable and only way to struggle was to send a signal to the Ocean Group.

The frequency band of the telegram sent is the semi-open frequency band of the Ocean Group-it will be informed during company training, etc.; this frequency band can be said to be the public channel of the Ocean Group.

But this frequency band can only be used for help, providing private information, etc.

Unfortunately, it seems that it has never been used before.

The signal of the telegraph was first sent to Honghe City. The person in charge of the telegram of the Ocean Group in Honghe City received it and sent a signal back to Huang Min, and then let Huang Min send more information to it, and then there was no news.

Today, it has been more than half an hour.

In fact, Huang Min did not even think that the Ocean Group would come to the rescue.

No such rescue will occur in the entire known world. Not to mention being in such a ghost place.

But there are a few young people still guarding the telegraph machine, that may be the only hope.

Many people looked at Huang Min's eyes, full of complaints.

Huang Min was sitting on a stone with moist mud and a stain on his pants. He only regrets this time.

After entering here half a day ago, suddenly hundreds of gods appeared, these gods are surrounded by imperial beasts. These guys don't say anything, they come down to killers.

Many people in Jingcheng Trading were injured, some of them were only born in the infant period, and the casualties were very serious-those in the Jindan period and below were not brought.

After a fierce battle, Huang Min suddenly spurred on, and shouted to destroy all the goods before the other party stopped.

Then two more people appeared in succession. The three parties began to confront each other, but they jointly blocked sincere trade.

Huang Min threatened to destroy the goods, temporarily got a little breath, and arranged a defensive border, but this was just a lingering breath. Seeing the three parties seemed to gradually reach an agreement, the shadow of death gradually fell.

The words discussed by the three parties were obviously local dialects, perhaps dialects, and Huang Min did not understand one word. But looking at the fierce appearances that the three parties have seen from time to time, one can probably understand that it must be to cut the grass.

Among the three parties, the most distinctive one is from the South. Standing in the center, there are a few masters without monsters, but there are a few colorful grubs!

Suddenly, the three parties dispersed and began to surround the enchantment.

The sincere businessmen immediately became nervous, and some arms were also taken out. There are even bombs placed in various items, ready to die together, not leaving behind. Even the precious single crystal spirit material was placed on the flame array to prepare for melting.

Seeing Jingcheng Trading doing so, the three parties hesitated again.

At this moment, people from the West said with a slightly crappy, dull knife to cut the flesh of the Kunlun Island: "If you are willing to surrender and give up all the wealth, you can put your way to life. But we need to be slaves here year!"

Ten years of slavery? Ten years later, the bones can be beaten!

Sincere business people are unmoved.

Huang Min is even more aware that the other party's most likely approach is to eradicate the roots and hide all evil.

The outside world persuaded again that after three times he lost patience and began to direct the monster attack.

"Boom..." The earth trembled, and a group of more than 30 giant apes with a height of more than 20 meters appeared in the west, carrying a thick iron rod of more than two meters and twelve or three meters, and rumbling rolled over.

The strength of the monster is trembling across the defense.

Song Xuewen, the Minister of Security of Jingcheng Commerce and Trade, swallowed, "If you can bring out so many great apes, it must be a holy place! Are they not afraid of the revenge of the Ocean Group?"

Wei Zhihai, the chief engineer of the sincere business, crouched next to the telegraph machine and hey, "Revenge? How can I take revenge? All of the land of the Motu is divided into colonies.

When we set off, the parties were already preparing for war. Perhaps in the spring of next year, the Motu Chau will face invasion. "

As soon as this word came out, everyone's face changed-the last hope was shattered. The other party is not afraid of the Ocean Group at all, or is full of anger towards the Ocean Group.

Previously, there was no way to exchange exercises like the Fa, which was forced into the corner by the Ocean Group. Doesn't it mean that one continent, so many holy places, have all made turtles!

In fact, the exercise method provided by the Maozhou is just a "Beast Beast", and more, such as raising Gu, have not been brought out at all!

During the talk, more than thirty giant apes came. The iron rod banged on the enchantment and shook violently, cracks flashed.

The sincerity business attack fell on the giant ape, but did not cause much damage! The surface of the body of these great apes shone with metallic luster.

Yu Beast, using the wisdom of humans to bring the physique of the monster to the limit! This is a real combination!

After an attack, all of Jingcheng Trading changed their colors.

However, at this time, the two groups of people in the South and East also moved.

Suddenly, the telegram sounded!


Someone exclaimed hope.

(I can’t write anymore today.)

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