Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 837: Strategic shift

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Two days later, the carrier group of the Ocean Group slowly sailed into the deep sea.

They temporarily gave up the port of Dengzhou and gave up everything here in Jianwangdao.

This exploration was too suffocating and too angry, but even more helpless.

Although everyone has masters and many of them, they are all in the early phase of the Fa, even if they are cultivated as the highest Nan Xiaoyun, they are only the peak of the early phase. Now we can only say that we have touched the mid-term height, but it is difficult to say when it will break through.

Under such circumstances, a glance at the opportunity, the personnel of the Ocean Group and the earth elephant world, directly retreated from the port of Dengzhou, all retreat.

What was left in place was a phantom array, which lasted about 12 hours. However, the core personnel of Dengzhou Haicheng also evacuated together.

From midnight last night, the fleet has been hurricane until noon today, hurricane 14 hours, leaving Dengzhou port about 1600 kilometers.

This distance can basically guarantee safety. But everyone was still not sure, the fleet continued to advance toward the deep sea in the west, and at the same time began to deepen into the south.

Since your sword king road does not welcome us, then we will go elsewhere.

Zhao Yuhang looked at the simple rough map drawn nearby. There are several forces in the West of the Xuanhuang World:

(Text version map)

King of Swords · King of Swords




Sword King Dao is the location where everyone landed before. Sword King Lou Hongyu, a master who has touched Kendo. Such a master can be said to have stood at the pinnacle of the French phase, and it is also the pinnacle of this world-the entire planet.

But in Xuanhuang World, Lou Hongyu is not the only one. There are several top masters around Jianwang Dao.

Wuwangdao, Wuwang: Song Wen, a pair of iron fists suppress tens of thousands of miles.

Heavenly Daodao, Heavenly Dao: Fang Wentian, a long sword flickers around.

Jing Wang Dao, Jing Wang: Sun Jing is also a long sword, but slightly inferior.

Pluto, Pluto: King power, a spear sweeping all directions, but the fighting power is the same level as Sun Jing.

Among them, Lou Hongyu and Jian Pavilion should be the most pinnacles, and they are also called the Western Shuanghuang of the Xuanhuang World.

King Wu is said to be not bad, but because of the lack of weapons, it is slightly inferior; there are even legends that the foundation of King Wu may be better. But most are just legends.

Jing Wang and Pluto are the weakest, but the two work together to fight the pressure of the North.

Singles are not Lou Hongyu's opponents, but cooperation is absolutely no problem. The difference is a little bit worse, but after all, it is a master of the same state.

However, according to the news collected in the past few days, the King Jing and Hades are unwilling to be crushed by a young woman!

In the past few days, everyone has also inquired about the story of Lou Hongyu-three-year-old holding sword, ten-year-old building foundation, 18-year-old playing invincible hands of the same age, entering the realm of Yuan Dan (Yuan Ying) at the age of 24, and entering the realm of golden body at the age of 37 ( Huashen), 59-year-old breaks through the golden body, 88-year-old enlightens the Tao, breaks through, and takes over the sword pavilion.

The last master of Jiange, the master of Lou Hongyu, abdicated and became an elder. There is no news from the outside world.

Lou Hongyu is now under 100 years old! Without destroying the theoretical life span of the gold master, it is as high as two thousand years!

The remaining masters of the same level range from five to six hundred years old, and most of them are cut into the soil.

It is conceivable that such a Lou Hongyu shocked the west of the Xuanhuang world. If there is no accident, in the next two thousand years, Xuanhuang World West will be a Lou dynasty!

There is a way that the wind destroys the beautiful trees, and the rain hits the rafters. Such an excellent Lou Hongyu naturally suffered a lot of jealousy. Even if Tiandaofang, who is also known as the Western Shuangxiong with Lou Hongyu, is dissatisfied.

Call yourself a thousand-year-old senior, and a little girl who is not so stinky, and don't take such a scumbag.

But everyone dare not act rashly. Lou Hongyu is just the surface of Jiange. Inside the sword pavilion, elders and other hidden elders, I don’t know how many. In particular, Jiange’s Excalibur, ‘Years’, is the first artifact of the West.

But we all know that when there is repression, there is resistance. Jiang Ge's strength will inevitably cause dissatisfaction around him.

And this is the opportunity of the Ocean Group.

"So, where should the Ocean Group start prying?" Zhao Yuhang thought quietly.

After the initial panic, the think tanks of the Ocean Group finally began to play to the level they should.

Actually speaking, this time the Ocean Group is also careless. After so long, the Ocean Group has been somewhat proud and complacent. This time the loss was heavy, but from the perspective of the long-term development of the Ocean Group, it was beneficial.

This is like a big ocean group that woke up and woke up piece by piece.

Zhao Yuhang was still thinking, and Miao Hongyun and Nan Xiaoyun came in. Nan Xiaoyun said solemnly: "All the losses are counted. The losses are heavy."

Zhao Yuhang received the information and looked at it:

One of the masters of the Fa phase died, 127 of the masters of Huashen died, and 441 of the rest of the crew died.

The master of the French phase seriously injured 6 people, the master of Huashen seriously injured 54 people, and the rest of the 277 people were seriously injured-fortunately, these should be recoverable, but the cost is a bit high.

Then there is compensation, as well as the loss of commodities caused by the battle, the total amount of which is up to 27 million top grade spirit stones. Among them, Ocean Group alone lost 18 million yuan.

The Ocean Group fighters lost 40, and the market value of each fighter is more than 100 million high-grade spirit stones-all the fighters used by the Ocean Group are highly equipped.

There are also military expenditures this time, a large number of shells, missiles, etc., with a total value of not less than 200 million high-grade spirit stones.

Finally, Tan Dingtao, the sword master of the sword pavilion, forcibly requested a 30,000-ton warship in the name of Lou Hongyu's birthday. The high-value warships of the Ocean Group, together with various materials, have a total value of not less than 200 million high-grade spirit stones.

According to estimates, the total loss of the Ocean Group this time, according to the market value, is as high as 5.3 billion top grade Lingshi!

This is the unprecedented loss of the Ocean Group!

At least Zhao Yuhang was heartbroken after seeing this data! He led the carrier formation of one of the two most powerful fleets of the Ocean Group, but suffered such losses. He felt a little sorry for Mr. Zhang.

But soon, Zhao Yuhang cheered up. He put down the documents in his hands and looked at Miao Hongyun and Nan Xiaoyun, "The two seniors, I decided to go south and contact the King of the South.

But this time, we are not prepared for direct and comprehensive contact. The fleet floated on the sea first. Dispatch fighters ashore to search. After confirming, put the messenger. "

"I go!"

"I go!"

Miao Hongyun and Nan Xiaoyun actually grabbed it.

Not all fighters returned, and four fighters remained.

Miao Hongyun and Nan Xiaoyun stared at each other for a while, and finally Miao Hongyun said: "Let me go. I can speak more."

Nan Xiaoyun thought about it and had nodded.

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