Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 879: Thunder Fury

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Chen Shilong stood in the blood, staring blankly at everything in front of him.

A bodyguard had already put together Chen Xiaoran's body and sent it away.

Blood flowed quietly across Chen Shilong's feet, he was suddenly at a loss, why was he doing all this? Then I turned my head to look at the captives of the Ocean Group and Qixia Kingdom next to me, and looked at their angry, but completely fearless expressions.

And the people who are still alive here in Wuping House gradually wake up from madness. Looking at the devastated world, I was dull for a while. We want to rob, how could it be like this?

Those who usually seem to be polite, suddenly become butchers, as long as they are people of the Ming Dynasty, regardless of whether they are old or weak, no mercy! At this time, the street was full of rolling heads.

But the robbery was out of control. Chen Shilong looked at the vigilant business personnel from the other parties in the distance, and his heart gradually became agitated.

This time, I am afraid that there will be big trouble! How did you agree with the nobility of local nobles, clan, martial arts, etc. with a fevered mind? By the way, there seems to be a son's sway...


However, Gou Yuelai passed through a crazy escape and finally disappeared into the vast sea. But at this time he was already the end of the strong crossbow, bursting dizzy and constantly pounding his mind. He knew that he reached the limit.

Anxious, a team of merchant ships appeared in Gou Yuelai's eyes: Lingbo Group.

"Are you a friend of the Ocean Group in front? We came to the rescue on the orders of President Wang. I am the captain of the East China Sea Caravan of Lingbo Group, Kong Likun."

Gou Yuelai was a little wary, but at this time he was already the end of the crossbow. In the middle of nowhere, he was supported and flew towards the ship, and then there was an immortal medicine rolling into the entrance, gradually recovering a lot. However, the foundation of the practice in the body has been almost not felt.

Feeling how the other party seemed to come to the rescue, Gou Yuelai had already taken care of nothing else, so he had to borrow the Lingbo Group's telegram to send a message to the Ocean Group. He must inform the Ocean Group headquarters of what has just happened, and let the big rear know what happened in front of him!

Kong Likun brought Gou Yuelai to the ship's communication room. Gou Yuelai skillfully adjusted to the Ocean Group's help channel and began to dictate; beside him, the telegrapher of Lingbo Group began to send a ticking signal.

The telegram was first transmitted to the "Southwest Exit Base" located in the south of the Liang Dynasty. After the base confirmed the situation of Gou Yuelai, it then recorded a 4D report and the exchange of the telegram ended. But in the end there is a sentence saying that Ocean Group is extremely grateful for the help of Lingbo Group and thank you later.

Then the telegram was sent from the southwestern mouth. Only half an hour later, the complete message was placed in front of Zhang Hao. But at this time Zhang Hao had put a thick stack of telegrams in front of him. What happened in the Ming dynasty, at this time, many have already gathered in the hands of Zhang Hao.

Only a handful of these telegram sources were sent by the personnel of the Ocean Group. Most of them were sent by the other parties. The international influence of the Ocean Group is most vividly manifested at this moment.

Even if this time the Ocean Group refused many people to participate in the French exchange meeting, it still cannot destroy the previous contribution and influence of the Ocean Group.

This is the darkest time between heaven and earth before the dawn of the Ocean Group. The Ocean Group is already brightly lit and has entered a state of complete preparation.

However, all military operations have not yet begun!

The reason is that Zhang Hao's father, Zhang Shengde, was sitting in front of Zhang Hao, holding Zhang Hao dead.

Over the years, Zhang Shengde has rarely appeared, most of the time is hiding behind the scenes, to remove Zhang Hao's worries. But it does not mean that Lao Zhang does not care about current affairs politics.

After this incident broke out, Zhang Shengde came to the headquarters of the Ocean Group for the first time, came to Zhang Hao's office, and then pressed Zhang Hao on the chair.

"Boy, you are in chaos now. If you can't calm down, the Ocean Group may encounter a greater crisis.

Not afraid of the brutality of the enemy, but fear of the enemy's preparation.

What if this was a long-planned Ming Dynasty? What if there is not only the Ming Dynasty but other forces behind it?

You are in such a hurry, what if you fall into a trap?

The fighters of the Ocean Group flew to the east, and they must fly within the aura to hurry. But this is the easiest trap!

The Ocean Group is so eye-popping, do you know how many greedy, unscrupulous eyes there are in the dark?

Maybe that Xuanzhenism was the first one who refused to accept it!

You have to be calm, be extremely calm!

The people of the Ming dynasty certainly needed rescue, but the homeland is our root. Things outside are no big deal for later revenge. If there is a problem with the homeland, what are you going to do! "

I have to say that **** is still old and spicy. Zhang Shengde's words made Zhang Hao calm and almost cold. So Zhang Hao let everyone prepare for the battle at this time, but did not give the final order!

However, the latest fighter of the Ocean Group has already flew around.

The new fighter plane was officially named ‘Thunder Eagle Class’. This type of fighter, which Zhang Hao had previously ridden, was sharper, more slender and elegant, and was almost half the size of the fighters currently in service.

The fighter engine is no longer fixed directly behind the fighter, but is fused with the wing. The engine is almost half the length of the fuselage and two-thirds of the diameter.

The size of the engine is almost comparable to the fighter fuselage in service.

These planes are so powerful. They use the latest deflagration technology. The powerful engine brings a shocking visual experience. When it bursts at full speed, the rear flame still sprays more than thirty or fifty meters. The flame is bead-like and beautiful.

But it is this beautiful and elegant fighter that can fly beyond the aura layer and at a height of 500 kilometers at an altitude of 5.5 times the speed of sound! In the aura layer, the maximum speed of sound can reach 15 times!

And this new fighter can have one driver and two passengers.

These fighter jets flew rapidly at an altitude of 500 kilometers, and made investigations in the northeast, east, and southeast. Each fighter has two masters of Fascination. They use their powerful facial features to search for everything on the ground.

At the same time, various military bases along the way of the Ocean Group also dispatched aircraft to investigate at an altitude of more than 300 kilometers.

Sure enough, Zhang Shengde's concerns were correct, and the situation was discovered above the Xiaoyao faction. There is a hot air balloon there!

How many hot air balloons are there? Cover the sky and the sun, and it is arranged on the road that the plane must pass through in a desolate area. These hot air balloons are scattered and suspended at a height of about 32 to 70 kilometers.

The average thickness of the aura layer is 66 kilometers, but the maximum thickness currently measured can reach 70 kilometers. The flight altitude of the best performance of the Ocean Group fighter is about 30 kilometers.

In other words, the Xiaoyao School is looking for fault.

Also, there are thin wire links in all hot air balloons!

These wires are very thin, about a millimeter. But if the fighter hits at 10 times the speed of sound, it is absolutely sour!

After the Xiaoyao faction, it was the West Kunlun, and then several countries in the Kunlun Island: the Western Zhou Dynasty and the Eastern Zhou Dynasty!

Everyone unexpectedly released the hot air balloon! Almost all hot air balloons are placed in desolate areas such as the sea and mountains. These places are not very noticeable. And many of them are in line with Dayang Group's routes.

Only three hours before and after, all the intelligence gathered in front of Zhang Hao.

Zhang Hao looked at the two names of "Xiaoyao School" and "West Kunlun", and his mouth gradually showed a cold breath. This cold breath was unprecedented, and even Zhang Shengde looked at it, and only felt cold.

Zhang Hao slowly said: "The Xiaoyao School and West Kunlun are typical white-eyed wolves! It's worse than the Ming Dynasty!

Sure enough, only Ming Dynasty, he did not dare to do so! "

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Hao's expression grew colder and colder, "Since this is the case, you don't need to be polite."

Then Zhang Hao began to order, and the fighters took off and went to the East to support. Even if there is a lot of money, you must rescue. Whether the rescue is effective is one thing, but rescue is another.

Murongshan, the commander of the Ocean Group, is in charge of this time. He is responsible for not only rescue, but also homeland defense, and the possible full-scale war.

Then Zhang Hao called in Li Wei. At this time Li Wei was full of murderous vitality, his eyes were cold like a devil.

Zhang Hao did not say anything comforting, and directly gave Li Wei an order: "You go to form a legion. It is a symptom from the family members of this death. The name of the legion is up to you. I will give you all the support.

After the formation of the legion, you will go to the Ming Dynasty. I don't care how to do it. I want a result that will make the Ming Dynasty extinct! Also, come back alive! "

"Yes!" Li Wei's eyes burst into unimaginable light. He really did not expect that Zhang Hao would give himself such an order.


When Li Wei left, Zhang Hao called Huang Mingshan again, "Old Huang, what happened to the new nuclear bomb?"

"A 9-kilogram charge has been completed. A 30-kilogram charge is in production. It is expected to be completed within 10 hours. There are 239 kilograms of nuclear material that have not been arranged."

Zhang Hao immediately asked, "Can all the rest be stuffed into a bomb?"

I am fucking! Huang Mingshan's hand trembling violently with the microphone, "Mr. Zhang...Mr. Zhang...You are calm and calm. If all the 239 kilograms explode, I am afraid that it will cause a global disaster!

According to our research, it is very likely to penetrate the earth's crust and trigger super-large volcanic eruptions. The consequences are unpredictable!

Or if you look at this, we will make a few more small ones, and then cast three or five together. If it is possible, we will continue to vote. "

Zhang Hao did not immediately answer, but recalled the already vague memory of another world: the little boy seemed to have a kilogram of uranium involved in nuclear fission, and the equivalent remembered as if it was 13,000 or 15,000...just calculate it according to 15,000.

The largest nuclear bomb that exploded in another world was the Great Ivan, to be exact, the Great Ivan was half castrated, 50 million equivalents. Although it caused a huge shock at the time, it did not cause an absolute disaster.

Big Ivan is a hydrogen bomb, but if converted into uranium, it is equivalent to more than 3,300 kilograms of uranium fission. In the last nuclear explosion, the proportion of uranium fission was about 30%. That is to say, if you want to achieve 50 million tons of equivalent, according to the data of the Ocean Group, at least more than 10,000 kilograms, that is, more than ten tons of uranium!

239 kg of uranium... absolutely cannot cause disaster!

Even if the measurement units of the two worlds are different and the environment of the two worlds is different, there may be a great error, but the error cannot be so large.

Thinking of this, Zhang Hao directly issued a mandatory order: "Make all the remaining 239 kg of nuclear material into a nuclear bomb. Be quick.

Disaster, I don’t care! Dayang Group is now suffering a disaster! "

Zhang Hao has absolute authority within the Ocean Group, but it is rarely used. But once Zhang Hao issued the order, it still had to be executed.

With these arrangements in place, Zhang Hao came to Zhou Xueyao's research base.

Zhou Xueyao rarely participates in research directly, but most of the time is still in the research base.

Several hours passed, and Zhou Xueyao also got news here. Seeing Zhang Hao, Zhou Xueyao stepped forward to comfort. But Zhang Hao still exudes a cold breath.

Without waiting for Zhou Xueyao to say a few words, Zhang Hao opened his mouth: "Now, what about the virus research in the microbiology laboratory? Can we create a plague artificially!"

"You are crazy!" Zhou Xueyao's voice was sharp and completely shocked!

(Guess, who is fortunate enough to enjoy the dawn of the first nuclear level?)

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