Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 889: Entry point

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With a consensus, the exchange between Wang Ruiyang and Huang Fushang deepened. Wang Ruiyang finally had the opportunity to express his views and political views.

What is the impact of ‘standard’?

In the future, the flying sword you use must meet the standards of the Ocean Group. The elixir you take must meet the standards of the Ocean Group. Your travel rules must meet the standards of the Ocean Group. Your daily life must meet the standards of the Ocean Group.

Even the way you know the world must abide by the standards of the Ocean Group.

Ocean Group said: The acceleration of gravity is actually as high as 99.9 msec^2. Because of the relationship between the aura in the aura layer, we seem to be immersed in seawater, so the actual acceleration of gravity is 9.99 msec^2.

Because of the different density and fluctuation of Aura, the actual gravity on the ground is different.

We have formulas here, you can calculate the aura density according to the local gravity as long as you follow the formula. In other words, the lower the gravity and the stronger the aura, the sacred place for cultivation can be found accordingly.

The Ocean Group also said that the density of pure water is 1 gram cm^3, the freezing point of water is 0°, the boiling point at normal pressure is 100°, and the specific heat capacity of water...

Wang Ruiyang apparently made careful preparations, and he talked eloquently, but Huangfu Shang, as well as the senior executives of Xingyue Palace, looked increasingly difficult to look at.

Ordinary people think that through the standards (knowledge) of Dayang Group, they can recognize the world.

Even those who are self-cultivators will feel that through the standards of the Ocean Group, they can better understand the world and promote self-cultivation.

But in the eyes of those savvy politicians, they saw the horror of this standard: it is a standard, but it is also a rope.

Whenever you understand the world through such a standard, you will think in your subconscious: Oh, this is provided by the Ocean Group!

When you are educating your own people, you are using the standards of the Ocean Group. The invisible idea of ​​a "foreign moon circle" has been deeply rooted in the hearts of these young teenagers. When these people grow up, they are easily attracted by the Ocean Group.

Standards are a kind of war and aggression at the level of knowledge. Ocean Group is using standards to create a brand-new network and new rules that cover the world.

In the field of knowledge, the Ocean Group is already like a big tree, its branches and leaves are covering the sky and its roots are wrapping the world.

With the emergence of flights, the influence of the Ocean Group is spreading beyond the imagination at a speed that is global.

Finally, Wang Ruiyang solemnly said: "Now, the Ocean Group is about to advance to a higher academic level than the "standard." The Ocean Group must be blocked! At least the world environment must not be allowed to comply with the will of the Ocean Group. To develop.

We should find an entry point and drag the Ocean Group from the high clouds into the mud, so that the Ocean Group, like us, is struggling in the mud like a turtle. Only in this way can we have a chance.

Otherwise, according to the current development speed, in another ten years, the Ocean Group will be able to produce 10,000 masters of the law. By then, the world will tremble in the shadow of the Ocean Group! "

"Ten thousand facies..." Huangfu Shang was also shocked by this'exaggerated' prediction. But after careful consideration, the possibility is as high as 90%!

More than a decade ago, the period of earth-sharing elephants was a legend. The income of Huashen masters was equal to that of the country. At that time, the country’s annual financial income was only about 30 to 20 million high-grade spirit stones, while Huashen masters How is the annual income of millions of top-grade spirit stones.

As a result, more than ten years later, Huashen masters walked all over the country, and the country’s financial revenue began to break through 100 million, but Huashen masters’ income continued to drop.

Today, in the world of terrestrial elephants, the annual salary of low-level gods is only at least 10,000 high-grade spirit stones, and even the practice is not enough. But even so, there are still too many too many days of inability to find work. This is one of the reasons why mercenaries are popular.

Let's talk about it again. Eight years ago, for the first time, the world had a master of phalanx, which broke the shackles of more than 100,000 years. Today, only eight years later, the Ocean Group has clearly revealed that there are more than 200 masters of phalanx.

Judging from the development of the Ocean Group, ten thousand masters of physiognomy will be rectified ten years's really not a big deal.

And the world of Xuanhuang? Xingyue Palace?

At this moment, Huangfu Shang really felt the suffocation.

After a long silence, asked Wang Ruiyang: "What do you suggest?"

"There are no good suggestions!" Wang Ruiyang's face is more solemn, "or that the Ocean Group has developed to the present, so we don't have many options.

However, there is now a good entry point: the Ming Dynasty, and the Xiaoyao School, the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, and the Western Zhou Dynasty, which were jointly planned with the Ming Dynasty.

If we intervene as a persuasion and confront the Ocean Group in a relatively gentle manner, things can be controlled rationally and on the brink of war.

Then we can seize the opportunity to divide the world into the southern hemisphere and the northern hemisphere; in the northern hemisphere, we divide the east and the west. Finally, using various conflicts, the Ocean Group was kept in a cage, so that they could only close themselves for the time being in the land of fertile soil, the land of fertile soil, etc. "

Huangfu nodded slowly: "I understand. You mean to drag the Ocean Group to the brink of war, but it cannot happen in war. Use this political tension to complete the cutting and closure of the region. And then trapped the Ocean Group?"

"Yes. But it's a bit difficult to trap Dayang Group. What we can do at the moment is to give ourselves enough development time.

But one thing must not cause war. The current Ocean Group... is really scary. We don’t know how many super bombs there are. But since one can give away a country of Qixia, it shows that there must be more in the Ocean Group. "

Huangfu Shang nodded. "This thing...does. But if you want to hold back the Ocean Group, you need to unite more forces."

Wang Ruiyang said: "I will visit the sky cities one by one, and then the various land cities. But time is running short, we strive to hold the pace of the Ocean Group before the start of the World Standards Seminar.

Therefore, the next step is to use the power of Xingyue Palace. "

"Of course." Huangfu did not hesitate. This matter, you must contact yourself, so as to take the initiative.

Everyone discussed some details again, and Wang Ruiyang finally sat down in a fighter plane with satisfaction.

Then within a short period of only half a month, the entire Xuanhuang world had a move. At the end of April, most of the seven sky cities (including Tianji Pavilion) headed by Biyuntian, most of the Xuanhuang World, including Tianji Pavilion, acted together.

Wang Ruiyang took the lead in attacking the Ocean Group-the Ocean Group was asked to stop. The Ming Dynasty had paid enough, the country was on the verge of collapse, and the Ocean Group was asked to exercise restraint. Once the Ming Dynasty collapsed, it would be unknown how many people died in the war.

When embarrassing the Ocean Group in the Ming dynasty, Wang Ruiyang helped the ocean group and the country of Qixia out of morality; now, Wang Ruiyang also starts from the perspective of morality.

Ocean Group will play morality, and Wang Ruiyang is not bad.

Lao Wang was stumbled along the way, but he also matured quickly. If anyone in this world knows Zhang Hao the most, perhaps it is Wang Ruiyang.

Feng Zhiling, Nangong Zhi, Liu Xinyu and others have a one-sided understanding of Zhang Hao. Because their identity is different.

But Wang Ruiyang's identity is exactly the same as Zhang Hao's! Moreover, the road that Pharaoh is now walking is also taken by Zhang Hao and Dayang Group.

Wang Ruiyang sharply took the Ming dynasty as the starting point, and morality and morality as the direction, and hit the seven inches of the Ocean Group in one click.

Don’t you Ocean Group always advertise justice? But what you have done recently seems a little out of the ordinary. Of course, there is a reason, but it's almost the same. You Ocean Group yourself are about to cause a worldwide disaster.


"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, the big news, the big news!" In the palace of the Ming Dynasty, Zhang Zhao flew into the hall without touching his feet, and his whole body was filled with joy.

But after entering the hall, looking at the figure of the emperor, Zhang Zhao stopped immediately.

Two and a half months later, the figure of the Ming Dynasty emperor turned out to be rickets. A gray messy hair reminds that this once emperor's great emperor, like his empire now, is on the verge of collapse.

Who would have thought that a huge empire that vaguely controlled a continent was knocked down by a new'small' business group.

Seeing Zhang Zhao coming in, the emperor raised his already muddy eyes and slowly asked, "What news?"

Zhang Zhao took a deep breath, calmed himself down, and immediately gave a definition: "Your Majesty, is a good thing."

Speaking of the premise, Zhang Zhaocai slowly explained: "It is Xuanhuang World finally shot. This time, Wang Ruiyang took the lead and guided.

Wang Ruiyang and Xuanhuang World today officially condemned what the Ocean Group did. The Ocean Group is required to stop. He also believes that if the Ocean Group continues to do so, it is likely to cause an unpredictable and global disaster.

The seven sky cities in Xuanhuang World jointly put pressure on the Ocean Group.

specific situation……"

The emperor listened carefully to Zhang Zhao's words. After Zhang Zhao finished the details, the emperor sighed and shook his head slightly: "This is good news. In this way, the crisis of the Ming Dynasty should have passed.

But I Ming Dynasty... I can only bow my head in front of Xuanhuang World. "

"Your Majesty, as long as we survive the current crisis, we will definitely shine to the east again! We have the largest territory in the world, this is our heritage!

The current crisis has caused problems within the empire to erupt. In the long run, this is a good thing!

The dross of the empire for thousands of years has emerged. The local powerhouses, martial arts, nobles, etc. that have been restricting the development of the empire in the past have been devastated by external forces, removing the last obstacle for the empire to directly intervene in local affairs.

Now we are just like the country of Qixia seventeen years ago.

Up and down the empire, clean! "

The emperor slowly straightened his body, the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter. Although the difficulty of more than two months has given him a great blow, the accumulation of the empire for thousands of years has almost been swept away. But the emperor is the emperor after all.

As Zhang Zhao said, despite the huge losses at the moment, the same external aggression also broke the countless yoke of the empire. In the past, these shackles were bound to the empire layer by layer, resulting in the empire having vast territory but no corresponding potential.

But now it seems to be an opportunity.

The emperor said leisurely: "I remember that Zhang Hao once said. Suffering is a wealth, but not everyone is eligible to enjoy this wealth, or even have the opportunity to enjoy this wealth.

Now, we should be able to survive. "

Zhang Zhao said cautiously: "Your Majesty, will you let all the hidden masters of law come out?"

The emperor thought for a while and nodded. "Let them be prepared. Although the world of Xuanhuang came out this time, we cannot wait passively.

In this way, you can contact the Xiaoyao School, the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, the Western Zhou Dynasty, the Tiger State, Daliao, Chen Dynasty, etc., everyone will work together.

Also, contact the country of Shaoze, the Demon Sect, etc., who are silent now, to let them know our attitude.

Also... prepare an apology statement. We... still have to apologize to the Ocean Group. Fully done the posture. "

The emperor was about to knock down his teeth and swallow blood. This encounter made the emperor seem mature.

The posture of the Ming Dynasty was so low, and the world of Xuanhuang came again. A global political storm has erupted.

Compared with the visible war, such a fight is also not much more difficult. One accidentally, all previous preparations, preparations and plans of the Ocean Group may be lost.

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