Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 897: World war?

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"The operation failed and everyone was shrouded by the enchantment and could not see what was going on inside. About 11 minutes later, when the enchantment opened, he saw that everyone had been sealed and taken away.

No one died at the scene, and no fierce fighting seemed to have occurred.

However, several red streamers appeared in the defensive enchantment. We chased the streamer and picked up three steel beads with melting traces. When picked up, they also showed a red hot state.

The three beads are 2.26 cm, 2.33 cm and 2.45 cm in diameter. Distorted because of melting, it is no longer regular. But it is inferred that at the beginning of the launch, it should be round, and the diameter should be more than three centimeters. "

In Biyun days, Zu Qianyue, Wang Ruiyang and others looked at the information in front of them, and their hearts were cold.

The ongoing'Kingdom Exchange Meeting' is also halfway!

This is what it looks like at 15 pm on June 5. This is winter in the southern hemisphere, and the temperature at 15 o'clock has begun to decrease.

High in the air is a roaring cold wind, blowing from the Antarctic bursts, blowing through the sky city of Biyuntian, blowing into everyone's heart.

Suddenly, Fu Leping, the owner of Tianji Pavilion and Tiancang Building, rushed to Wang Ruiyang and roared: "Wang Ruiyang, don't you say that the winning percentage is 70%! Now that's all right, we didn't even escape any of them, we even happened. do not know!"

Wang Ruiyang frowned slightly, looked around, and sighed slightly: "Actually, I did not expect that this has just determined the realm as a "kingdom", and there is such a record!"

"You are looking for death!" Many people suddenly stood up and glared at Wang Ruiyang.

Wang Ruiyang sneered: "Everyone, we haven't been clear what happened so far, but one thing is for sure, more than one hundred top experts have been won silently, that must be... out of internal rape!

Otherwise, no matter what means the Ocean Group has, as long as there is no targeted layout in advance and only a broad defense, it is impossible to win so many masters in 11 minutes!

Even if it is a group of rabbits, it can still slam a few times! "

Everyone was instantly silent.

For a while, Ao Qiushuang of Guanghan Palace said coldly: "I think the most likely to report the news is...cough, this matter must be checked!"

Ao Qiushuang almost said to be Wang Ruiyang. But at the last moment, I still refrained. Not suitable for random identification.

Speaking of this, Ao Qiushuang almost played on behalf of Guanghan Palace this time, but at the last moment Guanghan Palace was a little vigilant and replaced Ao Qiushuang. The men of Ao Qiushuang and Fang Feixue in the Magic Moon Hall played.

Among the people in this battle, only the Red House dispatched Tianshu sword lord Tan Dingtao, Tianji Pavilion dispatched Tianmen tower lord Bai Zhu, and Biyuntian dispatched Canglong Palace palace lord Shi Canghai. The existence of'king'. The rest sent other masters.

But even other masters, they come out of the late king's road, and even the peak, are the fundamental forces of all parties, can not afford to lose.

However, after such an attack, everyone also had enough fear for the Ocean Group.

Wang Ruiyang glanced at Ao Qiushuang sideways, and said lightly: "Everyone, the most important thing now is that we have to prepare for the pressure of the Ocean Group.

The Ocean Group is now hostage and has victory in its hands. The pressure we will face next will be unprecedented. Large wars are not excluded. "

"Do you have any suggestions?" Zu Qianyue looked at Wang Ruiyang. At this time, Zu Qianyue was already a little bit overwhelmed and overwhelmed.

Such a result was not expected by anyone. Who would have thought that the Ocean Group could swallow so many masters at once, and there were almost no signs of fighting at the scene. It is really incredible.

Even if things have happened, Zu Qianyue still has an unreal feeling.

Wang Ruiyang pondered for a while before slowly saying: "I think that the Ocean Group should negotiate and sign some unequal treaties. But the possibility of war should not be great. Of course, it cannot be ruled out.

However, considering the specific situation of both parties, I think the Ocean Group will focus on negotiations.

Of course, I am not Zhang Hao, these are just speculations. Everyone is better prepared for a full-scale war.

Also turn on the radio and listen to the news of the Ocean Group. I think the latest news tonight will be announced by Ocean Group. "

Zu Qianyue took a deep breath and nodded slowly. Said to the left and right: "Kingdom exchanges will continue. We can't subdue this. In addition, everyone is ready for war.

If the Ocean Group calls, everyone... By the way, President Wang, if we have a war with the Ocean Group, we lack the commander of the overall situation. "

After all, Zu Qianyue was somewhat rational. He finally recognized a key issue: Whether it is a master war or a full-range war, Xuanhuang World lacks the strategic military commander who commands the overall situation!

This is the weakness of Xuanhuang World.

Xuanhuang World has always been a large river and lake, and the battles between them are mostly duel masters. Of course, there are some wars on a large scale, but most of those wars are agreed, and then fight again.

It's nice to say, this is called the gentleman's covenant. To be honest, this is not a war at all, it is just a fight, a fight.

This is completely different from the war of mobilizing national strength, comprehensive national strength, and various means of tactics like the world.

It is conceivable that once the Ocean Group wants to retaliate, it must be a war, not a battle.

Wang Ruiyang was silent for a while. Such a military commander, he Lingbo Group is also lacking. Murongshan, the commander of the Ocean Group, Zhang Hao dug Liu Xinyu's corner.

However, Wang Ruiyang soon had an idea: "For such a military commander, we can look for it from the Ming dynasty, or from West Kunlun. Although West Kunlun was attacked, it still has considerable power remnants. Many of them have commanding power.

The same is true of the Ming Dynasty. Although the masters were attacked, there are still a lot of military talents.

The Ming dynasty is vast on a continent, and its military command capability may exceed that of the Ocean Group! It is just that there is a lack of knowledge about the war machines that have recently appeared. At this point, our Lingbo Group can send instructors to assist. "

After listening to Wang Ruiyang's words, Zu Qianyue knew, and gradually calmed down: things didn't seem too bad.

So the only question now is to figure out: What happened to the masters who attacked the Ocean Group? Even if there are traitors, it is impossible for more than a hundred people to be won with little resistance.

This problem is not clear, it is really uneasy.

That's more than a hundred top-level masters. With such masters, there are only a thousand people in the whole world of Xuanhuang - now there are only nine hundred.

If the Ocean Group really has a way to bring down more than one hundred masters silently, the remaining nine hundred masters are also very dangerous. The whole Xuanhuang world is also very dangerous!

It is a pity that there is no way at all, only to wait. Waiting for the evening news.

Bi Yuntian's royal exchange meeting that day ended hastily. After night, everyone waited for the news silently while reporting the situation here by telegram.

At the same time, everyone on the Ocean Group side, who had just concluded a day's seminar, was quietly waiting for the news. Everyone wanted to know what happened to the sudden burst of breath in the morning.

Because things happened so fast in the morning, everyone was over before they were ready. And because of the barriers, everyone did not know exactly what happened.

News awaited all over the world and finally started.

This is the first news.

Male: "Today's news will be delayed by 15 minutes. The focus interview program will be delayed until 20 o'clock."

Woman: "The following is an important news.

At 8:12 this morning, shortly after the start of the World Standards Seminar, 106 kingly masters raided the headquarters of the Ocean Group.

Wang Dao master is the collective name of the immortal golden body and the undestructive golden body realm of the Xuanhuang world recently. This time the 106 masters, eighteen-level forces from the world of Xuanhuang, are Biyuntianshihai... a total of 106 people.

At present, these masters have been fully controlled. As of now, no one has died on both sides.

For this matter, President Zhang expressed strong condemnation. The other party had trouble at the beginning of the World Standards Seminar held by the Ocean Group, apparently having long planned. Although it did not cause damage to the Ocean Group for the time being, the impact was very bad.

Regarding the handling of this matter, President Zhang stated that he would wait until the end of the World Standards Seminar before discussing it. Nothing can affect the progress of world civilization. "

Male: “Today’s World Standards Seminar is progressing smoothly. At the seminar, Ocean Group announced the concept of a digital planet. The world is no longer abstract.”

News is broadcast all over the world, but today the impact of the first news is beyond imagination.

Nowadays, people all over the world are responsible for radio and listening to the news of Ocean Group. Relevant information was naturally transmitted to the ears of rulers of all parties for the first time.

Everyone is amazed by the news, and they are all different.

Some people marveled: The Ocean Group was so powerful and so mysterious that 106 masters of the kingly rank had all won with no casualties. There were no casualties on both sides, indicating that the fighting situation must be one-sided. It was a crushing battle.

Dayang Group is only seventeen years old. How did they develop?

Some people lamented: Dayang Group has a good way to look at what others say, ‘Nothing can affect the progress of world civilization’. This is an open face-face to the 18 royal palace-level forces named by Xuanhuang World.

Dayang Group only announced the facts, but not how to deal with them. This matter is intriguing.

But what people are more worried about is the issue of war: between Xuanhuang World and Dayang Group, it seems that they are going to die. With a strong attack on one side and a strong face on the other, the two sides have no room for maneuver!

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