Cultivation Is Like This

Vol 3 Chapter 900: At the registration office of the Demon Queen, everyone has a chance

  Chapter 900 At the registration office of the demon queen, everyone has a chance

  [You have refined the purity of your blood, achieved something, speed +20]

  [Your refined blood is pure...


  【Second Incarnation Golden Winged Roc Lv30 (1w/80E)】

  The blood of the perfect phoenix is ​​powerful enough, more powerful than any panacea, and it can stretch the wingspan of the golden-winged roc to three hundred feet in one breath.

  To Kunpeng, three hundred feet is a seedling, the size of an eggshell just out of it. To Golden-winged roc, three hundred feet is enough to be called an adult.

  Looking at this, Lu Bei decisively transferred his experience elsewhere. The Golden Winged Roc has almost developed it, only the two magical powers of God's Eye and God's Speed ​​have not yet been fully developed.

  The blood of the perfect phoenix is ​​exhausted, and the two supernatural powers are refreshed accordingly.

  【Shenmu Lv18 (Completion)】

  【Speed ​​Lv16 (10w/26E)】

  God's purpose prediction and detection were further strengthened, allowing Lu Bei to see farther and more clearly, and also allowed him to control himself more freely while moving at high speed.

  The enhancement of super speed brings the most direct feedback. The speed attribute is sixteen times the original base, and multiplied by two on the original eight times base.

  In the attribute column of the personal panel, the speed attribute is 930,000, which is about to break through the million mark.

   It is good to be able to strengthen the speed. After arriving on the high-level map of Wan Yao Kingdom, Lu Bei gradually found that he could not use speed to bully people. Whether it was a peacock or a phoenix, he could not use speed to throw the opponent away.

   Originally thought that the golden-winged roc was nothing more than that, but now it seems that sixteen times is not the limit, and he can go faster.

   Without Phoenix's perfect blood, Lu Bei didn't panic at all. With his relationship with Huang Xiao, if he asked for it, the other party would not refuse.

   Immediately doing what he said, Lu Bei smashed through the void, went straight to Phoenix King City, skillfully climbed over the wall, and knocked on the door of the quiet room.

  Huang Xiao was very surprised by Tai An's night interview, she paid the money with one hand and delivered the goods with the other hand, she got the Yuan Shi Shang Qi, her desire was hard to fill, and she almost couldn't hold back the bird as a family heirloom.

  Lu Bei once again got a perfect bloodline, thinking about using his strength to feed Huang Xiao, and tonight can evolve the golden-winged roc to the top level, and then break through the limit of the bloodline to evolve into a phoenix.

  Huang Xiao suppressed her covetous desire, wondering why Lu Bei sought blood, and knowing that he wanted the golden-winged roc to evolve into a phoenix, she silently shook her head and was not optimistic.

  Trinity, the phoenix is ​​the main one, the peacock and the golden-winged roc are the second.

   Too dark to be self-motivated is a good thing, and she is willing to help, but the peacock and golden-winged roc are subordinate after all, and the reason for evolving into a phoenix is ​​not easy.

   To be straightforward, the golden-winged roc is just one tool, stop dreaming.

  Lu Bei understood the meaning of the words, frowned and asked for another piece of perfect blood, the price is negotiable. Huang Xiao shook her head again and again, it wasn't a matter of money or not, her bloodline had just been promoted, and she was not yet stable, continuing to condense would only hurt her origin.

  What a good bird, keep it in the basement and squeeze it hard, I won't worry about it in the future!

  Lu Bei wanted to turn Huang Xiao into an exclusive blood bag, and Huang Xiao also wanted to turn him into a family heirloom. Everyone smiled at each other and chose to restrain themselves.

   With only one bloodline in hand, Lu Bei decided to go back and continue to upgrade the Golden Winged Roc. Huang Xiao was not optimistic about the evolution of the Golden Winged Roc into a phoenix, and took the Trinity as an example. Lu Bei doesn't think so, the secret record of the Great Wilderness Demon Origin comes from the hands of the demon god, and it can turn decay into magic. As long as he is willing to put in the sweat and hard work, he will surely be able to create miracles.

   As he spoke, Lu Bei spat out a large amount of Golden Crow blood, and asked Huang Xiao to help refine it to purify the source of the blood.

There is a golden-winged roc on the first floor, and it is very likely to evolve into a phoenix. There is a kunpeng on the second floor, and the third floor cannot be left empty. Candle Dragon can’t be found. If you find it, you don’t dare to bother him. You can only try it first. The three-legged golden crow is gone.

  Huang Xiao's strength has increased dramatically, and her realm is illusory. Her existence is a bug in the world of cultivating immortals. She promises to help refine the Golden Crow's blood, but she has to wait a little longer. Tonight consumes too much and needs to rest for a few days.

   Add money!


  Huang Xiao swallowed Yuan Shi Shang Qi, a little supportive, and looked at Lu Bei with a faint light in his eyes. If it wasn't for his high character, perseverance and integrity, Lu Bei wouldn't have thought of leaving the Phoenix King City just because of this point.

   One of the private rooms in the underground palace, passed on to future generations.

   "It's too dark, don't show off Yuan Shi Shang Qi lightly, otherwise I don't know what foolish things I will commit." Huang Xiao warned in case he made a big mistake.

  She couldn't refuse Yuanshi Shangqi, and she would try her best to satisfy Lu Bei's deal, but at the same time, she also hoped that Lu Bei would not use Yuanshi Shangqi to test her bottom line.

   Lu Bei nodded with a serious face. He was eager for success. Human nature cannot stand the test. Huang Xiao also has a bottom line. Once he exceeds it, he will see the darkness buried deep in Huang Xiao.

   Well-behaved, with an inventory of less than 200 billion, he might not be able to match Huang Xiao's dark side.

  Huang Xiao was very efficient with money. After half an hour, he refined the Golden Crow blood and handed over a precious source of blood to Lu Bei.

  After that, she began to retreat, first to recuperate, and second, to suppress the evil thoughts that were about to move.

  It's good to do business without any debts, but she obviously has the strength to deduct too dark and get the inexhaustible Yuanshi Shangqi. If that's the case, why should she be wronged to trade fairly?

   I could have gotten more!

  A very dangerous idea, Huang Xiao almost realized it several times, always at the last moment, because it was too dark and he was the second generation demon emperor.

  Lu Bei walked through the gate of **** once again, and almost became the heirloom of the Phoenix family. During the day, Huangxiao, at night, Huangyu, and the sky has been dark since then.

  Different from the last time, today he clearly sensed Huang Xiao's desire, that kind of undisguised desire that almost swallowed him up.

  Lu Bei has lingering fears in his heart. He secretly thought that he should be more careful when trading in the future. He has nothing to do with Huang Xiao. Huang Xiao can do whatever he wants with him, and his strength is not equal. Every transaction is like walking a tightrope.

   No, you have to find a way to check and balance the opponent.

  Lu Bei came happily, but left depressed, feeling that he was still too weak.


   Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons!


  In the secret realm of the Nine-Tails King City, Lu Bei turned the perfect blood of the Phoenix into experience to help the golden-winged roc grow stronger.

  The second incarnation was promoted to three levels in a row, the wingspan remained unchanged, and it was rapidly promoted to four levels without further breakthrough.

  The trend of rising and falling is obvious, which is a good thing and a bad thing at the same time.

  Good news, the golden-winged roc is about to reach its peak, getting closer and closer to the phoenix.

  Bad news, he needs more Phoenix Perfect Blood.

  Putting aside the headache for now, Lu Bei took out the source of the Golden Crow's blood, raised his head and sighed.

On the third floor of the Demon Tower, the skeleton of the three-legged Golden Crow stretches, and the flesh and internal organs grow slowly. They are the four demon gods. Kunpeng is really not happy, and refuses the Golden Crow to be on top of his head. Formed golden crow.

  The three-legged Jinwu tried to resist, but was defeated very simply. The eggs were flourishing, and the seedlings were not counted, and was blasted away on the spot by the strong Kunpeng.

   Lu Bei spat out the source of blood, and Xiaobai's face was full of depression.

  Facts have proved that the third floor of Yan Yao Tower cannot be rented out.

  The only possibility is to go to Zhulong, and he will grant the bloodline himself, and stand by.

   Not to mention whether Lu Bei could find Zhulong, with his temperament, he would not ask him to help him if he saw Zhulong. This is not a question of trust or not, but that he doesn't trust him at all.

  The Secret Record of the Great Desolation Demon Breeding is his main skill, and the Demon Breeding Tower is the most important thing. How can he let Zhulong come in and out at will.

   Can't do it!

  Failed in cultivation, Lu Bei was as depressed as he wanted. He couldn't talk to the wings about his depression due to the super long standby time, and looked up lazily at the sky.

  A system notification sounded in my ears, and the Lao family settled down one after another. The task was completed, and 8 billion experience was recorded.

  This bit of experience can no longer arouse Lu Bei's smile. Thinking of the vixen, the concubine and 嫭婠 who came to the door squeezed their shoulders and beat their legs.

  He was depressed, so naturally he couldn't let the people below relax, they all started to move, and he didn't yell to stop.

   Squeezing and pinching, the two vixens turned on the palace fighting mode, and their hands and feet gradually became irregular, especially when they beat their legs, they beat their legs hard, and their fingertips always seemed to sweep the forbidden area.

  The gaze from bottom to top, at first glance, is clear and transparent, like a piece of white paper waiting for its owner to splash ink and blacken it. If you look carefully, you will find all kinds of amorous feelings in it.

  姽妼 noticed something, snorted coldly, pinched Lu Bei's shoulder, and took advantage of the situation to give a brain pad.

  Two extremely similar, but completely different scents permeate the confrontation, which is the unique scent of vixen, dividing territory and declaring sovereignty.

   Lu Bei rolled his eyes straight, it turned out that this is a vixen, it's really cute.

  In comparison, he prefers Gu Mi who pays silently.

  The next day, Lu Bei set up a ring in the Nine-Tails King City. As a king, the heights are extremely cold. He disdains this and wants to become one with the people.

  The result can be imagined, Liu Cong and other demon kings were very honest, even if Lu Bei kicked them, they would not dodge, vomiting blood while saying that they played well.

  In comparison, the strong men of the Phoenix clan highlighted the word 'courage'. Because of their tyrannical vitality, they were not afraid of any battle.

  Huang Yu didn't participate, she thought that too dark was trying to build up momentum, and disturbing the other party's elegant mood at this time, probably wouldn't even be able to keep his official position as the captain of Jingfu.

   It is good to mingle with the people. In three days, Lu Bei's inventory experience has reached the 200 billion mark, and the Phoenix family has also proved that they have the gene of bullying and fearing the hard in their bones.

  Take the right general Huang Chong as an example, the fighting spirit and competitive spirit are far from the original, the defeat evaluation has dropped sharply, and it is worthless if it falls any further.

  Huang Chong didn't lose her fighting spirit, it's just that her chest hurts, the demon emperor is too dirty, and she used the pretext of fighting to start a fight, and she is not a concubine, so she has no reason to bring shame on herself.

  Huang Chong can still fight again, the other Phoenixes really don’t want to fight anymore, they are quite convinced by the fist of the second generation demon emperor, only Gu Mi, as if there is no string in his mind, his fighting spirit is always high.

  Lu Bei is very indifferent to Gu Mi, if the demon queen has a lot of spare tires, and there is only one exclusive mount, she would be appointed as the demon queen.

  Nine Tails King City, on one side is the crowded arena, and on the other side is the bustling Demon Queen registration office.

  The patriarchs of several royal families actively participated. If they have daughters, they should report their daughters first.

  Looking at their proactive posture, if it wasn't for their gender, they would be able to report their names.

  Hu Er is in charge of the overall situation. No matter who the demon queen gets, she will have fun watching it, so she is full of energy and is so busy that the fox's tail falls from the sky.

   "Don't rush, don't rush, line up the team, everyone will have a chance."

  Some families are happy and some are sad. The royal family is a big family, and there is no shortage of beauties in the family, so the small family is embarrassed.

   On the one hand, the vassal races should avoid the eldest brother, so as not to offend the other party. On the other hand, the servants are not prosperous, and there are really not many beauties to choose from. The number on the list has no advantage at all.

  This is still good, the two men of the peacock clan stared at the registration office of Yaoshan Yaohai, clapping their hands together, there was nothing they could do.

   "Then who, I'm ugly to the front, you are not allowed to report my mother's name."


  Kong Ji's face darkened, he didn't say anything, he chased Ni Dan for a while, and it was rare to hit Ni Dan with a heavy hand, making Ni Dan cry for his father and mother.

  Huang Yumao was in the corner, gnashing her teeth and looking at the registration office. She didn't bother to be a demon queen, she loved whoever she loved, and she just wanted to see those coquettish **** who had no shame.

   At a glance, all of them are.

   Then she saw the plastic sister Mirage, the former demon emperor and the patriarch of Mirage Dragon, who was the most popular in the field. Compared with her, other banshees were completely uncompetitive.

  It's fine if you can fight, but you can also speak eloquently, sweet-talking, and smearing honey on your small mouth, which made Hu Er overjoyed.

   "Bad maid, even you..."

  Huang Yu stomped her feet angrily, stepped out, and took a step towards the registration office.

   His face turned blue and white alternately, struggling, disgusted, helpless... Finally, he took it back.

   "No, how can this king be willing to degenerate!"

  Huangyu left one step at a time, and finally didn't sign up. She had no other intentions, and her innocent body would rather be fed to dogs than cheap and too dark.

   But on the other side, a stalking figure came to the registration office. He looked like a dog, dressed as a counselor, as if he had his own invisibility skills. Except for Hu Er, all the monsters didn't notice him.

  Bai Fei.

  At the registration office, Bai Fei handed over a big red sticker, with birth date, astrology, fate, dowry gift, and thousands of words eloquently on it, which made Hu Er dizzy.


"My great king has admired His Majesty Tai An for a long time, and he reads his name obsessively every day. She is so thin-skinned that she is ashamed to tell her infatuation. Get rid of the pain of lovesickness."

  Queen? !

  Hu Er immediately felt relieved of sleepiness, hummed in a pretentious manner, accepted the Qiankun Ring handed over by Bai Fei, blamed him, and said not to be an example.

  Bai Fei understands it too well. Being able to pinch and count is equivalent to taking a strategy and offering a lot of treasures, and then Xiaozhi uses emotion to reason, and finally reveals the origin of the Bai Ze clan.

  He vaguely reminded that the marriage between Tai An and the Phoenix clan is a match made in heaven. Even if that person is stupid in dealing with things, with the help of Fenghuang and Baize, with one article and one military, he can sit back and relax for thousands of years, and the mere eight kings are not worth talking about, and he has to obey if he refuses.

  Hu Er's eyes lit up, it's true.

  She thinks in the long term, thinking that she has too much romantic debt, and she has a lot of beauties around her, and she also likes to work hard. It is conceivable that the number of children and grandchildren in the future will be astonishing. No family can afford to support so many young ancestors.

   "Queen Mother, what do you think?"

   "Well... discuss again, discuss again."

  Hu Er didn't finish his sentence, and gave Bai Fei a look of "the queen mother likes her very much", put the big red sticker on the top, and firmly suppressed Miluo.

   Seeing this, Bai Fei bowed and saluted, and slowly retreated behind the demons and disappeared.

   "My lord, Bai can only help you so far."


  Eight thousand words, continue to ask for monthly tickets.

  (end of this chapter)

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