Cultivation Is Like This

Vol 3 Chapter 902: Demon Emperor Bell

  In the ninth month of 10437 in the Ten Thousand Demons National Calendar, the Demon Emperor Taian arrived at his loyal Demon Emperor City.

   All the monsters return to their hearts, and the world celebrates together!

  At the south gate of Wan Yao Country, the former Yao Emperor Xie Ren led all the civil and military officials to welcome him.

  In front of the queue, Xie Ren dressed in black and took off his golden royal robe. He was uncrowned and white. Wearing black only meant that he was from the ruthless clan.

  On the left and right sides, there are men in armor holding thirty-six great treasures of the Demon Emperor, including the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom, the Crown of the Demon Emperor’s Robe, and the gold and jade belt, and an acquired spiritual treasure—the Demon Emperor’s Bell.

  After discussion by the Huan Ruan Clan, they thought it was too dark and unstoppable, and all members agreed to resign from the job.

   Cast quickly.

  But as the current Demon Emperor, even for the majesty of the Demon Emperor, Xi Ren could not go to the Nine-Tails King City to kneel and worship too darkly, so standing at the gate of the Demon Emperor City and waiting for His Majesty is the most appropriate way to deal with it.

  The army is approaching, and the monster clouds are rolling in like a tide, and the momentum of sweeping the world makes Xie Ren extremely terrified.

   Fortunately, I voted.

   Fortunately, at the same time, Xie Ren is also extremely envious. If he can get these kinds of help, it will be impossible for him to be full of ambitions. Leading thousands of demons through the Jingyue Kingdom and besieging the Kunlun Mountains, his historical status will be infinitely elevated, only inferior to the first demon emperor.

   Unlike now, a demon emperor pretending to be a fake, is no different from other passers-by.

   Huan Ren was bitter in his heart, but he didn't say anything, with a respectful look on his face, and before Luanyu approached, he bowed with all the civil and military officials.

   "The minister waits to meet His Majesty!" xN

  The shouts shook the sky, like a thunderstorm blasting across the four fields, killing the world and eclipsing it.

   Vaguely, there seems to be a golden dragon pulse rising from the sky, exaggerating the long black clouds and golden light.

   It's not vague, but real. Kong Ci looked up to the sky, and through the unity of heaven and man, he really saw a terrifying giant beast rolling between the sky and the earth.

  Its momentum is so great that it is unheard of.

  My uncle is invincible!

  Kong Ci put one hand on his hips and showed his nostrils to the dog father next to him. Kong Ji's eyes were extremely envious, his attention was all on Xuanwu, and his heart was more bitter than that of Xie Ren.

  He pursued the ambition of his life hard, and Xuanwu got it in his pocket when he turned around.

  Huang Yu is more bitter than Kong Ji. If Tai Dark hadn't been born, she would be closer to the second generation Demon Emperor than anyone else. Seeing this scene, she was so depressed that her eyes drooled.

  She also wants to be worshiped by Wan Yao, and she also wants to be high...

  All the demons have complicated thoughts, and the former demon emperor Liu Cong and Mirage also have mixed feelings in their hearts. The demons are more than demons, and they are angry with demons. When they were demon emperors, they were far from too dark.

  The second generation of Demon Emperor, well deserved.

  Lu Bei curled his lips, he didn't see the surprise of the Xirun clan, he was quite disappointed in his heart, said a sycophant, and said in a cold voice: "The one kneeling down is the Demon Emperor Xiren?"

   "The minister is dead, please take back the joke, there is only one demon emperor in the Wan Yao Kingdom, and that is your majesty."

   Huan Ren raised his head, the tiger's eyes were full of tears, and he was quite angry. It was very likely that if Lu Bei didn't take back his order, he would smash his head against the city gate to death.

  MD, this is too mature!

  Lu Bei was bored secretly, looked around and found that Lu Wu's family hadn't come yet.

  What is a loyal minister and what is a blessed general?

  Before others, solve His Majesty's worries, plan deeply before acting, know the king's order well, keep a low profile, Lu Wu's family is a great loyal minister.

  Lu Bei has already decided that he is the Demon Emperor, and the Wan Yao Kingdom does not deserve loyal ministers, and Lu Wu's clan will definitely be expelled from the Eight Kings.

  Below, Xie Ren was still in Balabala, weeping uncontrollably as he talked.

  What is the suffering of the ten thousand demon country? The emperor has been incapacitated for a long time, what is the aspiration of the people, what is too dark, the world is in chaos, and it is shameless to take out a piece of heavenly auspiciousness.

  A stone tablet with a big golden bird dominating the sky above the Demon Imperial City. It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not, but it was engraved overnight anyway. It’s the same reason as ‘a fish hides books while wild foxes howl at night’.

  Seeing that Xie Ren was so well-intentioned, Lu Bei couldn't deal with him anymore, so he made a silent note that he wouldn't give him any experience, and the matter would never end.

Soldiers in armor on the left and right presented thirty-six demon emperor treasures, and the vixen stepped forward to present them. On the third floor, there were two foxes and three foxes who changed clothes and tied hair for Lu Bei, adding imperial robes to his body. I saw the golden dragon of luck flying across the sky and the earth.

   It’s unbelievable, he knows very well that he is a human race in essence, no matter the golden-winged roc or the kunpeng, they all belong to the vest and can be discarded at any time.

   Moreover, his thoughts are not in the Ten Thousand Monsters Kingdom at all, and he intends to be a foolish king when he takes office. There is no reason for the Golden Dragon of Fortune to recognize him.

   It shouldn't be so fast, even if you are more reserved, like now, it's too embarrassing.

  Lu Bei couldn't figure it out, but the evil emperor of the first generation was full of bad deeds, which led the golden dragon of luck astray.

  Wan Yao Kingdom has its own national conditions here, so when I think about it, it immediately makes sense.

  Afterwards, Lu Bei's gaze fell on the Demon Emperor's Bell, which has been passed down for thousands of years, and is the number one token of the Demon Emperor, capable of commanding all demons.

  Hu Erchuanyin, knowing that Lu Bei lacked common sense, took the initiative to explain it to him.

  There are two Demon Emperor Bells in the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom. The first one is the personal token of the first Demon Emperor. After the death of the first Demon Emperor, he disappeared. Afterwards, the demon emperors of all dynasties reforged their national strength and created the current imitation, which was embodying the painstaking efforts of the Eight Kings and was recognized by the Golden Dragon of Fortune. It lasted for five thousand years and was passed on for five thousand years.

   Outrageous, a high imitation is an acquired spiritual treasure, isn’t the one in the hands of the first demon emperor an innate spiritual treasure!

   Lu Bei's evaluation of the first demon emperor was once again overstated. This guy's reputation of being invincible in the next life with his fists was actually released.

   Sure enough, the first demon emperor was a Dharma cultivator. In order to be close to the people and better connect with everyone, he pretended to be a physical cultivator who relied on his body for food.

  As a swordsman, Lu Bei was under a lot of pressure. He took the small clock the size of a palm and weighed it in his hand.

  With one touch, the Yaohuang Zhong recognized the master instantly, and the throw was faster than Xie Ren.

  Brother, look again, you are a human race!

  Lu Bei didn't understand, because the Kunpeng's body was used only as blood, and the blood of the demon **** came in person, so noble and extraordinary, that's why the demon emperor bell took the initiative to kneel and lick.

  As soon as Lu Bei thought that this thing was just an imitation, Lu Bei lacked interest. Speaking of domineering sideways, he wanted the genuine product in the hands of the first demon emperor.

   Forget it, after all, he is an acquired spiritual treasure, so let him be wronged for a little while!

  Lu Bei was wearing a demon emperor's robe and crown, with a golden sword across his waist, sitting high in the palace, and he was lucky for a while, and the golden light could not be looked directly at.

   Ren Pi Dian Pi Dian stepped forward, took over Wang Jia, and together with the other eight kings, carried Luan Yu into the Demon Palace.

   Before the Luwu clan arrived, Patriarch Bai Ze volunteered to replace the Luwu clan. Luanyu was at the forefront, and the unwilling Huangyu revealed his demon body.

  Phoenix clears the way, bids farewell to the old and ushers in the new, swaying the rays of the sun, and a thousand auspicious colors.

  The light is brilliant, shining in the eyes, on the left and right sides of the imperial city avenue, all the monsters kneel down and proclaim their majesty.

  Phoenix leads the way. This is the second Demon Emperor who enjoys the honor after the first Demon Emperor. You must know that the previous Demon Emperor died very evenly because of impostors.

   The cards are full, but Lu Bei doesn't think so. Looking at the tail feathers in front, he suspects that the little yellow croaker is letting him eat farts.

   There is no reason for this, the courtiers and thieves should be punished for their crimes!

  Luanyu ostentatiously walked all the way to the Demon Emperor's Palace. Lu Bei raised his hand and summoned his exclusive mount, Gu Mi. He jumped onto the spacious back of the Gu sculpture, and set foot on this palace complex belonging to the Demon Emperor for the first time.

  For this leap, he hadn't beaten Gu Mi for twelve hours.

  Below, the Gu carving patriarch, Gu Yun, was beaming with joy, his back straightened and his back was straightened, his face was full of arrogance.

  What is the mighty grace of the emperor!

   Too dark to enter the Demon Palace, known as the Second Demon Emperor to the outside world, and also the true successor after the first Demon Emperor.

   But this is not the enthronement ceremony. The day of great joy is scheduled to be ten days later, and that day is the time for Tai Dark's real coronation.

   Lu Bei calculated the time. He is a person who can't be idle. It is impossible to really waste ten days of precious time. He just sat on the majestic throne and turned his head to make an order.

   Ransack the house!

   Hundreds of civil and military officials copied him for ten consecutive days. This matter was handed over to Hu San, and ten strong men from the Phoenix family were dispatched to protect his safety throughout the process, so as not to be found in the basement the next day.

  At the same time, the city defenses alternated and were also taken over by the Phoenix family.

   Made a decree, worshiping Kong Ji of the peacock clan as a demon figure, and cooperated with Hu San to thoroughly investigate all civil and military officials, and spit out all the oil and water eaten.

   There is no need to fill the treasury, let His Majesty be fed first.

  Kong Ji was taken aback when he heard the words. He never expected that Xuanwu would fulfill his promise, which really made him look like a monster. Compared with several royal families, he was white and had no power at all.

  Lu Bei thinks it is very reasonable. A thorough investigation of all civil and military officials will definitely offend a large number of monsters.

   Not good, I have become the master of the Ming alone!

  After issuing the imperial decree, Lu Bei regretted it. A thorough investigation of all civil and military officials would definitely make a lot of money, but without these insects, and capable ministers and nobles came to power, how can he still roam the demon country?

   It’s impossible not to check, he hates insects the most, even if they are insects from the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom, he can’t stand them.

  What kind of things are you, worthy of making money with Gu?

"too difficult."

   Lu Bei took the head shots repeatedly. It is not easy to be a wise ruler, but it is even more difficult to be a foolish ruler.

  After much deliberation, he summoned Huang Yu alone in the study. This knife is very useful, and if it is used well, the Eight Kings will surely suffer from it.

   If you are more courageous, the eight kings and one emperor will fight among themselves, and the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom will prosper.

   "My lord, I pay my respects to Your Majesty."

  Huangyu whispered to BB: "I don't know what your Majesty called the ministers to come?"

   "Gu and the general take off their battle robes, and the hibiscus tent warms up the spring night."


  A string of question marks floated across Huang Yu's head. She was still a child, so she didn't understand such profound principles.

  Lu Bei chuckled lightly: "Speak up, what did you call Gu?"

   "Your Majesty, Your Majesty."

   "I don't even have the strength to speak, and I still say that I am the young patriarch of the Phoenix clan."

   Lu Bei teased twice, trying every means to stir up anger, but failed, Huang Yu was trembling with anger, and followed the order of assistant Taian, and never said a word.

   "It's boring, what are you talking about, I still like your rebellious appearance."

  Lu Bei let out a regret, flipped his hand to find the big red sticker, and threw it into Huang Yu's arms: "Look for yourself, and give Gu an explanation after reading it."

  Huangyu opened the red post in doubt, her whole face turned red, and she was furious and gritted her teeth desperately, wishing she could set up a white banquet right now.

  Bai Fei's white.

   "I tell your Majesty, this book... is really the work of a treacherous little thief. I hope Your Majesty will see it clearly. It must not fall into the trap." Huang Yu hurriedly explained, fearing that it would be too dark to be true.

   "It doesn't matter if you fall into the trap, Gu wants to give it a try."

  Lu Bei stood up, moved to Huangyu's side, and twirled while twiddling: "I was mistaken before, so the young patriarch really has the appearance of a demon queen."

   "Your Majesty, don't make jokes."

  I advise you not to daydream!

   "You have no jokes, even jokes are golden rules and good words."

Regardless of what Huang Yu thought, Lu Bei teased a few more words and stood by Huang Yu's side: "The demon **** is right, Wan Yao's domestic and foreign troubles, relying on one's own strength, can't revitalize the Wan Yao country, you need the presence of the young patriarch Side assistant."

  What did you do early!

  Hearing this, the arrogance in Huang Yu's bones once again gained the upper hand, and her beautiful nostrils seemed to raise her head faintly.

   "At this time of employing talents, can the young patriarch recommend any capable ministers?"

   "The Bai Ze clan..."

  Huangyu immediately thought of the clan of the dog-headed army division, and halfway through the conversation, he remembered that Bai Fei betrayed her as a demon queen, and his face was sad, which was more uncomfortable than eating too dark.

   "The Bai Ze family is indeed of great use. When the Qing court is eliminated, I am going to promote Bai Yi as the right minister."

   "Congratulations to Your Majesty for being a good minister who governs the world."

  Huang Yu congratulated her conscience, but her eyes were too dark. She didn't want to see Damen as a military officer. She wanted to use her internal affairs skills to assist the Demon Emperor in governing the world.

   "As for you..."

Lu Bei raised **** and said with a smile: "Gu just entered the Demon Imperial City, under the conflict of interests, there are countless rogue officials and thieves who want to be alone, and there is no guarantee that they will not succeed. We need a A trustworthy general."

"the second."

   "The Demon Queen!"


  Huang Yu didn't speak, the corners of her eyes twitched, she seemed to have made up her mind, took a deep breath and looked at Tai Dark, and then...

  The corners of his eyes twitched even more.

  Sorry, can't do it!

Lu Bei said that he was offended, and he was wronged, but for him, the demon queen is the same as everyone. Originally, Miluo was the best choice, but because of the strength and power compared to Huang Yu, he had no choice but to choose Huang Yu. Yu.

   "The Bai Ze family is good, but I can't trust them alone. They have the name of sages and have never made contributions to the Wan Yao Kingdom. If they just hug their thighs, the Gu Diao family is much more powerful than them."

Lu Bei squinted his eyes and said: "The Eight Kings are even more unbearable. The Gu Wanyao Kingdom has decayed into such a state. They can hardly be blamed. Gu can even imagine that when governing the Wanyao Kingdom, these **** are doing everything for their own interests. .”

  Huang Yu nodded again and again, she also thought so, rectifying the thunder and rain of the Ten Thousand Monsters Kingdom is indispensable, it is best to not move your fists, find a hapless person who is responsible for the blame, divide the eight kings, and then sit back and enjoy...

  Wait a minute, am I that unlucky guy?

  Huang Yu's eyes widened.

  Lu Bei nodded in satisfaction, and patted Huang Yu on the shoulder: "That's right, I chose you as the queen of the demon, so that you can charge forward, play the banshee alone in the back, and fight in the front."

   What do you mean, you don't play with me?

  Huang Yu was quite tempted for a while, if she was a demon queen who didn't lay eggs, she would be fine.

   "Of course, Aiqing can also refuse. Gu has another choice for the position of Demon Empress."



  Lu Bei said truthfully: "She is well educated and reasonable, won the favor of the queen mother, came from a noble blood, and once served as the demon emperor. With her assistance, I can sit back and relax..."

   "She can't!"

  Huangyu bit it off and asked her to watch the door for the lowly maid. There was no door, and said between her teeth: "I am the demon queen, and I will assist Your Majesty wholeheartedly."

   "True or not, let me give you a few compliments first."


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