Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 120 Notebook

Chapter 120 Notebook

That's why the stomach pouch is not bulging much.

However, Zhang Deming was stunned when he saw two complete, mutilated corpses with all flesh and blood flowing out of the stomach pouch, plus a relatively complete skeleton with some flesh.

The things that flowed out overwhelmingly exceeded the volume of the stomach pouch.

This stomach pouch actually has the attribute of being as big or small as you want?

Not only does this Qiu Yuan have a gravity bloodline, but he also has a very strong bloodline talent of Ruyi and Da Ruyi?

Is it just because the cultivation level is too low or the bloodline is too weak and has not been developed yet?

So, I think I found a treasure now!

This bottle of blood should be worth a lot of money this time!

And although this stomach pouch is made from the material of an apprentice-level monster, it should be used as a material for a wish-fulfilling bag, right?

Although it is not a storage bag, the Ruyi bag is still valuable!

In this case, you will make a fortune!

With a look of joy, Zhang Deming carefully separated the stomach pouch and kept it as a precious material. Then he checked the pile of things that came out.

The three corpses were probably from the previous group.

From the perspective of digestion, these three unlucky guys should have formed a temporary team, so the team was very scattered. When faced with huge dangers, they chose to betray their teammates.

So much so that they were eaten one by one.

So the first one has turned into white bones, and the third one has only been digested a little bit of flesh and blood, but no bones have been seen yet.

Starting from this point, it can be seen that the first one entered the stomach about half an hour ago.

As for the second one, it should have been about twenty minutes ago.

In other words, the chess monk he met just now should be the one who betrayed his teammates first. In addition, he is good at escaping, so he can persist for such a long time alone.

The first two people together couldn't hold on as long as he did.

Zhang Deming looked at the corpse, and a lot of analysis occurred in an instant.

While he was thinking about this, the vines had already pulled the three corpses out of the liquid, and they were no longer deformed.

This is?

Zhang Deming's expression changed and he found where the luminous body came from.

On the wrist of the corpse with the second most severe corrosion, Zhang Deming saw a watch.

That's right, a watch full of science fiction, with an indicator light flashing constantly at this moment.

Is this a real watch? Or a similar formation, Law Weapon?

With doubts, Zhang Deming took off his watch as the vines swam.

The Minor Cloud and Rain Spell was activated quickly, and a mini cloud gathered in front of him, directly like a bath head, cleaning the watch on the vine.

Zhang Deming put the watch in front of him and took a closer look.


What a watch, this is by no means a similar Formation Law Weapon.

Looking at the watch in front of him, Zhang Deming was slightly surprised.

It took a moment to come back to reality, and I looked at the watch carefully. At this moment, I saw that the indicator light on the watch was flashing, and it seemed to be a button?

Zhang Deming pondered for a moment and pressed it.

Immediately, the entire watch was in front of Zhang Deming, with the reverse fold extending.

When everything stopped, the watch was no longer there, only a laptop remained.


Forget about watches, laptops have come out. Isn’t this too much?

Zhang Deming looked at the undigested corpse on the ground. Is this vague cloth an outer disciple?

I've been looking for information about extraterritoriality for several months, but I can't find anything. If it hadn't been for Pan Juan'er's incident, he wouldn't have known what extraterritoriality was.

The same is true for outer disciples. You have already created this laptop. Isn’t this too much? Is there such a huge gap in treatment?

Zhang Deming was confused for a moment again, then reached out and turned on the switch of his laptop.

"Please enter the specific quantum energy password to activate and unlock!"


Or a quantum notebook that surpasses the technology of previous generations?

Zhang Deming is no longer able to complain. Can spiritual power be used?

Zhang Deming tried to input a little spiritual power into the access port.

"Quantum energy characteristics do not match, please re-enter."

Zhang Deming was stunned, not because the computer prompted a wrong password, but because when his spiritual power was connected to the computer, the console in his mind flickered directly.

There seems to be an online trend.

So he himself, to a certain extent, can really be regarded as a quantum computer?

Zhang Deming pondered for a long time and decided to give it a try.

As a hacker and senior programmer in his previous life, he has worked in a listed company.

Skipping a power-on password should still do the job.

Besides, he is himself now, directly connected to the notebook in front of him.

Opening his laptop, Zhang Deming started working.

After a moment, Zhang Deming's face darkened. Was he too confident?

"Damn, this code can't be deciphered at all, can it?

Is this a quantum algorithm or something else?

How many digit combinations are possible?

Um, wait, what are these massive codes now displayed on the Goldfinger console panel?

The underlying code of a computer’s operating system? "

Zhang Deming worked for a long time and was really confused about the power-on password.

Looking at the codes on the panel, Zhang Deming discovered that they should be the operating system codes of the computer in front of him.

"In this case, since I can connect without turning on the computer, and I can't crack the password, I can just tamper with the bottom layer!"

Directly connected through the panel in his mind, he began to modify the underlying operating system of the computer in front of him.

Browse the code quickly.

Not this one!

Is this a visual interface?

What the hell is this?

Does the system come with a backdoor?

Why is the world so dark? Computer operating systems originally have backdoors?

After Zhang Deming opened the underlying code, he instantly returned to his previous working state.

Looking at the dense code, Zhang Deming's outlook was somewhat ruined as he went deeper.

This is not a laptop at all. This is just a mobile monitor that I carry with me.

As long as computer manufacturers are willing, they can use the back door to monitor users' data in all aspects!

This is simply more exaggerated than the win system in the previous life, or the anti-virus software such as 368!

Found it, the underlying source code.

Zhang Deming quickly found the core code of power-on password verification in the source code.


Variable A is: the input password, and call the 'quantum secret key' to translate;

Variable B is: the password set in the database;

If (A and B match)

{Then, display the correct password page and boot into it}

else {then, show password error page};


What kind of api is this 'quantum secret key'?

Um, I don’t care what these do, I’m not here to learn code!

Zhang Deming directly changed the judgment condition (A and B match) to (true).

In this way, even if the password is blank, the password is correct.

Because as long as the judgment condition after 'if' is absolutely correct, the entire code will not take the 'otherwise' branch.

Zhang Deming also conveniently opened a single-line switch on the other party's bottom-level monitoring backdoor.

That is to say, he agreed, and data collection could only be carried out through the back door.

As for changing the absolutely valid password verification conditions in the power-on password program, isn't it a bit rogue?

That's right, if you can get to the bottom, you have to be such a gangster. How can you talk about civilization?

In the hacker world, people have always been able to work on source code, but never on plug-ins!

If you look at the underlying environment, it's worse than in previous lives. The operating system has openly opened data backdoors. We should meet more rogues.

After finishing these, Zhang Deming withdrew his hand.

The control panel in my mind slowly disappeared, and the notebook in front of me was opened.

As it opened, a message popped up on the laptop.

“No. 3 will be in place in one day, how long do you need for No. 2?

This is the first cross-department cooperation after the successful infiltration. I hope you won’t fall off the chain. Please reply as soon as possible.


‘Mysterious Man One’. "

Looking at the endless messages, Zhang Deming shook his head speechlessly, and closed the page casually.

Immediately, Zhang Deming opened various files, materials, and various hidden files on the computer.

After a long time, Zhang Deming let out a long breath.

It seems that I have discovered something amazing?

Ha, this Nima is the legendary spy agent in the previous life?

According to the information Zhang Deming has learned, this should be an agent of Tianyuxing, or to put it mildly, this is a spy.

The other party had been cultivated since childhood, and had been inserted into the Primordial Realm, and now he was mixed into the outer gate of the Heavenly Spirit Sect.

The main task at present is to lurk, this time the reason for rushing to the street.

It's all because someone of them discovered some kind of relic, and tried to harvest it and break into the inner gate of Heavenly Spirit Sect.

So a few people contacted through the upper department of Tianyu, planning to join forces across departments.

But what about the consequences.

That's how it is now, before this Pujie met, people have already entered Qiu Yuan's stomach.

Let’s mourn for him!

According to the information, there are five clues in this ruin, and No. 1 got two by chance.

After contacting the number two and the so-called number three, the number two finally got a clue.

Therefore, the three plan to meet when the ruins are opened, so as to start a formal cooperation.

After all, although they are all in the 'Mysterious Man' codename series, let alone know each other, they had no contact or contact at all before.

Several of their undercover departments have kept their undercover agents under wraps.

After Zhang Deming figured out the situation, he reached out and turned off the computer.

The computer quickly folded and turned back into a watch, and there was still a rendezvous location in the watch at this moment.

Zhang Deming ignored these, and cleaned out a special token from the corpse, which is the so-called clue obtained.

If Zhang Deming guessed correctly, it should be something related to the ruins.

Immediately after nothing was found, Zhang Deming turned around and traced the past in the opposite direction according to the traces of destruction along the way.

Qiu Yuan came all the way to destroy, and it was very easy to track back.

Zhang Deming walked quickly for about 20 minutes, and arrived at the original incident.

This is a forest cliff, under the steep cliff, there is a huge natural cave, but it is not like a cave.

The cave is natural, and I don't know how it was formed.

Zhang Deming looked at the cave from a distance, scouted the surroundings for a while, but found no other monsters.

Considering the preciousness of the 'Yin Yang Return Crystal' mentioned by the unlucky guy before his death, and the fact that he couldn't find it in the previous remnants, Zhang Deming decided to go in and take a look.

After pondering for a while, the vines around Zhang Deming's body swam, the spiritual shield on his body opened, and he slowly touched it.

As he went deeper, Zhang Deming had a little bit of doubt on his face, isn't the hole too deep?

Are you sure it's the nest of the ape?

Zhang Deming cautiously moved forward for a moment with doubts. When Zhang Deming probably estimated that he had dived into the heart of the mountain, the cave in front of him suddenly lit up.

The front suddenly became empty.

Zhang Deming walked forward again for a distance, and the cave turned into a huge cave space.

Like a large karst cave, it is about ten meters high and tens of meters square, and the dome of the entire cave is hemispherical.

The ground is a fairly regular circle, while the dome presents a spherical arc, covering it.

There are a total of four roads around, two roads have collapsed, and there are two left, one is the way Zhang Deming came in, and the other leads to nowhere.

Zhang Deming looked at the place, except for the unknown luminous rock on the dome, the entire cave seemed empty.

In the corner of the cave, Zhang Deming found a lot of sundries and garbage, which seemed to be the nest of the hating ape.

Zhang Deming took a closer look, is the nest a bit big?

Qiu Yuan, who is five meters tall, should have a relatively large nest, but it should definitely not be so big in front of Zhang Deming.

Whether it is a monster or an animal, making a nest is not like a human being, and a super-large bed is specially made.

Most of the time, the nests they make are modest.

Could it be

An idea popped up in Zhang Deming's mind, his face changed slightly, and he thought of a possibility.

In an instant, Zhang Deming lost interest in exploring another path.

The vines around him were swimming, lifting him up from the ground. Several vines were entangled, growing and rising rapidly, heading towards the luminous object on the dome.

Zhang Deming has never seen the Yin Yang Hui Yuan Jing, but he has noticed many of the material names when he learned about it before.

Therefore, if there is really a possibility of yin and yang returning to crystallization, it should be that it has not escaped.

Zhang Deming was lifted up to the dome by the vines in a moment. The crystal in front of him was not big, about the size of a fist, with a diamond-shaped structure, very regular and natural.

The entire crystal seemed to be gently embedded in the cave dome.

Zhang Deming observed it and saw that there was a sunken area not far from the crystal. Judging from the way it sunk, there should have been two crystals before.

I don't know who took it away. Judging from the traces, it should have been taken off not long ago.

The unfortunate guy took one?

What about that thing? Hidden?

Zhang Deming looked at it and no longer hesitated. A vine swam out from his hand and directly wrapped around the diamond-shaped luminous crystal.

The crystal not only looks inlaid, but it doesn't take much effort to pull it out.

Zhang Deming just applied a little force, and the entire crystal fell directly from the dome.


As soon as Zhang Deming got the crystal, before he could do anything, the whole cave shook violently.

"Damn it, isn't this going to collapse?"

Two crystals, four channels, one crystal was taken away, two channels collapsed!

This is really possible!

And it's very possible!

(end of this chapter)

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