Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 250 Interrogation From The Witch [Please Subscribe, Ask For A Monthly Ticket]

Chapter 250 Interrogation from the Witch [Please subscribe, ask for a monthly ticket]

Zhang Deming has never forgotten the opponent. To be precise, he keeps forcing Guan Zhenzhen. His purpose is to force the person who controls the field to come out!

At the moment when Xue Su was shaking, Zhang Deming said: "Law: People whose minds are controlled here have particularly fragile mental defenses."

Following Zhang Deming's words, Zhang Deming's eyes flashed with dreamy light, and Xinmeng's unique mental power invaded instantly.

Xue Su, with dull eyes, just stood there blankly.

At this moment, Zhang Deming pressed his hands on the ground.

Technique: thorn of thorns!

Countless thorns sprouted from the ground and stabbed Xue Su, who was standing still, in place.

Xue Su's body stiffened, his dull eyes came back to consciousness slightly, and he looked at Zhang Deming's dreamy eyes.

At this moment, with a haggard face, like a candle in the wind, he showed a relieved smile, looked at Zhang Deming, and whispered: "Thank you."

Zhang Deming ignored him at all, his eyes flickered, and he read a lot of information through the flashback of the other person's life at the moment of his death.

Immediately, ruby-like vines began to appear on its body. The vines grew rapidly and swayed slightly.

However, until Xue Su died, the other party only provided Zhang Deming with 10% chance of survival.

It just changed the weight from 70% to 80%, which shows how hard the other party was squeezed.

All the vines swallowed up the dead Xue Su completely and disappeared into light spots. A watch was obtained by Zhang Deming.

It's a long story, it only lasted a few seconds from the time Xue Su attacked.

As Xue Su completely disappeared, the surrounding space also turned into runes one by one, slowly disintegrating.

However, Zhang Deming did not hesitate and rushed towards Guan Zhenzhen again, who had just taken a breath.

Guan Zhenzhen's face was pale at the moment, and she was already at the limit. Facing Zhang Deming who was rushing over, she said hastily: "Old ghost, if you don't make a move again, don't blame me for turning your back on me!"

Guan Zhenzhen's words made Zhang Deming's expression suddenly change. The reason why he was so eager to make a quick decision was that he had a terrible guess.

Now Guan Zhenzhen's words seem to confirm this guess.

"Oh... each of these is really useless!"

A faint sigh came from the void, the sound was old and interfering, as harsh as iron scraping against metal.


Half a month ago, Huayue City, underground of Huayue Academy.

I don’t know when it started, but underground rooms appeared underneath Huayue Academy. Even the dean of Huayue Academy didn’t know about all this.

There are many rooms, and one of them looks a bit like a dungeon, an ancient cell.

But the pattern is not that the detention rooms are not arranged, but that the interrogation rooms are arranged.

In the huge room, there were three huge wooden crosses, with three people nailed to them.

That's right, it's not tied, it's nailed!

A pitch-black nail penetrated the limbs and chests of the three people and nailed them to the wooden cross.

In particular, the black nails on the chest were not only huge, but also shrouded in a faint black mist, as if there were ghosts roaring and struggling inside.

The three people were nailed, and the blood dripped down the black nails and fell to the ground. Then it flowed along the ground and back to the log pile, soaked in, and then flowed back to the body through the black nails on the log.

Such a cycle made the three of them extremely weak, but they still kept their spirits up. In addition, all three of them were major cultivators of Liangyi, so they could not die for a while, or even for several months.

The combination of the three is also even interesting.

A young monk with a bald head, but no monk's robes, wearing ordinary peasant clothes.

One is a young man wearing a Confucian shirt. He was originally supposed to be a person with a dash of elegance, but because of his embarrassed appearance at the moment, he couldn't see the elegance in it, but the elegance was still there.

The last one is a middle-aged man. The middle-aged man is wearing a shabby Taoist robe. He looks like a fortune teller, the kind who walks on the street to swindle money while holding a plaque.

The three of them were hung like this, even though their breath was so weak, they still showed a bit of arrogance, including the last fortune teller.

At this time, the door of the room opened suddenly, and Guan Zhenzhen's face that turned all living beings upside down appeared outside the door.

The three of them looked at that face, and a rare flash of hatred flashed in their eyes, including the little monk in coarse clothes.

Guan Zhenzhen walked into the room, looked at the three people, and said, "Have the three seniors made up their minds, will they help or not?"

The young monk Huineng said indifferently, "Master Guan, you should give up your heart. It is impossible for this little monk to make a wish for you in this lifetime."

Hua Zhengyu, a middle-aged man in a Taoist robe, also took a look at Guan Zhenzhen, and said, "It's impossible for you to ask me to make such a hexagram."

Nan Gongcheng, a young man in Confucian clothes, smiled slightly, and said in a frivolous and frivolous way: "I don't care, why don't you stay with me for a night, and I will think about it?"

Hearing this, Guan Zhenzhen looked at Nangong Cheng, a young man in a scholar's shirt, and said with charming eyes: "Zhenzhen also wants to know what the spirit of the Liangyi monk tastes like. I have never tasted it.

It's a pity, academician of Azure Lotus, what you practice is the righteousness song of heaven and earth, and the righteousness will always be kept in your chest, and you will keep your original heart forever.

I really don't want to think that I haven't tasted the essence, and I can't hold it back when I fall. I let it out first, and then I became the pink skull in your book and the concubine in your novel. That would really cost your wife and your army!

Besides, the three of you are of great use to the old ghost, so you really dare not make it into a real ghost under your skirt at will! "

Rushan Nangongcheng smiled and said, "You don't even want to sleep with me, but you still want the old man's writing? Do you know how valuable the old man's writing is?"

"Giggle...Academician of Azure Lotus, you will pay for it without any money!" Guan Zhenzhen said with a smile.

Confucian Nangong Cheng smiled broadly and said, "I'll wait!"

Guan Zhenzhen clapped her hands with an evil smile, and several disciples came in from the door, two of them pushing a wooden horse.

After the three disciples got the things in, they quietly took two steps back and stood there with their heads lowered.

Guan Zhenzhen came to the wooden horse at this time, gently stroked the wooden horse, and said: "For the three of you, Zhenzhen went out this time, but it took a lot of effort.

Zhenzhen really admired the integrity of the three of them. They could make Zhenzhen use all his methods without bowing his head. Zhenzhen had not seen many monks in these years.

The three of them could still look normal despite the pain of soul nails, and there was really nothing they could do about it.

But it was luck. When passing through a mortal town, I accidentally saw an interesting scene happening in a hook fence.

This scene gave Zhenzhen a lot of inspiration.

Therefore, Zhenzhen rushed back and 'called' a disciple from Baifengyuan to build this thing for Zhenzhen. Three seniors, do you know what this thing is called? "

Guan Zhenzhen stroked the wooden horse with a look of pity, especially the back of the wooden horse.

After hearing this, the three of them looked up at the wooden horse helplessly. They could tell at a glance that this thing was just a one-star Law Weapon, and the manufacturing was quite rough.

The young monk Huineng and the Taoist priest Hua Zhengyu didn't pay attention, but Nangong Cheng, who had always been the most dashing scholar, looked at the wooden horse, especially when he saw the bulge on the back of the wooden horse, his expression suddenly changed.

It was the first time Guan Zhenzhen saw Rushan Nangong Cheng's face changed. She suddenly bit her lip shyly and said shyly: "I hate it, Academician Azure Lotus, how come you even know this? You've put a lot of thought into it. "

Rushan Nangong Cheng no longer responded as freely as before, nor did he say anything sarcastic, but his expression was extremely gloomy.

Guan Zhenzhen twitched a bit, and then came to the other side, where there were two very strong men.

Their whole body muscles are like those of bodybuilding coaches. Their wheat-colored skin is slightly dark yellow. They are only wearing a pair of underpants. Their whole bodies seem to have been touched with a layer of essential oil, which makes them glow slightly.

The only fly in the ointment is that at this moment, the two of them are wearing a collar around their necks, and their eyes are a little dull.

Guan Zhenzhen stepped forward, stretched out her slender hands, and caressed the skin of the two of them pitifully, especially on their strong chests, and lingered for a long time.

After a while, she looked at the three of them again and said, "Do you know what they do?

Zhenzhen can remind you, they are also really harvested there! "

Huineng, a young monk in rough clothes, and Hua Zhengyu, a middle-aged man in Taoist robes, didn't pay much attention to them at first.

But now when they saw Nangong Cheng, whose expression had never changed before, his expression became even more gloomy. The two of them frowned and looked at Guan Zhenzhen coldly without saying anything.

Guan Zhenzhen looked at Rushan Nangong Cheng with surprise, and said, "Academician of Azure Lotus, do you even know this?

It seems that it is really not enough to really understand the books of Huayue Academy!

Hmm... The two seniors probably don't know about it, why don't you tell them about it, the academician of Azure Lotus? "

Confucian Shan Nangong Cheng had a gloomy face and did not speak.

Guan Zhenzhen didn't care at all, or didn't expect the other party to reply, she paused, and while stroking the man beside her, she said:

"They, in the mortal world, are dedicated to accompanying guests, just like the girls in Goulan."

When the young monk Huineng heard this, his brows furrowed with doubts on his face, but Taoist priest Hua Zhengyu suddenly thought of something. His ordinary and weak eyes suddenly widened and he stared at Guan Zhenzhen with trembling lips.

At this moment, Guan Zhenzhen seemed to be a real devil in his eyes.

"Heck... It seems that Daoist Hua has also thought of it, alas, the lives of the two seniors are really colorful!"

She smiled shyly, and suddenly turned around and continued: "Because it was interesting, I went to ask the mother in the hook bar, what about those...

When the three heard this, the young monk Huineng was still slightly confused, the middle-aged Taoist robe Hua Zhengyu's eyes widened and his lips trembled, and the young man Nangong Cheng in Confucian robes looked gloomy and remained silent.

"Don't you choose? Then really, I will choose for the three seniors.

Guan Zhenzhen paused, looking at the three of them, Rushan Nangong Cheng had a gloomy face, avoiding Guan Zhenzhen's eyes for the first time.

Taoist robe Hua Zhengyu directly turned his head away, only the young monk Huineng watched the sudden change with frowns.

Seeing this, Guan Zhenzhen smiled and said, "In this case, let Master Huineng go first."

After saying that, Guan Zhenzhen waved his hand, and the black nails on the little monk's body instantly turned into black smoke and merged into his body. The bleeding wounds stopped instantly.

The young monk Huineng collapsed from the wooden cross, weak all over.

"Take off!" Guan Zhenzhen said with a cold smile.

Behind her, the three disciples who had been bowing their heads, stepped forward, came to the little monk Huineng, and set him up.

The young monk Huineng was held up and played with. He closed his eyes and began to chant sutras softly: "Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, walking in the deep Prajnaparamita for a long time, saw that the five aggregates are empty and survived all the hardships. Relic... "

Guan Zhenzhen has seen this scene of Huineng reacting without changing a color in the face of the upcoming torture countless times. Her eyes are shining with excitement, looking forward to seeing something different later!

The little monk Hui Neng recited scriptures silently and ignored her.

Guan Zhenzhen said: "Put it up."

After Guan Zhen's mantra, the three disciples set up the little monk.

"Oh, it seems that Senior Huineng's appetite is really different." Guan Zhenzhen had a wicked smile.

Huineng started to shake, his eyes were about to burst, his teeth were clenched, and he recited the sutra for a moment.

After a long time, Guan Zhenzhen, who was still smiling, gradually turned gloomy.

"Change!" Guan Zhenzhen said coldly.

The wooden horse stopped, and Hui Neng was hung up on the cross again, but with his back facing the crowd. Then a disciple took off the collar of a man with dull eyes, and the man came to his senses instantly.

After he came to his senses, he didn't panic at all. To be precise, he just looked at Guan Zhenzhen stupidly.

Guan Zhenzhen smiled at him and said, "Serve our Master Huineng well."

"Okay, that's true!" the other party said stupidly.

Then he came to Hui Neng's cross. Hui Neng should have understood what was going to happen next. After a long time, he closed his eyes and said, "Little monk, I wish you little monk."

There was a hint of crying in his words.

Guan Zhenzhen paused and waved silently. The man stepped back. The three disciples quickly took out a set of clean clothes, put them on the young monk, and took him out.

Guan Zhenzhen looked at the remaining two people and said, "Then which senior will come next?"

Under Guan Zhenzhen's gaze, the two of them avoided looking at each other.

"In that case, let's come first, Academician Azure Lotus!" Guan Zhenzhen said with a smile.

When the scholar Nangong Cheng heard this, he closed his eyes, and after a long time he said quietly: "Oh... I wrote it, I wrote it for free!"

After saying these words, Nangong Cheng's whole demeanor changed, as if something was broken.

"You!!! Do you think I don't dare to let you sit on it and try it!" Guan Zhenzhen's face instantly became extremely gloomy, pointing at the wooden horse and saying, it's no wonder she was so angry, there are scholars who are literate and people who are not. There are two levels of scholars.

Nangong Cheng raised his head and said with an old and sad look on his face: "I have been banned from cultivating all my abilities. I can't even commit suicide. Do you think this is what I did on purpose?

This is what I have cultivated in my literary courage. You have to break it.

I reluctantly agreed. If you are not satisfied yet, what do you want me to do? "

Guan Zhenzhen looked at the gloomy face of the young man in scholar's shirt and couldn't tell the truth from the lie for a moment, but she somewhat believed it.

After all, this soul-locking nail was given by the old ghost, so there should be no accidents.

She was silent for a long time, looked at the middle-aged man in Taoist robes with a gloomy face, and said, "Where is Taoist Master Hua?"

Taoist priest Hua Zhengyu looked at Nangong Cheng, who had a gloomy look on his face, and then at Guan Zhenzhen, and said, "Oh... the old Taoist admits his failure, and the old Taoist will just start from this!"

After receiving a positive reply, Guan Zhenzhen did not continue to embarrass the two of them. He glanced at Nangong Cheng coldly and waved his hands, and all the black nails on their bodies were integrated into their bodies.

She turned around and went out directly.

She walked out with her front legs, and several disciples came in with her back legs. They silently lifted the two people who were lying limply on the ground, and carried them into a room respectively. Clean clothes and hot water were already prepared in the room.

After putting the two of them in separately, the disciple began to take off Nangong Cheng's clothes.

Nangong Cheng paused, looked at the disciple beside him, and said as if he had a psychological shadow: "Bring me a boy instead."

The two disciples paused slightly without saying a word. One of them supported him, and the other hurriedly went down.

In a short while, the disciple brought back four children. All four were extremely cute children, but their gray eyes had lost their due luster, leaving only haggard and numbness, which did not match their age.


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(end of this chapter)

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