Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 424: The Age Of Developed Gods [Please Subscribe, Please Vote]

Chapter 424: The Age of Developed Gods [Please subscribe, please vote]

Zhang Deming looked at the light screen and was slightly happy. He immediately rushed to the light screen and tentatively put the command badge on the light screen.

Assessment: inheritance assessment

Stage: Rank One

Content: Lei Mu Heart Refining

Mu Xin Thunder Energy: 1500

Rating: Best (optional to complete)

Judgment: Passable, allowed to enter the Rank Two inheritance assessment - the Creation Pool!

As the information flashed, the dark green-colored badge in his hand lit up with a shimmering silvery white light.

The light curtain instantly enveloped Zhang Deming, disappeared in place, and passed through the light curtain.


In a daze, when he came back again, Zhang Deming was already on the other side of the light screen.

The eyes were still full of blood red, and the squirming flesh-walled dome in the sky had not changed much. However, Zhang Deming leaned against the silver light screen and after seeing the scene in front of him clearly, his whole person felt a little sluggish.

Only then did he come out of the wolf's den and into the fire pit again?

Is this the birth pool?

With such a lofty name, why is it such a ghostly place? Such a ghost look?

Zhang Deming saw a huge lake in front of him. On the surface of the lake, there were countless blood vessels converging into a tree pocket. On the tree pocket, a huge pillar, like a tree stump, supported an extremely huge blood-red heart.

The heart is still beating, as if it is alive!

On the heart, at the crown of the heart, there are several blood vessels like pillars rising into the sky like the aorta, connected to the dome-like flesh wall and sky, as if supplying blood to it.

The dome, cardiac arteries, heart, tree stumps, blood vessel-like tree pockets, and viscous blood pools all form a cycle of blood.

The lake was filled with viscous, paste-like red blood. At this moment, the liquid inside was like heated asphalt, rolling slightly, bubbling from time to time, and exuding an unpleasant smell.

In the entire blood pool, there was only a small altar floating slightly on the blood pool, which was exactly the same as the broken altar Zhang Deming had seen before.

A few meters in radius, it is still dilapidated and primitive, desolate and atmospheric.

Zhang Deming was standing on the altar now, with his back against the light curtain, and his eyes were dull when he saw the scene in front of him.

While panting violently, looking at the huge heart and his ant-like figure, his heart felt extremely heavy.

It seems like all the mutations in this bullshit secret realm have been eroded!

Now he doesn't expect any inheritance to be passed on. The only thing he prays for is that the inheritance along this road is still running, and the way out is still good!


Zhang Deming stood on the altar, watching all of this blankly. Bubbles bubbled up from time to time in the blood pool, and the thick blood rolled around. An unpleasant smell emitted from the bursting bubbles.

Zhang Deming looked at the altar and saw that there was still a broken altar table. This time there was no tripod. It should obviously be the starting point of the Rank Two stage.

But he did not step forward immediately. Instead, he sat down cross-legged on the spot and began to enter a meditative state.

He needed to adjust his condition and take a good rest. He had hardly relaxed in the past few months and was a little tired.


As Zhang Deming entered deep trance, the surroundings became surprisingly quiet.

After a long time, Zhang Deming opened his eyes. His current cultivation level and most of the day's rest had made him in full condition.

Looking at the spiritual crystals around my neck, I saw that there were only four and a half, and they were a small half.

After adjusting himself, Zhang Deming took a step forward, came to the incense case, and carefully pressed the badge in his hand on the groove in the center of the incense case.

Assessment: inheritance assessment

Location: Life Creation Pool!

Stage: Rank Two

Content: Combat talent

Details: Most of my monks are long-sighted, but my monks from the Thunder Division need to be strong! If you inherit my legacy and inherit my mantle, you must abide by my rules.

Tip: Please note that this stage only assesses combat ability and does not take into account cultivation qualities.


Looking at the information flashing on the light screen, Zhang Deming was slightly startled. Is this the battle stage?

Fighting in this damn place...?

The Thunderwood Forest, which tests character and endurance, is so dangerous even after it turns into a ghost tree. How can a battle be tested in such a ghost place?

Zhang Deming looked at the blood pool below and felt a chill! As his thoughts flickered, the information on the light screen in front of him began to change.

This inheritance stage is a combat assessment, please choose the direction:

Option 1: One’s own way reaches heaven

Note: Monks like us should firmly believe that our own way can reach heaven in order to achieve enlightenment.

However, Qi Refining Soul Formation (Three-talented Human Realm) is the initial stage of the Dao, so if you choose this option, you will receive the power of karma retrospectively, no matter what level of cultivation you participate in, you will be karma retroactively back to the stage of Qi Refining Soul Formation.

Note: Because it is cause and effect retrospection, if your strength is retroactive and your cultivation is suppressed, your combat strength at that stage will be completely retained.

But if you go back and improve your cultivation level, there will be too many variables and causality is impermanent, there will be some discrepancies, and when you go back, you will not consider things such as the inheritance you passed the assessment and other things that reversed causality.

Option 2: All Ways to Heaven

Note: Since cultivation is not considered, only combat talent is considered, then the auxiliary monks also need to have a certain way out.

This option is template infusion. There are three thousand templates in total, which means that all three thousand main roads can be selected.

After selecting the template, infuse the template with Tao power from the captured spirit generals and armored warriors to create a Tao body similar to a mirror body.

Note: Please note that in order to maintain the balance of the options, this option is not to create a clone, incarnation, or Spirit Body, but only to infuse the Tao body and Tao method into your body.

It is still a physical battle, and the safety will not be improved by this option. Please refer to the spirit-melting summoning spells, and please choose carefully.

Option 3: All laws reach heaven

Note: No matter what path you practice in assisting, fighting, or controlling, it is normal for you to be ignorant sometimes when you start the path at a young age.

This option is an ideal Tao choice. It provides thousands of spell templates, and any one of them can become an immortal.

This option requires you to choose Foundation Building, Enlightenment and other spells to piece together, and assemble the template by yourself.

Note: Please note that there are many spells in this option. When all the spells are combined, various changes will be born. The same choice, at different times, and the templates constructed by different people are also very different.

In addition, the fit between techniques and between Tao and Dharma varies. If you do not have a certain amount of Taoist knowledge, please choose this option carefully.

In addition, although Tiangang Disha is also on the list, for the sake of balance between options, there are gains and losses.

Once you choose the Tiangang Disha spell, you will be limited to the ultimate path template, and the total spiritual power of the template will be reduced by 30%, and the spell cost will be doubled. Please choose carefully!

Not only Tiangang Disha, but all self-combined templates, high difficulty, and strange spells will have a certain balancing mechanism. Of course, except for the enhancement of changes in spell combinations, this direction is considered encouraging.

Looking at the information in front of him, Zhang Deming was speechless for a long time. Forget about the first option, it was easy to understand.

But what the hell are the second and third options?

Game character selection? The Rank Two assessment uses the created character to possess and fight?

When creating a character, what is the difference between fixing the character data model and choosing a character data model that you combine by yourself?

Third Age technology... Is Taoism so developed?

I thought that the more advanced you are, the more developed you will be!

Do you really agree with that sentence? The more advanced the scientific and technological civilization is, the more developed it is, and the older the spiritual civilization is, the more powerful it is?

Hongmeng's current full virtual technology has only reached the level of immersive real virtual world. Now this assessment cannot be called full virtual technology at all. It is completely shaped by reality!

In turn, the template character possesses reality and fights, which transcends at least five eras!

Zhang Deming's thoughts were racing, looking at the options in front of him, he first ruled out the second option, and compared the fixed template with himself. He believed that he was definitely the strongest now, and the hidden template above was enough.

The only thing I'm a bit confused about is the third self-created template!

Because not only can you experience many legendary spells, but you can also have a lot of freedom.

Forget it, Tiangangdisha is restricted like this, and the self-created template will lose a lot of advantages, and the risk is still very high, so there is no need to take risks in order to experience some spells.

And the most important thing is that the first option has no restrictions, especially the wording of "reserve your combat power at that stage" made Zhang Deming make the final decision.

His current true cultivation level is not only three talents, but his combat power also includes light point mirror image!

While thinking, Zhang Deming no longer hesitated and clicked directly on the first option.

"You have chosen your own way to reach heaven, are you sure?"


"It has been detected that you happen to be at this stage and no backtracking will be done."


"Assessors in Rank One will pass the assessment with full marks and will be automatically adjusted to the Prodigy Team..."

"You have been assigned to Group A!"

"The current member of Team A (1/5) will automatically appoint you as the temporary captain."

"The current assessment staff (63456/85678), please wait patiently for all the team members to be ready!"

"Considering that it is hard to find the Tianjiao, if the Sub-A group is not completed in the end, the rest of the sub-assessment candidates will be automatically assigned to the team, and the difficulty will be lowered accordingly, and a certain notice will be given."

"In this Rank One assessment, the maximum period for Leimu Lianxin is two decades. The current progress is 13/20. Please wait patiently..."

Looking at a bunch of information that looked like system prompts, Zhang Deming was stunned. More than 80,000 people were participating in the inheritance assessment?

I go! I thought I was the one being tricked!

But did the lightning spread very far?

No, no matter how wide the impact was at that time, given the depth of the situation, there shouldn't be so many people!

By the way, does this data include humans and demons?

Well, judging from the messy information I received just now, this Wen Qingxu, or a monk from the Third Epoch, should treat humans and Beast Races equally, probably including transvestites.

So the lightning that erupted from the corpse covered a huge area? And then brought in more than 80,000 intelligent creatures?

As Zhang Deming's thoughts flickered, the altar table in front of him had turned into ashes, but now that the talisman badge was flashing, the altar table was actually just an opening button.

Zhang Deming began to look around, and with the help of his spiritual eyes, he realized that some altars could be vaguely seen on the edge of the blood pool in the extreme distance.

In other words, with the blessing of spiritual eyes, they could only look at some dots floating on the blood pool, and with this information, they guessed that they were other altars.

After observing for a moment, Zhang Deming began to check his own condition. After half a day of meditation, his mental state had recovered and his injuries were almost healed due to An Zi.

After hesitating for a moment, he hung the spirit crystal back around his neck again, but stopped the automatic operation of the exercise script, and did not hang up the phone to practice.

Now there are only four and a half spirit crystals left, and I don't know when this assessment will be completed, so we need to save some money.

After checking his status, Zhang Deming, who had nothing to do, re-entered the state of meditation and began to wait.

Although there is no rotation of the sun and the moon in the secret realm, the blood-red light also has a difference between light and dark. Zhang Deming preliminarily guessed that the time is probably synchronized with the outside.

After waiting for a day, Zhang Deming, who was in sedation, suddenly changed his expression slightly, opened his eyes, and looked to the side.

Not far away, the light curtain fluctuated slightly, and a silhouette of a human figure emerged from the light curtain and stood out. In the pool of blood under the light curtain, a dilapidated altar exactly the same as that under Zhang Deming's body emerged out of the blood rolling.

As the altar emerged, the figure in the light curtain also completed the transmigrate, fell out of the light curtain, and landed on the altar.

The other party looked like a young man in his early twenties, no different from ordinary people. It's just that the whole body is too ordinary, and there is nothing memorable about it.

The young man was in a trance for a while, came back to his senses, sensed the staring eyes, and turned his head to look at Zhang Deming like lightning.

After discovering that it was a person, the young man was slightly taken aback and heaved a sigh of relief. Then the other party seemed to say something.

But Zhang Deming didn't hear anything. Their respective altars were covered by a hemispherical mask, and it seemed that they couldn't communicate at the moment.

Zhang Deming lowered his head and looked at his command information, 'Member of Team A (2/5)', and there was indeed one more member.

In other words, the seemingly ordinary young man next to him actually passed the test with perfect scores like him and was classified as a genius.

When Zhang Deming was sizing up the other party, the other party was also sizing up Zhang Deming. After seeing Zhang Deming's command message, the other party paused and took a fancy to the incense table in front of him.

Under Zhang Deming's explanation, the young man stepped forward and pressed the talisman badge on the incense table, and began to check the information and make choices.

Within a moment, the other party roughly figured out the situation. Then the two looked at each other with a friendly smile, nodded to each other, and greeted each other slightly.

Because he could not communicate, Zhang Deming immediately started to meditate again, and the other party also sat down quietly and returned to his state.

However, the arrival of the young man seemed to turn on the clearance button, but within half a day, people began to arrive next to them.

With his previous experience, Zhang Deming didn't do much, he just looked at the other person quietly, then stopped caring about what he did, and waited quietly.


Three days passed in a hurry, and the time came to the seventeenth day after entering the secret realm. With three days left before the end of the Rank One section assessment, Zhang Deming, who had entered meditation, suddenly opened his eyes.

At this moment, there were three altars around him, and there was a person sitting cross-legged on each altar. As Zhang Deming opened his eyes, the people on the three altars also opened their eyes and looked in one direction at the same time.

Under the gaze of the four people, another altar emerged, and a figure emerged from the curtain of light. This time it was a bit strange, not one, but two people were spit out, but only one altar condensed them.

Zhang Deming was slightly stunned, and subconsciously looked at his personal badge information, 'Member of Team A (5/5)', which indeed showed five.

In the end, these two people were only counted as one person in the assessment?

Seeing this change, everyone paid a little more attention to the two of them.

As everyone gathered at the altar, Zhang Deming looked around at everyone.

The five altars are backed by the light curtain, close to the edge of the blood pool, facing the huge blood-red heart connected to the sky and the ground in the center of the blood pool, arranged in a line.

In the middle is Zhang Deming's altar, and there are two altars on the right side of Zhang Deming. On the first altar is a young man, who is the second ordinary young man to pass the level after Zhang Deming.

Standing on the second altar was a Taoist nun, in her thirties, with a face full of vicissitudes of life. I don't know his specific cultivation level, but the way he moves his hands and feet doesn't look like a monk at the third level.

On the two altars on the left side of Zhang Deming, on the first altar is a strong man, about two meters tall, with shoulders nearly one meter wide, like an iron tower.

The muscles all over the body are bulging, shining like steel, and the chest muscles on the upper body are so developed that they give people an unusually strong feeling.

It's just that the arms are a little long and the proportions look a bit uncoordinated. Moreover, with such a strong body, he is not used to raising his head and raising his chest. Instead, he subconsciously stoops forward, and his movements give people the feeling of an ape.

Wearing a pair of animal skin shorts and shorts, it looked like it was handmade, and the technique was very subpar, and it looked a bit wild.

On the second altar was the man and woman who came last. The woman was petite and had a beautiful face, giving people a very beautiful and delicate feeling.

The man hugging her was also a strong man, as good as the man next to him, but he was more elegantly dressed and not as rude.

He held the woman in his arms, forming a sharp contrast with the woman's fragility. It was simply a combination of beauty and the beast.

What is worth noting is that the strong man was full of tenderness and had been hugging the woman from the moment he came out.

At the same time, he should have suffered some injuries. After the woman in his arms appeared, she had been concentrating on treating the man's injuries.

There was a lot of affection between the two people, and in front of the four people, it was as if they didn't exist, and the scene was full of dog food.

Zhang Deming looked at this strange group of five people, they should be the so-called talented teammates of the Zi A team.

No, it's too early to call them teammates. Now the five altars are still separated by their own masters. I don't know what else they will go through.

Zhang Deming waited for a moment. After the injuries of the last group of men and women were almost healed and he understood the current situation, he clicked on his own light screen.

Since the five people have arrived, there is an additional message to be confirmed on his command badge.

"Do you want to start the assessment?"

There is a countdown after the confirmation information, and the time is about three days. Obviously, they can delay it for three days. After the Rank One segment is completed, the Rank One segment assessment will automatically start even if he does not confirm.


Speechless rant, daily pursuit is three or four hundred. I sent the wrong chapter a few days ago. It is nine hundred and seventy-seven. That’s it. I sent it wrong. The pirated version doesn’t have that chapter. When I came back to read it, I made all kinds of comments. Just left.

I don’t understand...Are you so interesting? I was so speechless that I persisted. I am just a newbie, and I don’t have any previous record to make you hate me. You have already paid 1.8 million for nothing, and you still hate this book. How can you persist!

Why did I just delete your comment? You spent 1.8 million in prostitution for free and paid for one chapter. Should I put up with you? So speechless that I vomited blood

(end of this chapter)

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