Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 582 Missing The Scene? [Added Update On The 56Th Day, Please Subscribe, Please Vote Monthly]

Chapter 582 Missing the scene? [Added update on the 56th day, please subscribe, please vote monthly]

" did such a landform form? Is it magic?" Looking at the huge hollow sphere in front of him, Zhang Deming was lost in thought while whispering.

Without it, the landscape in front of us would be too weird!

He asked himself that he was not too short-sighted. After knowing that he was underground, he thought about the underground world, the second-level space, and the world within a world like Xiao Heavenly World, but the only thing he never thought about was the planet!

Underground world, planetary landscape?

Isn't this funny!

And this planet is not a normal planet. The creatures do not live on the surface of the sphere, but inside the sphere!

I saw a strange and huge spherical space not far in front of Zhang Deming. With the blessing of Zhang Deming's spiritual eyes, Zhang Deming's sight penetrated and found that inside this spherical space, all the spherical walls were growing with creatures as if they were flat ground.

Just like in a spherical cave, there are plants growing not only on the ground, but also on the walls and roof of the cave.

It feels like there is a normal planet in front of you, but the creatures on the planet do not live on the surface of the sphere, but on the inner wall of the outer skin of the sphere.

Zhang Deming was stunned for a moment when he first saw such a strange landform. Then he carefully floated over, used earth escape, and penetrated into the interior of the sphere.

When passing through the sphere, Zhang Deming felt a strong spatial displacement.

What is strange is that Zhang Deming clearly penetrated from the top of the huge sphere. When his head emerged from the ground, he did not feel any inversion feeling, as if he had emerged from the ground.

Looking up, perhaps because the sphere was too huge, or perhaps for some special reason, I did not see the lower hemisphere hanging upside down in the sky, but instead saw the snow-white sky.

It seemed as if there were thick layers of clouds. There was no sun or moon. There were no celestial bodies except white clouds in the entire sky. The light seems to be provided by the clouds.

Zhang Deming looked around and found nothing unusual about the inversion. It was like a planet that had flipped into the inner wall.

He emerged from a forest. The surrounding trees were not too tall, or rather short. They were only three to five meters tall broadleaf trees, barely above the level of shrubs, but the trunks were a bit strangely thick.

Zhang Deming observed for a moment, and after finding nothing unusual, he floated up very vigilantly. Slightly suspended above the woods, you can see far into the distance.

Contrary to conventional thinking, the end of the line of sight is not the horizon connecting the ground and the sky, but a faint black shadow shrouding upwards. It seems that in the extreme distance, there is a black curtain that curves upward and is connected to the clouds in the sky.

Zhang Deming only looked at it for a moment, but before he could find any clues, his expression moved slightly.

It seemed that...he vaguely felt the fluctuation of spiritual energy?

Since he didn't find anything else, Zhang Deming simply fled in the direction of perception. Because he did not understand the situation, Zhang Deming did not float carelessly in the sky, but escaped into the trees and kept flashing forward among the trees.


As Zhang Deming used Wood Escape to quickly approach, for a moment, he could clearly feel the fluctuations in spiritual power. It seemed that the fluctuations were caused by the battle, and the fluctuations were very strong.

Looking at the intensity of its fluctuations, Zhang Deming initially estimated that it should be the Five Elements Overhaul that is fighting.

The gray mist around him began to surge, and the whole person was looming, and his sense of presence was rapidly reduced. After completing his concealment, Zhang Deming carefully escaped forward again.

As they moved forward, the fluctuations became more intense. Zhang Deming was afraid of any accidents, so he moved more and more cautiously. He couldn't help but slow down, and he approached the battlefield quietly without leaving a trace.

For a moment, Zhang Deming's flickering figure among the trees stopped, and Zhang Deming's illusory face quietly appeared on a rather large tree trunk.

After his face appeared, he looked forward.

I saw that there was originally a forest in front of me, and it should be no different from the surrounding area. But at this moment... a large area in front of Zhang Deming has turned into an open space.

In some places in the open space, trees simply disappeared;

In some places, trees fell to the ground and were lying in various places;

In some places, charcoal was left on the ground, and obvious traces of battle were everywhere.

The culprit of this situation is probably the two people who were moving around in the open space and having a fierce collision.

They were a man and a woman. The woman was wearing a strange robe, beautiful and elegant. However, looking at the logo and style of her clothes, and with Zhang Deming's knowledge reserve, he could not tell which sect he belonged to.

Five strange pink balls the size of pigeon eggs floated irregularly around her. She kept dodging to prevent the man from getting close, and at the same time controlled the pink balls to bombard the man.


Compared with women, men's clothes are more strange, but their origins can be recognized at a glance.

The man was seen wearing a white robe, a pair of solid snow-white wings vibrating behind him, and holding a broad long sword of a different style in his hand.

The man held a two-handed sword, opened and closed it widely, and kept slashing at the incoming pink balls, while moving around in an attempt to get close to him.

This style is very different from Hongmeng's. Now it is not too unfamiliar to Hongmeng cultivators. They are obviously members of the Tianyu Holy See.

Women seem to be extremely good at short-distance movement. Even if men, as a winged subhuman race - the angel race, have a natural advantage in speed, they cannot suppress their speed when faced with women's speed.

The man seemed to be extremely afraid of the pink ball. Whenever the ball came, he would seriously and cautiously use his giant sword to block or chop away.

In addition, the two of them were both at the third level of the Five Elements, and seemed to have equal combat power, resulting in an unusually stalemate between the two at the moment.

Moreover, they are all overflowing with spiritual power, and their condition is similar to that of Lan Fuyao. They are on the way to breaking through Liuhe, and their combat effectiveness far exceeds that of ordinary Five Elements monks.


"Another missionary angel from the Holy See walking on earth? Hongmeng and Tianyu have been in contact for hundreds of years, and have been in full contact for hundreds of years. Angels who were rarely seen in the past few decades, why do they keep popping up recently?

With such a common level, the price has almost dropped from a rare species to a popular commodity! "Zhang Deming looked at the two people fighting, to be precise the birdman with wings, he frowned and whispered.

At that time, Tianyu Holy See came to Hongmeng almost together with the official organization of Tianyu Federation, starting from initial contact to comprehensive exchanges.

However, Tianyu officials have been good at it since the beginning of the contact. They have contacted, explored, and developed with many parties, and even Hongmeng has been acting in a high-profile manner for hundreds of years.

The actions of the Holy See are exactly the opposite. Previously, the Tianyu Holy See had been silently building churches, only having some contact with high-level officials from various forces, and even conducting very few missionary activities.

So much so that they are just a rumor in the circle of Hongmeng's lower-level monks. It seems that they are here to observe the Hongmeng world, not to cause trouble or to communicate between the two worlds.

But since the vision of ‘the day darkens and the stars fall’, the church personnel in Tianyu seem to have become active.

As if overnight, various priests (similar to priests), bishops, archbishops, and even red archbishops can be seen in many areas of Hongmeng's influence.


Zhang Deming was confused for a moment, then shook his head. It doesn't seem to matter whether someone is high-profile or low-key.

He looked towards the center of the clearing, where there was the only isolated tree. The entire battle area was bald by the aftermath, except for a single tree left in the center of the battlefield.

There is a layer of spiritual light around the trees, but the effect is not strong. With the two people's cultivation, even the slightest trace of the battle aftermath can be broken.

But what is strange is that it survived so well. Apparently both of them consciously avoided it and did not let the aftermath of the battle destroy this ordinary-looking tree.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Deming subconsciously looked at the trees carefully.

"Huh? Is this... the flower of Yin and Yang?"

In front of his eyes, he easily found a weed-like plant at the bottom of the big tree. The plant is extremely ordinary, like a narcissus, green and nothing special.

But in the center of the plant, there is now a flower, which successfully betrays the true nature of the plant. The flowers look like narcissus, but the flower path is dark and the flowers are snow-white. The spiritual light looms between the black and white, and the Tao Yun arises from itself.

Looking at the flowers, Zhang Deming's eyes flashed.


Flower of Yin and Yang, five-star Apex Level spiritual material. It is a special material for the yin and yang path. To be precise, it is a special material for the yin and yang balance path. Because of its unique yin and yang balancing properties, it is extremely versatile.

When refining weapons, adding it can combine the conflicts of many materials and increase the efficiency of refining. It is often used as an auxiliary material for high-end customization, or as a sprint material to break through the weapon forging stage.

Most of them can play a very significant role in refining elixirs, making talismans, making formation disks, etc.

Not only that, because of its special yin and yang balancing characteristics, in most of Hongmeng's Five Elements promotion formulas, this thing is on the list of optional auxiliary additional materials, and it is also among the best.

It is also the rarest main promotion material for Yin Yang Dao and Balance Dao.

These various reasons have created its ultimate market, which also makes it worth a lot of money. It has become the most expensive among five-star materials, far exceeding many ordinary six-star materials and even finished utensils.

And even at such a high price, it is still hard to come by, completely priceless.

A commercial city like Qingyu City, with such a piece of material, could even use it as a finale to hold an Apex Level city-wide auction, which shows how much it cherishes it.


Zhang Deming looked at the spirit grass, suppressed his slightly fluctuating mood, and carefully looked at the two people who were still fighting fiercely on the side.

‘Since my debut, I haven’t had such good luck, to be able to encounter a situation where the snipe and the clam are fighting, and the fisherman gets the benefit. So... I can barely be considered a lucky person now? ’ Looking at the two people fighting, Zhang Deming’s thoughts flashed.

But there was some hesitation in his heart. He was a little undecided about whether to wait for them to fight until both sides were injured before taking action, or to take advantage of the chaos and steal.

The main reason is that the two people are still in a stalemate due to their cultivation, and neither of them is desperate regardless of the consequences. Therefore, if they have to wait for the result, it may take ten days and a half.

And this is only possible. It is even possible that the two of them were fighting each other and found that neither could do anything to the other, so they stopped and continued to discuss a solution.

After all, this is reality, not fiction. It is possible for two people with no grudges to fight for a huge treasure, but for such a piece of material, it is too difficult to fight to the death regardless of the consequences.

And with his current cultivation level after being blessed by the mirror body, he believes that his escape skills will never lose to any Five Elements monks. So as long as he succeeds, there should be no problem in running away, so it seems there is no need to wait?

Thinking of this, Zhang Deming made a decisive decision to take advantage of the chaos to steal the treasure. Comparing the two, the possibility of success is obviously greater.

After making the decision, Zhang Deming no longer hesitated. His figure fluctuated slightly and turned into an extremely weak spiritual light. It swam down from the tree trunk and poured into the soil along the tree trunk. He carefully touched the center of the battlefield. go.

Zhang Deming restrained his aura to the extreme, making almost no fluctuations during the whole process. He successfully touched most of the battlefield. As he was about to approach his destination, Zhang Deming suddenly paused as he moved forward.

The moment his figure paused, a wave of fluctuation spread slightly around him. It was obviously an extremely concealed and extremely sensitive early warning setting, but two of them were triggered at the same time.

"Oops!" Zhang Deming's heart suddenly trembled.

"Seeking death!" White Feather Angel Lu Xu's face turned cold, and the wings on his back flickered. Light feathers all over the sky suddenly emerged from his vibrating wings and shot toward an open space on the ground.

"Oh, you are so brave!" Chang Mengjia, the woman with pink balls flowing around her, also looked stunned, and her eyes flashed red for a moment.

Five small balls formed a circle behind her. As they rotated, patches of snow-white flower rain appeared in front of her. The flower rain was like a sharp sword, and it also shot towards the open space.

The moment Zhang Deming sensed the spread of the waves, he no longer hid, and his body instantly rushed out of the ground.

As soon as it emerged, my senses gave me an early warning, and I felt that I was locked by the spell. I looked up, and saw the light feather arrows in half of the sky, and the sharp blades in the rain of flowers in the half of the sky. They all shone with cold light, and in response, they shot towards Zhang Deming. Come.

The two people who were still fighting fiercely a moment ago turned together and attacked Zhang Deming at this moment. Their attacks were quite coordinated. They didn't look like enemies, but like friends who had been friends for many years.

Looking at the rain of arrows and flowers all over the sky, feeling the strong sense of spell locking, Zhang Deming took a deep breath. As his spiritual energy surged, countless emerald threads were entangled, and a lifelike emerald Flood Dragon appeared from behind Zhang Deming.

The Flood Dragon's tail wrapped around Zhang Deming's body, and a pair of front paws rested on Zhang Deming's shoulders. He raised the dragon's head, and with his eyes moving, he looked at the rain of arrows and flowers flying from the sky. As Zhang Deming's spiritual power surged, he opened his mouth.


It’s the end of the month, take a look at your wallet quickly, don’t let your monthly tickets go bad, waste is shameful!

(End of chapter)

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