Chapter 99: Bone Shrinking Technique

Xu Fei's perception became more sensitive after practicing martial arts, and he could roughly detect that there were more than 20 people in the only remaining hall in the ruined temple.

However, most of them are old, weak, sick and disabled.

So after thinking about it, Xu Fei walked into the main hall of the ruined temple.

But after seeing the situation in the hall clearly, Xu Fei couldn't help but frown.

Because all the people in the hall are beggars.

And they are all quite miserable.

For a moment, Xu Fei felt that forget it and give them the money.

But Xu Fei thought about it and decided to get his money back.

After all, it's okay to give these beggars some food and clothing, but give them silver, and it's still a sum of six hundred taels, which is almost equivalent to a huge sum of 2 million to 3 million.

Xu Fei couldn't bear it.

Seeing Xu Fei come in, these beggars performed very well.

Either fearful or timid.

What surprised Xu Fei was that among these beggars, there were no thieves who stole his money!

what's the situation?

Seeing Xu Fei come in, an old beggar in his fifties came forward.

"Ahem~ I wonder what's the reason for the noble man to come to this beggar's den like ours?"

If he hadn't been sure that the guy who stole his money had entered here and not gone out, then Xu Fei would probably be confused by such a question.

"My money was stolen and I saw the thief come in here." Xu Fei was not fooled.

Hearing Xu Fei's words, the old beggar looked surprised.

"My lord, your lord, here we are all old and young, no one cares about us. We usually just beg for some food. We will never steal your money, lord." The old beggar suddenly became anxious after hearing this.

If you were to act with this kind of acting skills, you would definitely beat a lot of young talents.

Xu Fei watched the other party's performance quietly.

Wait until the old beggar screamed for a while.

"I just helped Mr. Qi cure his chronic illness. You said that if I ask him for help now and ask the government to send a few servants, can I get my money back?" Xu Fei said lightly.

After hearing Xu Fei's words, the old beggar's expression changed drastically.

At this moment, an old man was sitting on a broken chair. Under the chair was tied a wheel axle of a carriage that he didn’t know where he got. He could push it around like a wheelchair. The strange shape was taken away by two little beggars. Pushed out.

Xu Fei frowned slightly when he saw this, because this old man who looked to be in his sixties had no right arm, two legs and no calves. The left hand that was pressed on the back of the chair was missing his index finger and middle finger.

Although the injury on his left hand was old, Xu Fei could still tell that it should have been severed with a sharp weapon.

From this we can speculate that this old man might have been a healthy person before...

And it can only be said that it is not easy to survive such a serious injury.

"Xiao Liu, return the money to the noble man." After the old man came out, he looked at a boy of twelve or thirteen years old among the beggars.

Xu Fei was stunned when he saw this.

The person who stole his money was a young man about five feet tall, which is about 1.65 meters tall.

Although the young man the old man was looking at had his back to him, he only looked about 1.2 or 1.3 meters tall.

So the money was transferred?

But Xu Fei looked around the beggars again and didn't find the person who stole his money.

This made Xu Fei frown slightly.

But as the old man finished speaking, the twelve or thirteen-year-old boy actually took out his robe from the side.

This thing is the kind of thing in movies and TV shows that has pockets on both sides of the shoulder. The pocket on the chest is for more expensive items, and the pocket on the back is for less expensive items.

Taking one with you when you go out can be a lot more convenient.

After the young man took out the robe, he reluctantly came over and handed it to Xu Fei.

Xu Fei was surprised to find that the face of this young man was exactly the same as the thief who stole his money before!

But how big is this guy? !

Bone shrinking skill? !

Xu Fei took it and looked at the belongings in the bag. There was no loss.

Xu Fei couldn't help but look at the boy again.

He was very sure that the person who stole his money was a boy about 1.65 meters tall, not the 1.2 meter little man in front of him.

I looked at the others, and found that except for the boy in front of me, there was no one else who looked similar.

So is this kid the same 1.65 meter tall boy who stole his money?

But what's up with his size?

Thinking of this, Xu Fei narrowed his eyes slightly.

If it's a skill like bone shrinkage, is there any chance he can master it?

After all, with this kind of skills, you can reduce the possibility of exposing your identity by walking around in other identities in the future.

So after Xu Fei took back the robe, he turned to look at the disabled old man who came out from behind.

"I am a doctor and can diagnose and treat them." Xu Fei said.

The old man was stunned when he heard this.

"Thank you."

Although physically disabled, his demeanor does not look like that of an ordinary person.

Xu Fei did not waste time and began to treat the sick beggars.

Most of the beggars in front of me are sick when they are older, and the younger ones are also unhealthy.

Xu Fei helped with diagnosis and treatment and prescribed medicines one by one.

Then he took out a few pieces of silver and handed it to the young man who was suspected of having the bone-shrinking skill together with the prescription.

"Please go to the Herb Hall to grab the medicine. If you have any trouble, just say that Doctor Zhang asked you to grab the medicine." Xu Fei said.

He made this extra statement because he was worried that Vanilla Hall would not prescribe medicine.

The young man looked at Xu Fei, then at the prescription and money in his hand, then turned to look at the disabled old man.

After seeing the disabled old man gently nodding, he turned around and left.

After a while, the young man grabbed all the medicines. Xu Fei sorted them out and distributed the medicines to the beggars.

Although he had a lot of thoughts, Xu Fei didn't say much after thinking about it. After all, this was the first time the two parties had interacted with each other. It was somewhat impolite to ask the other party's secrets rashly.

Therefore, it is better to wait until these beggars are cured, which is just a matter of him coming back twice more.

Thinking of this, Xu Fei bowed his hands and left from the ruined temple.

The disabled old man watched Xu Fei leave with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

The next day, Xu Fei brought some pork and green onion buns.

The fragrant buns, served with garlic, made the beggars in the ruined temple gobble them up one by one.

Xu Fei waited until the beggars had eaten and drank enough, and then treated them again.

Made enough gestures.

On the third day, Xu Fei came over again with pork and green onion buns. Half of the beggars had recovered, while the other half were in serious condition and needed further treatment.

But when Xu Fei was about to leave, the disabled old man stopped Xu Fei.

Let two little beggars push his wooden wheel cart to the backyard of the ruined temple.

"Doctor Zhang, may I ask, but where are we of the best use?" the disabled old man asked after letting the little beggar go back to eat steamed buns.

After all, Xu Fei helped the beggars treat their illnesses and gave them food.

There must be a reason for being so nice to them.

So it’s better to find out as early as possible to feel at ease.

Xu Fei didn't expect the disabled old man to be so vigilant.

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