Chapter 101, inheritance

So when only Xu Fei and herself were left, Yun Niang couldn't help but ask a few questions.

But when it comes to plug-ins, how could Xu Fei say anything more.

Seeing this, Yun Niang had no choice but to give up.

After visiting his grandma and seeing the women and children, Xu Fei headed to Jixiang Hall.

"What can you gain from being out for ten months?" Manager Yan said with a smile.

"A little gain." Xu Fei chuckled.

Manager Yan had a look of surprise in his eyes when he heard this.

Although there was nothing on the surface, Yan Guanshi thought that Xu Fei had come back in despair.

But didn’t expect to gain something? !

After thinking about it, Yan Guanshi stopped teasing and took Xu Fei to his third uncle, the boss of Jixiangtang.

"Dr. Zhang is back." Compared to Yan Guanshi, Boss Yan has a gentle expression, and he is not dissatisfied at all with Xu Fei's suspension of treating patients in the hospital and traveling around.

"Thank you for your concern, boss." Xu Fei said.

"Haha, what have you gained from being out for the past few months?" Boss Yan said with a hearty smile.

Xu Fei briefly talked about his trip to exchange medical skills with doctors in several other cities.

Boss Yan's expression gradually became serious after hearing this.

It is quite astonishing that the young man in front of him can have such attainments in medical skills at such a young age.

Especially since the other party went to great lengths to travel around the world with great determination.

If nothing unexpected happens, the achievements in the future may be limitless.

"Okay, okay, would you like to come to our Jixiang Tang for a consultation this time?" Boss Yan actively invited.

"Thank you, boss, that's why I came here." Xu Fei said.

The guests and hosts happily agreed to come back for a consultation, and Xu Fei said goodbye.

"Third uncle, why are you so polite to him?" Manager Yan felt a little unsatisfied.

Jixiangtang is nice enough to this guy, but why did they stop sitting in the restaurant while traveling?

Funny, what do you think you are!

Boss Yan looked at his nephew with a serious look upon hearing this.

"If you can't do your job well, go back to the countryside." Boss Yan said sternly.

Hearing what Uncle San said, Manager Yan was stunned and quickly admitted his mistake.

"He's only twenty years old." Boss Yan couldn't help but sigh when he saw his nephew sincerely admit his mistake.

When Yan Guanshi heard this, he pondered for a moment in his mind. After all, he was not a fool. He quickly understood what his third uncle meant and couldn't help but feel ashamed of his short-sightedness.

"Thank you, Third Uncle, for your advice."

Not mentioning this, after Xu Fei was sure that he could continue to be treated at Jixiangtang, he greeted several second-class doctors in the medical clinic, and then went to Mr. Wu's office.

Xu Fei still respects this old man who has a reputation as a civil servant, is also proficient in martial arts, and has been in the world.

After walking around for a while, we went home.

Zhang Lian was very happy to know that his son was back, but his expression showed boredom and disgust.

"You still know to come back!"

"Dad." Xu Fei chuckled.

Zhang Lian glanced at his son angrily and ignored him.

After a busy day, Xu Fei came to Ling Niang.

The eldest son Zhang Xian was fast asleep, the second daughter Wanmei's head was twisted to the extreme, her hands and feet were spread out, her posture was weird but she slept soundly, and the seventh son Zhang Ming gradually grew up and lost the wrinkles he had when he was born. Baba.

Xu Fei gently put his daughter's posture in place, then checked the condition of his seventh son, and then hugged Ling Niang, whose waist was much rounder than before.

"Thank you for your hard work." Xu Fei said softly.

This woman gave him two sons and one daughter and deserved his gratitude.

When Ling Niang heard Xu Fei thanking her, her eyes suddenly became charming.


Xu Fei will naturally not disappoint Ling Niang's expectations.

‘A very hard-working operation, proficiency +3’

‘A very hard-working operation, proficiency +3’

The next day, Xu Fei came to Jixiangtang for a consultation.

Many patients are quite concerned about Xu Fei, a young doctor they haven't seen for a while.

After all, Xu Fei's habit of using three-flavored medicine to treat patients has really saved a lot of money for patients who are in poor condition at home.

While he was busy, Manager Yan came over with a somewhat surprised expression.

"Doctor Zhang, Dr. Hao and Dr. Shi, please come over and see them."

Hao and Shi are the Dinghai Shenzhen of Jixiangtang, the two most powerful first-class doctors.

Of course, this is without counting Xu Fei's actual medical skills.

Hearing that the two doctors wanted to see him, Xu Fei took the carriage from the medical clinic to Dr. Hao after looking at the patients on hand.

But I didn't expect that Dr. Shi was there too.

Two old doctors, one is seventy-eight and the other is eighty-two. It is said that they will be eighty-three in two months.

"Zhang Chuan, the younger generation, has met two seniors." Xu Fei bowed and said.

Not to mention medical attainments, just based on their age, it is natural for Xu Fei to respect the two of them.

Dr. Hao was younger, but his body was not as good as the older Dr. Shi. After seeing Xu Fei, a smile appeared on his face.

"What have you gained from going out this month?" Manager Yan, Boss Yan, and this person all asked Xu Fei if he had gained anything. Although they repeated it frequently, it can be seen that they still attach great importance to Xu Fei. expected.

Xu Fei was not agitated and briefly talked about his trip to exchange medical experience with doctors in other cities.

After listening to Xu Fei's words, Doctor Hao and Doctor Shi exchanged looks.

"Yes, you have such ambition at such a young age. These are some of the experiences that the old man next to me and I have gained from practicing medicine over the years. You can take them back and have a look." Dr. Hao patted the wooden box on one side and said.

Xu Fei was stunned when he heard this.

Although the reputation of these two people is usually not very good, they are said to be desperate for money. Moreover, at the beginning of this year, at the age of eighty-two, Dr. Shi took in a concubine who was fifteen years old and made a pear blossom. The matter of Ya Haitang was hotly discussed for a while, but now that the other party is willing to give his medical experience to this junior, Xu Fei cannot ignore this kind of support.

Seeing what Xu Fei wanted to say, Doctor Hao chuckled lightly and motioned to Xu Fei to just pick up the wooden box and leave.

Money and fame are all gone for these two people.

After all, how many more years can they live?

So if they meet such a highly motivated junior who can pass on what they have learned throughout their lives, then they can rest in peace even if they die.

Xu Fei solemnly took the heavy wooden box, thanked the two old doctors again, and then left.

After first putting the wooden box containing the two old doctors' lifetime medical experience back at home, Xu Fei returned to Jixiangtang for consultation.

Doctor Yao couldn't help but wonder what the two first-class doctors in the medical clinic were doing with Xu Fei, so he came over to ask.

After learning that the two old doctors passed on what they learned to Xu Fei, it was inevitable to be a little surprised.

"Tsk, tsk, this is really..." Doctor Yao said with emotion.

However, he was not jealous of Xu Fei.

After all, specializing in andrology has allowed him to have enough food and clothing, and live a happy life, which is Dr. Yao's lifelong wish.

Make yourself work as hard as a dog?

Don't want to.

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