Chapter 11: Crane Shape Breathing Method

On the way home, Xu Fei turned a corner and came to Lingniang's side and was happy twice.

master a skill:




Medical Skills【0/10】【10/10】

Proficiency value: 53

Obviously, after reaching the tenth level of medical skills, it is already very difficult to continue to improve.

At least Xu Fei was treating people today and had a master to guide him, but there was no intention of raising the upper limit of his medical skill level again.

This also made Xu Fei a little surprised by the somewhat high level limit of Go.

After all, although the predecessor had worked hard to memorize the score, is such a high level limit reasonable?

The tenth level of medical skills makes him better than the master who has been practicing medicine for many years and is quite famous in Gaoxian County.

By analogy, if the upper limit of level 13 in Go is topped up, it might allow him to gain strength comparable to that of an experienced chess master?

Although Go is all about arithmetic, and it does not mean that the older you get, the better you get, but Jiang is old. At least when he played against his grandfather who taught him how to play Go, he basically couldn't win unless he was given away enough pieces.

But soon Xu Fei also had a guess.

You must have memorized enough chess records?

Otherwise, there is no way to explain the upper limit of level 13 in Go.

So after thinking about it, Xu Fei thought that he should look for more medical books and medicine manuals and take a look.

It is also a test of whether the upper limit of one's own skill level is really related to enough knowledge.

Thoughtfully, Xu Fei returned home.

When Zhang Lian saw his son, even though he had agreed that his son should study medicine, he still didn't look good.

"Let's go to grandma's place." Zhang Lian said in a stiff tone.

Xu Fei naturally would not confront his father, let alone when he got angry, he would follow his parents to his grandma's house obediently.

Zhang Fangshi first asked Xu Fei if he had eaten dinner, and then asked about studying medicine.

He even planned to be a patient himself for a while, so that his second grandson could gain some practice.

It can only be said that the old man's love for his grandson has reached the level of doting.

Xu Fei glanced at his father and quickly rejected his grandma's suggestion to let him check on his physical condition.

After all, although his medical skills are now considered to be superb, he still gives the impression that he has only studied medicine for a short period of time and may not even be a beginner yet.

Naturally, you can’t practice with grandma.

Very disrespectful.

After talking for a while, the old man inevitably lost some energy.

The family of three didn't bother them anymore.

When Ms. Liu saw her son diagnosing and treating patients in the afternoon, she was only proud of her son's ability and did not notice other problems.

But Zhang Lian will not ignore these.

Although I haven't asked him carefully, his son has been studying medical skills for a full month?

But he has already started to diagnose and treat people?

Even if Dr. Zhao is on hand to give guidance, this is already shocking enough. Moreover, Dr. Zhao's medical skills are well-known in the county. The fact that he can personally give advice to his son speaks volumes.

So is this guy actually very talented in the medical field?

Thinking of this, Zhang Lian was speechless.

I am happy that my son has good talent in studying medicine, but I am also a little regretful that my son will probably not go back to study in the future.

Get fame and honor your ancestors!

In the past, he didn't understand when his father strictly required him to study, but as he got older, he understood his father's painstaking efforts.

After all, the saying that all things are inferior, only those who study well are not empty talk, but a reality.

But since his son has already chosen this, he can't force it.

The next day, Xu Fei came to the hospital early and didn't even turn around to go to Ling Niang.

"What I'm teaching you today is a set of health-preserving skills called Crane Shape Breathing Technique. My master taught it to me back then. Now I'm passing it on to you. It can strengthen your body and prolong your life. After all, your master is alive. Ninety to three." Doctor Zhao said with a smile when he saw his apprentice coming.

Xu Fei nodded solemnly, still looking forward to this set of skills.

"Come, practice with me." Doctor Zhao said.

After doing it once, twice, and three times, Xu Fei added a crane-shaped breathing skill on his panel.

master a skill:




Medical Skills【0/10】【10/10】

Crane Shape Breathing Method【0/5】【0/6】

Proficiency value: 53

After Xu Fei thought about it, he did not rush to add more points, but continued to practice this breath-taking method with his master.

This set of health-care techniques is also simple.

It is a set of movements similar to Tai Chi for the elderly, and the length and weight of shortness of breath during practice must be consistent with the movements.

Then there is no more.

It must be difficult to use to hit people.

Fortunately, although Xu Fei had a lot of expectations, he also expected this situation and was not disappointed.

After practicing the crane-shaped breathing method with the master for almost an hour, I have a basic grasp of the essentials of the movements.

The hospital is open for treatment.

In the blink of an eye, Xu Fei came to Lingniang after treating patients for another day in the hospital.

Ling Niang was preparing dinner, while Xu Fei was doing Tai Chi in the courtyard.

After adding 5 proficiency points, Xu Fei practiced the Crane Shape Breathing Technique level one again.

Then Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, and in a blink of an eye, the breathing method was increased to the current upper limit of Level 6.

When Xu Fei started practicing again, he felt that he was almost as good as when he was practicing with his master.

But when Xu Fei said that he felt anything in his body after practicing the breathing method, he didn't feel anything at all.

It seems that I have learned a lot of loneliness.

This made Xu Fei scratch his head and simply get happy with Ling Niang.

After all, other things can be put off later, but the acquisition of proficiency points cannot be delayed.

In addition, Xu Fei is also considering whether to try it with other women to see if the proficiency points obtained by different women are the same.

Maybe some women give more proficiency points, and some women give less proficiency points?

After thinking about it, Xu Fei worked harder.

It has to be said that Xu Fei's little life was quite leisurely and beautiful.

Compared with other colleagues who suffer greatly and have deep hatred, they are completely in the same heaven and on earth.

After two attempts and getting six proficiency points, Xu Fei went home after having a burnt dinner at Ling Niang's place.

The next day, Xu Fei came to Zhaoji Medical Center again and practiced the crane-shaped breathing method with his master.

Doctor Zhao was a little surprised when he saw Xu Fei's actions.

This young apprentice is not only very talented in learning medical skills, but he is also so good at practicing breathing techniques?

I think it took him a long time to practice until he became so proficient.

Xu Fei did not directly reveal the level 6 Crane Shape Breathing Technique. He was still hiding his clumsiness and only showed levels 1 and 2.

After all, it’s impossible not to hide one’s clumsiness.

Once the proficiency value is increased, his breathing skills are almost as good as those of his master.

This is problematic no matter how you look at it.

"Master, how am I doing?" Xu Fei said.

"Not bad, really good. It's much faster than what I learned back then." Dr. Zhao said.

There is no jealousy because the disciple's talent is much better than his own.

Be open-minded.

Xu Fei smiled slightly sheepishly.

If he was really asked to practice breathing and breathing, he would probably have forgotten all the movements taught yesterday, but he failed.

Overnight, the breathing method has become an introduction.

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