Chapter 117, Enlightenment

Seeing Xu Fei as the head of the family, Mr. Xi, who was appointed to the Zhang family, nodded reservedly and continued to teach the children to read.

Seeing that the sons and daughters in the hall were all serious, Xu Fei nodded with satisfaction, and then came to Yun Niang to change clothes.

I think it's almost winter.

"Have you prepared coal and clothes for the winter at home?" Xu Fei said.

"You have to ask eldest sister about this." Yun Niang said calmly.

Her indifference in not caring about anything made Xu Fei quite helpless.

But after thinking about it, he still came to Zhou Yue and paid some attention.

Otherwise, wouldn't it make him look useless?

I heard that Xu Fei was concerned about the situation at home.

Zhou Yue took out the account book.

"We have prepared 70,000 kilograms of coal and spent 280 taels of silver. We have also prepared clothes." Zhou Yue said.

Over the years, Zhou Yue has managed the family in an orderly manner, which has made Xu Fei worry-free.

Hearing that everything was well arranged, Xu Fei gently put his arms around Zhou Yue's plump waist and held it softly.

"I'll sleep here with you tonight."

Zhou Yue chuckled softly after hearing this: "Okay."

Xu Fei kissed Zhou Yue and went to practice martial arts.

His current achievements are inseparable from his hard work and diligence, and he practices a lot when he has time.

When it was time to have dinner, today it was Xu Fei's turn to come to the table of the Miao sisters.

Last year, the two sisters got pregnant one after another not long after they started dating Xu Fei. A few months ago, they gave birth to a son and a daughter respectively.

Because of this, the two sisters' originally somewhat thin figures became plumper.

"Master." Sister Miao Nuannuan filled the soup and placed it in front of Xu Fei.

When it comes to serving people, the two sisters and Yu Niang are the best.

Ling Niang, Yuan Niang, Lotus Lan Niang, these women are a little worse, but Yun Niang completely ignores these and loves everyone.

As Zhou Yue's wife, she naturally doesn't need to serve anyone.

She only had to help Xu Fei take care of the house, which was a great achievement.

A family of dozens of people had a lively dinner, and Xu Fei came to his grandma's parents.

After all these years of getting along.

Grandma's parents, father-in-law, and master get along much more harmoniously.

Already had a meal at one place.

When Xu Fei came over, two maids were cleaning up.

Dad and father-in-law were chatting on the side.

"Have you eaten?" Dad asked.

Looking at the extra white hair on his father's head, Xu Fei couldn't help but sigh.

"Already eaten." Xu Fei said.

"Okay, come and have a drink with us later." Dad said.

"Yes." Xu Fei said.

I visited my grandmother and mother again, and then Xu Fei came to the master.

Master is practicing the crane-shaped breathing method in the courtyard of his residence.

Xu Fei chuckled lightly and came to the master's side to practice with him.

After a while, Dr. Zhao let out a sigh of relief and stopped practicing.

"You are really talented." Dr. Zhao said with emotion.

My disciple has only practiced Crane Shape Breathing for less than ten years, but he is much better than him.

Xu Fei couldn't help but feel happy, and invited his master to go over and have a drink with his father and father-in-law.

Although alcohol is not good for the body, drinking in moderation can have a positive impact on your mood.

Dr. Zhao nodded upon hearing this.

After drinking some wine with the three elders, Xu Fei returned to his side somewhat calmly.

Instead of using internal strength to resolve his drunkenness, Xu Fei used the strength of alcohol to practice martial arts.

The trees moved when he waved, and the fallen leaves flew on the ground when he stretched. Even if Xu Fei didn't deliberately use his energy, with his current strength, just a trace of energy revealed during practice was enough to have an impact on the surroundings.

After practicing the internal skills several times, Xu Fei let out a breath of turbid energy and felt enlightened in his heart.

At the same time, Xu Fei's inner strength also changed.

This change was quite wonderful, and it affected Xu Fei, giving him a sense of transparency in his body and mind, just like the moonlight shining on himself.

After a while, Xu Fei opened his eyes.

Although this epiphany was not as exaggerated as the rapid progress in the novels he had read, it felt like it should also speed up his progress in becoming a genius by one or two months.

The harvest is still quite big.

This made Xu Fei quite satisfied, and then he came to Zhou Yue.

Zhou Yue has put the children to sleep.

Over the years, Zhou Yue gave birth to Xu Fei's second son, Zhang Pingan, sixth son, Zhang Xiao, ninth son, Zhang Jing, thirteenth son, Zhang Xuan, thirteenth daughter, Hanmei, and seventeenth daughter, Shumei.

Seeing Xu Fei enter the door, Zhou Yue brought out the prepared water.

Slightly warm osmanthus cake, soft poria cake, five eggs, five large chicken legs.

In the blink of an eye, Xu Fei was swept into his stomach.

Because of martial arts training, Xu Fei has always had a good appetite. These are just one of his five meals a day.

After eating, Xu Fei wiped his mouth and took Zhou Yue into his arms.

A light milky aroma lingers.

And Zhou Yue also shrank into Xu Fei's arms obediently.

Enjoy the tenderness of this moment.

After a while, Zhou Yue talked about some trivial matters at home.

Xu Fei occasionally responded.

It's quite comfortable.

The next day, Xu Fei got up early and practiced martial arts for a while.

Because he was not under the influence of alcohol, Xu Fei showed no signs of showing off when practicing martial arts. His movements were like an old man doing Tai Chi, with no momentum at all.

If someone sees him, he will only give a perfunctory compliment, "Well, you played well." ’

After a while, the children who had been urged to run in the morning by Captain Zhou came back one after another.

Although he ran 3 miles, his eldest son Zhang Xian showed no signs of fatigue. When he saw his father practicing slowly there, he curled his lips with disdain.

He spends his whole day trying to scare people with his family skills, but this is the result?

"Daddy." The other children greeted him respectfully after they came back.

Naturally, Zhang Xian could only say hello.

Xu Fei could not fail to see that the boss of his family was full of rebelliousness.

However, he just smiled softly, as if he didn't care, and then flicked the brat's forehead with his finger.

"Ah~" Zhang Xian screamed and covered his forehead. After running away, he grinned and made a face at his father.

Xu Fei had another good time and started playing again.

Zhang Xian was so frightened that he ran away quickly.

After breakfast, Xu Fei went to the medical clinic to work.

Soon several patients came to see me.

As time went by at Huangji Medical Clinic, Boss Huang had already given Xu Fei 10% of his shares.

In one year, it can bring Xu Fei an income of about 2,000 taels of silver.

In addition, during various medical visits, I occasionally encountered wealthy patients who gave me very generous consultation fees.

After all, Dadao City is becoming more and more prosperous, and its population is approaching 1.5 million.

There are still a lot of rich people.

Xu Fei's annual income is almost ten thousand taels of silver. The purchasing power is approximately 33 million to 50 million.

The problem that made my father worry that he could not afford to raise more and more children did not arise at all.

But what makes Zhang Lian a little helpless is that the land around Dadao City is all managed by the Dadao Association. Others only have the right to rent the land and cannot buy it.

This also made the old man's idea of ​​buying a house and land a failure from the beginning.

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