Chapter 140, Spiritual Doctor

Xu Fei's ability to quickly learn the Star Fighting Technique was undoubtedly due to his previous martial arts training.

But now when facing the Five Elements Spell, it is inevitable to feel at a loss.

Because this is a completely different system from martial arts, or anything Xu Fei has learned before.

If you have to describe the difference between martial arts and tactics.

Just like primary school Chinese and middle school Chinese, primary school Chinese has literacy and clear meaning, and middle school Chinese has poems and songs, which serve as a link between the past and the future.

The five elements magic is mathematics...

Therefore, Xu Fei, who had only learned a few things before, facing the Five Elements Magic was like facing a full chapter of pi.

It takes more effort and energy to learn it.

Fortunately, Xu Fei is not discouraged.

After thinking for a while, I came to the Lecture Hall with the Midas Touch.

I found the teaching and got some explanations.

Xu Fei couldn't help but feel like he could see the moon through the clouds.

"Thanks for the teaching." Xu Fei thanked him.

"You're welcome." The instructor laughed.

The reason why the teacher who was quite cold towards other disciples was so friendly to Xu Fei was naturally because he benefited from Xu Fei.

You can't do that when you're middle-aged.

With the instruction's explanation, the Golden Touch finally appeared on Xu Fei's skill panel.

Golden Touch【0/5】【0/1】

And as long as the skills appear on the panel, the rest will naturally be easy.

Saying goodbye to the teacher, Xu Fei left the lecture hall and came to the medical center for a consultation.

After thinking about it, Xu Fei suggested to the shopkeeper that he might be able to diagnose and treat the monks.

The shopkeeper couldn't help scratching his head when he heard this.

As one of the first, second, and third-level doctors with the best Chinese medicine skills in treating ordinary people in the medical clinic, he was not very willing for Xu Fei to give up treating ordinary people.

In particular, this one has extremely superb andrological medical skills.

In fact, the shopkeeper will make great efforts to win over Xu Fei, which is also related to Xu Fei's performance during this period.

Other disciples of the Lecture School wish they could spend twelve hours a day practicing.

But where is Xu Fei?

Basically every afternoon I come to the medical center to help people treat their illnesses.

Although the other party was relatively short of money, he didn't see Xu Fei practicing seriously.

Therefore, the shopkeeper couldn't help but judge that Xu Fei was already in ruins.

Then the shopkeeper tried his best to win over Xu Fei, so that this boy could keep making money for him.

If Xu Fei devotes himself to cultivation every day.

How could the shopkeeper give gifts to both a house and a beautiful woman?

After all, once he becomes a monk, it is basically impossible for the other party to stay in the medical center.

However, Xu Fei was willing to make progress and wanted to become a fourth-class doctor treating monks, but he also wanted to support him.

"Then you will be an apprentice with Dr. Liu for a period of time and learn for some time first?" the shopkeeper said.

Apparently he was worried that Xu Fei's ability to diagnose and treat the monks was not up to par.

Being a monk means you are almost free from all kinds of diseases.

They would come to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment, usually for injuries or poisoning.

When injured, monks need to pay extra attention to maintenance to avoid the impact of the injury on their own cultivation, as well as the use of tactics and spells, thereby reducing their strength.

Just like if the arm is injured, especially if it is more serious, then after it is cured and used again in the future, will the arm have problems with the flow of mana not being smooth, or even being unable to stimulate the mana?

Or the mana cannot be penetrated, causing more time to be used when using spells, reduced power, or even spell use failure.

These are all possible scenarios.

This is why there are doctors who specialize in treating monks.

Xu Fei was also well aware of the shopkeeper's worries.

However, he would like to become a doctor who diagnoses and treats monks, but he has recently felt that his medical skills have reached a bottleneck.

You must personally diagnose and treat injured and poisoned monks, and you may be able to continue to improve your medical skills.

"Thank you, shopkeeper." Xu Fei thanked him.

Hearing that Xu Fei was so humble and did not insist on directly treating the monks, the shopkeeper nodded.

Then he led Xu Fei to the area specially arranged for monks to treat illnesses in the medical center.

"Doctor Liu, is it possible to ask Dr. Xu to start a fight with you?" the shopkeeper said politely.

Doctor Liu, who is about forty years old and has a goatee, heard the shopkeeper say this.

"How dare I work here? Dr. Xu is so great. Please ask Gao Ming to be the shopkeeper." Dr. Liu said with a smile but not a smile.

Obviously he felt Xu Fei was a threat.

The shopkeeper who was choked back looked a little unhappy, but he didn't want to forcefully ask Dr. Liu to do something.

After all, Xu Fei is his cash cow, and so is the other party.

"In this case, it's okay for me to start the consultation directly." Xu Fei said.

Hearing what Xu Fei said, Doctor Liu's expression showed disdain.

At that time, he had been complimenting his master for more than ten years before he was able to receive some teachings. After that, he worked hard to learn and understand with his heart, and he was able to achieve success in the field of spiritual medicine.

Who is this guy in front of me? !

Because elixirs are mostly used to treat injuries and detoxify monks, the doctors who diagnose and treat monks are also called spiritual doctors.

Seeing Xu Fei and Dr. Liu quarreling, especially when he was refuted by Dr. Liu just now.

The shopkeeper was inevitably angry. After some consideration, he directly decided to support Xu Fei and Doctor Liu in the ring.

If Xu Fei can perform well, he will be so arrogant that he can kill Doctor Liu.

Soon, Xu Fei's consultation table was moved to the spiritual doctor's side.

The doctors who originally treated ordinary people couldn't help but look at each other.

Although everyone is a doctor, treating ordinary people and treating wounds and detoxifying monks are two completely different things.

Why is Dr. Xu so reckless?

As Xu Fei set down the consultation table, Doctor Liu's expression was not good-looking, but it was difficult to say anything. He could only look cold and ignore it.

After a while, a monk came in, looked at Dr. Liu, and then at the new face Xu Fei, and after thinking about it, he went to Dr. Liu's side.

This made Doctor Liu look proud.

Xu Fei didn't care, and continued to study the various spiritual medicine books given to him by the shopkeeper.

More than half an hour passed.

A monk who couldn't stop coughing came to the medical center. He didn't know much about it. He came to Xu Fei and talked about his symptoms.

After Xu Fei diagnosed his pulse, he determined that the other party was poisoned.

This thing is actually caused by the invasion of cold air into the body.

And if it can cause harm to monks whose bodies are far superior to ordinary people, it can be seen that this cold air is still quite difficult to deal with.

Xu Fei thought for a moment and shook his head.

"Sorry, I can't cure your illness." Xu Fei said helplessly.

The poisoned monk was not surprised when he heard this.

He had been poisoned for a long time, and he had to find more than twenty spiritual doctors, if not twenty.

The reason why he asked the spiritual doctor in front of him to help with diagnosis and treatment was just in case.

"Then please ask the doctor to prescribe some medicine for me to strengthen Yang and clear my mind." said the poisoned monk.

Not far away, Dr. Liu heard that Xu Fei was unable to cure the poisoned monk, and the gloating in his expression was visible to the naked eye.

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