Chapter 142, Mana

Just by practicing like this, working in the medical clinic, and gaining proficiency points, Xu Fei's life returned to peace.

Moreover, he gradually learned the methods of controlling water, controlling wood, controlling fire and breaking earth.

Xu Fei can be regarded as mastering all the Five Elements spells.

However, it will take some time to practice if you want to actually use it in possible fights with other monks.

At least it has to be around level 10.

So Xu Fei still has to work hard.

But he didn't pay much attention to this, because another thing made Xu Fei feel helpless.

That is, the Five Aggregates Method, the Cave Spirit Method, and the Zhengzhen Method are all stuck at level 19.

There is a small bottleneck from the first level to the second level.

Xu Fei knew this from when he was learning medical skills and other skills before.

Some bottlenecks are easy to break through and you can pass them before you know it.

Some are slightly more difficult and require a certain amount of understanding, or a more personal mastery of the corresponding skills.

Xu Fei also started from these aspects, but unfortunately the progress has been poor.

Of course, there is also the reason why Xu Fei has been focusing on the Five Elements spells in recent times.

The wave condensates gold and iron, water splashes, wood and vines, flames, and earth.

Such a magical ability made Xu Fei quite popular.

However, the Taoist level was stuck at the first level, which made Xu Fei feel that he could no longer sacrifice the basics and pursue the weak.

Instead of cultivating the fundamental Taoist teachings, you practice hard on these side branches.

After returning home from the hospital, Yuejiao was playing the piano in the hospital.

After seeing Xu Fei, he quickly stood up.

This beauty who has been educated in Wanhua Tower follows the three obedience and four virtues in her words and deeds.

Even though Xu Fei was quite tolerant, he didn't dare to make any negligence.

Xu Fei couldn't help but feel helpless. As long as the women were not the ones he met in his previous life, but actually were naughty, lively, gentle and demure, he could accept them.

"It sounds pretty good, keep playing." Xu Fei said.

"Yes, sir." Yue Jiao responded, then quickly sat down again.

"What music do you want to listen to, sir?" Yue Jiao then turned around again.

Eyebrows conveying affection.

I have to say that when it comes to competing for favor and flattery, Meiniang cannot keep up with Yue Jiao.

But it's a pity that Xu Fei doesn't understand amorous feelings and won't dote on Yue Jiao because of this.

He still takes great care of his beautiful mother.

"Then let's play Changqing." Xu Fei said.

"Yes." Yue Jiao gently pressed the strings with her hand, calmed her mind, and then started to play.

Servants brought tables and chairs and laid out tea and snacks.

Then quietly retreated.

Although the expenses in Fairy City are high, Xu Fei's income is enough to support his current good life.

After listening to the song, Xu Fei nodded with satisfaction.

"Not bad." Then he got up and went to have dinner.

This made Yue Jiao's eyes filled with resentment.

After this period of understanding, Yue Jiao naturally knew a lot about her master's situation.

So she paid special attention and wanted Xu Fei to focus all his attention on her.

After all, if you can't accumulate favors while you're young, how can you wait until you're old and lose your luster before showing off your charm?

That would be too stupid.

"Oh, by the way, you don't have to be so restrained at home." Xu Fei stopped after walking a certain distance and looked back at Yue Jiao.

Naturally, Xu Fei could not fail to see what this girl was thinking.

But he didn't care.

After all, Yue Jiao is only eighteen years old.

And he is almost thirty this year. According to the situation in his previous life, that is to say, he has graduated from college and Yue Jiao is still a primary school student. It is true that old cows eat young grass and are naturally tolerant.

Yue Jiao was stunned and quickly lowered her head, looking terrified.

I was afraid that my actions had offended Xu Fei.

After a moment, Yue Jiao raised her head carefully and found that Xu Fei had left.

This made Yue Jiao look a little confused.

After all, this is very different from the upbringing she received in Wanhua Tower and the temperament of men she heard about.

"Master." Meiniang handed the chopsticks to Xu Fei's hand.

Xu Fei took the chopsticks and picked up his rice bowl.

He looked at Mei Niang.

He still likes Meiniang's attitude of having little plans.

"What's wrong?" Meiniang quickly touched her cheek.

"It's okay. I'll ask the jewelry shop to arrange for two women to come over later. You can see what jewelry you and Yuejiao want." Xu Fei said.

Meiniang's eyes lit up when she heard this: "Yes."

What woman doesn’t like jewelry?

The next day, Xu Fei got up early and practiced the Zhengzhen Dharma, scratched his chin, then walked out of the house and headed straight for the Linglong Mountain Gate.

But this is not because Xu Fei wants to participate in the three-year quiz in advance.

Instead, he was going to see how much mana he had now.

Even if Xu Fei doesn't care much about the three-year quiz, it would be good if he can pass it.

Soon, the carriage arrived near the mountain gate.

Then Xu Fei stopped in front of a shop with a pot-shaped patterned banner hanging at the door.

Yuchun Pot Bureau.

The measuring pot is dark in color because of the material it is made of.

Therefore, it is also called black pot or black pot.

Although it is of no great use, because Linglong Immortal Sect uses it as a standard to select disciples, it still has a certain market.

Many disciples from wealthy families will buy one to test their magic power at any time.

But Xu Fei didn't have so much spare money, so he planned to rent a black teapot from the teapot to test his total magic power.

I paid one hundred taels of silver.

The boy from the Pot Bureau took Xu Fei to a quiet room, then brought a black flat pot that was more than thirty centimeters high, more than ten centimeters wide at its widest point, narrow at the bottom and wide at the top, and placed it on the table.

"Guest, this is the mysterious pot. Just put your palms on the mouth of the pot and release magic power into the pot." The boy said.

Xu Fei nodded when he heard this and looked at the Xuan Kettle for a few times.

Then, as the boy said, pour your own magic power into the pot.

After a short while, Xu Fei stopped.

The boy asked Xu Fei for permission and moved his eyes to the spout of the pot to examine it carefully.

"Guest, the mana you poured into me was a little over half for six seconds." The waiter reported.

The Xuan Kettle is evenly divided into ten quarters, allowing users to clearly detect their own magic power.

And you can more intuitively understand how far you are from the pot of mana required to pass the quiz.

Xu Fei couldn't help scratching his chin when he heard that the mana he had just injected lasted for six seconds.

He said that he just converted his innate inner energy into mana, and spent more than two months to get nothing.

Xu Fei had heard gossip from other 'classmates' when he was in Lecture School.

Innate warriors who come to Linglong Immortal Sect to seek enlightenment can usually convert their innate inner strength into magic power in five to ten days.

The mana gained is about three to five moments, some are more, some are less, but the difference is pretty much the same.

However, based on the six moments of mana he poured into the mysterious pot just now, the total amount of mana in his body now is about seven pots!

Not only is it far ahead of other ‘classmates’.

It far exceeded the selection criteria of a pot of mana tested in three years!

The boy looked at Xu Fei's face and couldn't tell whether he was happy or angry at the moment, so it was hard to say anything.

"Thank you." Xu Fei said politely, then turned and left the pot game.

After leaving the pot game, Xu Fei rented a carriage and headed to the medical center.

At the same time, I was thinking about whether to participate in the quiz.

Passing the quiz to enter the mountain gate for further study may allow him to improve his cultivation faster.

But after thinking about it, Xu Fei decided to wait a little longer.

Even if you don’t stick to the three-year time limit, you still have to at least act like you’ve been practicing hard for two and a half years, right?

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