Chapter 149, Tongxian Street

After thinking about it, Xu Fei simply came to Tongxian Street.

In most places in the fairy city, monks and ordinary people live together.

But after arriving at Tongxian Street, there will only be matters related to monks.

Even most of the shop assistants are monks.

However, Xu Fei had not visited Tongxian Street in detail before, so he could not help but look around.

Not far away, a twelve-story floating wooden building more than ten meters above the ground is quite eye-catching.

In the fairy city gathered around the Linglong Immortal Gate, there is a street that also runs through the entire fairy city.

This street is Tongxian Street.

Every hundred miles or so, there is a majestic wooden building like this.

It is Tianwu Pavilion.

Directly under the Linglong Immortal Sect.

It can be called a thousand treasures, all-encompassing.

Xu Fei glanced at it from a distance, but had no intention of getting closer.

After all, as a spiritual doctor, he seemed to have some income, but he still couldn't afford to go to Tianwu Pavilion to spend money.

Wait until later.

Xu Fei scratched his chin, looked away, and came to another magical weapon shop.

After he succeeded in spiritual cultivation, Xu Fei thought about finding a magic weapon to test it out.

In fact, it's no wonder that Xu Fei can't keep his temper.

After all, it’s a magic weapon!

Xu Fei was still quite excited about the various magical and mysterious magical weapons that he heard occasionally during these times.

But after walking into the magic weapon shop, most of the anticipation in Xu Fei's heart dissipated.

Because most of the items displayed in the magic weapon shop are weapons, armor, shields, etc., and these things don't look magical or mysterious.

"Hello, customer." The waiter in the store greeted him with a smile.

After Xu Fei thought for a while, he walked into the store.

On the cabinet in front of you are some gourds, seals and other magical objects.

There are swords, guns, swords, halberds, etc. on the wall on the left hand side of the shop, and several pairs of armor on the other side.

There are several shields hanging on the wall on the other side.

The shop is not big, but it is packed full and quite complete.

"I wonder what your guest would like?" the waiter asked again.

Xu Fei came to the weapons first.

"Let me take a look." Xu Fei said.

The waiter was still enthusiastic. After seeing Xu Fei looking at it for a while, he was very interested in a sword, so he took the sword down.

"This sword is made of pure iron and was forged by Master Jiang himself. It is four feet seven inches long and weighs seven pounds seven taels. It is a good sword." said the clerk.

After a brief inspection, Xu Fei's eyes flashed with surprise.

Because this sword is really good.

The edge of the sword is not very sharp, but this is not very important to a sword cultivator.

Because the sword cultivator's flying sword is powerful, it mainly relies on the magic power and charm of the attached flying sword.

The magic power is strong, the flying sword is swift and unstoppable, and the rhyme is solid, the flying sword is agile and can fly back at will.

The sword in Xu Fei's hand is well adapted to mana.

If cared for carefully, it can be a good helper when fighting with others.

"How can I sell this sword?" Xu Fei asked.

"Ninety spiritual stones." The man replied.

Xu Fei couldn't help but choked when he heard the price mentioned by the waiter.

When he was still in Lingjue Land, one tael of silver was equivalent to about four thousand yuan in purchasing power.

Based on the price of one spiritual stone for one thousand taels of silver, the flying sword in Xu Fei's hand is worth as much as 360 million! !

Of course, Xu Fei is now in the Spiritual Realm, and the prices in Immortal City are extremely high. The purchasing power of one tael of silver has been greatly reduced, and it can no longer be estimated at such a rate.

But according to Xu Fei's feeling, one tael of silver has a purchasing power of about two hundred yuan in Fairy City.

So based on this exchange ratio, the price of this flying sword would be as high as 18 million.

But Xu Fei thought about it and realized that his monthly income now is about ten spirit stones.

So if you really want this sword, saving for half a year is enough?

This feeling of saving money so that you can buy yourself a 'missile'... is amazing.

After scratching his chin, Xu Fei returned the sword to the man and left the magic weapon shop.

After wandering around several magic weapon shops, Xu Fei was thoughtful.

In fact, it was undoubtedly a bit rash for him to decide to buy some magic weapons for himself on a whim.

After all, you still have to watch other monks fight, accumulate some experience, and have an impression and concept of how monks fight, and then decide what kind of magic weapon and fighting method you will use in the future, which will be more appropriate.

In addition, once a person's fighting style is decided, it will almost never change unless there are some major changes in the future.

Because one side is a sword cultivator who has used swords for decades and hundreds of years, and the other side is a monk who has learned combat techniques, then switched to martial arts cultivation, and frequently changed various fighting methods.

Who is stronger between the two sides is almost self-evident based on normal theory.

However, after Xu Fei thought about it, he felt that he relied on the strong learning effect of proficiency points.

It feels like it should be feasible to choose a comprehensive combat method, practice spells, and temperature-nurturing magic weapons, an all-round and complementary fighting method.

It just depends on the actual results whether it will work or not.

So on the one hand, he had no money, and on the other hand, Xu Fei was not sure what kind of magical weapon he should buy.

In other words, the two are a problem.

In the end he just went shopping.

The next day, Xu Fei came to the medical center after completing today's homework.

Although the income of the medical center is not enough to support Xu Fei's generous purchase of various magical instruments for trials, in fact this has made many monks quite envious.

Generally speaking, there are not many ways that monks can make a living.

First, master a skill, such as Xu Fei's medical skills, as well as alchemy, weapon refining, talismans, formations, etc.

But the barriers to entry for these skills are not low.

After all, even for a medical skill that is not very profitable, the masters are quite wary and are not willing to teach it easily.

Not to mention those precious skills that can directly change your life once mastered.

The books on alchemy that Xu Fei could buy for asking for dozens of spirit stones were just some basic knowledge. It would take a lot of effort to actually refine the elixir.

In short, it is still difficult to master the skills and make a living.

Second, go out hunting.

This is also the method chosen by most monks.

Linglong Immortal Sect has such a vast territory of 130,000 miles, but it does not do things in a circle and does not allow others to get involved.

The casual cultivators hunt monsters and collect some elixirs in the wild, which is not forbidden.

Therefore, if some monks want to obtain cultivation resources, they basically have no choice but to go out hunting.

In addition, there is also the possibility of becoming a tribute to other families, or simply finding something to do.

For example, working as a waiter in a shop on Tongxian Street.

Of course, if you don’t have many expectations for cultivation, then it’s not impossible to just practice hard.

In short, life encounters are different.

"Sir, I have read all the medical books you asked me to read." Yang Siniu said respectfully.

Xu Fei looked at the apprentice who was accepted by him because he told him the information about Yao Bing, and nodded slightly. This young man was quite diligent.

After taking the exam, I found that Yang Siniu did indeed learn well.

After Xu Fei thought about it, he went to the shopkeeper and got an opportunity for Yang Siniu to have a consultation.

But it has to start with the first-class doctor.

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