Chapter 151, proud

Wen Jianyi smiled gently and sat down at the main seat.

Hu Tang poured wine.

Wen Jianyi was not polite. After picking up the wine bowl and tasting it, his eyes showed surprise.

Although the taste of this wine is average, the effect of warming and nourishing the body is actually quite good.

"Junior Brother Xu prepared this wine himself," Hu Tang said.

Wen Jianyi turned to look at Xu Fei.

"Junior brother is indeed amazing. No wonder Hu Tang always praises you in front of me."

Wen Jianyi now has nearly two pots of magic power, and it is almost certain that he can pass the Linglong Immortal Sect's three-year quiz.

The reason why I haven't taken the quiz yet is to wait for an opportunity.

Therefore, Wen Jianyi could not help but feel embarrassed in front of these junior brothers.

Xu Fei didn't care about this, he just smiled gently.

He brought the wine here just to reward Hu Tang for inviting him to participate in the discussion last time, which made him quite fruitful.

He had no control over how other people would react.

Although there was a lot of wine, about five kilograms, the alcohol content was not high, about 30 degrees.

So soon the jar of wine was drained.

Shi Dehuan hugged the wine jar, his face full of aftertaste.

This wine not only satisfies cravings, but also warms and nourishes the body, which is really great.

After eating and drinking, Xu Fei said goodbye and left.

After Wen Jianyi watched Xu Fei leave, his eyes showed a thoughtful look.

"Junior Brother Hu, you should get closer to Junior Brother Xu from now on."

Apparently he was thinking about winning over Xu Fei.

"Yes, senior brother." Hu Tang said quickly.

After returning home, Xu Fei dissipated the smell of alcohol, and then went to study the spiritual cave method.

In the past, he broke through the Five Aggregates Dharma after working hard, and he occasionally had enlightenment in his mind after listening to Taoism and broke through the Zhengzhen Dharma. Now he only has the fundamental Tao Dharma Cave Spirit Dharma of the Fa Xiu lineage and has not been able to break through to the second level.

As his cultivation gradually deepened, Xu Fei also gradually became aware of some characteristics of the three Taoist practices of his fellow practitioners.

Regardless of practicing the Five Aggregates Method, the Dongling Method, or the Zhengzhen Method, the magic power derived from practice is his magic power, and there will be no qualitative differences due to different methods of practice.

At this point, the various internal skills Xu Fei practiced before are also the same.

And this also slightly proves from the side that ‘martial arts’ is most likely really derived from the simplification of Taoism.

However, some special Taoist methods, such as Lei Fengbing's fundamental Taoist methods that can be practiced using special spells, will be different.

The special type of magic power that has been cultivated can no longer be used for many spells, etc.

In addition, practicing the five aggregates method will be helpful to the Dongling method and the Zhengzhen method. Of course, the same is true for the other two Tao methods.

will influence each other.

But this is basically a benefit that only Xu Fei can experience.

After all, the practice of the three Tao methods is not easy.

It would take a lot of time for ordinary monks to understand Xu Fei's current state.

Because this is not an obvious gain, it is not cost-effective to spend so much hard work.

Moreover, the upper limit of the magic power that a monk can possess is actually related to his own understanding of Taoism.

The deeper and more exquisite the understanding of Taoism, the higher the upper limit of the magic power one can possess.

Take Xu Fei himself as an analogy.

If he only practices the first level 10 Five Aggregates method, then his upper limit of magic power may only be three pots.

And if the level of Wuyun Dharma reaches the second level 20, then his upper limit of mana may be about twenty pots.

Once the understanding of the fundamental dharma is insufficient, once the upper limit is reached, the progress that can be made by continuing to practice will be greatly reduced.

If I have to describe it, the mastery and understanding of the fundamental Taoism is the "root", and the power of one's own magic is the "fruit".

Only when the roots are strong can the branches and leaves be dense.

After having this enlightenment, Xu Fei became more and more attentive to the fundamental Taoism.

However, compared with the Five Aggregates Method, which has inherited the experience of martial arts training, and the Zhengzhen Method, which focuses on understanding and has been improved a lot by chance.

The fundamental method of Faxiu lineage, Fadong Lingfa, made Xu Fei more difficult.

From level 1 of the first level to level 19 of the first level, although the upgrade was stumbling, it was not very smooth.

But I relied on listening to lectures at the Lecture School to explain some basic knowledge of spiritual practice, and occasionally listening to discussions from other students.

It didn't put Xu Fei in any trouble.

But the small bottleneck from level 19 to level 2 left Xu Fei scratching his head.

Breathing activates the spiritual power, and at the same time mobilizes the magic power to travel through the meridians and acupoints of the body, and then draws the spiritual power into the body.

It is the practice of Dongling Dharma.

It sounds like it is just a matter of adjusting the breathing to trigger the inspiration, or the mana flowing through the meridians and acupuncture points, to be more suitable for one's own situation, and then the cave spirit method can be broken through to the second level.

But it's like a mess.

Xu Fei felt a little confused about where to start.

In fact, Xu Fei was still focused on his own cultivation and was distracted too much.

Physical cultivation, legal cultivation, and spiritual cultivation.

Medical skills, wine making, Five Elements magic, and also thinking about warming and nourishing magic weapons.

Relying on the power of the plug-in, Xu Fei wants everything.

But in fact, if you can't concentrate on studying it seriously, it's really not easy to break through to the second level of Cave Spirit Technique.

Xu Fei thought about it and understood his problem, and couldn't help but secretly warn him.

Avoid arrogance and impatience.

But in fact, Xu Fei has only been practicing for just over four months!

At the same time, most of the other monks were still meditating on the fundamental Taoist teachings they were majoring in, so they had no energy to care.

It can only be said that Xu Fei has obviously made good progress, but he is not aware that such progress has been rapid.

After all, Xu Fei had unknowingly compared himself with beings of the same level as the sixty-one peak masters of the Linglong Immortal Sect.

The sixty-one peak masters were so powerful, but he was like an ant.

So what does this little progress mean?

And by doing this, it can be said that Xu Fei is undoubtedly arrogant to the extreme.

The Linglong Immortal Sect controls a territory of 130,000 miles and has countless monks. The sixty-one peak masters are the top beings among these countless monks.

Who is Xu Fei? How dare you compare yourself to these powerful monks?

But the key point is that Xu Fei doesn't think it's arrogant to compare himself with the sixty-one peak masters.

After all, isn't that the height he is destined to reach? !

Of course, this process will definitely require him to work hard and be careful to achieve it.

It would be a real pity if we encountered any danger along the way.

After comprehending the cave spirit method twice more, Xu Fei came to Yue Jiao.

Because of Xu Fei's strict scoring mechanism, even a stunning beauty like Yue Jiao could only get an evaluation of about 85 points.

This made Xu Fei hate his strictness.

After all, if he didn't have such high standards and treated 60 points as 70 points, 70 points as 80 points, and 80 points as 90 points, then it wouldn't be a problem for him to have more than 10,000 points more proficiency points.

And this is only more than ten years, how about another hundred years in the future? More than a thousand years?

You can’t do a detailed calculation.

What a waste.

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