Chapter 160: Pill making method

Therefore, the relationship between doctors, spiritual doctors and medical clinics is almost mutually beneficial.

Doctors and spiritual doctors use their superb medical skills to enhance the reputation of medical clinics.

After the reputation is improved, not only the doctors and spiritual doctors will benefit, but the medical clinic will also enjoy some benefits.

Xu Fei picked up the wooden box and packed it with more than sixty spirit stones, which was quite heavy.

Nearly twenty pounds.

But Xu Fei didn't feel heavy at all. Even if it was ten times or a hundred times more, he would still be happy with it.

Carrying the wooden box on his shoulders as a medicine box, Xu Fei returned to his residence.

The next day, after completing his practice, Xu Fei came to Tongxian Street.

After looking at the Tianwu Pavilion not far away, Xu Fei finally walked over.

More than ten meters in the air, a huge maroon wooden building with twelve floors floated in the air and slowly rotated.

"Guests please." Seeing Xu Fei coming, the waiter in charge did not show any impatience and respectfully steered the pontoon to send Xu Fei up to the wooden building.

Xu Fei looked back at the pontoon that was carved with dragons and phoenixes and inlaid with gems. It could carry ten people at a time, and then gently stepped into the Tianwu Pavilion.

As soon as you enter Tianwu Pavilion, you will see a lobby with a height of more than ten meters.

There is a plaque saying "Wuhua Tianbao" hanging above the hall.

It is said that it was the work of the founder of the Linglong Immortal Sect.

But I don’t see how good it is in words.

Xu Fei withdrew his gaze and looked at the Duobao Pavilion on both sides.

No, it shouldn't be simply called Duobao Pavilion.

Because this wall, which is more than ten meters high and more than thirty meters long, is filled with a dazzling array of rare treasures.

Although Xu Fei didn't recognize most of the treasures among them, based on the rough estimates of some of the elixirs he knew, just filling this wall would cost more than half a million spiritual stones! ! !

There is more than one Tianwu Pavilion in Tongxian Street, it is said that there are as many as 179!

If the scenery was like this elsewhere, then the wealth displayed in this part alone would already be as high as nearly 200 million spiritual stones.

What is foundation?

What is style?

It can only be said that it is worthy of being an immortal sect with a reach of 130,000 miles.

Xu Fei was inevitably shocked.

"What does the guest need?" At this time, a female waiter came around and asked softly.

Although the maid is just an ordinary person, not a monk, she has a stunning appearance and elegant temperament, and is graceful in a light green dress.

In fact, if Xu Fei had not stopped, the waitress would have just waited quietly and would not have disturbed him.

But since the guests in front of her seemed to be in some trouble, as a waitress, she naturally needed to come over to receive them.

"I want to buy the first solution to making pills." Xu Fei said.

Although other classic book collection shops also sold them, Xu Fei decided to come to Tianwu Pavilion after considering it.

"Please come with me." The waitress said softly, and she was not dissatisfied because the price of the items Xu Fei purchased was not high.

Following the maid, Xu Fei came to a quiet room.

Soon, several waiters brought tea and the first solution of pill making that Xu Fei asked for.

However, Xu Fei couldn't help but scratch his head as he saw the five sets of elixir-making methods in front of him.

"Sir, do you need me to explain?" the waitress said understandingly.

"Thank you." Xu Fei said quickly.

"Nowadays, the method of making alchemy is mainly divided into five schools."

"The first is the sun-casting method, which takes the warming and tonic effects of the elixir and makes it into a pill."

"The second is the Golden Victory Method, which uses ferocious elixirs as ingredients."

"The third is the method of the bright moon, which neutralizes the sun cast and the gold."

"The fourth is the double well method. First, the elixir is refined to a certain extent, and then blended into the elixir."

"The fifth is the dragon elixir method, which selects the main material and then supplements it with other elixirs to stimulate the medicinal properties of the main material."

"There are dozens of other alchemy methods, but most of them have limitations." The waitress talked about it.

Xu Fei was thoughtful after listening to the waitress' explanation.

Liangjiang Yulu is prepared with three medicinal wines, using the Shuangjing method?

"Then how much are the prices of these first methods of making pills?" Xu Fei asked carefully.

"They are all a set of thirty spirit stones." the waitress said.

Hearing this price, although Xu Fei had expected it, he was also a little distressed.

After all, there are thirty spirit stones!

He has half a month's salary.

However, after thinking about it, Xu Fei still bought two sets of preliminary solutions for making pills, namely, the Sun-casting method and the Jin-sheng method.

After learning to make pills and gaining skills, he has mastered the pill-making methods of several schools, which will most likely speed up the upgrade of skills and improve the 'quality' of pill-making skills.

After all, after learning from the strengths of many schools, the effect of making pills cannot be the same as learning only one school of pill making skills.

The salary I just received was all spent in the blink of an eye.

This made Xu Fei feel quite distressed.

But I can only comfort myself that today’s investment is for a better future.

After buying the first solution for making pills, Xu Fei was about to leave when he saw the maid leading the way.

If the other party can talk eloquently about the method of making pills, then he must have an understanding of all aspects of the monks.

So wouldn't it be great if we could have this maid in our room?

"May I ask your name, Miss?" Xu Fei said.

The waitress smiled softly: "Little girl Jingru."

After just asking for his name, Xu Fei was inevitably a little stuck.

After all, the other party is the maid of Tianwu Pavilion, especially she is quite outstanding.

Is it really possible for him, a little spiritual doctor, to catch him?

When the waitress Jingru saw that Xu Fei had calmed down, she didn't disturb him anymore. She respectfully sent Xu Fei to the floating boat, then bowed and turned to leave.

After leaving Tianwu Pavilion, Xu Fei calmed down.

Although there is a high probability that Jingru will not be able to be brought into the house, Xu Fei does not have to worry about it.

He is not a domineering and greedy person who has to get a beautiful woman when he sees her.

After returning home, Xu Fei wiped his hands and opened the Sun Casting Method, one of the schools of alchemy making.

After some study, Xu Fei was thoughtful.

The sun casting method uses mild medicinal properties from various elixirs to make elixirs.

The medicinal properties of the resulting elixir are warm and gentle, and will not be a burden to the monks who take them.

Therefore it can be taken daily without any problems.

At most, the type of elixir should be changed every three months or six months to achieve the best effect of taking the corresponding elixir.

However, precisely because the medicinal properties are mild, the efficacy is naturally less than satisfactory.

After all, some elixirs have more powerful and sinister effects than others.

But they were all discarded by the Japanese casting method.

Therefore, the elixir prepared by the Japanese casting method is also known as the "wealth medicine".

Basically only rich people will choose it.

In addition, at the end of this set of preliminary explanations of the daily-casting medicine, there are also two pill recipes for taking the daily-casting medicine.

One is Chuyuan Ziyang Dan and the other is Yangyi Xilu Dan.

Both can have a warming effect on monks.

But after looking at the elixirs needed to make the two elixirs, Xu Fei couldn't help but be silent for a moment.

No wonder it is known as the medicine of wealth.

Preparing the Chuyuan Pill is slightly cheaper, but based on the preparation of about 20 pills, the cost of preparing the next dose is basically more than 30 spirit stones.

The elixir used in the Yangyi Pill is more expensive. Twenty pills are also needed to prepare the medicine. Xu Fei roughly calculated that it costs about fifty spirit stones.

Of course, if Xu Fei buys it directly from the medical clinic, the shopkeeper will probably give him a cheaper price, but it won't be much cheaper.

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