Chapter 168, Dao Heart

Xu Fei almost escaped from Meiniang's side, took a breath and came to Yue Jiao's side.

Yue Jiao was a little surprised when she saw Xu Fei coming.

After all, Meiniang and her mother’s plans didn’t have much to hide.

When Xu Fei saw this, he still didn't understand that this girl was also an insider.

He couldn't help but stretched out his palm angrily, and patted Yue Jiao's erect posture with half force.

"Pa~", the sound was clear and crisp.

"Oh~" Yue Jiao cried out in pain: "Sir, my beautiful mother also has good intentions."

Xu Fei was even more disgusted. Listen to what he said.

Good intentions? !

Xu Fei almost couldn't hold it back just now.

And this girl knew about it but didn't report it, so she deserves to be punished!

The next day, Xu Fei got up early to practice.

Meiniang's mother took Xiaoling and prepared to leave.

After the two sides met, Xiaoling said hello happily.


But Meiniang's mother looked embarrassed and uneasy.

"Auntie." Xu Fei was somewhat brave and reluctantly greeted him as before.

"Sir." Mei Niang's mother's cheeks were slightly red.

Xu Fei suddenly realized the next moment and quickly got out of the way.

Meiniang's mother left in a panic with Xiao Ling.

"Mom~" After walking a certain distance, Xiao Ling seemed to notice something and turned to look at her mother.

Meiniang's mother could only remain silent, but her cheeks became redder and redder, and in the blink of an eye her face was covered with red clouds.

Quite a bit self-inflicted.

Xu Fei watched Meiniang's mother leave with her sister-in-law. His throat couldn't help but feel dry and itchy, and he quickly cleared his throat.

Xu Fei has never been shy about his lustful situations.

Especially after a situation that existed only in delusions in the past appeared, Xu Fei was able to refuse the subsequent development of the matter, which undoubtedly required great perseverance.

Even seeing Meiniang's mother again, Xu Fei didn't feel any regret in his heart.

Why did you have to be cautious and polite last night? Just come up!

But then Xu Fei took a long breath and sorted out his scattered thoughts.

Beautiful and charming women are indeed very attractive to him who prefers women, especially the identity of a beautiful mother, which has the excitement of breaking through taboos.

But he couldn't let this mess up his mind and delay his practice.

After all, as a monk, the importance of meritorious deeds is only as important as one's own life and Taoist heart.

Needless to say, life, without life, everything is in vain.

Daoxin's words may sound a bit mysterious, but in fact it is very simple, that is, do what you think is right.

Tao, perseverance, heart, concentration.

Of course, if a person's bottom line is relatively casual, then he can do whatever he likes. Taoist heart has almost no impact on such people.

Very convenient.

However, Xu Fei felt that he was not such a person, and he did not want to be such a person.

So it's just an interest. Although it is Xu Fei's more passionate interest, it cannot affect his practice.

But thinking of this, Xu Fei couldn't help but think deeply.

What is his Taoist heart?

1. It must be practice, with a firm intention and an unswerving determination.

After all, even the sixty-one peak masters of the Linglong Immortal Sect are only regarded by Xu Fei as ‘my generation’.

Even though Xu Fei's current cultivation level is no better than an ant compared with these peak masters, it still does not affect Xu Fei's pride.

And if '2'...

Xu Fei couldn't help but ask himself when he thought about this.

Everything seems to require persistence, but suddenly it seems not so important.

Immediately, Xu Fei's eyes narrowed.

This ‘2’ should be: I will not harm innocent people for the sake of my own practice!

For example, in the future, Xu Fei obtained a method of sacrificing millions of people, improving his merits and extending his lifespan. Even if he was about to die, Xu Fei must be determined and not do this reckless thing!

Of course, if he is the kind of guy who commits heinous crimes, then it doesn't seem to matter if he takes all the credit for his life?

Thinking of this, Xu Fei quickly shook his head, unwilling to think any more.

After all, if you think about it randomly, you might think that someone who is sneaky can also be sacrificed, and then someone who spits and talks dirty can also be sacrificed...

In the end, the limit was broken down again and again, and there was no limit.

Xu Fei doesn't want to be that kind of person.

Thinking of this, Xu Fei realized something.

The so-called Taoist heart is the limit set by oneself in line with one's own temperament?

That is to say, you know that you will regret doing or not doing something, but you still do it or fail to do it. This is against the Taoist mind.

No wonder monks value tranquility and inaction.

After all, if everything is calm, the Taoist mind will naturally become clear.

But if he only has these two Taoist hearts, then it seems that there is nothing wrong with estrangement from Meiniang's mother? !

Thinking of this, Xu Fei quickly shook his head to calm down.

Those who disturb my mind cannot be easily involved!

Xu Fei's heart swayed when he thought about what happened last night, and he was obviously tempted.

Obeying desires is simple, just go ahead and do it.

But it is difficult to surrender desires and control thoughts.

Xu Fei decided to give up the easy thing.

At least when facing Mei Niang's mother, if he couldn't maintain a normal heart, he would definitely not do anything.

Stopping desire may seem a bit redundant, but in fact it is of great help to spiritual practice.

The most obvious thing is that Xu Fei can get rid of the greed of "I want this and I want that".

After finishing today's practice, Xu Fei thought about it and then went to the medical center and wine shop. He spent seventy spirit stones and a lot of silver to buy a lot of elixirs, medicinal materials, and various wines for preparing Liangjiang Jade Dew.

Prepare to prepare another thousand kilograms of spiritual wine.

Judging from the fact that Du Xinwei, a branch of the Du family, spent a lot of spiritual stones to buy 600 kilograms of cold liquid and jade dew without blinking an eye, the quality of the spiritual wine he prepared should be pretty good.

In this case, Xu Fei will naturally not ignore it.

Prepare some spiritual wine first, and when someone wants to buy it later, you can sell it directly.

Otherwise, if you wait for half a month to brew it, wouldn't it be a delay in making money?

With the storage bag, the originally troublesome process of purchasing raw materials becomes very simple.

In one round trip, Xu Fei brought home everything he needed.

Then Xu Fei came to the hospital for a consultation.

Yang Siniu greeted him respectfully.

Although it seems that Xu Fei just found a few medical books for him to study carefully, being able to select these useful medical books has already done some screening for him.

So that he can learn useful and suitable medical skills.

In addition, Xu Fei helped him resolve disputes before and gave him advice from time to time.

This is already a re-creation of grace.

"What's the problem?" Xu Fei said.

Xu Fei actually didn't pay much attention to Yang Siniu, an apprentice.

After all, they are not officially accepted into the family.

But since he has the title of apprentice, Xu Fei will not ignore it, and will naturally give him the necessary guidance.

As for the other apprentice...

That's ridiculous. Before, he didn't care about his friendship at all. When Yang Siniu was in trouble, he not only looked on with cold eyes, but also took pleasure in his misfortune.

How dare Xu Fei want such an apprentice?

If he gets into any trouble in the future, this guy will probably add insult to injury.

Yang Siniu took the opportunity to ask a few questions about his pulse.

Xu Fei answered it easily.

Although Xu Fei is not yet sophisticated in spiritual medicine skills, he is already very advanced in general medical skills.

It's as high as three or four stories.

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