Cultivation Of Immortality: My Branching And Spreading System

Chapter 17, Advanced Crane Shape Breathing Method

Chapter 17: Advanced Crane Shape Breathing Method

Ling Niang seemed to be aware of this and acted more and more obediently and carefully.

Xu Fei sighed inwardly when he saw this.

Although he is not a good person, he still has some feelings after all.

Ling Niang helped him open the plug-in, and also allowed him to gain a lot of proficiency points.

It's not good to just deal with it so casually.

After thinking about it, I decided to stay with him for now.

Leave with 3 proficiency points again.

Although Xu Fei did not break up with Ling Niang, he also decided to reduce the number of interactions with Ling Niang in the future.

After all, although Xu Fei is considered to be physically strong now, it is not impossible for him to work hard seven times a night.

However, the process of obtaining proficiency points requires accumulation over time and over time.

So you still have to take your time, lest you waste your body by gaining proficiency too hastily.

Then the gain outweighs the loss.

Back home, Xu Fei continued to practice breathing and tiger boxing.

Crane shape breathing method

As you can tell from the name, this breathing method is imitated by the actions of a crane.

Therefore, some actions are still quite difficult for people.

However, as his skill level increased, Xu Fei's practice became smoother and smoother.

Unconsciously, the flexibility of the body is no worse than those of martial arts practitioners who have been practicing strength training since childhood.

The more flexible the body is, the less likely it is to be injured, and it can also complete greater defensive and offensive movements.

Therefore, this breathing method is especially useful for Xu Fei. After all, if Xu Fei really wanted to achieve his current level of flexibility, he would have to go through a lot of trouble.

It may not even have the current effect.

Not to mention that Xu Fei's overall physical fitness is gradually improving as he practices the crane-shaped breathing method.

And all these make it easier and easier for Xu Fei to practice Tiger Fist.

Therefore, even after learning martial arts, Xu Fei did not hesitate when practicing the breathing method.

Once, twice, and after the third time, Xu Fei felt enlightened.

It seems that the breathing frequency should be adjusted.

This does not mean that there is anything wrong with the breathing method taught by the master, but that everyone’s physical condition is different.

Even if it is the same breathing and breathing method, there will still be some subtle differences in the practice when it is applied to each person.

When you find these differences and make corrections to make the breathing method more suitable for your own situation, you can turn the crane-shaped breathing method created by others into your own crane-shaped breathing method and truly master it.

Thinking of this, Xu Fei understood that if Crane Shape Breathing Technique wanted to become an advanced skill, it would probably depend on 'personalization'.

As long as he can successfully modify the crane-shaped breathing method, there is a high probability that it will become an advanced skill.

After understanding these situations, Xu Fei no longer practiced Tiger Fist, but began to practice the breathing method over and over again.

While practicing, Xu Fei was particularly grateful that he also learned medical skills.

This allows him to grasp his own situation more clearly and adjust his breathing and breathing methods.

Two days passed in the blink of an eye.

The Crane Shape Breathing Method was successfully advanced.

master a skill:




Medical Skills【0/10】【15/15】


Crane Shape Breathing Method【0/10】【10/10】

Tiger Fist【0/5】【11/11】

Sitting Tiger Internal Strength【0/5】【13/13】

Proficiency value: 32

The medical skill has been upgraded by one level, reaching the advanced level 15. The Sitting Tiger Internal Skill has also been affected by the advancement of the Crane Shape Breathing Method, raising the upper limit of two levels.

But these are not the most important, because the advanced crane-shaped breathing method really gave Xu Fei a big surprise.

Because when he practiced the breath-taking method again after the advanced stage, Xu Fei gradually began to feel the flow of his blood and some more subtle changes in his body.

This also allows Xu Fei to more specifically adjust his own movements when practicing the breathing method and tiger fist.

Get better results from your workout.

Very powerful.

At least Xu Fei could vaguely feel that he was about to develop his inner strength!

The inner strength of this world may of course be the inner strength cultivated by Sitting Tiger Internal Skill, which is different from the novels Xu Fei read before.

It is not stored in the Dantian, but is usually scattered among the muscles and flesh, and gathers at will when moving.

Strengthens the muscles and bones, strengthens Qi and blood, and doubles the strength of those with internal strength.

Even a martial arts practitioner who has just gained inner strength can gain the strength of a thousand pounds and fly several feet away when using the inner strength.

Far beyond ordinary people.

And now this day is obviously not far away from Xu Fei.

This made Xu Fei excited.

"Master, is there anything good that's going on?" Yuan Niang, a female hostess at the side, asked curiously.

Yesterday, Yuanyuan was recognized by the Liu family and officially became Xu Fei's maid.

That's why she can be called Yuan Niang.

However, whether Yuan Niang can become a concubine will have to be decided after Xu Fei's wife comes in.

"Hehe, there must be something good going on." Xu Fei said with a smile.

Yuan Niang made a gesture of listening attentively.

Unexpectedly, Xu Fei suddenly picked her up and put her on the desk, with high spirits.

This made Yuan Niang's pretty face blush slightly, and she bent down obediently.

After being happy, Xu Fei's proficiency value increased by 14 points again.

The next day, Xu Fei got up early and went to his grandma's courtyard to say hello.

But I found that grandma was a little drowsy.

After asking a few questions and feeling her pulse, Xu Fei determined that grandma had a stomach problem.

I immediately wrote a recipe for three kinds of medicine, and then asked Chun Xing, the maid next to grandma, to get the medicine.

After getting up, Zhang Lian found out that his mother was not feeling well, so he hurried over and found that his son had actually written a prescription for the medicine and was planning to get it back. He was immediately annoyed.

"Nonsense! You have only learned medical skills for a few days, and you dare to prescribe and consult your grandma?" Zhang Lian said angrily.

"I asked Chuan'er to show it to me!" Although Zhang Fang felt a little uncomfortable, she immediately suppressed Zhang Lian when she heard her son scolding her good grandson.

Zhang Lian lost his temper when he heard this. My mother's doting on her second son was extraordinary and could not be overridden.

"Mom, this bastard has only learned medical skills for a few days. How dare you let him treat you? Let's ask Dr. Zhao to come over and take a look." Zhang Lian persuaded with a low eyebrow.

But Zhang Fangshi was determined to take the medicine prescribed by her grandson.

Zhang Lian glared at Xu Fei again, and after thinking for a while, he asked Zhang Zhong to go out to grab medicine, but he also made additional instructions.

Twenty minutes later, Dr. Zhao finally came.

However, he just took three pills according to Xu Fei's prescription.

Doctor Zhao was not surprised that Zhang Lian was worried about his son's medical skills. After all, if he wasn't Xu Fei's master, he wouldn't be at ease with Xu Fei either.

However, after personally treating the old lady and looking at the prescription prescribed by Xu Fei, Dr. Zhao showed a hint of contemplation in his expression.

Xu Fei felt helpless when he saw this.

Because he was treating his grandma, he had no reservations, but he didn't expect that there would be such a follow-up.

Now I can only hope that the master can't see his true medical skills through the prescription he prescribed.

Seeing Dr. Zhao's expression, Zhang Lian thought there was something wrong with the medicine his son prescribed, so he immediately went to get the family law.

Xu Fei was not willing to be beaten for nothing, so he quickly dodged and ran away.

All of a sudden, everything was going crazy.

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