Chapter 175, buy a cat

Blemishes are problems with the body that are not apparent.

If it is taken care of in time, it can recover relatively quickly.

That is to say, the disease has not yet occurred.

In fact, most people are in this situation.

It has almost the same meaning as the "sub-health" that caused a lot of heated discussion in Xu Fei's previous life.

The third type of 'injury', as the name suggests, is illness or overeating, and the energy and spirit will inevitably be depleted.

The body was hurt.

By taking decoctions, resting, etc., you can basically recover.

But the body was damaged after all.

If you don't take care of yourself in the future, you will become more and more indulgent.

After the body is repeatedly 'injured', it will accumulate wear and tear until major problems occur.

The fourth type of serious injury is a relatively serious injury to the body due to illness or other circumstances.

Recovery may not even be possible.

The fifth type of near-death injury is more serious than serious injury and is already life-threatening.

As a monk, you must be careful to avoid the last three situations that will affect your practice.

After scratching his chin and restraining his wandering thoughts, Xu Fei began to process the elixir needed to refine the Chu Yuan Dan.

The daily casting method is not like the double well method.

Xu Fei needs to conduct preliminary processing of these elixirs, and then eliminate the medicinal properties that will "hinder" the refining of the elixirs.

This is also a crucial step in the Japanese casting method.

In fact, whether the elixir can be successfully refined and whether more high-quality elixirs can be obtained, the early processing of elixirs accounts for almost half of the factors.

After processing the elixir, Xu Fei used spiritual honey to grind and completely mix the medicinal powder into "big honey pills" one by one.

In this way, the process of making Chuyuan Dan is halfway over.

The rest is to wait for about five days to allow the Chuyuan Dan, which is still in the state of 'big honey pill', to react over time.

The principle is actually similar to fermented dough.

When the right time comes, that is, after each of the 'big honey pills' no longer emit the medicinal fragrance, they use their skills to activate their magic power and draw their inspiration to stimulate the elixir to a certain extent to stimulate its medicinal properties.

After that, you can get the real Chuyuan Ziyang Pill.

It was already getting late while he was busy. Xu Fei took out a bamboo board and placed the 'big honey pills' one by one on the bamboo board, waiting for the medicinal smell to dissipate.

Then came to Jingru.

Jingru was somewhat surprised that Xu Fei was busy so late.

However, he obediently stepped forward to take the clothes Xu Fei took off, carefully folded them up and put them aside.

Taking off his coat, Xu Fei looked at Jingru in front of him.

At the moment, she is wearing a pink skirt, with delicate make-up and a beaded skirt.

Its appearance has been improved a bit, almost exceeding 90 points.

"It's late at night, let's get some rest." Xu Fei said softly.

Jingru turned her head shyly.

Xu Fei would naturally not be polite when he saw this.

‘A branching operation that opens up the way forward, proficiency value +80’

Although Jingru's apricot face, peach cheeks, elegant temperament, and careful grooming made Xu Fei almost give her a high score of 90+, it was still a pity that it was only 80+.

This feeds back into the proficiency value obtained, which is only 80 points.

Xu Fei cannot help feeling regretful.

After all, this slight difference means not only losing 10 points of proficiency today, but also losing 1 point every time in the future.

And if Jingru had a child with him in the future, it would be a direct loss of 100 points.

Loss of blood.

However, Xu Fei didn't have any objections to Jingru because of this.

He was content to have ten times the proficiency value of this first reward.

Xu Fei got up early the next day and went to the pharmaceutical room after practicing.

But when I saw the ‘big honey pills’ that were supposed to be arranged in an orderly manner on the bamboo board, they became a mess, and some of them had signs of being eaten.

Especially there are several dead mice around the bamboo boards!

Xu Feina didn't understand that these dead rats had eaten the raw material of the Chu Yuan Dan that he had finally made!

Although these were just elixirs, the spiritual power contained in the elixirs used to make them was more than these rats could bear, and they died suddenly.

But even if these mice were dead, Xu Fei was still very angry.

Purchasing the elixir to make the Chuyuan Pill cost Xu Fei thirty spirit stones!

Just gone? !

Although it seems that Xu Fei can reconstitute these big honey pills and make them again, but things that mice crawl over...


Meiniang, who had gotten up early to prepare meals, saw something seemed to be going on here and quickly came over to check.

"Master, what's wrong?"

"The mouse ate the elixir I prepared!" Xu Fei was about to cry but had no tears.

"Yeah!" Mei Niang exclaimed.

Immediately he realized that his voice might make Xu Fei unhappy, and he quickly covered his mouth.

Xu Fei is not so narrow-minded. Although he hates the nasty mice, he will not anger Meiniang.

"Master, I'm sorry, it's me who didn't take care of the housework." Mei Niang said in fear.

If she could have found a way to get rid of the mice in the house earlier, the master would not have suffered the losses he suffered today.

Xu Fei smiled helplessly and stretched out his hand to scratch Mei Niang's little nose.

This girl is only nineteen years old after the Chinese New Year.

How could you be so sensible?

"Okay, it's useless to worry about this. Let's go have breakfast first." Xu Fei said, and at the same time ordered his servants to clean up a few dead rats.

Had breakfast.

"Master, how about buying some raccoon slaves?" Meiniang said.

The happiest person to hear that he wanted to buy a cat was Xiao Ling, who looked very excited.

Xu Fei looked at Meiniang, she was pregnant.

Cats are easily infected with Toxoplasma gondii during prenatal life, which can then cause infection to the fetus in the abdomen, damage the fetal central nervous system, and even cause miscarriage or stillbirth in severe cases.

There are similar things in this world.

Known as the Three Corpse Worms.

Quite a domineering name.

So if he wants to buy a cat, he needs to pay more attention to Mei Niang's condition.

After thinking for a moment, Xu Fei agreed.

This also made Xu Fei particularly happy that he had learned medical skills and refined them to a higher level.

At least the people around you will not be affected by various diseases.

I didn’t let the beautiful girl go with me.

Xu Fei took his sister-in-law and Yue Jiao to a shop selling cats.

Cats are locked in cages one after another. The pure black ones are called black cats, the pure white ones are called shukuyu, and the orange ones are called golden tigers. There are various kinds.

Some are quiet, while others are meowing and not afraid of people at all.

Seeing this, Xu Fei simply ordered one of three types of cats.

The black cat costs seventy taels of silver, the white cat costs two hundred taels of silver, and the orange cat costs sixty taels.

The total amount is three hundred and thirty taels of silver.

Enough to cover daily expenses for a family of three for several years!

However, if it is a variegated native cat, you can buy a litter for a few dollars, which is very cheap.

But Xu Fei had no intention of spending a day or even a few days picking and choosing just to buy a few cats.

And the money is nothing to Xu Fei.

After buying the cats, Xu Fei did not take them home directly. Instead, he took them back to the small courtyard where he lived before, grabbed some medicine, and dewormed the three cats, one big, two small, and three.

Such trouble made Xu Fei scratch his head.

Might as well get some rat poison.

But seeing his sister-in-law who was quite happy, Xu Fei said nothing more.

Back and forth At noon, Xu Fei took his sister-in-law and Yuejiao home.

We also prepared some decoctions to prevent possible infections.

After all, Xu Fei didn't want his child who was still in Mei Niang's belly to suffer because of his negligence.

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