Chapter 19, Miracle Doctor

"Master, my wife has called you over for dinner," Yuan Niang said.

Xu Fei nodded when he heard this, carefully put the medical records back into the wooden box, and came to his parents' yard.

Zhang Lian looked at his son, and after retracting his gaze, he couldn't help but look up again.

"Dad?" Xu Fei was speechless.

"Eat." Zhang Lian said.

Although being a doctor is not a good way out for my son, the only male in the Zhang family, if he succeeds in medical skills, it will be another matter.

After all, although Dr. Zhao has no power, he is a guest of various high-ranking families in Gaoxian County.

If anything happens on a daily basis, someone will take the initiative to help without even asking.

So it would be great if my son could become a famous doctor.

After dinner, Xu Fei and his parents came to visit grandma in the courtyard.

Xu Fei diagnosed and treated grandma again.

Things are getting better.

However, stomach disease is a chronic disease that has been chronic for many years and cannot be eliminated in a moment, even if his medical skills are already very high.

"Grandma, just drink two more medicines and you'll be fine, but you need to pay attention to your health in the future," Xu Fei said.

Zhang Fangshi nodded with a smile on her face when she heard this. She didn't look like she was sick, but rather something happy.

After all, my dear grandson is successful in medicine and can treat herself. Of course she is happy as a grandmother.

After chatting some more about home affairs, Xu Fei left with his parents.

Zhang Lian looked at his son again.

Dad looked at him frequently, leaving Xu Fei speechless and unable to say much.

After all, he is his father.

"You have grown up." Zhang Lian sighed after seeing his son's emotions.

Xu Fei didn't think so. He felt that his mental age seemed to have become smaller during this period of time when he was a son...

Return to your own courtyard.

Xu Fei looked at the newly increased upper limit of medical skill level, and after considering it, he topped it up.

A full 19th level of advanced medical skills gave Xu Fei more understanding of medicine.

At the same time, I can’t help but guess, when the medical skill reaches level 20 again, will it be advanced again?

If that were the case, what would become of medical skills?

Xu Fei was looking forward to it.

Return to the courtyard.

When Yuan Niang saw Xu Fei coming back, she quickly brought hot water for Xu Fei to wash his feet.

Seeing Yuan Niang squatting down to take off his shoes, Xu Fei quickly pulled Yuan Niang into his arms.

It's okay to bring foot washing water, but taking off your shoes and socks is a bit too much.

Yuan Niang's eyes couldn't help but shine as she looked at Xu Fei who loved and cared for her.

Have a good night's sleep and get 14 points of proficiency. I'm so happy.

The next day, Xu Fei came to the hospital early.

After treating several patients, Dr. Zhao came over and took Xu Fei with him.

Before, Dr. Zhao only thought that his apprentice was highly talented, but yesterday's prescription made Dr. Zhao know that his apprentice's medical skills were probably no longer inferior to his own.

Even beyond.

So I thought about taking Xu Fei with me when I went to the clinic.

Arrive at the patient's home.

Xu Fei checked his pulse first, diagnosed the condition and prescribed a prescription.

After Dr. Zhao reconfirmed, he took the medicine according to the prescription.

After leaving the patient's home, Dr. Zhao and Xu Fei discussed the patient's condition and why he prescribed the medicine in this way.

Awesomely, he treated Xu Fei as a 'friend' with similar medical skills.

This made Xu Fei a little helpless, but after thinking about it, he expressed some of his opinions.

Try not to reveal too outrageous medical skills.

At noon, Xu Fei came to Ling Niang.

Xu Fei didn't come over for a few days, which made Lingniang inevitably uneasy.

Fortunately, it's finally here.

Xu Fei noticed Ling Niang's anxiety, which made him feel a little embarrassed.

After thinking about it, I decided to give Ling Niang a child.

Although having a concubine and a concubine before they were officially married would have a bad influence, Xu Fei didn't want to marry someone high.

So it doesn't matter.

And Xu Fei is also ready to see how much proficiency points a descendant can bring to him.

Maybe it's like the first time with Yuan Niang, a full 70 points?

Almost an hour later, Xu Fei left with 3 proficiency points.

Go home and continue practicing Crane Shape Breathing and Fierce Tiger Fist.

However, when practicing Tiger Fist, Xu Fei vaguely felt that he couldn't do it by practicing hard.

I need to find someone to practice with.

Just like medical skills require practice.

It would be difficult for Xu Fei to fully understand Tiger Fist without fighting with others himself.

Just how to find an opponent left Xu Fei scratching his head.

After all, he didn't know anyone who knew martial arts.

Do I have to go to a martial arts gym?

It's just that when his strength was not very strong, Xu Fei didn't really want to expose his martial arts practice.

In the blink of an eye, another few days passed.

I still go to the medical clinic for consultation in the morning, practice breathing and tiger boxing in the afternoon, and read the medical records and medicine books in the evening.

Although it cannot be compared with his previous growth, Xu Fei still achieved a lot of growth.

master a skill:




Medical Skills【0/10】【21/21】


Crane Shape Breathing Method【0/10】【12/12】

Tiger Fist【0/5】【12/12】

Sitting Tiger Internal Strength【0/5】【14/14】

Proficiency value: 43

But what puzzled Xu Fei the most was that his medical skill level was 'risked'.

In the past, when upgrading only required 5 proficiency points, the medical skill was successfully advanced when it reached level 20. It now requires 10 proficiency points to upgrade, so it was also named 'advanced skill' by Xu Fei.

But I didn't expect that when I reached 10 proficiency points, the advanced medical skills that were upgraded to level 20 failed to advance again.

This made Xu Fei scratch his head.

what's the situation?

Is it that medical skills can only be advanced once?

Or does it mean that he has not met the conditions for advancement?

This confused situation made Xu Fei helpless that his plug-in was not smart enough.

Except for the message that was transmitted to him when it was first activated, he had to explore all other situations by himself.

But Xu Fei was not entangled.

The actual use effect of the plug-in he owns is very pleasant. Compared with those time-travelers without plug-ins, it is already a world of difference. If you ask for too much, you will be greedy.

And while using the plug-in, it is also fun to discover some settings and rules of the plug-in.

There is no need to worry about some temporarily unknown situations.

But what is close at hand is that it is getting more and more difficult to upgrade Xu Fei's Tiger Fist and Sitting Tiger Internal Skills.

It made Xu Fei feel that his previous speculation that he might need to practice with others and find someone to teach him moves could speed up the increase in the level limit of Fierce Tiger Fist and Sitting Tiger Internal Skill. It was probably true.

But who to look for?

Xu Fei scratched his head a little.

After thinking about it, he simply found the master.

Dr. Zhao was not surprised when he heard that Xu Fei had practiced Kung Fu and wanted to find someone to practice with.

After all, he has seen Xu Fei's body getting stronger and stronger during this period of time.

Obviously he has practiced kung fu.

After thinking for a moment, Dr. Zhao thought of a candidate.

"I have treated the injury of a swordsman from the Da Sword Club before. Let's go over there and have a look in the afternoon."

"But this escort injured his leg and foot. It's a little inconvenient. Do you mind?"

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