Chapter 197, living idle

After the metal element, naturally comes the water element.

Xu Fei can currently use a pot of magic to catalyze about three hundred cubic meters of 'water'.

That is, a water mass of ‘7 meters × 7 meters × 7 meters’.

Using one hundred pots of mana to catalyze it would be more than 30,000 cubic meters, which converted into a large water mass with a volume of approximately 33 meters x 33 meters x 33 meters.

However, compared to the direct lethality of the Midas spell, the water spell is slightly inferior.

Mainly by compressing and squeezing the opponent's avoidance and action space to fight against the enemy.

Or a huge amount of water suddenly condenses, giving the opponent a little 'shock'.

After all, it is too difficult to control such a huge amount of water without other assistance.

At least Xu Fei would find it difficult to perform any too delicate operations after the condensed water exceeds about 500 cubic meters.

Of course, it can be done if you work hard, but the mana consumed will become terrifying, even reaching a speed of about five pots per second.

But today was just a trial performance, so Xu Fei only gathered about five directions of water, and after some manipulation according to his will, he dispersed the magical water.

When Xu Fei removed his thoughts, the magic water turned into smoke and fog.

Then after calming down the fluctuations in mana caused by the continuous casting of spells of different attributes, Xu Fei continued to use wood spells.

This one is even simpler. Xu Feining created a wooden spell and threw it into his flower garden.

Then manipulate this ball of magic to take root and sprout like a tree, with branches and leaves swaying until it blooms and bears fruit, then withers and grows old, evolving the growth process of a tree.

The wood spell is not as sharp as the metal spell, nor is it as turbulent as the water spell. It is difficult to cause much damage when the branches and leaves are swaying, but it is better than stable.

Therefore, wood magic has become the best choice for array mages.

The branches and leaves are swaying to sort out the inspiration, and the tree has big roots and deep roots that can serve as the center of the formation to suppress the inspiration.

In particular, spells to promote luck and maintain wood movement do not consume much mana.

Even with Xu Fei's current cultivation level, more than a hundred trees over thirty meters tall can be grown, which can last for more than ten days!

If you immediately sit in meditation and restore your mana, it may even take more than a month.

And when it couldn't be maintained in the end, most of the reason was that Xu Fei, the 'master', couldn't support it.

It's not a problem with wood magic.

After practicing the wood magic for a while, Xu Fei started practicing the fire magic.

Among the five elements of spells, fire spells are the choice of four or five out of ten Dharma lineage monks.

The movement is light and has many changes. When it is gathered together, it will cause certain damage.

Although it will be greatly restrained by water spells, it still cannot cover up the many advantages of fire spells.

Xu Fei condensed dozens of fire balls and flew around him.

The scene looked gaudy.

Of course, if Xu Fei uses a lot of magic power, he can directly trigger a fire that sweeps the world.

It's just that this method has almost no lethality for monks whose physical strength is far beyond ordinary.

Take Xu Fei as an example. After using the Heavenly Star Battle Technique, he can now sit upright in a sea of ​​ordinary fire, and even his hair will not be burned or damaged.

Therefore, if you want to increase the power of fire spells, you still have to condense the flames and increase the heat.

A beam of flame the size of a bullet, fluttering and inconspicuous, but as long as it has enough heat, it can melt and kill everything.

Very ferocious.

After regaining his magic power again, Xu Fei tried out the earth magic.

The soil in the flower garden was first used by Xu Fei to promote wood magic, and then he turned it into clay puppets.

Sometimes when the mood gets up, Xu Fei will even control the two sides to fight.

But this cannot make up for the slight lag in changes in earth magic.

However, all of Xu Fei's current problems with using Five Elements spells are also related to his insufficient cultivation.

When the cultivation level is high enough, the metal element is hard, the water element is soft, the wood element changes little, the fire element is weak, the water element is weak, and the earth element is sluggish, these are no longer problems.

Therefore, for monks, the most fundamental thing is cultivation.

After practicing the spell, it was almost ten o'clock in the evening.

Xu Fei came to Jingru.

The second child, Xu Zhongde, was already asleep.

From time to time, chirp the little mouth.

Xu Fei had the urge to tease his chubby little face and wake him up.

"If you wake up the child, you can coax it yourself and don't bother Yuzhi." Jingru noticed Xu Fei's commotion and quickly stopped her.

Xu Fei couldn't help feeling a little resentful when he heard this.

It can only be restrained.

He took off his clothes and got to the bed.

Xu Fei was not impatient, after all, they were an old married couple.

"How is the housekeeper lately?" Xu Fei asked with concern.

She used to be Meiniang's housekeeper, but now Meiniang is in confinement, so she was replaced by Jingru.

"It's so difficult." Jingru sighed.

In the past, she just read books and drank tea, and occasionally her sisters from the Tianwu Pavilion came to visit.

The days passed happily.

But now firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, tea, servants' monthly money, and daily food purchases all have to be taken care of.

It’s inevitable to feel a little tiring.

Xu Fei couldn't help but feel happy.

The housekeeper is indeed a very worrying matter, but among the other girls, Ye Yuanmei is concentrating on her cultivation, Meiniang is in confinement, and Yuejiao is supposed to handle these trivial matters.

But this idiot is proficient in all kinds of music, chess, calligraphy and painting, but he can't do arithmetic.

The housekeeper calculated the accounts in a few days and found that he spent seven hundred taels of silver, which could not match the money in the family's account.

The anxious ones cried.

In the end, the family and a few servants who handled money worked together for a long time to figure out that housekeeper Yuejiao spent more than 1,500 taels for a few days, not 700 taels.

I had no choice but to transfer the housekeeper's matters to Jingru.

In fact, based on the income from the wine shop opened by Xu Fei and the spiritual wine sold to Du Xinwei, the total profit of more than 2,000 or 3,000 spiritual stones can be made in a month, and this was opened by Xu Fei himself. The wine shop's time is still short, and there is no reason to gain momentum. Once the wine shop becomes famous, the income will be even more.

And spending a few hundred spirit stones a month can make your family extremely wealthy.

So Xu Fei can fully afford it.

But after all, we are used to living a normal life.

As long as he has enough food, decent clothing, and shelter, it is enough for Xu Fei.

And with Xu Fei's influence, and the fact that the women are all well-behaved, Xu Fei's family seems to be average to outsiders.

No need to be hungry or cold, but no luxury either.

Usually light.

In fact, this situation was gossiped about for a while after some of Jingru's 'sisters' who used to live in Tianwu Pavilion came to know about it.

After all, he could spend a full 180 spirit stones in exchange for Jingru's freedom, but he didn't expect that his life would be so ordinary.

Except for his identity as a monk, he has no redeeming features in other aspects.

But Jingru is very satisfied with her current life.

The sisters are harmonious, their husband's love continues unabated, and now she has a son.

An ordinary leisurely life is the life she dreams of.

After chatting about some family matters, Xu Fei gradually became dishonest.

Jingru's pretty face was slightly red, but her eyes were full of eagerness.

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