Chapter 207, separation

The next day, Xu Fei collected cloud smoke as usual, completed his practice, and then came to the Qi Hall.

Compared to Xu Fei, the other apprentices who followed Master Lu were too diligent.

In addition to regular practice every day, the rest of the time is spent honing various spiritual materials and practicing skills.

Several of them even live directly in the Valley Qitang.

Just like Luo Dagen.

That's it for this one.

He practices for three or four hours a day, sleeps for five or six hours, and spends the rest of the time busy in the smelting room.

So even though this kid is pretentious and doesn't mean what he means, he has to admit that he does work hard enough.

Arriving at his 'workstation', Xu Fei found a few pieces of pure iron.

Now he finally knows why these apprentices hone so many basic spiritual materials in daily life.

It was obviously prepared for this moment.

Place the pure iron ingot into the stove and heat it.

The furnaces in the Qitang do not use charcoal and coal, but the heat from the earth's core.

This is also one of the important factors in selecting the location of the Qi Tang.

If you can't attract the heat from the center of the earth, refining ordinary spiritual materials will be fine, but some special spiritual materials will be powerless.

After almost two hours of tinkling, another pure iron magic sword was crafted by Xu Fei.

After comparing it with the magic sword as a sample, Xu Fei nodded with satisfaction.

Finally qualified.

Seeing this, Luo Dagen temporarily put down what he was doing, came over to check and then accepted it.

"Congratulations to Junior Brother Xu." Luo Dagen said.

One magical sword and five spiritual stones, this is a lot of income.

Xu Fei smiled modestly.

I saw Xu Fei making a qualified magic sword.

The other disciples suddenly felt tremendous pressure.

After all, the order contains a total of thirty magical swords, and with the one made by Xu Fei, nine have been completed.

There are only twenty-one handles left!

Especially the ease with which Xu Fei made the magic sword was noticed by everyone.

This makes many apprentices even more anxious.

Xu Fei quickly noticed this situation and was a little speechless.

After all, the few spiritual stones needed to make the sword meant nothing to him.

So after thinking about it, Xu Fei picked up a few ingots of fine copper and started to make a fine copper magic sword.

He made a magical sword from each of the three basic spiritual materials: pure iron, refined copper, and solid silver. After trying the feel, he stopped making it.

The sale of magical instruments is actually far from being as simple as imagined.

On the one hand, training a weapon master is not that easy, and there are also various facilities.

Just like the hot stove in the center of the earth that is available at any time now, it takes a lot of manpower and material resources to build one.

This also resulted in the material cost of a magic sword being very low, but the price being quite expensive.

After forging another fine copper magic sword, Xu Fei left the weapon hall.

He did not strike while the iron was hot and forge the remaining Dingyin Magic Sword.

He could just spare a few hours a day to practice his weapon refining skills.

There are many other skills that need to be refined.

When he got home, he first visited his children, and then Xu Fei went to the study to study the Shou Ming Dharma, the Five Elements Dharma.

The Shouming Method is related to his ability to quietly integrate higher-level fundamental Tao methods, while the Five Elements Magic is linked to his strength.

Both are quite important.

Xu Fei couldn't relax.

However, the progress of the Shou Ming method is okay, but the progress of the Five Elements spell is a bit slow.

After reaching level 45 of the second level, he was almost motionless.

Xu Fei scratched his head a little.

In fact, Xu Fei probably knew why the progress of the Five Elements Spell was delayed.

He usually practices spells in a small way.

I haven't used it with all my strength yet.

Under such circumstances, it is naturally difficult to improve the levels of various skills of the Five Elements Spell.

So Xu Fei felt that if there was a chance, he still had to go to the acting theater to audition again.

The next day, Xu Fei collected a bottle of cloud smoke and completed today's practice.

Then go to the Qi Hall and hand over Yun Yan to Qi Master Lu.

After Master Lu took Yun Yan, he began to explain some knowledge about weapon refining to Xu Fei.

Xu Fei listened with great interest.

The weapon refining skill has just been improved by one level.

It's about to reach the second level.

It can only be said that although Xu Fei's plug-in does not have the function of God's reward for hard work, it is actually not bad.

At least as long as you are exposed to the corresponding knowledge and have a certain degree of understanding, you can increase the upper limit of the skill level.

Then use the accumulated proficiency points to add points to improve the skill level.

After speaking for almost an hour, Master Lu stopped.

Xu Fei still had some unfinished ideas.

But he resigned in a ‘sensible’ way.

Come to the smelting room.

The other apprentices looked nervous when they saw Xu Fei coming.

Xu Fei made two magic swords yesterday, both of which were of good quality.

The order of thirty magic swords was directly reduced by two swords.

If this guy stayed in Qitang for a little longer every day, wouldn't he be done by himself in a few days?

This made several disciples who were short of spiritual stones couldn't help but look bitter.

Xu Fei didn't care about this. After arriving at his work station, he took out a few ingots of fixed silver.

The Dingsilver Dharma Sword is suitable for sword cultivation, the fine copper Dharma Sword is suitable for Dharma cultivation, and the pure iron Dharma Sword is suitable for physical cultivation.

The reason for this difference is mainly that Dingyin Magic Sword has a better tolerance for magic power and charm.

The amount of 'mana' and 'charm' that the sword cultivator pours into the magic sword determines the flying speed, sharpness, and flight distance of the magic sword.

If the mana and charm are insufficient, then after flying some distance, it must be returned to the monk's hands and filled with mana and charm again. Otherwise, the magic sword, which is flying smoothly, suddenly loses control and falls to the ground.

That would be a huge loss of face.

The fine copper magic sword is suitable for Dharma practice.

The main reason is that refined copper has better passability for mana.

If cultivated properly, it can even be used as an extension of one's own meridians and acupoints.

And this will naturally have a good auxiliary effect for the Five Elements spells that use one's own meridians and acupoints to cast spells.

As for the reason why the pure iron magic sword is suitable for physical training, it is because the pure iron is quite strong after being tempered, and the magic sword can be sharpened very sharply.

For those who need to hold weapons and fight in close quarters, it is naturally perfect.

Each has its own use.

Thoughtfully, Xu Fei took out the red-hot Dingyin ingot.

Picking up the sledgehammer on the side, he began to shape the Dingyin ingots into magic swords.



Because of the regularity, even the somewhat deafening hammering sound seems more pleasant to the ear.

Luo Dagen on the other side couldn't help but turn his head after hearing this regular sound.

He observed Xu Fei's movements of making the magic sword for a moment.

Luo Dagen looked complicated.

Because this regular and effective sound of iron striking means that the other party's skills have reached a level that can be called a master master.

This is also a level that he has never reached even after studying hard for several years.

Luo Dagen was not the only one who noticed that Xu Fei's skills had improved.

There were two other apprentices.

They also looked over.

Their actions also aroused the curiosity of other apprentices, and they couldn't help but look at Xu Fei as well.

For a while, the only sound left in the smelting room was the sound of Xu Fei forging his own weapons.

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