Chapter 22, Water Poison

Saying goodbye to grandma, Xu Fei came to his parents' place to have dinner.

Zhang Lian looked at his son and hesitated to speak.

Xu Fei gnawed on a chicken leg, and when he ate the chicken wings, he noticed that his father looked embarrassed.

"Dad, what's wrong?" Xu Fei said naturally.

As time goes by, Xu Fei becomes more and more accustomed to his current identity and life.

"Your grandma..."

Apparently he knew this and wrote a prescription for me.

"Oh, is that prescription? It's for grandma to nourish her body." Xu Fei said calmly.

Zhang Lian was relieved when he heard this.

Mrs. Liu gave her son a bowl of rice porridge.

Although his son is young, his medical skills are already quite superb.

This made Mrs. Liu quite happy.

After all, nothing makes a parent happier than having a successful child.

After dinner, Xu Fei returned to his small courtyard.

Yuan Niang came over to hold the lamp, while Xu Fei continued to study the poison medicine medical records passed down by his uncle.

With the medical skills passed down by his master and master, and the poisonous medicine method passed down by his master's uncle, Xu Fei's medical skill level limit increased quickly.

After studying a few more medical cases, Xu Fei's medical skills improved by one level.

There were quite a lot of proficiency points, so Xu Fei didn't hesitate and filled it up again.

But even though the advanced medical skill has reached level 22, it still has not been advanced again.

This made Xu Fei scratch his chin.

What are the conditions for skills to be advanced again?

After all, there is no reason for Xu Fei not to pay attention to this situation. The Crane Shape Breathing Technique has been advanced, and the Fierce Tiger Fist and Sitting Tiger Internal Skill will probably also be advanced in a while.

The higher their levels, the faster Xu Fei can increase his own strength.

Therefore, having the skill of Medical Skills as a reference can also save you some detours when advancing other skills.

After just thinking about it for a moment, Xu Fei didn't think of anything useful.

He simply stopped worrying and went to rest with Yuan Niang.

The next day, Xu Fei came to the medical clinic.

Dr. Zhao took Xu Fei on a medical visit.

"Mr. Sun is suffering from water poisoning." Doctor Zhao said.

Xu Fei nodded when he heard this. Water poisoning actually refers to a parasitic disease. It is called a parasitic disease because it is caused by drinking contaminated water.

However, the specific type of parasite in the patient cannot be known until diagnosis and treatment.

Soon, Xu Fei followed his master to Master Sun's home.

This Mr. Sun is much wealthier than the Zhang family.

The family has more than 300 acres of fertile land and also opened a clothing store.

When Xu Fei and his master came over, four doctors were already at Sun's house.

"Doctor Zhao." "Doctor Guan"

The doctors greeted each other, and then Doctor Zhao, who had just arrived, took Xu Fei to check on Master Sun's condition.

After a while, Doctor Zhao came out again with Xu Fei.

But Dr. Zhao's brows were already tightly knitted.

"Do you have any insights?" Dr. Zhao said.

The other doctors heard this and shook their heads.

Butler Sun on the side couldn't help but turn pale when he saw this.

These few doctors in front of me are already the most famous doctors in Gao County. If even they can't do anything, then my master may not be cured.

Originally, Xu Fei didn't want to do anything, but after all, this was still a human life, and Mr. Sun usually didn't have any evil deeds.

"Master, in the medical records passed down by my uncle, there is a disease similar to that of Mr. Sun." Xu Fei reminded in a low voice.

Dr. Zhao was stunned when he heard this, and thought about something after thinking about it for a moment.

He had also seen the poison medicine method taught by his uncle, but because he felt that it was difficult to master such dangerous medical skills, he shelved it.

"Are you sure?" Dr. Zhao said softly.

"Fifty percent." Xu Fei whispered.

Butler Sun saw Doctor Zhao and his apprentice discussing something in low voices, and there was a trace of expectation in his expression.

"Manager Sun, I have a recipe here, and I am about 30% sure that it can cure Mr. Sun." Doctor Zhao said.

"Thirty percent?" Butler Sun's face turned ugly when he heard such a small chance.

But after thinking about it, he couldn't decide this.

"Doctor Zhao, please wait a moment."

After saying that, he quickly went to the backyard to report to his wife.

Mr. Sun is in his thirties this year, and his son is only eleven years old. He is at a loss at the moment and is obviously not the person to make up his mind.

Soon, Butler Sun came back, followed by Mrs. Sun.

"Doctor Zhao, please take action." Mrs. Sun, who was in her thirties, could not hide her panic, but after looking at her unconscious husband on the bed, she made a decisive decision.

Dr. Zhao nodded when he heard this and took out the prescription Xu Fei gave just now.

This seems to be taking Xu Fei's achievements as his own, but this is not the same as being a teacher and shielding his disciples from trouble.

After all, everything can be cured, but if it can't be cured, when the Sun family causes trouble, it won't affect the disciples.

Naturally, Xu Fei would not have thought of this, and his expression would inevitably be touched.

Soon, he came back after taking the medicine according to the prescription given by Xu Fei.

After boiling it, he fed it to the unconscious Master Sun to drink.

If it hadn't been for such a critical situation, the Sun family would not have dared to let Dr. Zhao, who clearly stated that he was only 30% sure, take action.

However, as soon as he took the medicine and drank it, Mr. Sun, who had a fever, improved after about 20 minutes.

And woke up quickly.

"Doctor Zhao, you are brilliant." Another doctor in the county said sincerely.

Doctor Zhao just nodded and diagnosed Master Sun again.

It's definitely improved a lot.

The effect was so obvious as soon as the medicine was taken, which made the Sun family burst into tears of gratitude.

He directly paid a full twenty taels of silver for the consultation.

Doctor Zhao just declined.

"We will wait until Mr. Sun recovers from his illness before we can talk about anything."

In the blink of an eye, another few days passed.

Mr. Sun suffered from water poisoning and recovered under Xu Fei's treatment.

It's just that it will take a long time to recover, and it may not even recover.

After all, this person's situation is too serious.

But luckily, he met Xu Fei and saved his life.

At this moment, Dr. Zhao no longer concealed himself and began to make a name for his apprentice.

Frankly speaking, the prescription to treat Mr. Sun was prescribed by his apprentice.

This made Xu Fei helpless, but it was also hard not to be moved.

As a master, I can be called a model teacher.

And this approach also made Xu Fei's reputation grow bigger and bigger day by day.

At least when he was at the medical clinic in the morning, there were already many patients who were willing to wait for a while and wanted Xu Fei to treat them.

It was a change from the previous situation of being rejected and ignored.

However, Xu Fei had no objection to this situation.

Treating more people can also speed up the improvement of his medical skills.

Perhaps it can promote further advancement of medical skills one day earlier.

In the afternoon, Xu Fei went to Zhou's house to practice with Zhou Yue as usual.

"Doctor Zhang is here." Captain Zhou's attitude towards Xu Fei was a little more respectful than before.

After all, this boy was just Dr. Zhao's apprentice before. For Dr. Zhao's sake, he would let his daughter spar with him.

But now his reputation is gradually rising, and he is like a famous doctor again.

His attitude will naturally change.

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